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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1992) 36:689-696

Biotechnology l

© Springer-Verlag 1992

Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

by soil particles: influence on biodegradability and biotoxicity
Walter D. Weissenfels, Hans-Jiirgen Klewer, and Joseph Langhoff
Ruhrkohle Oel und Gas GmbH, Gteiwitzer Platz 3, W-4250 Bottrop, Federal Republic of Germany

Received 12 August 1991/Accepted 22 October 1991

Summary. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) carbon-based material (Blumer and Youngblood 1975;
biodegradation was investigated in contaminated soils Sims and Overcash 1983).
from two different industrial sites under simulated land Although PAHs may undergo chemical oxidation,
treatment conditions. Soil samples from a former im- photolysis, and volatilization, microbial degradation is
pregnation plant (soil A) showed high degradation the major process affecting the persistence of PAHs in
rates of PAHs by the autochthonous microorganisms, nature (Callahan et al. 1979). At present, many microor-
whereas PAHs in material of a closed-down coking ganisms are known to have the enzymatic capacity to
plant (soil B) were not degraded even after inoculation oxidize PAHs that range in size from naphthalene to
• with bacteria known to effectively degrade PAHs. As benzo(a)pyrene (Cerniglia 1984; Gibson and Subra-
rapid PAH biodegradation in soil B was observed after manian 1984; Weissenfels et al. 1990a). Given the re-
PAHs were extracted and restored into the extracted quisite environmental conditions, microbial communi-
soil material, the kind of PAH binding in soil B appears ties are able to readily degrade these chemicals (Mor-
to completely prevent biodegradation. Sorption of gan and Watkinson 1989; Mueller et al. 1989). Conse-
PAHs onto extracted material of soil B follows a two- quently, application of microorganisms for the reme-
phase process (fast and slow); the latter is discussed in diation of contaminated soils has gained considerable
terms of migration of PAHs into soil organic matter, interest in recent years (Bewley et al. 1989; Brown et al.
representing less accessible sites within the soil matrix. 1985).
Such sorbed PAHs are suggested to be non-bioavaila- Experience gained from studies on biological soil re-
ble and thus non-biodegradable. By eluting soil B with mediation have shown that biodegradation may be in-
water, no biotoxicity, assayed as inhibition of biolumi- hibited by abiotic factors (Weissenfels et al. 1990b). It
nescence, was detected in the aqueous phase. When has been suggested, that one factor causing reduced
treating soil A analogously, a distinct toxicity was ob- biodegradability of compounds is sorption on soil par-
served, which was reduced relative to the amount of ac- titles and organic matter (Martin et al. 1978; Ogram et
tivated carbon added to the soil material. The data sug- al. 1985). On the other hand it has been demonstrated
gest that sorption of organic pollutants onto soil or- that sorption onto activated carbon almost completely
ganic matter significantly affects biodegradability as prevents dermal uptake and the toxic effects of dioxins
well as biotoxicity. in rats (Poiger and Schlatter 1980). Thus, bioavailability
of soil-sorbed contaminants may have a bearing on the
effectiveness of microbial degradation as well as on the
assessment of toxicological risks. Since sufficient un-
Introduction derstanding of these phenomena concerning soil-reme-
diation processes is lacking, the purpose of this study
The fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was to determine the soil characteristics that prevent
in nature is of great environmental concern due to their PAH biodegradation and to investigate the correlation
toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic properties (La- of biodegradability and biotoxicity of sorbed PAHs.
Flamme and Hite 1978; Pahlmann and Pelkonen 1987;
White 1986). Sites of closed-down coking plants and
gas works are frequently contaminated with these com- Materials and methods
pounds as PAHs are produced by pyrolysis of organic-
Chemicals. Nutrient broth medium and bacto agar (Difco) were
purchased from Nordwald (Hamburg, FRG) and solvents from
Riedle de Haen (Hannover, FRG). Anthracene oil, a liquid distil-
Offprint requests to: W. D. Weissenfels lation product of coal tar containing about 600 mg PAHs/ml, was

a gift from ROtgerswerke (Castrop Rauxel, FRG). The major com- 300 ml toluene for 5 h in a soxhlet apparatus. The PAH-contain-
ponents of anthracene oil are acenaphthene (47 mg/ml), fluorene ing organic extract was retrieved into the extracted soil and tolu-
(72mg/ml), phenanthrene (204mg/ml), fluoranthene ( l l 4 m g / ene was removed by evaporation in vacuo at 40 ° C. After thor-
ml), and pyrene (59 mg/ml). All other chemicals and reagents ough mixing, 20 g fresh contaminated soil material was placed in
were commercial products of the highest purity available. 500-ml erlenmeyer flasks and suspended in 100 ml MSM.
Microbial inoculum was prepared by growing the PAH-de-
Bacteria. The mineral salt medium (MSM) used as basal medium grading mixed culture M1 on anthracene oil as the sole source of
for degradation studies contained per litre deionized water: 1 g carbon. Cells of the logarithmic growth phase (optical density at
K2HPO4, 1 g NH4NO3, 0.2g MgSO4-7H20, 0.1 g CaC12.2H20, 578nm=0.6) were harvested by centrifugation at 10000g for
0.1 g NaCI, 0.01 g FeC13.6H20, and 1 ml trace element solution 10 min and washed with MSM to prevent residual concentrations
(Pfennig and Lippert 1966) and was adjusted to pH 7.2 by adding of anthracene oil being carried over into the test media by inocu-
1 M HCI. lation.
Besides degradation studies concerning the autochthonus mi- Each flask was inoculated with 10 ml bacterial suspension
croorganisms of the contaminated soil samples, investigations (10%, v/v) and incubated tightly closed on a rotary shaker
were carrred out by inoculating test media with a bacterial mixed (100 rpm, 30 ° C). After 1, 7, 14, 28, and 42 days of incubation,
culture able to degrade several PAHs. This mixed culture, called respectively, the entire contents of each flask was separately ex-
M1, was enriched on anthracene • oil as the sole source of carbon tracted and analysed for the presence of PAHs. Flasks containing
(Walter et al. 1990) and kindly supplied by DMT-Gesellschaft flir suspended soil samples sublimated with HgC12 (0.1%, v/v) served
Forschung und Prfifung (Essen, FRG). as sterile controls for each sampling point to determine abiotic
The quantification of microorganisms in soil was carried out losses of PAHs during incubation.
by plate counts on different media. To extract the microbes, a 50-g The influence of sorption on microbial PAH degradation was
soil sample was briefly homogenized by manual break up of investigated by the use of XAD 2 (amberlite resin for PAH ad-
clumps and 5-g portions were added to 50 ml Na-pyrophosphate sorption), extracted soil material, and sand as substrates with dif-
solution (0.28%, w/v). After mixing on a rotary shaker (100 rpm) ferent PAH-sorption capacities. In 500-ml erlenmeyer flasks, 20 g
for 1 h the suspension was filtered (paper filter, pore size 7.4 Ixm) of the different sorptive substrates were suspended in 100 ml
and used for enumeration. In order to estimate the number of mi- MSM, respectively. After adding 50 ~tl anthracene oil (about
croorganisms overall, several dilutions of the filtrate were plated 30 mg PAH, corresponding to a contamination of about 1.5 g
on nutrient broth (NB) agar and colonies counted after 3 days of PAH/kg substrate) the flasks were inoculated and incubated as
incubation at 30 ° C. Microorganisms able to degrade salicylic acid described above. PAH analysis was performed following soxhlet
and naphthalene were identified by the use of selective media. extraction. The percentage of oil degradation was calculated, set-
Serial dilutions (1:10) of 25 Ixl filtrate were performed with auto- ting the content of PAHs extracted from sterile probes with the
claved MSM in microtitre plates with five replicates at each dilu- respective sorptive substrate as 100%.
tion. Salicylic acid was added sterile to the MSM prior to dilution
to give final concentrations of 5 mM, respectively; naphthalene Sorption studies. To characterize sorption of PAHs onto sedi-
was supplied in the vapour phase by adding crystals in six empty ments, the extraction yields of anthracene oil after incubation
cavities. The microtitre plates were closed tightly using adhesive with unpolluted soil material were estimated. Soil was freed from
film (parafilm) and incubated for 7 days at 30 ° C. Growth was PAHs by soxhlet extraction with toluene and suspended with •
estimated visually by comparing turbidity with microtitre plates deionized water in the proportions of 10 g to 50 ml. Contamina-
incubated without substrate. The number of microorganisms was tion of the soil suspension with 50 Ixl anthracene oil was followed
calculated as described by Clark and Owens (1983). by sterilization of the samples using HgC12 (0.1%, w/v). Sorption
The activity of soil microbial populations was determined as was investigated for six periods of incubation at 30°C and
the CO2 production rate during incubation of soils at 30 ° C. The 100 rpm. For each incubation time the entire contents of two
water content of the soil samples was adjusted to 10% (w/w) prior flasks were extracted three times with 10-ml volumes of toluene
to incubation. The CO: produced was continuously removed by a by shaking flasks thoroughly at room temperature. The organic
stirred solution of BaOH: (0.2 M). After incubation was stopped, extracts were concentrated to a final volume of 1 ml by evapora-
the residual BaOH2 was titrated with HC1 and the overall amount tion under a gentle stream of nitrogen. Calculation of the ex-
of CO2 produced calculated. Autoclaved soil samples treated tracted amount of anthracene oil followed gas chromatographic
identically served as controls to determine the abiotic release of (GC) analysis of the organic extracts.
CO2 from the soils.
Photobacterium phosphoreum NRRL B-11177, identified as Vi- Microtox assay. Aqueous eluates of soil samples were used to de-
briofisheri according to Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacterio- termine the toxicity of contaminants, to be rinsed out of soils by
logy (Krieg and Holt 1984), was used for the microtox assay and water. The eluates were prepared according to the shaking test
was obtained from Microbics (Miinchen, FRG). Deutsches Einheitsverfahren (DEV)-S4, Deutsche Industrienorm
(DIN) 38414 part 4 (1984) with slight modifications: 20 g air dried
Soil sampling. Contaminated material of two different sites was soil sample was eluted with 100 ml deionized water on an over-
investigated: Soil A was a predominantly sandy soil from a former head shaker for 24 h. The eluate was filtered (paper filter, pore
wood impregnation plant with a contamination of about 1.8 g size 7.4 lxm) and cleared by centrifugation at 10000 g for 10 min.
PAH per kg soil; Soil B consisted of heterogeneous soil material The toxicity of the eluates was determined as the inhibitory
from a former tar oil refinery with a contamination of about 1.0 g effect on light emission of P. phosphoreum NRLL B-11177, ac-
PAH per kg soil. cording to the German standard method for the examination of
water, waste water and sludge DIN 38412 part 34 (1991). This test
Degradation studies. The degradation potential of the original soil was carried out with a Biocounter toxicity autoanalyser (mod. M
samples was tested using the percolator equipment of Codner 2500, Lumac, Rodgau, FRG) according to the manufacturer's
(1969). The pneumatically operated percolator was filled with a specification.
homogeneous mixture of 200 g soil sample and 100 g rashig rings. The influence of the amount of soil organic carbon on the bio-
The soil column was trickled with MSM at room temperature. toxicity of soil eluates was investigated by intermixing increasing
After 2 months of incubation the soil column was quantitatively amounts of activated carbon D-45/2 into soil A. As usual, a con-
removed, extracted and the PAH content determined. tact time of 24 h was selected to obtain equilibrium by stirring
Shake-flask studies were performed to investigate the degrada- samples at room temperature (Suffet and McGuire 1980). Aque-
tion of contaminants added to extracted PAH-free soil material. ous eluates and the microtox assay were performed as described
For that, 150 g of original contaminated soil was extracted with above.

Analytical procedures. PAH analysis of soil suspensions (see de- nature; soil B consisted of heterogeneous material ob-
gradation studies) were performed after centrifugation at 10000 # tained from a former tar-oil refinery. Comparing the
for 10 min. The air-dried solid was weighed into a soxhlet thimble
concentrations of individual PAHs, soil A contained
that had been previously rinsed with toluene. The sample was ex-
tracted for 4 h with 150 ml toluene on a Soxtec extractor unit (Te- higher amounts of low molecular mass PAHs whereas
cator, H6ganas, Sweden). The extracts were concentrated under a in soil B high molecular mass PAHs occurred in a
gentle stream of nitrogen and passed through a silica gel column greater proportion (Table 1).
(Merck, Darmstadt, FRG), deactivated with 15% (w/w) deionized After 8 weeks of incubation in a percolator PAH de-
water. The cleaned extract was taken down to dryness in a gentle gradation to an overall average of 62% occurred in soil
stream of nitrogen and made up to the required volume with ace-
tonitrile prior to analysis by HPLC. The PAHs were separated on
A with the autochthonous microbial population (Fig.
a LiChrosorb RP 18 column 5 ~tm in diameter, 250 mm x 4.6 mm la). Highest degradation rates were achieved for
(Merck, Darmstadt, FRG) with a 40:60 acetonitrile/water - 100% pheanthrene, fluorene, fluoranthene, and pyrene while
acetonitdle gradient, run over 30 min at a flow rate of 1 ml/min dibenz(ah)anthracene and benz(a)pyrene were de-
using a liquid chromatograph HP 1090 A with autosampler and graded much more slowly. By treating soil B analo-
photodiode array detector (Hewlett Packard, Waldbronn, FRG). gously, no significant degradation of contaminants was
PAH analysis of extracts, performed by shaking soilsuspensions
with toluene at room temperature (see sorption studies), was car-
obtained even after inoculation with the bacterial
ried out by GC (Varian mod. 3400, Darmstadt, FRG) using a mixed culture M1, which was demonstrated to degrade
Chrompack Sil 5 capillary column (25 m x 0.22 mm) and a flame PAHs effectively (Fig. lb).
ionization detector at the following oven programme: 60°C for Microbiological characterization of the soil samples
3 min, 10° C/rain to 275 ° C, which was held for 5 min. led to the detection of numerous bacteria with a consid-
The quantification of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was erable activity concerning soil A (Table 2). Additional-
Carded out after centrifugation of the samples at 10000g for
10 rain using a DOC-analyser (Shimadzu mod. TOC 500, Kyoto,
ly, in soil A the amount of bacteria able to degrade aro-
Japan). matic compounds was found to be significantly in-
The soil organic carbon content was calculated as the differ- creased, whereas only a sparse bacterial population
ence between total carbon content and soil inorganic content. To- with low activities of near basal respiration was found
tal soil carbon content was determined as CO2 release during igni- in soil B. Nevertheless, as shown by the occurrence of
tion of soil above 1000° C (Perkin Elmer, CHN elemental analys- viable autochthonous microorganisms, biodegradation
er, ~]bedingen, FRG). Soil inorganic carbon content was esti-
mated as the amount of carbonates released as CO2 during incu- of PAHs in soil B was not inhibited by toxic effects.
' bation of soil samples with H2SO4. Experiments were undertaken to determine the princi-

Results SOIL A ~_~ SOIL A

(~t) F~uorene
~rea~ed incubated
Biodegradation of PAH in soils

Contaminated material of two different sites was inves- F]uore~hene

tigated, characterized by a different composition of po- Pyre~e
lycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Soil A was B~(a)~a~
from a former wood impregnation plant and of sandy ~ n e
Be~(a)p~ene ~
~b~(~)~acene '
i I I I
0 m g / k g soft 500 -0 m g / k g soil 500
Table 1. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis of con-
taminated soil samples
(b) Fluorene ~ SOIL B SOIL B
PAH Soil A Soil B u~rea~ed incubated
(mg/kg soil) (mg/kg soil) Phenan~rene .
Anthracene [~]~l
Naphthalene 4.2 16.7
~uor~ene Illlll
Fluorene 82.4 5.2
Phenanthrene 242.0 62.7
Anthracene 90.4 22.4 ~ ( e ) ~ e ~
Fluoranthene 540.0 160.0
Pyrene 458.0 123.0 ~(a) p~e
Benz(a)anthracene 105.8 95.7
Chrysene 68.4 58.1 mb~(~)~e ~[]
I I I i
Benz(e)pyrene 48.6 64.4 mg/l~ ,,~n ~00 0 mg/kg soft 200
Benz(b)fluoranthene 59.6 86.1
Benz(k)fluoranthene 41.0 48.5 Fig. 1 a, b. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation
Benz(a)pyrene 44.0 98.3 in soils from different contaminated sites after 8 weeks of incuba-
Dibenz(ah)anthracene 1.1 26.2 tion in a percolator. Conditions: 200 g soil material were inter-
Benzo(ghi)perylene 16.6 66.1 mixed with 100 g rashig rings and trickled with mineral salt me-
Indenoyprene 13.0 94.1 dium (MSM), pH 7.2, by four circulations per minute at room
temperature, a Uninoculated sample of soil A. b Sample of s0il
Total amount of PAH 1815.1 1027.5 B, incubated after inoculation with the PAH-degrading mixed cul-
ture M1

Table 2. Microbiological characterization of contaminated soils

from different sites 500

Parameter Soil A Soil B ~ 400 ~"~-

Material Subsurface Heterogeneous
~ 300
sand pouring: rubble, "~.

stones, loam
Contamination ~ 200
(mg PAH/kg soil) 1815.2 1027.5
Site of sampling Impregnation Tar-oil refinery ~ lOO.
PAH biodegradability Yes No o.
Colony forming units o 5 1'0 15 ZO 25 30 35 40 45
(on NB per g soil) 2.5.107 2.2.106 Incubation time [d]
Salicylic-acid-degrading Fig. 3. Tim6 course of microbial PAH degradation following re-
bacteria (per g soil) 3.5.105 9.0.103 contamination of toluene-extracted soil B with the original or-
Naphthalene-degrading ganic extract. Conditions: 20 g samples of soxhlet-extracted mate-
bacteria (per g soil) 1.3.105 9.0- 10 2 rial of soil B were contaminated with their own toluene extracts.
C02 production rate Suspension in 100 ml MSM, pH 7.2, and inoculation with the
(mg C02/kg soil.h) 21.7 2.6 PAH-degrading mixed culture M1 was followed by incubation in
500-ml edenmeyer flasks at 30°C and 100rpm. 1PAH: total of
NB, nutrient broth PAH degradable by the mixed culture M1, i.e. naphthalene, fluor-
ene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)an-
thracene, and chrysene
I Extract of SOILB Extract. of SOILB
nuo~ ~ . ~ ~t~
sterile incubatedinoculated
Phenanthrene lOO

AnthraceneS]]]]] ~ (+) x ~ ~

~.l~u~,~lllllllllllllllllllll .,~ ~ 0

~~ ~8~ ~ (o) so~. ~
mg/kg soil 150 0 mg/kg soil 150
Fig. 2. Microbial degradation of sand-sorbed PAHs extracted
from soil B. Conditions: 20 g sand were contaminated with organ- 0 ~ ~ (*) S ~
ics extracted from 20 g soil B, and incubated for 4 weeks in 500-ml o ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~o
erlenmeyer flasks at 30° C and 100 rpm, after suspension in 100 ml ~cuba~on ~ e [d]
MSM, pH 7.2, and inoculation with the PAH-degrading mixed
culture M1 F~g. 4. ~icrobi~l de~md~tion of ~nthmcene oil initi~Hy sorbcd
onto s~nd ( . ) , decontaminated m~teri~l of soil B (O), and XAD
2 (~). Conditions: ~0 ~1 anthracene oil were ~dded to 20-~ sam-
ples o~ the different so~tive substrates suspended in 100 ml
pie biodegradability o f the contaminants present in soil ~ S ~ , pH 7.2, r~spectivcly. Incubation w~s ca~ed out in ~00-ml
B. After soxhlet extraction with toluene, sand was con- erlenmcycr flas~ ~t 30°C and 100 ~ m
taminated with organic c o m p o u n d s o f soil B. Incuba-
tion o f the contaminated sandy material led to micro-
bial P A H degradation to an average o f 80%, concerning the whole P A H content o f soil B prior to extraction and
those PAHs that serve as substrates for the mixed cul- recontamination.
ture M1 used as inoculum (Fig. 2). In sterile control
flasks no abiotic P A H degradation was observed.
The results imply that the inhibition o f P A H bio- Effect of sorption on PAH bioavailability
degradation is due to a kind of P A H binding within the To elucidate the influence of sorption on microbial
material o f soil B. To verify the experimental data, the P A H degradation, anthracene oil was added onto dif-
organic contaminants of soil B were extracted and re- ferent sorptive substrates. PAH analysis was performed
trieved onto the extracted soil material. Immediately in- after samples were incubated with the mixed culture
cubation o f the short-term contaminated material with M1. The percentage o f anthracene oil degradation was
the PAH-degrading mixed culture M1 yielded a consid- calculated in regard to the amount o f PAHs recovered
erable decrease in P A H concentration (Fig. 3). Howev- from sterile probes with the respective sorptive sub-
er, biodegradation was by no means complete and re- strate taken as 100%. Within 7 days o f incubation, sand-
suited in a residual P A H fraction of about 28%. This sorbed PAHs were reduced by the bacteria below meas-
residual fraction was proved to be as undegradable as urable levels (Fig. 4). The degradation o f soil-sorbed

PAHs was considerable delayed and resulted in a resid- sure the degree of P A H extractability decreased contin-
ual, non-biodegradable P A H fraction of about 23% of uously, indicating further sorption (Fig. 5). Thus, the
the initially a d d e d anthracene oil. Anthracene oil initial rapid sorption process was followed by a second
sorbed on X A D 2 was not degraded by the acclimated sorption process that occurred at an increasingly slower
bacteria (Fig. 4). X A D 2 is an amberlite resin with ex- rate over a long period o f time.
cellent P A H sorption characteristics, used for removal
of PAHs from water and air. Inhibition of microbial
growth caused by X A D 2 was excluded, since the Biotoxicity of soil-sorbed PAHs
mixed culture M1 showed normal growth in the pres-
ence of X A D 2 on complex media (NB added to a so- Laboratory studies were undertaken to determine the
lution of 3 mM salicylic acid) by maintenance of P A H toxicity in eluates of the contaminated soils in compar-
degradation potential. ison to unpolluted garden-mould (Table 4). Microtox
Several physicochemical properties of the soils were assays demonstrated a GL value (lowest dilution factor
characterized, in order to estimate the factor responsi- that exhibits an inhibition of light emission of P. phos-
ble for P A H sorption (Table 3). The a m o u n t of organic phoreum < 20%) of 1.0 for eluates of garden mould and
carbon was estimated to be the most significant differ- soil B. In contrast, eluates of soil A exhibited a strong
ence of soil A and soil B, indicating a correlation o f the toxic effect on the bacteria (GL value = 39, i.e. a solu-
extent of P A H sorption onto soil material and the con- tion containing 2.6% of eluate reduced bioluminescence
tent of soil organic carbon. The effect of time on P A H by 20%).
sorption was investigated by estimation of the P A H ex- For further verification, soil A was intermixed with
tractability at r o o m temperature in relation to the time increasing amounts of activated carbon to give final
that soils were exposed to anthracene oil. Within the soil organic carbon contents of 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%,
first hours of incubation, the a m o u n t of extractable an- respectively. As shown in Table 5, the toxicity of soil
thracene oil c o m p o n e n t s d r o p p e d to approximately eluates decreased significantly with increasing amounts
60% of the initially applied oil, demonstrating rapid of soil organic carbon. The decrease in toxicity was ac-
and extensive sorption. However, during further expo- c o m p a n i e d by a decrease in the a m o u n t of water-elua-

Table 3. Physicochemical characterization of contaminated soils Table 4. Inhibitory effect of soil eluates on the light emission of
from different sites Photobacteriumphosphoreum NRRL B-11177
Parameter Soil A Soil B Dilution Garden Soil A Soil B
factor mould
(mg PAH/kg soil) 1815.2 1027.5 G1 7% n.d. 11%
PAH biodegradability Yes No G2 0% 89% 6%
Water content (% w/w) 10.4 13.8 G3 0% n.d. 2%
pH value 6.7 7.8 G4 0% 77% 0%
Specific surface (m2/g soil) 1.8 3.6 G8 n.d. 59% n.d.
Organic carbon (% w/w) 1.0 13.6 G12 n.d. 48% n.d.
G20 n.d. 36% n.d.
GL 1 39 1
,,~ i00~ n.d., not determined; GL, lowest dilution factor that exhibits inhi-
bition of light emission < 20%
0,_~ 7 II

Table 5. Influence of addition of activated carbon on the toxicity

of soil eluates measured as the inhibitory effect on the light emis-
sion of P. phoshoreum NRRL B-11177

~ 0 Dilution Soil A Soil A Soil A Soil A

factor without a.c. + 4% a.c. +9% a.c. + 19% a.c.

G1 n.d. 63% 50% 29%

0~ . , G2 89% 51% 39% 28%
o s ,o ~'~ ~'o ~'~ a0 G4 77% 38% 31% 19%
Incubation [d]
time G8 59% 28% 22% 18%
Fig. 5. Influence of sorption processes on the recovery of anthra- G12 48% n.d. n.d. n.d.
cene oil added to decontaminated material of soil B. Conditions: G20 36% n.d. n.d. n.d.
20-g samples of soxhlet extracted material of soil B were sus- GL 39 12 10 4
pended in 100 ml MSM, pH 7.2, and incubated with 50 Ixl anthra-
cene oil in 500-ml erlenmeyer flasks at 30° C and 100 rpm under a.c., activated carbon
sterile conditions. Extraction with toluene was carried out by
shaking the samples with toluene at room temperature
1000 1000 al. 1978; Ogram et al. 1985; Manilal and Alexander
1991). Thus, sorption might be an important factor in
pollutant degradation and may determine the fate of
.~. 100 100
hydrophobic organic compounds in natural environ-
ments. The effect of sorption on PAH bioavailability
was demonstrated by the reduction of PAH-degrada-
tion rates with increasing sorption capacity of the sorp-
.~ . lO, 10 tive substrates used (sand, soil B, and XAD 2).
Among several studies concerning the sorptive be-
O haviour of organic pollutants, the sorption of a number
O of PAHs on soil and sediment samples has been de-
scribed (Karickhoff et al. 1979; Means et al. 1980). It
0,1 1 10 100
has been suggested that the organic carbon content of
Soil organic c a r b o n c o n t e n t [~. w / ~ ]
soil is the single most important factor determining the
Fig. 6. Dependence of soil elutable dissolved organic carbon sorption of hydrophobic molecules such as PAHs.
(DOC; *) and toxicity (©) on soil organic carbon content for From theoretical and experimental evidence it was con-
one defined contamination. Conditions: addition of activated car- cluded that the affinity for association of a contaminant
bon to soil A to obtain contents of about 1%, 5%, 10% and 20% with the organic material of a soil (expressed as the or-
soil organic carbon, respectively, was followed by 24 h of elution
with water (according DIN 38414). Aqueous eluates were used for ganic carbon normalized partition coefficient Koc) is a
determination of DOC and microtoxicity (according to DIN function of the hydrophobicity of the compound (ex-
38412) pressed as the octanol-water partition coefficient Kow)
(Dzombak and Luthy 1984; Voice et al. 1983; Walton
and Anderson 1988). As PAHs are characterized by ex-
tremely high Kow values and low vapour pressures
ble DOC (data not shown), indicating the.adsorption of (Callahan et al. 1979), naturally occurring organic mat-
organic pollutants onto the added amount of activated ter is an excellent sorbent for these compounds
carbon. On the basis of the apparent exponential rela- (McCarthy and Jimenez 1985; Chiou et al. 1986). These
• tionships observed, the results were plotted using logar- facts are reflected in the comparison of soil organic car-
ithmic coordinates (Fig. 6). The data showed a reason- bon content and PAH biodegradability of soil A and
able degree of linearity, confirming the relationship of soil B.
soil organic carbon content to soil-eluable DOC and Two kinetically distinct processes were found to be
eluate toxicity by a given concentration of organic pol- associated with PAH binding onto soil material, a
lutants. "fast" and a "slow" process. The initial fast adsorption
process is thought to reflect rapid adsorption of the hy-
drophobic pollutants onto hydrophobic areas of soil
Discussion surfaces, whereas the following slow adsorption proc-
ess is proposed to be based on migration of the hydro-
Because of the known toxicological effects of PAHs, phobic contaminants to less accessible sites within the
restoration of PAH-contaminated sites is a major envi- soil matrix (Karickhoff 1980; Robinson et al. 1990).
ronmental goal (Dipple 1976; Kingsbury et al, 1979; Thus, longer incubation times result in migration of an
Thakker et al. 1985). Although many microorganisms increasingly large fraction of the pollutant into the or-
are known to degrade PAHs rapidly in submersed cul- ganic soil material. This process should last until the
tures (Cerniglia 1984; Gibson and Subramanian 1984), incorporation capacities of the soil organic matter are
concentrations of inorganic nutrients less than the opti- exhausted and equilibrium is reached. The fraction of
mum for microbial growth as well as 02 limitation may incorporated pollutants is supposed to represent the
result in resistance of PAHs towards biological attack. non-bioavailable and non-biodegradable part of con-
Nevertheless, the data showed that the degree of PAH tamination in soils.
biodegradation in different soils may differ signifi- These suggestions are confirmed by the finding that
cantly even under the same optimum growth conditions microbial degradation of PAH added to extacted mate-
concerning temperature, nutrients, 02 supply, and oc- rial of soil B stopped at residual PAH concentrations of
currence of PAH-degrading bacteria. about 28% (PAHs added with original organic extracts)
Of particular interest is the finding that PAHs pres- and 23% (PAHs added with anthracene oil) respective-
ent in soil B are definitely undegradable by PAH-de- ly. The data implies that PAH biodegradation in short-
grading bacteria with exceptional extraction and resto- term contaminated soil samples competes with migra-
ration into the original soil material. These results tion of PAH into non-accessible soil compartments. On
imply that the inhibition of PAH biodegradation in soil the whole, the results have shown the impact of the
B is caused solely by the kind of PAH-binding within time of exposure of contaminants to soils with high or-
the soil material. It has been suggested that the physical ganic carbon contents ("age" of contamination) on the
state of a compound can greatly influence its bioavail- degree and rate of PAH biodegradation.
ability, as microbial degradation of adsorbed com- The effectiveness of biological soil remediation is
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taminants. In the case of P A H - c o n t a m i n a t e d environ- References

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