Active and Passive Voice

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Active voice (Kalimat Aktif) is a sentence that the subject do something or do a job, for

 She calls me
Dia memanggilku
 Jane killed a dog
Jane membunuh seekor anjing

As we have seen in Indonesian the characteristics of active voice is a verb is always

beginning with “me-” and a few more start “ber-”.

So, above the sentences are referred to as active voice because the subject of each active
sentence perform acts, that is “calls” and “killed”.


Passive voice (Kalimat Pasif) is a sentence whose subject in subjected to a job or suffers.
In other words the subject of the sentence becomes the target of activity expressed by the verb.

In Indonesian the features of passive voice are the verbs begin with “di-”, for example:

 I am called by her
Saya dipanggil olehnya
 A dog was killed by him
Anjing itu dibunuh olehnya

In both instances above the subject of the sentence is subject to a job, that is “called” and

How to form an active voice into a passive voice must meet several provisions as follows.

a. The active voice to be changed must have an object. So, in this case the verbs used must be
transitive verbs.
b. The subject in the active voice is convered into an object in a passive voice, and otherwise
the object in the active voice is changed to subject in a passive voice.
c. Passive verbs must be in the form of a past participle (Verb 3) preceded by To be (is, am,
are, was, were, being, been), followed to By (oleh). So can be written the formof predicate
passive voice is:

To be + Past Participle (verb 3) + …

d. Passive voice in the form of continuous then the predicate form is:

To be + Being + Past Participle (verb 3) + …

e. The order of the sentence must be in accordance with the tenses.

1. Simple Present Tense
If the active voice is Simple Present Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + (am, is, are) + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : She writes a letter
Dia menulis sebuah surat
P : A letter is written by her
Surat itu ditulis oleh dia

2. Present Continuous Tense

If the active voice is Present Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :
Subject + (am, is, are) + Being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He is closing the window
Dia sedang menutup jendela
P : The window is being closed by him
Jendela itu sedang ditutup olehnya

3. Present Perfect Tense

If the active voice is Present Perfect Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + have/has + Been + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : They have played the guitar
Mereka telah bermain gitar
P : The guitar has been played by them
Ditar itu telah dimainkan oleh mereka

4. Present Perfect Contionuous Tense

If the active voice is Present Perfect ContinuousTense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :

Subject + have/has + Been + Being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : George has been writing the lesson
George sudah menulis pelajaran itu
P : The lesson has been being written by George
Pelajaran itu telah ditulis oleh George

5. Simple Past Tense

If the active voice is Simple PastTense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + was/were + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : Tracy opened the door
Tracy membuka pintu itu
P : The door were opened by her
Pintu itu dibuka oleh dia

6. Past Continuous Tense

If the active voice is Past Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + was/were + Being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He was drinking some water
Dia sedang meminum banyak air
P : Some water was being drunk by him
Banyak air sedang diminum oleh dia

7. Past Perfect Tense

If the active voice is Past PerfectTense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + had been + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He had written a letter
Dia telah menulis sebuah surat
P : A letter had been written by him
Sebuah surat telah ditulis olehnya

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

If the active voice is Past Perfect Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :
Subject + had been + Being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He had been riding a motorcycle
Dia telah sedang mengendarai sebuah sepeda motor
P : A motorcycle had been being ridden by him
Sebuah sepeda motor telah dikendarainya

9. Simple Future Tense

If the active voice is Simple Future Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + will + be + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : My mother will make some cake
Ibuku akan membuat beberapa kue
P : Some cake will be made by my mother
Beberapa kue akan dibuat oleh ibuku

10. Future Continuous Tense
If the active voice is Future Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :

Subject + will + be + being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : She will be playing the piano
Dia akan sedang bermain piano itu
P : The piano will be being played by her
Piano itu akan dimainkan olehnya

11. Future Perfect Tense

If the active voice is Future Perfect Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + will + have been + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : They will have finished that work
Mereka sudah akan menyelesaikan pekejaan itu
P : That work will have been finished by them
Pekerjaan itu sudah akan diselesaikan oleh mereka

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

If the active voice is Future Perfect Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :

Subject + will + have been + Being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He will have been playing tennis
Dia akan sudah sedang bermain tenis
P : Tennis will have been being played by him
Beberapa kue akan dibuat oleh ibuku

13. Future Past Tense
If the active voice is Future Past Tense, then the passive voice has a sentence
pattern :
Subject + would + be + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He would open the door
Dia akan membuka pintu itu
P : The door would be opened by him
Piano itu akan dimainkan olehnya

14. Future Past Continuous Tense

If the active voice is Future Past Continuous Tense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :
Subject + would + be + being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : They would be playing tennis
Mereka seharusnya bermain tennis
P : Tennis would be being played by them
Piano itu akan dimainkan olehnya

15. Future Past Perfect Tense

If the active voice is Future Past Perfect Tense, then the passive voice has a
sentence pattern :
Subject + would + have been + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : She would have finished that work
Dia akan sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu
P : That work would have been finished by her
Piano itu akan dimainkan olehnya

16. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense
If the active voice is Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense, then the passive voice
has a sentence pattern :

Subject + would + have been + being + Verb 3 + …

Here is an example of its use in the sentence :

A : He would have been painting the house
Dia akan sudah sedang mengecat rumah itu
P : The house would have been being painted by him
Rumah itu akan sudah sedag dicat olehnya

17. If the subject in the active voice is not known to the person or just mentioned in general,
such as people, someone, them, him, her, then if the object in the passive voice can be
Here is an example of its use in the sentence :
A : People speak English well all over the world
Orang-orang berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik di seluruh dunia
P : English is spoken well all over the world by people
Bahasa inggris dipergunakan dengan baik diseluruh dunia oleh orang-orang

English is spoken well all over the workd

Bahasa inggris dipergunakan dengan baik diseluruh dunia

18. The object of the passive voice must be written if the action is already certain person for
example George, by Billy. Here is an example of its use in the sentence :
A : Billy painted the door
Billy mengecat pintu itu
P : The door painted by Billy
Pintu itu dicat oleh Billy

19. If the active sentence that use Auxiliary Verb, then the passive voice will have a sentence
pattern as below :

Subject + auxiliary + be + Verb 3 + …
Here is an example of its use in the sentence :
A : He can paint the house
Dia dapat mengecat rumah itu
P : The house can be painted by him
Rumah itu dapat dicat olehnya


3.1 Conclusion
The transitive verb has two (grammatical) voices, active voice and passive voice.
Active voice is the subject does the job while passive voice that is subject to work. Some
things to note in changing the form of active voice to the form of passive voice that
changes the shape of his tenses and also time signnya.

3.2 Suggestion
We determine or work on the matter the passive voice or active voice must be
careful, because in this case more knowledge about tenses and time signals should be
required. In the science of English, tha pattern of passive voice is very influential in
pronunciation of English sentences, therefore this lesson can be helpful in solving the


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