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Patented A110”. 6, 19181..

Illl llllll
|| Imi) lIl l l I


1,274,816. Spammers raient. Patenten- Aug; c, asia.v

A_ppiication' med December 1a, 191e. semina. 137,691.
To’aZZ whoml ¿t may concern.' _ _ ments respectively adapted to measure rela
Be it known that I, NIKOLA TEsLA, a citi tively high and' .low speeds, but nevertheless
zen of the United States, residing at New l 1t >1s ltrue that although such instruments,- 55
York, in the county and State of New York, whenebuilt for high-speed indication, may
5 have invented certain new and useful Im- be of sturdy construction, fthey must, when
provements in Speed-Indicators, of which l'designed for low-_speed ._measurement, be
the following is a full, clear, and exact de- built with ,great wprecision and delicacy.
scription. _ _ ’_ ` This because -the inertia of. the secondary » ~
Among the desiderata of speedometer con- element must be kept extremely small for 6o
10 struction are these: that the torque exerted desirable> promptness ,of response to very
upon thel secondary, or indication-giving, slow starting speeds and consequent feeble
element shall be linearly proportional to the` ness of the turning effort. In some in
speed of the primary member rather than stances, therefore, it is highly desirable to
to the squarevof the speed (as instanced in employ a . transmitting medium Agiving ‘ a 65
15 'centrifugal speedometers) ; , that the tor- much greater torque than air with concomi
sional effect at low speeds shall be strong' tantextension of the low-’range of accurate
and steady so that particular delicacy' of _speed reading, quickness of response, prac'
construction may ‘not be necessary and that ticable decrease of size of parts and lessen- .
minute causes of theoretical errors (such as ing of sensitiveness 'to disturbances such as 7o
20 bearing-friction, spring-inequalities andthe vibration ofthe instrument as a whole. .
- like) may be negligible-in effect; 'that the. All of the stated objects _I accomplish by
torque ymay be substantially unaffected by employing as' the torque-transmitting rne-Y
'changes of extraneous conditions, as of tem- ' dium between the driving and drive‘n' ele
perature, atmospheric density and magnetic ments a body of suitable'liquid, (e. g., mer- 75
25 influence; that theinstnumentbe inherently cury) under conditions (as set forth in my
` dead-beat and relatively insensible to 'rîîe- prior application referred to) proper _ to
chanical vibration;v and that ruggedness, secure linear proportionality of- deflections,
simplicity and economy, for attendant dura- l. and, further, by makingprovision automati
bility, manufacturing facility 'and low cost, cally to compensate for the changes in the 80
' . 30 be attained. My present speedometer real- Viscosity of the liquid thataccompany varia- ‘
izes these advantages and provides, also, an tions of temperature’. ,The latter equipment
appliance that vis suitable for great, as w_ell’_` is unnecessaryl in my airldrag speedometer,
as very small, velocities, exact in its read- \but mercury and other liquids of relatively
_ ings, uniformly >graduated as to scale, and great,4 density that might be employed for 85
35 unaffected by changes of temperaturek or. -my present purposes have not the quality -
pressure within as well as without. _ lof approximate self-compensation _for tem
f. „5., In my .PatentlNa 1,209,359„'dated Decem- perature changes'that iii-heres in air, owing c
vi 1_ `_- f’lber .519, 1916, I have _ described a new'ïtype to thefact that the viscosity of such a liquid
' fof speed'measuring’instrumentl wherein the decreases rapidly as its temperature' rises, 90
4Q" adhesionand viscosity-of a gaseous medium, :and so to a successful “mercury-drag? in#
' - preferably air, is utilized "for torque-trans- strument temperature compensationis req
-_missionfrom _a'primary driving to a second-` uisite. y j Y. w , ' _
_ _ary pivoted'and torsionally restrained memY-> ,` -The underlying Yideas of this invention
' '- -ber~undeì- conditions such'tlâiafl the rotary , canv be carried out in_various ways and. are. 95
_* ' 4b effort exerted upon the' latter is linearly pro- >capableof many fvaluable uses, but for? pur- _
` portionalÍto the rate of 'rotation ofythe for- poses of .disclosurewspecific reference- to a ,
- mer. The principles of that _inyention find form of speed indicatordesigned for use on
v lplace in mypresent construction. Such _“air an- automobile is "adequate._ _. ' ' ` ' '
. ~ drag”’speedometers have been found capable As inthe structure described 1n _my stated 10_0
50 of.meetlngsatisfactorily the commercial re pr' . application, y, yI provide driving
_ and'
ql irements for both large -and small instru-_’ driv n membei'sf'witli' confronting, closely- '
y Lamela

adjacent, non-contacting, smooth, annular a reservoir ñlled with the liquid, 20, as mer- ce
' friction surfaces, o_o-acting for transmissioncury, and the liquid normally extendsl part
of torque throughd the viscosity and adhesion way up> the very narrow interspace21vb’e
of interposed thin ñlms of a suitable me tween the'two elements to
dium~in this case mercury-under condi ' than the whole of their confrontingcontact with less
` A tions to prevent. free exchange of fluid acting
-lon the system, to prevent its local circula surfaces. With mercury as the medium, in
tion and eddying, to maintain its fiow calm inchan instrument with a sec ndary cup _of one
diameter I find an interspace-wldth of
' and non-turbu`lent,"and to secure as low ve .0.05 inch to be satisfactory.
locity of the medium with respect to the , 1t will now be seen that when shaft '11 is
system as the circumstances of the case may rotated the mercury in the' cup is entrained
make desirable. These conditions all aid in and in turn produces v a drag upon the
the attainment of rigorous linear propor pivoted member 12, the torsional eH'ort being
tionality of.' deflection of~ the secondary to
l15 the speed oflrotation ofthe primary element directly- proportionate to the active area,
under given temperature conditions. Addi viscosity of the fluid and the speed of rota
tionally, by suitable construction 1 make it'` tion and, inversely, to the Width of the inter
space 21- or distance betweenthe rotated and
possible to obtain a nearly perfect compen pivoted
sation for temperature changes so that the cosity, Asurfaces. 1f ’v be coefficient -of vis
the active area, sI the speed and d i
' zo
deflections may be- rigorously proportionate
the distance between the Juxtaposed lrotating
to speed Within limits of temperature varia
and pivoted surfaces, all of thequantities
tion wider than ll believe likely to occur in >being expressed> in proper units, then the 85
the practical use of the instrument. 1 at twisting force `
- tain this compensatory result by providing
25 thermo-responsive means to vary the effec
-tive >area of >the ,secondary- element upon` F = gdm dynee.y
Which‘the medium acts in approximately it@
inverse proportion to temperature-e?‘ccted ' Whemthrough changes in the external con
ditionsor work performed `on the Huid, the
changes of VViscosity of the medium, and as tbmpcratureof
~30' a preferred >specific means to this end, 1 fects, separate andthe same is raised, two ef
dispose a body of the liquid beyond, but In the first place, thedistinct,
are produced.'
is diminished
communicating with, the active portion of according to acertain law, reducing‘corre @a
» the liquid medium and of 'such quantity spondingly the torque, on the other hand,
that, in effectively thesame measure as vis- ‘ -the fluid expands thereby enlarging the
35 cosity and, consequently, thev torque is di
ininished ’or increased with) temperature- areas of the active, or liquid- contracting,
changes, theactive liquid-contacting area of surfaces of the elements with an attendant
the secondary member' is enlarged or reduced increase of rotary eii‘ort. Obviously, then, if
it is possible so `to relate these actions that
owing to the expansion or contraction of the they
.4@ mutually annul each other upon any .
, change of temperature, a complete vcompen ic@
Huid. » > ` r. . - ~ 1

_ lin the drawing Figure 1 isa top View of sation- Vmayv` be obtained.4 _ This result, l(
be almost perfectlyv tot
_a speedometer; -' f ` ~' j ‘ '.
- have ascertained, can
Fig. -2 is a central vertical section there realized with a liquid, as mercury, by prop
through; `
45 erly proportioning'the volume of the cham
Fig. 3 shows .a’springA adjusting arrange- , ber-contained,
_ , ment; and
or compensating, component
Fig. 4C and'Fig. 5 arekdiagrams explana 20c ó'f the liquid and the cömponent 2O”l of l1@
the -liquid in the interspace 21. With a view ‘
toryof the compensatingprinciple. ‘ -to simplifying this explanation, be it _sup
’ In 4 the primary or driving member
>te -is a cup-:10 carried by a freely rotatable ver posed that _the force F is wholly -due tothe
tical shaft 11. Within it *the cylinder the liquid component 20al (the drag exerted on
bottom face of cylinder 12 being assumed
formed secondary me ber 12 is mounted on to be negligible and the bearings to be,V fric- f'ne , ¿
a spindle 13, journale in jewels 14 and 15 ' tionless).
of negligible friction, for -pivotal ldisplace conditions 1t will evident that 'under these~
mentfagainst the restraint of a spiral spring [the .the activearea -Will increase as i'
Y 16, connected at ‘it-sf ends respectively to volume ofthe fluid.4 Perfect compensa
tion would require that upon a rise of tem 120
fixed support 17 and spindle-collarj '18, so -`perature,
that by pivotal displacement of the second the active area, and therefore the
torsional effort, lie-augmented in_the same
ary cylinder aggainst the resisting spring ratio
60 tension, the torsional 'effort exerted on the as viscosit 'is diminished. In other ”
secondary member` maybe measured. The cosity divided the percentage of decrease of vis- „_
spring iis ~such that its> displacements are should be the by that ofi-increase of area 125
same for alli temperatures.
inearly proportionate to the force ap lied. Attention is called to the table _below show
Thelower :portion 19, of the cup-chamberA is ing that, with nierçur as the medium, ,the
f .

value of this fraction atordinary tempera culation of capacity of the reservoir or 66

tures is about, or not far from, 20. chamber 20’,-beside considering the form of
the device, must take account of the active
Percentage Percentage mercury body in both interspaces.
Tempera Volume Viscosity » Value of ' vIn Figs. 1 to 3a complete commercial in
‘5 me o. 010010. 0101110. “iäcäf‘se "fî‘ìcïfase ratio. . strument embodying my invention is shown. 70
Specifically, 25 is a tube threaded at 26 and
i T V v a b ä carrying at the top a casing head 27 the
whole forming a housing for inclosure of the
10 _20 0.990304 0.010400 _0.3030 _0.2713 22.75 _ moving parts. The driving. shaft 28 carries
_15 0.997273 0.010038 _0.2727 _0.1029 22.383. a cylindrical cupl 29 in the bottom of which 75
_10 0.990102 0017001 _0.1310 _4.0074 Á22.04
is screwed aplug 30, turned down as 31 for
“35 3333333 3333333 “039m
1I000909 0010003 0.0909
.21102 1 the purpose of providing thereservoir 32.
i320 333433? 3333333 33333 37633 20.00
i333 rl‘he cup 29 is closed, at its upper end by a

1.003030 0 015702 0.3030


.55 .
tightfitting cover 33, having an upwardly'
3335 3333333 3333333 33333 83333 3333 extending shank 34, carrying a pinion 35 to 80
1Í000305 0014937 0Í0305 1211410 i 19107 '\ drive suitable'wheelwork 36 of the odometer
40 1.007275 0014000 0.7275 13.0470 13.75
45 1.000135 0 014433 0.8105 contained in the `lower part of the head 27.
15.1031 18.45
50 1.009095 0014194 0.9095 10.5073 10.15
This structure, providing the primary ele- `
20 ment, is rotatable in ball-bearings 37 and 38
This means to say that if the total volume fixed in tube 25 and adjustable by means of 00.
of the liquid is twenty times that contained nuts 39. -
in the "interspace between the elements, the The secondary element is made of a Very.
two opposite effects, one increasing and the thin metal cup 40, inverted and secured tov
25 other reducing, the torque, will approxi slender spindle 41 mounted in jeweled bear
vmatel balance. `This fact is borne out by ings 42 and 43, respectively `carried in» a'
' practlcal tests and measurements, which cavity_ of plug 30 and by a frame arm 434.
have demonstrated that by constructing for- A running bearing 42 can' usually be em- l
‘ this volumetric ratio defiections very closelyl ployed’ without detriment,-but a fixed bear
30 proportionate to the speed are obtained ing may be used if desired. v'll‘he’weight of
through a range of temperature variations the secondary member with its 'movable at--
far greater than ordinarily occurring. For tachments should -'be so determined that the
commercial purposes it is quite suiiicient to upward thrust against jewel 43 is very
employ a ratio of approximately the stated slight. The torsional twist of secondary cup
35 value as the _error involved in al small de 40> is resisted by a spiral spring 44 lodged
parture‘therefrom is inconsiderable. When in a turned recess ofa frame plate45, hav-’ 100 _

necessary or desirable, greater precision can ing one of its ends connected to collar 46
'be obtained by taking into account four sec lfast on the spigldle 41 and the other to. ay A
ondary effects, due to expansion or contrac vsplit ring 47 'spring-gripping" the wall~ of
40 tion _of the walls, which slightly modify the- the recess in plate 45. By inserting pincers
' torque; first, changes in lthe volume of the in holes 48 (Fig. _5) and contracting the ring -105
‘ reservoir; second, in the distance between it is vfreed suíiiciently for adjustment to
_ the opposed surfaces; third._in >active area bring vthe spindle-carried indicator y49 to
and, fourth, `in `.velocity._ Increase in the point to zero of- the graduated scale 50 that,
45 formertwo tend to diminish, the latter to if all of the principles of my invention are f
augment, the viscous drag. A satisfactory best embodied, may be made uniformly 110
ratio in a'c'ylindrical type of instrument graduated. AThe scale is carriedv on plate
has been found to be about 24. . 45 and, together with the support 43', is '
Fig. 5 illustrates a_ different arrangement, held lin place by a rim 53 that suitably Acar
50 exemplifying the -same principle of employ ries the glass cover 52. The odometer may`~
ing a reservoir-contained liquid body as the have any suitable number of indicating ele 115
_ thermo-responsive means to compensate for ments of diHerent orders suitably geared,
viscosity changes of the active'liquid. l In the two hands ‘54 and 55 swee ing over
this case a spindle-'carried disk 12’ serves as graduated dials 56 and 57, typi ying any
a secondary element, ',while the primary suitable construction. " -- - .

member consists of a hollow shell 10’ with It will be apparent _thatthehigh -torque 120 _'
1 annular surfaces 23 4confronting the disk at low speed developed through the mer
Asurfaces and encompassed by an annular curial transmitting medium makes the in
chamber 20', so that under rotation the mei'-. strument very eíective as one for use on
60 __cury body fills the chamber and occupies automobiles, and while it is'true that with
peripheral Vportions of the interspaces 21 a heavy fluid, as> mercury, the range of ve~v 1:25
between the ñat confronting surfaces.. It locity of the mediumv throughout which pro’
is lhardly ynecessary to remark that since portionality of torque to speed, under the
there are two such interspaces 21, the cal- ' described conditions, is> rigorously linear -
falls below-the range available where air is sponsive means for varying the active areas
~the medium, a-construction presentingthe of said surfaces inv predetermined 'propor
friction surfaces of the elements in a cylin tion to thermally-eñ'ectedychanges ofgliquid dit'
der-form as suggested in Figs. 2 and 4 per viscosity.
mits of the use of a suitably constructed de 4.- lfn' a temperature-compensating" speed' ’
vicel with a small-diameter secondary to indicator, thecom'bin'ationj of variable speed
-measure very high speeds Without imparting primary and movement-restrained secondary '
to the medium a linear velocity beyond its elements -that are suitably supported for 60
stated range. For the successful use ofl >separate movement and have opposed
il@ mercury in Ithe present’described instrument
closely-adj acent non-contacting friction vsur-_
(or other rotary devices) itis important faces; a liquid body partially filling the in
’ that the mercury be pure, the surfaces con terspace between said surfaces, and thermo- >
tacting therewith smooth, clean and non responsive means for varying the -liquid 65
granular (preferably nickel-plated'or made quantity within in' said interspace in pre
it of non-corrosive, high grade steel) to mini determined inverse ratio to Vthermo-effected
mize abrasion Aand keep the mercury clean, changes of liquid viscosity. i -_ . "
l.and that the linear velocity of themercury 5. The combination with driving and
be kept low, preferably below six feet per driven elements 'having opposed, closely
second, in order that it may not break up into adjacent, non-contacting friction surfaces
minute droplets or apparently-powdered and an interposed liquid body contacting
form. ' . , ` `
with active portions thereof, of a compen- l
What l claim is: l j sating liquid body communication with thev
l. In combination, driving and driven ele saidv interposed or. active one, and propor
ments, having - opposed, closely-adjacent, tioned to vary the effective contact area of
25 non-contacting frictionpsurfaces’; a liquid, the acti-ve liquid 'approximately inversely
body interposed between active areas thereof to its temperature-eñ'ected viscosity changes.
through which the driving element fric-- 6. The combination with~ freely i mova’ble-`
tionally drags ‘the driven one and thermo ' driving andv movement-resisted driven ele d@
responsive means for varying the active ments, having friction surfaces in opposed, _
30 .area 'of the secondary in approximately in
closely-adjacent non-contacting relation, of n ~ v
verse proportion to the thermo-eñected va means providing a reservoir, communicat
riations in viscosity of Ithe liquid. l A ing with the interspace between said ele
2. ln a temperature-compensating speed ments, and a liquid body having a reservoir @El
indicator, the combination of variable speed filling component and an Aactive-torque
35 primary and movement-restrained secondary transmitting component that normally,
elements that arel suitably supported for partly occupies said interspace, these com
separate movement and have opposedfric ponents proportioned? volumetrically for
tion surfaces in close but non-contacting temperature-edected change ofthe contact
Í juxtaposition; an interposed liquid body area of component in approxi
40 'contacting normally Awith active areas of mately
inverse ratio to the attendant-
said surfaces less than the whole thereof, changesof liquid viscosity. - -
and thermo-responsive means for varying . linv a temperature-compensating Spee
the liquid-contacting areas of said elements indicator, the combination of a freely rota
approximately inversely to the thermo table cylindrical cup; a> cylinder-formed
45 eñ’ected variations o’f liquid viscosity.
member in- the upper -_ portion thereof,A
3. ln a temperature-compensating speed vpivoted and springïrestralned; and a body ;
_ indicator, the combination of variable Speed of mercury ñlling the reservoir-portion of ‘ y `
primary and movement-restrained secondary the cup below the pivoted'member and eX En@ _
elements that are suitably supportedV for tending partial-ly in the narrow interspace '
5@ separate movement and have opposed closely between-the cup and cylinder.'
adjacent non-contacting friction surfaces; llntestimony whereof lf a?x my si ature. j `
an interposed liquid body and thermo-re

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