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Tuesday 29th October

- Needed to be more firm about students

coming to workshops
- Found that when i offered not all the
students came, I need to be more
specific about inviting particular
students to do workshops and not just
leaving it up to them.
- Need another paragraphing workshop -
finding and organising the main idea
- Want to remind students to READ THE
INSTRUCTIONS - particularly in
writing and in maths

- Need to really know the maths

beforehand, so that I’m better able to
teach it - that is currently the only thing
i feel like is really holding me back
- I need to be more deliberate in my
conferencing of the students, I need to
do a deep dive on their thinking and try
to uncover what they have learned or
how they’ve reached the answer that
they have.

Spoke with the students about Te Whare Tapa Wha a

model for wellbeing
- These are quite difficult concepts to grasp and I
feel like I didn’t have too long for them to grasp them but
they did their best and have started to build their language
around mental health, wellness, wellbeing etc.

- At lunchtime while I was on duty Lakshana came to talk to me about how she was
- She said that since her birthday she has been feeling really sad and has been crying
everyday, worried that she might die one day and sad at the thought of her parents dying
- She’s worried for her nana who is in hospital and worried for the doctors who might be
treating her
- She was worried about her parents having to spend money on her, even though she
doesn’t think that she is poor she still worries that they have to spend money on her.
- She’s worried about being a good enough friend and not knowing how her friends were
- I told her that it’s normal to have worries and that sharing her worries with an adult was a
really good idea. She said she didn’t want her parents to worry about her if she told them
how she was feeling but she has told her aunty. I told her that even though it’s scary to
share with an adult it’s always the best option because then a problem shared is a
problem halved. She said she finally told her mum because she couldn’t hold it in any
longer . I said she did a brave thing and she should be proud of herself.
- I told her that when those thoughts enter into her mind that it’s ok to let them float in and
acknowledge that they exist but to let them float back out again
- I told her about mindfulness and gratitude, and how they are really good tools to use
when you’re feeling anxious because they bring you back to the present and remind you
that there are things in life to feel joyful about.

Reflection question - what new learning really made you think today?

Wednesday 30th October

- Suraya to be away today

- Felt like I had a really good day, I had good behaviour management techniques and had
good flow of the students in the class. Managed to take workshops and many students
managed their time well despite touch rugby and end block being taken up with cultural
day prep.

- In the morning I brought them together for a guided meditation and there was a lot of
groaning and ‘ohhhh do we have to’s’ . I told them that I understood they didn’t like doing
it at the moment because it was a new skill and they didn’t understand how to do it yet!
But just like SSR it was all about mileage and practising.
- I potentially could’ve handled it a little bit better in terms of creating positivity around it as
an exercise. I spoke with Miss A. afterwards and she suggested that instead of bringing
them all together on the mat that they could choose an area in the room to make their
own, close their eyes and lie down. Make it essential that everyone closes their eyes, do
some work around that and then see if they get less self conscious and a little bit more in
their own space.

Reflection question
- What learning brought you joy today?

Meeting with carmen - tips for behaviour management

- Introducing a 3 strikes system in class
- Strikes on the board
- Let students know they can get their names wiped off if they’re well behaved
- Democratic relationship. For difficult students let them know there will be consequences
for their actions today and ask them what they feel is an appropriate consequence for
their actions.
- Let them know that if their behaviour continues then they’ll have to work with another
teacher and they are not welcome back in the classroom. That’s for really serious
ignorance of rules.

→ see incredible years resource online.

Students engaging in Touch Rugby during my full

Thursday 31st October

Preparing for cultural day

Indian Group

Maori Group

Reflection question
- What kept you motivated today?

Friday 1st November

Cultural Day

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