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Grammar teaching – recycling new language

Create a set of cards each with a word, phrase or structure you want the students to revise, and put
them in a box.

 Beep sentences: Demonstrate to the class by taking a card from the box and saying a
sentence incorporating the item on the card.
Instead of saying the item, say ‘beep’. Students have to guess the missing item. When one
student gets the answer, pass him or her the vocabulary box, so s/he can set the next

 Circle story: Give each student a card from the box. You start telling a story using the word,
phrase or structure you have on your card. When you have used your word, phrase or
structure, the next student continues the story until they can incorporate their own word.

 Slip in the word or phrase: Each student has a card that should not be shown to others.
Give each pair or small group a topic to talk about. The students have to try to slip their word
or phrase into the conversation. If other students spot when this is done, the speaker loses a

 Pictionary: Students work in two teams. One student from each team has a card and draws
a picture to illustrate the word or phrase. The first team to guess what their member is
drawing gets a point.

 Team Vocab/grammar Competition: Divide the class into teams. Take out cards from the
box, and using translation or clues, give the groups a vocabulary or grammar quiz. Students
have to run to the board and write the answer – the first correct answer wins a point.

 Back to the board: One student sits in front of the board facing the class. The teacher or
another student writes a word or phrase on the board. The other students give clues and
definitions to help him or her guess the item.

 Bingo: Students have a card showing nine items, for example, infinitive forms of irregular
verbs. The teacher reads out the past participle and students cross out their verbs when they
come up. The first to complete his/her card is the winner.

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