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~— rm [| UNISAIE: LIN2602 MAYIJUNE 2019, LANGUAGE IN A CHANGING WORLD ‘STUDENT NUMBER LTT TI ooo [eae FOR USE BY EXAMINATION INVIGILATOR ‘Subject Number of paper Date of examination : a Examinabon centre Total [ WARNING 1 Accandidate who without authonsation takes into the examination venue any book, document or object which could assist him in the examination, and does not hand over such material to the invigiator before the offcial commencement of the examination. will be guilty of infringing the University's exemination regulations and wil be liable to punishment as determined by Council 2 Rough work may be done only on the examination question paper and must be labelled as such 3. Nonotes may be made on any part of the body, such as the hands, or on any garment 4 Thus page/paper is the property of the University and under no circumstances may the candidate retain it or take It out of the examination venue NB: PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER ON THE BACK PAGE, TEAR OFF AND HAND TO THE INVIGILATOR UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lesen LIN2602 May/June 2019 Language in a Changing World Duration 2 Hours 80. Marks EXAMINERS FIRST DR DR MABULE ‘SECOND MR KJ SHAKU Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘The question paper consists of 11 pages and 5 pages for rough work. Answer all the questions. This paper remains the property of the University of South Af and may not be removed from the examination hall. 2 LIN2602 May/June 2019 Explain the following linguistic terms: (@) — Monotingual (&) Diagonal bilinguatism (© Disglossia (@) Tsotsitaal (©) Codes switching (h) Language death [TURN OVER] 3 LIN2602 May/June 2019 @ Language group @ Language revival 2. Carol Myer-Scotton is regarded as the linguist who has done ‘code switching research’ in some African countries Discuss her code switching model that identifies different types of code switching, {TURN OVER} 4 LIN2602 May/June 2019 Hq) [TURN OVER} 5 LIN2602 May/June 2019 QUESTION 3 Discuss the following: Conversion, clipping, blending, borrowing and acronyms with suitable examples. [TURN OVER] 6 LIN2602 May/June 2019 {10] 4. (@) Identify the Greek prefixes in four of the following English words and give their meanings: anachronism ‘euthanasia epigram heterosexual @ (b) Explain why there are so many words and expressions of Latin origin in English and give some examples of these words and expressions. [TURN OVER} 7 LIN2602 May/Tune 2019 5. Aftikaans is regarded as a fully fledged language. Discuss how it was developed. (TURN OVER] 8 LIN2602 May/June 2019 (9) 6. Give an overview with suitable example of language shift in South Africa or anywhere else in the world. [TURN OVER] 9 LIN2602 May/June 2019 10] {TURN OVER] 10 ‘LIN2602 May/June 2019 7. In the discussion on Labov’s investigation in New York, we focused more on the pilot study in the departmental stores than on the larger research investigation which followed the pilot study. Research is done in a very structured way and you need to become familiar with the elements of structured research. For Labov’s pilot study in New York departmental stores, extract the research elements: {TURN OVER] nN LIN2602 May/June 2019 [10} TOTAL= 80 UNISA 2019 12 LIN2602 May/June 2019 PAGE TO BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK 13 ‘LIN2602 May/June 2019 PAGE TO BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK 4 LIN2602 May/June 2019 PAGE TO BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK 15 LIN2602, May/June 2019 PAGE TO BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK 16 LIN2602 May/June 2019 PAGE TO BE USED FOR ROUGH WORK

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