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The CE Plant Cost Index: An Update

Changes inthe availability of source data for the CfPiant Cost Index periodically
necessitate updates to howthe index is calculated
Scott Jenkins 120
Chemical Engineering magazine 115

e Chemical Engineering 110
Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) is
a widely used tool for com- 105

paring plant construction 100

costs in the chemical process in-
dustries (CPI) between different time 95
periods since 1963. Over its history,
the underlying details of the index
have been revised and adjusted sev- 85
eral times. For a discussion of these
changes, readers are directed to 80
~ ~88888S$8ooo o ---- NNNN~MMM~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~

Chern. Eng., January 2002, pp. 62- ~g~~~8~~~8~~~g~~~g~~~g~~~g~~~g~~~g~~~g~~~

69. This article aims to explain the - 3332498 1AII oilier if'IOOstrial macllinery (normalized)
333249811Chemical manulactul'ilg macflinary, eq~nt, and pans {notmaliZed)
most recent change that has been - WPU1166061 Miscellooeous industrial mac:ti'lary (normalired)
made to the CEPCI.
FIGURE 1. The AOIM dala series (orange) has more closely tracked the now-discontinued CMMEP series
(yellow) over the period from 2007 until2015, than has the broader MSIM data series (shown in green)
The CE Plant Cost Index is actually a
composite that consists of four sub-
indices: Equipment; Construction other data from the U.S. Bureau of decision-maki1g in the public and
Labor; Buildings; and Engineering Labor Statistics (BLS; Washington, private sectors.
and Supervision (see Table 1). The D.C.;, which is a part A portion of the input data for the
Equipment subindex is itself a com- of the U.S. Department of Labor. CEPCI is derived from the BLS's PPI
posite of seven other indices, each Relevant PPI information reported data. As the BLS defines them, pro-
focusing on a particular category of by the BLS is collected by Chemi- ducer price indexes "track the aver-
process equipment. The component cal Engineering editors and used age change in net transaction prices
indexes are compiled, and weight- to calculate the monthly changes that domestic producers in the min-
ing factors are applied to make up to the CEPCI. BLS says it is the ing, manufacturing, agriculture and
the Equipment subindex. The three "principal Federal agency respon- forestry sectors, as well as certain
other subindexes are compiled in- sible for measuring labor market service industries, receive for the
dependently from appropriate in- activity, working conditions, and products they make and sell." BLS
puts. Information on these four in- price changes in the economy." It economists and analysts review a
dexes has been reported running collects and analyzes many types statistically chosen representative
back to 1947. of economic information to assist sample of price quotations in busi-
After weighting and normalizing ness transactions to build its set
the values, the four sub-indexes are TABLE 1. CE PLANT COST INDEX of PPls. Overall, There are around
combined to constitute the CEPCI. COMPONENTS 13,000 PPis covering more than
For each year in the past, an annual 600 industries.
value for the CEPCI is calculated Equipment A carefully selected group of 41
based on the arithmetic mean of • Heal exchangers & tanks PPls is used as raw input to the
12 monthly values for a given year. • Process machinery CEPCI. The set represents a diverse
CEPCI data from previous years can • Pipe, valves & fittings set of materials and components
• Process instruments
be found and downloaded at www. that go into the construction of a CPI
• Pumps & compressors • Electrical equipment
facility, including steel plates, con-
• Structural supports &misc.
crete pipe, tanks, fans, piping and
BLSdata Construction labor many others. In addition, the CEPCI
As many users of the index know, Buildings uses 12 labor-cost indexes, which
the CEPCI uses specifically selected Engineering & supervision are also compiled by BLS.
producer price index (PPI) data and
Making a change same time period. Unfortunately, ing the AOIM and observing the
Periodically, the BLS makes changes the MSIM series did not closely month-to-month changes in that
to the data that they collect and re- follow the same trends observed index. These changes, expressed
port, some of which necessitate in the narrower CMMEP series as a percentage, will be applied
changes in how the CEPCI is cal- over the period between 2005 and to the last available value from the
culated. The Chemical Engineering 2015, indicating that the MSIM discontinued series to derive a new
editorial team wanted to make CE would not necessarily be a suitable value to input to the CEPCI. This
readers aware of one such change direct replacement as an input to new value will be used to calculate
that is reflected in this month's the CEPCI. the monthly CEPCI.
CEPCI on p. 88. After further consultation* with In this way, the continuity of the
Since the advent of the CEPCI in BLS staff economists and exami- CEPCI can be preserved, while tak-
1963, one of the inputs has been a nation of the scope of the MSIM, it ing into account changes to relevant
PPI data series entitled "Chemical was noted that part of the reason special industry equipment that are
Manufacturing Machinery, Equip- for the lack of similarity between being observed in the PPis.
ment and Parts." For the purpose of the two data series seemed to be Over time, this process will im-
brevity in this article, we will call this that the MSIM included equipment prove the accuracy and timeliness
data series "CMMEP." and processes for the semicon- of the CEPCI's Equipment subindex
In autumn of 2015, BLS ceased ductor manufacturing industry. as well as the overall CEPCI. We will
reporting data for that series, be- The ways in which specialized continue to monitor the input data
cause the information that could equipment has changed for the from the BLS in case further changes
be collected did not meet the re- semiconductor industry sector are necessary.
quirements BLS has established have been different from how spe- The CE editors thank the users of
for reporting a data series, includ- cialized equipment has changed the CEPCI for their continued sup-
ing the requirement for a mini- in the CPI over the past 20 years, port and at1ention.
mum number of reporting units. leading to situation where the data
In some cases, a given PPI may from two series have decoupled Acknowledgements
not be reported for several months and diverged. The author would like to thank two
because the information available The CE editorial team then worked individuals who provided their time
does not meet BLS guidelines for with BLS economists to identify and expertise in support of this ar-
reporting, only to return later once an alternate data series that more ticle. Jayson Pollack is a supervisory
available information again meets closely tracked the data from the economist at BLS who graciously
the reporting criteria. So the ab- discontinued CMMEP series. One spent time on several phone calls
sence of data for a particular PPI series that emerged as a possibly to explain how BLS produces the
in a given month is not necessar- good candidate for replacing the PPI and to identify information that
ily a reason to change anything in discontinued data series is a PPI could be used for the CEPCI. John
how the CEPCI is calculated. Industry series known as "All Other Hollmann is a cost engineering con-
However, in the case being dis- Industrial Machinery" (AOIM). sultant and member of Chemical
cussed in this article, it became Engineering's advisory board who
clear over the next several months Replacement series assisted in outlining a strategy to
that the CMMEP series would be The AOIM data series differs slightly address the discontinued data se-
discontinued permanently, and the from the other inputs to the CEPCI, ries. Thank you both very much for
series would be subsumed by a in that it is an industry-based PPI, your help. •
broader PPI data series known as rather than a commodity-based
"Miscellaneous Special Industry Ma- PPI, as the other CEPCI inputs are. *Editor's note. C<Jrmrsations be~YOOO CE staff and BLS
chinery" (MSIM). However, economists generally economists explored backg-oof);l information on llle PPf
Once the CMMEP was discon- agree that it is possible for the two oota senes. BLS ~i~ no1 <M;I in an a(fviSQry e<~l)<lCity.
tinued permanently, the CE editorial types of data series to be used to- Author
team began conversations with BLS gether in an aggregate index, such Scott Jenkins is senior edi·
economists to inform the magazine's as the CEPCI. lor al Chemical Engineering
magazine (40 Wall Slreel,
efforts to determine whether or not Over the past 12 years, the AOIM 501h floor, New Yoll<, NY
the MSIM should be included in the data series has tracked much 10005: Phone: 917 ·370·
CEPCI as a substitute for the now- more closely to the discontinued 3073; Email: sjenkins@
discontinued CMMEP. During this CMMEP series. The similarities can Chemengonline.oom). Be·
fore joining the staff of
time of evaluation, we continued to be observed by plotting the values Cl1emical Engineering in
use the last available data for the of two data series over time (see 2009, Jenkins worked in
now discontinued series to continue Figure 1). several communications-re·
laled posilions in !he bio·
to calculate the CEPCI. Starting with the March 2018 edi- leehnology and researCh
CE editorial staff observed the tion of CEPCI, we began using the policy sectors. He has also worked in research and de·
trends in the broader MSIM data monthly changes observed in the velopment in the biomedical and chemical fields. Jen·
series over the past 10 years and AOIM PPI index to adjust the his- kins holds a bachelor's degree from Colgate University
and a masler's degree in organic Chemistl)l from the
compared it to that of the discon- torical data from the discontinued UnivetSity of North Carolina at Challel Hill.
tinued CMMEP series over the PPI data series. This entails track-


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