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Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist

Wrap it and taste twist

Maria Christine Imperial

Mean Flores

Rosemarie Montecalbo

Brgy. Talao-talao

Lucena, City 4301

0948 507 9068

November 15, 2019

This document contains confidential and proprietary information created by Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist.

This document is issued exclusively for informational purposes and should not reproduced without the

consent of Turoness’ De Mani with a twist.

Table of contents
Executive summary


The process of business in order to be successful is to know your potential market. The purpose of analyzing

the market of the business is to find out who will be the target market by sending out a questionnaire to

the potential market. A set of questionnaire would help the business to know and to satisfy the needs,

wants, desire and expectation of a potential consumer. The survey conducted by interviewing by the set of

questionnaire the respondents and the results which were collected are displayed below in the graph form,

from this the entrepreneurial team will be able to draw a conclusion to what is best for Turoness’ De Mani

with a Twist to be a successful and be a prominent business among businesses.

Figure 1.0 Results of the gender who responds to survey



60% Female

Figure 1.0 The questionnaire was answered mostly by female, so the majority of the results will reflect the

opinions of female in general. The possible main target market of the Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist could

be a female. As there is male opinion included within the results, some of them can be still part of the

target market.
Figure 2.0 Results of the age who responds to survey


18 and below years old
9% 19-26 years old
27-34 years old
33% 35 and above years old

Figure 2.0 The age group of the respondents of the who answered the questionnaire are mainly between

the ages of 18 and below, so the Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist would appropriate mostly in teenager. The

survey was also answered by the age group of 19-26 years old, 35 and above years old and some are age

groups are between 27-34 years old but still reach the target market.
Figure 3.0 The results in the question “Are you familiar with Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist?”

Are you familiar with Turoness' De

Mani with a Twist?



Figure 3.0 The results from the questioner show that 81% are not familiar with Turoness’ De Mani with a

Twist, so it is the chance of the team to introduce the product to consumer as the new innovation. But

there are still people known the product about 19%.

Figure 4.0 The results in the question “Did you ever purchase Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist?”

Did you ever purchase Turoness' De

Mani with a Twist?



Figure 4.0 As the result of Figure 3.0 81% are no familiar so they did not even purchase Turoness’ De Mani

with a Twist with a percentage of 83%. There are instances they know the product but they did not

purchase and 17% of respondent already purchase Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist.
Figure 5.0 The results in the question “Are you willing to spend money to pay the product?”

Are you willing to spend money to pay the




Figure 5.0 The 1% respondent are not willing to spend their money but the 99% of respondents are willing

to spend their money. So it’s the chance of the business to satisfy the target market.

Figure 6.0 The results in the question “How much are you willing to pay the product?”
How much are you willing to spend money
for the product?


12% P5.00

Figure 6.0 The 69% of the result in the survey are willing to pay the product amounting to P5.00. Some of

the respondents are willing to pay P7.00 and P10.00.

Figure 7.0 The results in the question “What time do you prefer to eat Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist?”

What time do you prefer to eat Turoness’ De

Mani with a Twist?

17% Break Time
Midnight Snack
Figure 7.0 The results of the survey in what time does they prefer to eat Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist are

mostly in break time about 48%. It will help the business to identify when to distribute the product in time.

Some are likely prefer as their breakfast with 27%. Others prefer in lunch with 17% and midnight snack with

Figure 8.0 The results in the question “Is the packaging appropriate to the product?”

Is the packaging appropriate to the product?



Figure 8.0 The respondents mostly answered yes as the packaging of the product are appropriate with 96%.

Still, there are 4% that the packaging of the product is not appropriate. It is the chance to improve the

product packaging to be appropriate.

Figure 9.0 The results in the question “Would this product give you some satisfaction?”

Would this product give you some


54% Yes

Figure 9.0 The product give some satisfaction said by the respondents who answered the survey with 98%.

There are still 27% think that the product will not give them satisfaction.

Figure 10.0 The results in the question “What other flavor would you like to add on the product?”
What other flavor would you like to add on
the product?


2% Banana
55% Mango
21% Cheese
Junk fruit

Figure 10.0 The results of the flavor the respondents likely to add on is Banana with 48%. There are some

answered Cheese as the flavor likely to add on with 47%. And both Mango and Junk fruit have 3%. It still

can help the business what to offer flavor to the target market.
Figure 11.0 The results in the question “Where do you want to get/buy this product?”

Where do you want to get/buy this product?


91% Mall

Figure 11.0 The respondents mostly like to buy the product in the store with 81% as they will never wait for

the delivery they shop online with 9%. They don’t want to buy the product neither in the market or mall.

The business is already in engage in putting a store in urban and rural areas to reach the target market.


Turon is a popular snack that is sweet, crunchy and satisfying that typically served for merienda

(Filipino afternoon snack) or dessert. It is the one of the common type of street foods in the Philippines, sold

by many street vendors both urban and rural areas. Turon is a characteristic elements of Filipino culture most,

Filipino grow up enjoying it as on afternoon snacks that shops nearby that made fresh turon every day

because they are rarely made it at home or as treat after a long they at school.

The Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist started on November 15, 2019. The store is located at Brgy.

Talao-talao, Lucena, City. The location of Brgy. Talao-talao is where the business partners come. It is the

chance of the business to reach out the consumer who are in the Brgy, Talao-talao.

History and Background

The two partners named Mean Flores and Rosemarie Montecalbo are childhood best friend. They

love to travel and eat delicacies. Their favorite delicacies is turon. Wherever they go, they always search for

turon because it made them day complete. They promise one day, they will have a turon business, so that will

never buy it somewhere else they are already the owner. As now, they put up a store to the start a business.

The other partner named Maria Christine Imperial is the one that suggest to add peanut in turon. Instead of

banana or junk fruit inside the spring roll wrapper, the peanut will be in the inside. Still, the banana or junk

fruit can be added as the flavor of new invention of turon. The two partners agree to the suggestion of the

other partner, so they make collaboration to build a partnership to put up a business. The business team made

innovation that drive to development of new product and improvement. The partners named the business

Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist.


The mission of the Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist is to give the people satisfaction, offer a nutrious

foods and to promote the Filipino Delicacies. And be the one that give people livelihood.


The vision of the Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist is to be the prominent business in the field of food

industry business of the local and foreign trade.


1. Achieve the largest market share in food industry.

2. To become one of the prominent business in local and foreign trade.

3. Keeping variable

4. Overhead expenses as low as possible

5. Identify opportunities to make improvement

6. Adopt the mentality of uninformed optimism

7. To give the consumer satisfaction, wants and needs

8. To complete the fixed asset requirements for the first year

9. Keeping the customer loyal

Key to success:

1. Provide nutrious food that will the consumer benefits and help them to be a healthy person.

2. Use an effective promotion that will help the business recognize. Aside from it, it will become one of

the prominent business if the product has the quality and satisfaction.

3. Adopt the changes within the organization and the taste and preference of a consumer.

4. The cost of the production should not high over the net income.
5. Seek where the business is weak. Do not hide weakness, identify the potential fatal flows. It will the

business seek for the opportunities to change and to improve more.

6. Always be optimistic about the outcome of an opportunity or the results of operation.

7. Provide a fair price that would the buyers and sellers are both agree, give the good product that will

benefits the consumer and be the provider of their desire.

8. The business should have the land to build a store. The ingredients, equipment and tools that will

use in the business should provide. In order to produce more products.

9. Develop customer incentive and loyalty programs to leverage customer relationships and create

positive word of mouth.

Primary product

The primary product of the business is the delicacies which is turon. The business innovates the

turon. Instead of the banana or junk fruit are in the inside of the spring roll wrapper, the team made it

peanut. Peanut contains

Legal form of ownership

The ownership is form as partnership.

Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist

“Wrap it and taste twist”

Name (Optional): Gender: ☐Female ☐Male

Age: ☐18 and below years old

☐19-26 years old

☐27-34 years old

☐35 and above years old

1. Are you familiar with Turoness’ De Mani with a twist?

☐Yes ☐No

2. Did you ever purchase Turoness’ De Mani with a twist?

☐Yes ☐No

3. Are you willing to spend money for the product?

☐Yes ☐No

4. How much are you willing to pay the product?

☐P5.00 ☐P7.00 ☐P10.00

5. What time do you prefer to eat Turoness’ De Mani with a Twist?

☐Breakfast ☐Break time

☐Lunch ☐Midnight snack

6. Is this packaging appropriate to this product?

☐Yes ☐No

7. Would this product give you some satisfaction?

☐Yes ☐No

8. What other flavor would you like to add on this product?

☐Banana ☐Cheese


☐Junk fruit

9. Where do you want to get/buy this product?

☐Store ☐Market

☐Online ☐Mall

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