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Phase VI: Planning for product retirement

a) Useful life: actual deterioration or wear/technical obsolesces.

b) Recycling
Other Major Factors in Design
1) Specifications and Standards: ASME, AIAA, ASTM
2) Health and Safety: (Occupational Health and Safety Administration OSHA (Workers),
Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC (Customers), Environmental Protection
Agency EPA)
3) Human Factor Engineering
a. Ergonomics
b. Biomechanics
c. Engineering physiology
d. Anthropometrics: visual, audio
e. Aesthetics
4) Cost: If preliminary estimating shows high cost, the product development may terminate.
Engineering Design Strategies
1) One of a kind designs: Minimum analysis and optimization based primarily on the
experience of the engineer
2) Design for mass production: The emphasis is on cost and quality
a. proceed through all design phases
b. extensive analysis
c. testing and optimization and patent consideration
3) Large expensive systems
a. Too expensive to build prototypes
b. Extensive analysis
c. Experience
4) Design a code: Public Health or Safety code maintains the design (ASME Pressure Vessel
Spectrum of Engineering Activities (The engineering function)
Organization of the engineering function
Functional Organization: Similar work is performed within one organization or component
Line Functions: Those directly responsible for achieving the objectives of the organization
or component
Staff Functions: Support one or more-line organizations (Human resources, payroll,

Project Organization
Functions specialties are organized around a single product or major system:

a) The system is dynamic

b) Once a product is completed, resources are reallocated in a new project

Project Function Organization

A margin of the traditional functional organization and the project organization
a) Used by large well-established organizations looking to develop new products
b) Its been used in automotive and aerospace industries

The Engineering Profession

What is a profession?
a) Academic Train
b) Creative Thinking
c) Desire for service Integrity

Professional Licensing PE license

FE Fundamentals of Engineering
PE License
Coordinated by NSPE (National Society of Professional Engineers)

Professional Societies: ASME, IEEE, ASCE

Craftsman Build
Technician Maintain
Engineering Technologist Operates
Engineer Implement
Scientist Predict

Engineering Ethics:
a) Principles of conducts that govern an individual in his/her profession
b) Establish the framework of rules of behavior

1) Respect the rights of others

2) Be fair
3) Do not lie or cheat
4) Keep promises and contracts
5) Avoid harming others
6) Help others in need
7) Obey all laws


Final Element Analysis

The FE Method is a numerical procedure that solves a system of governing equations over
the domain of a continuum. The final continuum mechanics and the mathematical theory of
elasticity in solid mechanics provides the governing equations. The method was formalized by
somebody and somebody else.

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