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BYOD: Business Opportunity or Big Headache?

A Case Study

I. Statement of the Problem(s) or Issues to be analyzed

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal
smartphones for work?
2. What management, organization, and technology factors should be addressed when deciding
whether to allow employees to use their personal smartphones for work?
3. Comparison of the BYOD experiences of Michelin north America and Rosendin electric. Why
did BYOD at Michelin work so well?
4. Is the use of smartphones for work will save company’s money?
II. Background of the Case

III. Key Relevant Case Facts

IV. Case Analysis ;
a. Framework, methodology, principles or tools applied (eg, SWOT, decision
making models, Fish bone diagram, Force Field Analysis, Decision trees,
b. Analysis of the problem ( include the case questions if any)
V. Recommendations
VI. Conclusions

Case Paper Format:

1. Short bond paper

2. Font: Arial, size 12
3. Upper Left placed:

Group No.(if group case)

Last name, First Name, Student Number


Here is a useful framework for your case analysis:

Situation –
 What is the company doing? Under what circumstances? With what results?
Try to grasp the important facts and critical interrelationships
Strategy –
 What’s the current business and technology strategy (ies)?
 The strategy(ies) that you focus on will depend on the case. Is the current
strategy appropriate given the situation?

Issues and Options

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