Tyre: Classification and Nomenclature: Classifica On of Tyres

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Tyre: Classification and Nomenclature

Tyre (or re) is a circular and ring like part of a vehicle which comes in contact with ground. Tyres are fi ed
on rims and are filled with compressed air. Since their inven on, natural rubber is the most widely used
material in manufacturing of tyres. However, modern tyres also employ materials like synthe c rubber,
fabric, steel wires, carbon black and some more compounds. Tyres find place in wide range of locomo ves,
from bicycles to aeroplanes.

Classifica on of tyres:

Radial tyre construction (Courtesy: Bridgestone)

In general, there are two major classes of tyres, according to the presence or absence of tubes in them.
Thus, they are called 'tubed tyres' and 'tubeless tyres' respec vely. Furthermore, based on the construc on
or skeleton of tyres known as carcass, tyres are classified into the following main types:

1. Cross ply or bias ply: In these tyres, ply cords are at an angle of 30°-40° to the re axis.

2. Radial ply: In these tyres, ply cords run in the radial direc on.

3. Belted-bias ply: This is a combina on of the above men oned types.

However, majority of the tyres used nowadays belong to the class of radial tubeless tyres.
Func ons of a tyre:
1. To maintain contact between vehicle and ground by providing desired trac on.

2. To support the load of vehicle.

3. Dealing with various forces ac ng on vehicle during its mo on.

4. Providing cushion against shocks and damping them.

How to read tyre nomenclature?

Side wall markings terminology

(Courtesy: Bridgestone)

There is a specific method of deno ng size of tyres. Manufacturers o en call it the 'tyre-nomenclature' or
'tyre-code' and mark it on the side wall of tyre. Every term of this specifica on has some meaning
associated with it. Selec ng a proper tyre for a vehicle would be impossible unless one understands these
terms perfectly. A typical tyre nomenclature of a passenger car tyre is as below:

175/65 R 14

In the above men oned specifica on,

175: Nominal sec on width in mm

65: Aspect ra o. This means sec on height of re is that many percent of its sec on width i.e. 65 % of 175
=114 mm(Approx.)

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