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Name:..............................................................................College Roll no..........................................

Semester........................................F.M ................... M.O.................. Date................

Chose the correct alternatives:

1. In which part of the scale does the pointer indicate most accurately?
a) In the first third of the scale b) In the first half of the scale c) In about middle of the scale d)In the
last third of the scale

2. Undiserable characteristics of a measurement system are

a)accuracy and repeatability b)Static error c) Drift and dead zone d) both b) and c)

3. The difference between the indicated value and the true value of a quantity is
a) Gross error b) absolute error c) Dynamic error d) relative error

4. A thermometer is calibrated from 1500 to 2000C.The accuracy specified is ±0.25%.The maximum static error in
measurement is
a)±0.50C b)0.3750C c)±0.1250C d)±0.01250C

5. A 0 to 200V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% of full scale reading. The voltage measured by the
instrument is 50 V .What is the limiting error?
a)4% b)2% c)1% d)0.25%

6. A resistor is specified by a magnitude of 200Ω with a limiting error of ±20Ω.What is the fractional error?
a)Ԑ=0.2 b) Ԑ=0.5 c)Ԑ=0.1 d)Ԑ=10

7. The error mainly caused by human mistakes is

a) Gross error b) systematic error c) instrumental error d) observational error

8. The zero error of an instrument is

a)Gross error b)systematic error c)Random error d)Identified error

9.A 200 Ω metallic strain gauge with GF=2.0 when subjected to a strain of 500 micro-strain will have a total change
in resistance of
a)0.2Ω b)40mΩ c)2Ω d)1.0Ω

10. One of the following can act as an inverse transducer

a)electrical resistance potentiometer b)L.V.D.T. c) Capacitive transducer d) piezoelectric crystals
11. Quartz and Rochelle salt belong to
a) Natural group of piezoelectric materials b) Synthetic group of piezoelectric materials
c) Can belong to natural or synthetic group of piezo-electric materials provided property polarized
d)all of the above

12. A barium titanate crystal has a thickness of 2mm.Its -voltage sensitivity is 12x10-3 Vm/N.It is subjected to a
pressure of 0.5MN/m2.Calculate the voltage generated
a) 3 V b)6 V c)12 V d)5 V

13. Pneumatic force meter has an accuracy of

a)±1/2% b)±3/4% c)±1/4% d)None of these

14. Magnetic pick-up sensor produce

a) Pulses from a rotating shaft with mechanical contact
b) Pulses from a rotating shaft without any mechanical contact
c)an analog signal in the form of a continuous drag d) None of these

15. In strain gauge torque transducers, the strain gauge should be mounted at

a)00 to the shaft axis b)450 to the shaft axis c) 900 to the shaft axis d) 600 to the shaft axis

16. In a drag cup type a.c. tachogenerator, the output voltage is

a) Sinusoidal b)in the form of pulses c) Modulated waveform d) constant d.c. because rectifier
are used

18While measuring speed of a stream of a stem turbine with stroboscope single line images were
observed for stroboscope setting of 3000,4000 and 5230rpm.calculate the speed of the turbine.

a)15000rpm b)14000rpm c)16000rpm d)18000rpm

19. Static sensitivity of the instrument is the

a) Least reading of the scale/range of scale b) least reading of the scale/unit measurable quantity

c) Ratio of the change in input to the corresponding change in the input variable

d) Range of scale/least count of the scale

20. When accelerometers operates in the displacement mode the ratio of forcing frequency to natural
frequency should be

a) below 1 b)below 2 c)above 2 d)above 200

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