Hempfield Collective Bargaining Agreement

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‘COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT By and Between Hempfield School District and Hempfield Education Association. July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. Article 1 Article 2 Article} NoSSirike No Lockout Provision. Article 4 The School Year Article § Additional Professional Responsible. Article 6 Transfer of Credit. Article 7 Student Services Professionals, Article § Secondary Summer School Employment and Compensation nu Article 9 Article 10 Article 11 Article 12. Vision and Hearing Appliance Benefits. Article 13 Safety and Security Commitee. Article 14 Health Care Oversight Commitee. Article 18 Secondary Class Coverage and Elementary Preparation Article 16 Income Protection. Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Article 21 Unpaid Special Leave Article 2 Leave for Family Bereavement. Article 23 Article 24 Article 25 Job Security and Job Progression. Article 26 Just Cause Clause. Article 27 Article 28 Article 29. toarapenoat¢ i Article 30 Extracurricular. Article 31 Lump Sum Payment, Article 32 Article 33 Article 34 Article 38 Article 36 Article 37° Statement of Trust. Article 38 Conformity to Law. Article39 Salary Matrix. APPENDIX A ~ Salary Mate. APPENDIX B - Extra-Curriculer Positions and Salaries. APPENDIX C- Safety and Security Commitee. APPENDIX D ~ Health Care Oversight Committee. APPENDIX — Professional Development Committee 4 to2tapeme i Article 1 Recognition ‘The Hempfield Education Associaton, hereinafter called the bargaining agent or the association, is hereby ecognized by the Hempfield School District, hereinafter called the ‘employer othe district, as the EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVE of the employees of ‘he above-named empleyr, hereinafter called the bargaining unit, and for the employees properly included in the bargaining unit under the conditions of Pennsylvania Law (Act 195, amended by Act 8) providing for collective bargaining for public employees, Both parties aver that tis agreement sets forth the terms and conditions to which each Party agrees to be bound, and tht such agreement as been reached voluntarily without ‘undue or unlawful coercion of force by either party. All policies in effet atthe time of the signing ofthis contract shall remsin in effect forthe duration ofthe contract. A je Term of Agreement ‘The tenn of this agreement shall begin on July 1, 2019 and shall continue in full foree and effect until June 30,2024 Article 3 No Strike No Lockout Provision ‘Both parties agree to fully abide by the provisions of Pennsylvania Public Employee: Bargaining Law, Act 195 and Act 88. As a condition of the various provisions of this agreement to which the partes have agreed, the bargeining agent pledges that members of the bargaining unit will not engage in a srke (a that term is defined in Act 195 and Act 88) during the term of this agreement, and the employer pledges that it will not conduct, or cause to be conducted, a lockout during the term ofthis agreement Article 4 The School Year ‘A. The school year shall be 189 days, and the working day is 7.5 hours, inclusive of 30-minute dry ree lunch on stadent days. B. Instructional Days are designated as those days in which the full declared ‘numbers of hours are taught. Such days shall be accounted for in the teacher's attendance register as “days taught.” ©. Inservice Days are those days or portions of days designated for professions! Staff improvemest. In-service days are not counted as “days taught” in the attendance register. Such days, however, are part of the contractual yeat ofthe teacher and participation ofall professional members ofthe sal is obligatory oansaone 1 For each year ofthis Contract, there shall be nine (9) lll days of professions development. Such days shall be delineated below: 1 will be dedicated for teacher preparation prior te the first student day | will be dediated for elementary parentcacher conferences 2 distrit-wide PD days (topics based on themes from PD survey) | will be dedicated to AIS - The day following the last student day in June will bean Alternate In- Service (AIS). + Other days wil be determined bythe Administration (.., opening day, ‘opening building meetings, district trainings, ete.) ‘See Appendix E for information pertaining tothe Professional Development Commitee Article 5 Additional Professional Responsibilities A. Attendance at the following is considered tobe « professional responsibility 1. One (1) monthly faculty meeting slong with two (2) amaual evening activities, ‘& High School teachers’ evening activities include Back to School Nights as scheduled, not to exceed two (2) per yest 'b, Midale Schoo! teachers” evening activites include Back to School Night and one (I) other chaperoning duty. ‘6. Hlementary Schoo! teachers’ activities include Back to School Night and one (1) other ehaperoning duty B. PDE Mandated trainings “Trainings will be indicated onthe Professional Development Celendar end staf will be provided with noice to complet the trainings by a designated date. Any state mandated training that requires the use of istrict facilites wll occur during the teacher work day (ie, face-to-face PSSA/Keystone trainings). oreo 2 ©. All performances of professional duties ouuide the contractual school calendar shall be compensated at the following hourly rate as applicable, effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2028: + Curriculum / Professional development rate: Will be based om the hourly rate of B Step I, each year ofthe contact + After-school tutor rate: $35.00/hour for one hour of tutoring time, also ‘can work up to one-half hour of prep time + Tlome-bound instruction rate: $30.00/hour + Presentation rate: $45.00 for one-tour workshop / $90.00 two-hour / {5125.00 three-hour (this rate ineludee payment for preparation time Rates are described as follows: The Curriculum / Professional developmest rate would apply to curriculum ‘writing and professional development ouside ofthe normal school year schedule If any curiculum writing is applied to AIS hours, thete would not also be payment forthe time worked. ‘Those who work outside of normal conttactual hours 10 prepare / present professional development will be compensate at the rate established fo this Purpose. Ifa presentation is done during contacted time (early dismissal time or service days), when the professional is elready being compensated for their presence on that date, the district will pay $25.00 for preparation related to each ferent module/workshop the presenter is fering onthe given dat. Presentation rates apply tothe development and facilitation of online professional ‘development sessions. If session is developed collaboratively, one person shall be identified as the lead developerpresenter and shall be entitled to the presentation rate above. Up to one additional individual may apply for the presentation rate of $25.00 per online profesional development experience if co developed with the lead developer/presener D. Team leaders at the middle schools shall be paid at the rate of: $1,200.00 effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024 E, Mentor teachers shall be paid atthe rate of $1000 for each new teacher that they individually mentor, effective July 1, 2019 tough June 30, 2024. Peer advisors, individuals who are available to provide appropriate suppor for those new to our istrict but notin the formal induction program, shall be paid atthe rate of $500 per school year Lonsrsoa0914 3 F. Building technology support coaches shall be paid at the rate of $1,200.00 annually, effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024. The ‘Technology Depariment wil define the skills and responsibilities fr this role, G. HEA Leadership: Administration wll provide release time from normal duties for HEA President, and/or designee, a8 necessary to manage issues, with the necessary schedule tobe mutually agreed upon by the administration and HEA H. Teachers in Special Edueation, Gifted Education, School Psychologists, Cetied Schoo! Nurses, or other specialists may request of the Assistant Superintendent responsible forthe oversight of Student Services release time to provide time necessary for completion of required forms or reports based on caseloads or other ‘unusual or extenuating circumstances. If an appeal is noeded, it would be procened Uguih he Superintendent Inservice days (full or earl dismissals) or faculty /acquite the missed information, 1. Staff members who mi meetings are required too J. Attendance at IEP/GIEP/S04 meetings. When possible, these meetings will not be schedled during planning tim. In the event an IEPIGIEP/S04 meeting is scheduled during planning ime, a credit slip will be issued (as outlined in Article 15) for any missed time, Article 6 Transfer of Credit ‘The School Distriet may hire teachers at any salary, on the salary schedule, that is ‘mutually acceptable tothe School District and the new employee. Inthe event the district seeks to hite an employee and place them on the salary schedule giving them more experience than they have, the district will contact the Association to mutually agree on @ unique salary step placement. This shall only occur for postions that are hard to fill and bee done on a case by case basis. In order for this to take place, the distict and the association must mutually agree. Thereafter, that teachers pio teaching experience shall, ‘ot be considered in any manner to cause that teacher to be paid at arate greater than one (1) step per year onthe then current salary schedule. Article 7 Student Services Professionals Payment for additonal days worked will be computed at the daily rate ofthe individuals aff members salary (1/189 ofthe annual salary). ‘Schoo! Counselors: The number of additional days varies by building assignment. The ‘minimum number of additional day is eight (8) for the middle school counselors, twelve (12) forthe high school counselors and four (4) forthe elementary school counselors, voarannase 4 School Psychologists: The minimum additional days for school psychologists is ten (10) tal grade levels. (Catified Schoot Nurses (CSN): The minimum addtional days for CSNs is one (1), Social Workers: The minimum additional days for Social Workers shal be five (8) Indructional Technology Specialists shall receive an additional ten (10) days during the fissal year. The scheduling ofthe days and work to be accomplished on these days shall bedetermined by the Director and/or the Assistant Director of Technology. Atte recommendation of the Assistant Superintendent responsible forthe oversight of salen services, the Superintendent may approve additional days in collaboration with HEA President, any days above the minimum umber will be paid atthe curriculum compensation rate in eter Cof Article 5. The building principals will work with counselors to determine a summer schedule prior to March 15 of each school year. One (1) high school counselor must be on duty one (1) ay per week during the summer. Student services professionals working per diem days as deseribed above must complete and submit timesheets for hours worked in order to be compensated Article 8 Secondary Summer School Employment and Compensation Compensation for summer school insiuetors shall be paid at rate of $200.00 per stadent forremedial courses, and $200.00 per student for advanced credit courses . If lementary ‘or middle schoo! programs are developed in the future, an MOU will be developed 10

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