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College/Career FAQs

As we keep thinking more and more about life after high school, you will take some time to research
questions that are important to you about your choice of college or career. Please add the information
you find to the chart below and turn it in on Google Classroom when done.

My Question Researched Answer Research Source

(website URL, organization, expert, etc.)

1. What do I start According to Mrs. Colon, having Mrs. Colon

researching first- an understanding of what career
college or career? you want to pursue is helpful in
deciding which college you would
like to attend.

2. How do I balance Interest and pragmatism needn’t Mrs. Colon

interest and conflict, but it’s generally more (She’s really awesome btw)
pragmatism? useful to follow interest first;
that’s what will provide the
motivation to perform.

3. How do I transform This is a hard one to answer for - Mrs. Colon Again
interest into passion? anyone, but Mrs. Colon has some (Did I mention she’s super
good advice; expose yourself to as awesome for taking the
many things as you can, and see time to answer?)
which ones capture your interest.

4. How do I transform A good way to do this is through - Guess who

passion into a career? reverse engineering; find jobs you (Yeah it was Mrs. Colon
think might suit your passion, again)
investigate them, and then start
building a map to them through
whatever education and
experience is required.

5. How much will my Current average cost of living is

preferred lifestyle cost about 77.5% higher than national f-living-calculator/California-San-
me? average; a yearly salary of ~50k is Diego
required to maintain a typical

6. What benefits can - Much lower tuition than https://www.californiacolleges.ed

community college UC/CSU systems u/#/benefits-of-california-commu
bring me? - Provide nity-colleges
- Provide transfer options to
UC and CSU via TAG/ADT

7. How do I know if I The Free Application for Federal

apply for financial aid? Student Aid (FAFSA) website a/estimate
How much can offers several tools such as the
financial aid help me? FAFSA4caster to help predict how
Where do I go to eligible I could be for financial
access it? aid.

8. What benefits does - Higher chance of https://www.californiacoll

transferring from a admission
community college to - Cheaper way to get course fornia-community-colleges
a four-year university requirements out of the
offer? way
- Better prepared to take
college level classes

9. How viable are I was surprised at the answer to - Dad

technical/vocational this one; apparently, some
degrees? Is it viable to vocations can be very lucrative,
complete on of these, such as plumbing (Turns out,
then go back for a when you deal with toilets, you
different degree? can charge a lot for your services)

10. Can I apply for Yes; I can fill out FAFSA for any - Yeah, it was Mrs. Colon
financial aid even year I plan to attend college, and again, she’s been an
when I’m not in high there are many scholarships that absolute legend
school? Can I apply for are entirely independent of my
scholarships from highschool career or
community college or performance.
^^^This is awesome

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