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Draft Journal disertasi




Abdullatif Setiabudi, M.R. Luddin and Y. Rahmawati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Improving the policies of scholarship in official educational and vocational program within the
Public Works and Housing of Indonesia is the main objective of this research. The study
investigate how is the program planned, implemented and resulted used qualitative research
design especially the case study method as popularized by Creswell ( 2009). Moreover, this
inquiry also uses the evaluation model of CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) and the
summative evaluation as a model to evaluate the program comprehensively. The results showed
that the purpose of the program only formulized in general terms but not described in terms of
quantitative objectives such as professional staff needed and the competences required.
Furthermore, according of regulation (UU No. 20/2003) that curriculum of official educational
should be formatted as professional educational but implemented as academic educational with
enriched by work practices. However, the results of study which are demonstrated by
competences in the work places confirmed that the program contributed a significant role in
enhancing the qualities of human resources developments. This inquiry has novelty in finding the
competences as result of the study within the program of scholarship in official educational and
vocational at Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Indonesia.

Keywords: evaluation, CIPP Model, scholarship, and competences

A Scholarship within the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Indonesia (MPWHI)
purposes to enhance the quality of staff in servicing the tasks. This fellowship is an award of
financial aid for a student to further education. Within each nation, scholarship aimed to increase
the Human Development Index/ HDI (T. A. Ngasuko, personal communication, 2015). In 2018,
Indonesia' HDI lower than Singapore (ranking of 9), Malaysia (ranking of 57), Thailand (ranking
of 83), Philippine (ranking of 113) but Indonesia upper than Vietnam (ranking of 116). The

limited of literature of this topic especially within MPWHI affected that the discussion of
content narrowed. However, one study of PT Prismaita Cipta Kreasi as consultant investigate to
six study programs of alumni 2010- 2015. The results explained that the program has a positive
impact on students and unit of organization (Laporan Akhir Evaluasi Pasca Pendidikan
Kedinasan dan Vokasi TA 2015., 2015). But, the report mostly a list of subjects and not
elaborates competences as result of study.
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Indonesia (MPWHI) since 1952 designed
its scholarship for staff to follow the official education. However, the problems encountered by
this program in the present years vary included, firstly, the ambiguity that program should follow
the regulation as profession educational but in reality applied as academics education and added
by the curricula that fits to work practices. Secondly, the implementation of monitoring and
evaluation of student’s study progress reportedly ineffective. Thirdly, the impact and benefit of
the program remain unknown since a little study explored. Nothing actions such as improving
the policies for scholarship program taken by manager of the Ministry of Public Works and
Housing. The paper reports on the evaluation of the program to answer the problems and
investigates uses CIPP Model of evaluation and summative evaluation.
Research Methodology
This qualitative study used a case study as method of inquiry. Case study is a depth
exploration of a bounded system (e.g. an activity, even, process, or group) based on extensive
data collection (Creswell, 1998). A bounded means that the case is separate out for research in
term of time, place, or physical boundaries. (Creswell, 2009) pointed out that a case study within
the qualitative method needs to select locations includes documents, visual materials and
individuals to be studied. Furthermore, the study used purposeful sampling means selected
information who understood the problems of research (Cresswell, 2017). Moreover, data
collection used interviews, documents, and analysis. As a result, this study selected a group who
entered the program in 2014 as a subject of study includes nineteen S2 program studies and one
diploma of vocational program.

Result and discussion

Using interviews, reflective journal, and documents or literatures study, research her
process the finding and report the results of study as follows :

a) Human Resources Planning
The scholarship in official education and vocational program of MPWHI aims to develop
its staff to elevate the official services become professional, effective and efficient. The
program conducted through collaborations with selected domestic’s universities. However
some universities have their partners with international ones by double degree program .The
official education designed as magister programs and vocational as diploma3 or diploma4. In
contrast, the study revealed that the program lacked in formulating the objectives in
quantitative targets such as professional staff needed and the competences required. The
objectives of the program only described in general terms. Interviewed with Head of Staff:
“Pre 2016 the program implements sporadically, no comprehensive objectives. By 2016
concept used tailor made approaches, continued to 2017 until 2019, and (now) the
program has been regulated by Ministerial’ Letters” (Interviewed of Official, 18-4-‘19).
From this point of view it means that the objectives of program comprehensively
designed at least in 2019 includes the study program needed and pre request of background
of study for students who will follow the program. In contrary this study focuses on 2014
students. Then, the reason is answered why no quantitative objective arise, because in that
time the program objectives formulized only in general term. Moreover, study of
Aramatunga (2012) found that primary function of human resources planning is making
certain that any company unit have sufficient employee to complete all the jobs required to
meet the organization’s objective. Furthermore, inquiry of Anya, Umoh and Worlu (2017)
revealed that human resources planning have a strong impact on organizational performance
in forecasting future demand of business and helps to manage human resources demand as
required. Also, a study by Cakar (2012) stated that one of the importance of human resource
planning is that effective human Resource planning meets the organization needs for a
quality workforce, that a proper human resource plan reduces labor costs substantially by
maintaining a balance between demand for and supply of the human resource. Meanwhile,
anticipating manpower demands encompass the estimation of the number and type of human
resource needed at different levels in dissimilar departments in an organization ( Pradeesh,
2011). Also, Ghazala & Habib (2012) concluded that the process of human resource planning
should ensure that, an organization’s employees have the requisite skills and competencies an
enterprise needs for it to succeed. Therefore manager should practicing human resources
planning in achieving the professional employee to meet the organizational results.

b) The relevancy with regulations.
The curricula of the official education should be designed as professional education
according to Constitution No. 20/2003 about the National Educational System, Government
Regulation N0.14/2010 of Official Education and MPWHI regulation No.13/PRT/M 2014
about Apparatus Developments. According Government Regulation N0.14/2010, official
education could be conducted internally or externally of ministerial existence as program
study of magister programs (after bachelor or diploma IV level) aim to enhance the capacity
and skills of government staff or its candidates. However, study revealed the program’s
curriculum implemented as academic educational but enriched by the subjects with fits to the
work practices. Moreover, comments of this issue described as bellow:
“(C)urriculum designed as academic education but the content adjusted with the needs of
Ministry of Public Works” (Interviewed of Chief of Study Program 6, 2-5-2019).
“ In the case of professional education, the students should be followed certification test.
But for official school such as magister programs student obeyed the competences test
(Interviewed of Chief of Educational National Standard , 24-4-2019).
From this perspective it understood that the implementation of curriculum become as
academic education and not applied as professional education. Also implied that the magister
programs owned by MPWHI mentioned as official school and is not necessarily follows the
certification test as the case of the professional education requirement. Moreover, the
program suggests to has a differentiate factor within its curriculum such as a basic value and
characters of apparatus ( The Analysis an Evaluation Center of National Laws, 2017).Yet,
“the balances of theoretical knowledge and the practices of work is necessarily” (Wheelahan
& Moodie, 2011). These authors argued if the both of educational concepts only stressed in
one side of concept, than the results will fail. Furthermore, Barnett (2006) remained that at
present days the Vocational and Training (VOT) focuses only in practice of works, and as
results could not address the complexities of work environments. Moreover, Schon, D.A.
(2018) stressed that professional education should continuous for the whole live with
learning by doing and problem solving. Supporting from government is important to enhance
learning process of professional and vocational education. In the case of USA, the new law--
with the updated title of Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act
of 2006--passed Congress almost solid in late July and was officially signed into law by
President Bush on August 14. The Perkins Act supports almost $1.3 billion in federal support
for career and technical education programs in all 50 states. Reauthorization extends it
through 2012 (Peckham, 2006)


Technical Competencies relate to functions, processes, and roles within the organization and
contain the knowledge of, and skill in the exercise of, practices required for successful
performance of a specific job or task. Total of 20 studies programs organize within 2014.
Nineteen of studies program as magister level and one as diploma IV. Six of master programs
intensively scrutinize. Moreover there are three study programs added in 2018. Using
interviews and reflective journal, this research on group 2014 revealed that each of study
program attains satisfying level of competence. The latter means reach of level fourth of fifth
level of the whole grades. The fourth level means able to evaluate the practices, making
solutions and give recommendation for better implementation. However, the “grand design”
of competences as issued by studies program needed rised in 2019 through MPWHI’s Letter
No. 02/SE/M/2019. This document consists of 34 programs studies in magister or doctoral
levels required by MPWHI. Since 2014 to 2018 there are 23 programs studies executed by
eleven universities and one polytechnic . Moreover, due to succeed of study programs
develop the target competences within this research. It assumedly but carefully that the
program contributed minimally 23 of 34 competences needed. Roughly is about 68 % type of
competences required support by the program. Below is the list of studies program operate in
2014-2018 and technical competences as results of study finding:
Table 1. List of Studies Programs in 2014 -2018

No Magister of University

1 Water Resources Univ. Syiah Kuala
2 Transportation Univ. Syiah Kuala
3 Civil Enginering Univ. Andalas
4 Water Resources Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
5 Civil Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung
6 Road Engineering System Institut Teknologi Bandung
7 Water Infrastructure Management Institut Teknologi Bandung
8 Developments Studies Institut Teknologi Bandung
9 Project Construction Management Univ. Katolik Parahyangan
10 Law Univ. Katolik Parahyangan
11 Accountancy Univ. Padjadjaran
12 Urban Development Univ. Diponegoro
13 Management Infrastructure Engineering Univ. Diponegoro
14 Maintenance and Infrastructure Engine. Univ. Sebelas Maret
15 Technical Management of Disaster Univ. Gadjah Mada
16 Facilities and Material Technology Univ. Gadjah Mada
17 System and Transportation Technic Univ. Gadjah Mada
18 Infrastructure Asset Management Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
19 Water Resources Univ. Brawijaya
20 Diploma 3,Diploma 4 Politeknik Negeri Kupang

21 Geology Univ. Gadjah Mada
22 Hydro informatica Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November
23 Construction Safety Engineering Univ. Hasanuddin
Table 2. List of Technical Competences

Magister of University Competences Level of Ability

Accountancy Universitas Padjadjaran Finance Report Evaluating of finance report.
Management Universitas Diponegoro . Strategic Decision Making Anticipate the impact of policy
Infrastructure and mitigation.
System and Universitas Gadjah Planning in transportation Evaluating and making
Transportation Mada . system. recommendation for method,
Engineering. Technical Planning of Roads material and equipment used in
and Bridges. design, construction and
Construction (Roads & preservation in road and bridges.
Bridges). Also design skills in planning
Preservation (Roads & transportation system
Supervision (Roads & Bridges).
Civil Institute Teknologi Technical Planning of Roads Evaluating for method, material
Engineering Bandung (ITB) and Bridges. and equipment used in design,
Construction (Roads & construction and preservation.
Preservation (Roads &
Supervision (Roads & Bridges).
Management Universitas Gadjah Overcome disaster Evaluating and making
Engineering of Mada suggestion of programs to
Disaster overcome disaster.
Management Universitas Katolik Construction Management Evaluating the problems of
Construction Parahyangan. construction and making
Project reference to solve the trouble.

Management Institute Teknologi Asset Management Evaluating and making

Infrastructure Sepuluh November. proposition to solve the problems
Asset of asset management.

The impression is that every study program under inquiry succeed develops
competences as the main objective in satisfying level. Furthermore, study of Wijaya &
Irianto ( 2018)indicated that the technical competence and strategic competence positively
affect firm's performance with moderate ties but that managerial competence negatively
impact firm's performance with weak ties. In parallel, firms that incorporate technical
competence factor into their implementation model, achieve superior business
performance (Madapusi & Ortiz, 2014). However, study of Kaspersma, Alaerts, & Slinger
(2012) argued that even particular professional have firmly “technical” orientation, but
inquiry show strong interest in the other competence specifically the learning meta
competence, as well as the aggregate competence for management.
Moreover, study of Juhdi, Pa’wan, & Hansaram(2015) emphasized that employers put
highest point on employees who were customer service oriented. Three
major competences were identified -results-oriented character,
interpersonal competence and technical competence /flexibility. Furthermore, universities
suggest to become more adaptable to industry needs while increasing their focus on
competences for innovation (Di Gropello, Kruse, & Tandon, 2011).


The program of scholarship for official educational and vocational within the
PWHI designs to elevate capacity, quality of their staff in delivering public services. By
collaborating with selected domestic universities the program managed. Although, official
educational regulate as professional education but implement as academic educational with
additional subject to fit the requirement of workplace. However, the result of studies which
demonstrate by technical competences showed a good or satisfying output. Furthermore, it
suggest that the similar program in the future needs to be designed as a comprehensive
planning within human resources management includes the number of professional staff
and studies program needed for MPWHI. Also improving the facilities and enhancing
student stipend and family/spouse allowances.


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Parkir dulu

 Results suggest that career orientation is best represented by a six-dimension factor structure:
entrepreneurial creativity, security, managerial competence, lifestyle, technical competence, and
service to a cause. Five of the six factors that emerged were correlated as expected with proactive
personality, ambition, career self-management behaviors, mentoring relationships, and workplace
attitudes, providing support for our conceptualization and measure of career orientation. Bravo, J;
Seibert, Kraimer,Wayne, Liden,2017)

Wijaya, E R; Irianto, D. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , March 2018, Vol. 319
Issue: Number 1 p012081-012081, 1p; (AN 45203093)


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