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Aklan State University

School of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Banga, Aklan


Submitted to: Miss Doris S. Burol

Submitted by: Rizza Mae Espenilla

August 23, 2019

History is where it all began. How did we up being free today and how we are able do the
things that weren't possible before, was all because of the past. Studying history is not just all about
learning and knowing the things that happened in the past, it also a way to be inspired to the people
who made us today and be the one who creates history someday.
It makes us appreciate, acknowledge and give respect to those people who shows patriotism
in their own country. It also teaches us the importance of things that happened in the past, as they've
said we learned through our mistake. We are who we are today because of the past events that
happened in our lives. In other words, lack of historical knowledge prevents us people from truly
understanding the world we are living today.
To simply put it into an understanding, I'll just say that history is just like asking our
parents, how we were made, how did they met, how did they solve each problem and became who
they are today? Through history, well know someone's identity based on their past and let us
interact with one another. Which is why studying history is important, because the past matter, and
that past will reflect on who we are today. If history wasn't taught to us, do you think we'll know
how our heroes died, and for what did they die for?
History means understanding the past and present. The different interpretations of the past
allow us to see the present differently and therefore, imagine and work towards different future. In
one sense history is the only thing that is real, because it already happened. People often says
"history repeats itself"- ever wonder why our parents always compare their past to our present? I
have an answer for myself, comparing our situation with them in the past give comforts to them,
but not just comfort but also an assurance that we would not make a terrible mistake as we lead
our life to our future because they know better, they been in our age, though the time is different,
the experience will always be same. And if we try to study our failures in the past, we'll be able to
prevent repeating the same mistake all over again, hence, makes a new path for us.
Do you think without studying history, we could innovate? or grow? not just in our society
but grow as a person?
As for its importance, we won't be living if it weren't for history, we'll be stuck in the same
system, traditions which would not make any progress in our lives. Through studying history, we
were able to create much better equipment, machines and materials that will make our lives much
easier. Technology is the result of our history, in the past it's so rare to have a gadget but now it
seems like a normal thing for us, an example how it was created was, families living far away from
each other complaining how much it's so hard for them to communicate with one another. By
simply studying the past, we've already created and know a lot of things.
And as a nursing student, no matter how small of information about the past is very
essential to me. It will help me give the right care and medication to my patients.

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