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Овие се граматичките и лексичките содржини што кандидатие треба да ги знаат за

да го положат испитот по Англиски јазик Б1 ниво според Европската јазична рамка

на Советот на Европа.

These are grammar and vocabulary topics candidates need to know in order to pass the
English exam at B1 level according to Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR).

B1 Grammar topics
Both, either, neither
Broader range of intensifiers; So, such, too, enough
Comparatives and superlatives
Question tags
Conditionals, 2nd and 3rd
Connecting words expressing
cause and effect, contrast etc.
Embedded questions
Future continuous
Modals - must/can’t deduction
Modals – might, may, will, probably
Modals – should have/might have/etc
Modals: must/have to
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past simple
Past tense responses
Phrasal verbs, extended
Prepositions of place
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect/past simple
Reported speech (range of tenses)
Simple passive
Wh- questions in the past
Will and going to, for prediction

Vocabulary Topics
Appliances | Buildings | Clothes | Colours | Education | Entertainment and
Media | Environment | Food and Drink | Health, Medicine and Exercise | Hobbies and
Leisure | House and Home | Language | Personal Feelings, Opinions and
Experiences | Places: Countryside | Places: Town and
City | Services | Shopping | Sport | Technology and Communications | The Natural
World | Travel and Transport | Weather | Work and Jobs

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