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International Standard @&\*) 7724/1 Paints and varnishes — Colorimetry — Part 1: Principles Peintures ot vernie — Coloriméwie — Paria 1: Principes First edition — 1984-10-01 UDC 667.6: 535.65 Ref. No. 1S07724/1-1984(E) Descriptors: paints, varnishes, colorimery. Pre basedon 5 pages Foreword 180 (the Intemational Organization for Standercization) is @ worldwide federation af national standards bodies |ISO member bodies). The wark of preparing International Standards is normally caried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in @ subject for which a technical committee has bean established has the right to be represented on that committee, International organizations, govern- mantal and non-governmental, in lisizon with 1SO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated 10 ‘the member bodies for approval before the acceptance as International Standards by ‘the ISO Counc. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting Intemational Standard 10 7728/1 was prepared by Technicel Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes. © International Organization for Standardization, 1964 © Printed in Switzerland Contents rage © Invoduetion os... .-e eet 1 1 Scope and ieldof application... cessssesoe 1 2 References eee rereecrcee perros 1 3 Colour co-ordinates 1 2.1 Colour covrinats i the CE 864 mplenentary stared colerimetric system 32. Colour co-ordi tes in the CIE 1876 (L*a* b*) colour epace 4 Standard ituminants 4 5 Spectral radiometric characteristics 4 5.1 General coos 4 2 lumination and viewing conditions. eemecerecmnon U1 a INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1$07724/1-1984(E) Paints and varnishes — Colorimetry — Part 1: Principles 0. Introduction ‘Tis international Standard, ISO 7724, comprises the following parts : Pert 1: Principles. Pert 2 : Colour measurement. Part 2: Caloulation of colour differences. Parts 1, 2 and 3 of ISO7724 describe methods for the instrumental determination of the colour co-ordinates. and colour differences of paint films, es required for such purposes a) the objective description of colour differences between 2 test specimen (a test panal coated with 2 paint, or 3 specimen from a painted article) and a reference specimen; 1b) determining colour deviations in the production of painted articles so that the results may be used for the control or regulation of the process; (2) the objective description of changes in colour caused bby weathering and other chemical or physical influences; dd} the objective supervision of colour reference standards. NOTE — Colour reference standards are subjct to ageing, wich may lead in tho course of time to pronouncad changes in colour. High curacy coloimetry Is required for the tnely detection of these changes. Thi eof parcular importance when ordering agsinst such retererce standeras 1 Scope and field of application ‘This part of ISO 7724 describes the colorimetis terms and fun- damental requirements. necessary for 0,008856 Lt = 9831/¥,) for ¥/¥q < 0,008856 at = SOOLAXIX,) ~ AY/Y,)) bt = 2OAYI¥,) — AZ/2Zq)) where XIX) = (XIX NO for X/X,> 0.008858 SUXIX,) = T,78T(XIX,) + 6/116 for X/X, < 0,008866 AYIY) = AYIY)9 for ¥/¥, > 0,008856 SYIY) AZI%_) = (Zz) TTT IYIY,) + 16/116 for ¥/Y, < 0,008856 for Z/Z, > 0,008888 Szi2,) 7,787 (Z1Zq) + 16/N6 forZ/2, < 0,008856 X,¥,Z_ denote the 10° tristimulus values ofthe paint fm: Xxy Yor Zp. aro the 10° tristimulus values of the perfect raffecting dftusor under the chosen standard iluminant (see table 2) NOTE ~ If 2° tristimulus volves are used, 2*,, B® co-ordinetes for 1the2° obeorver willbe obtained. The conseponding value for Xan Z;, can be calculated from the 2° chromaticty co-ordinate forthe ‘ander iluminents D 65 and A (soe CIE Publication No. 16) wit ¥,~ 100. It1s sometimes convenient to express colour notin terms of the rectangular co-ordinates L*,a*,b*, but in terms of the rectilinear lightness and the polar co-ordinates chroma and hue (seo CIE Publication No. 16 Supplement No. 2. ‘These may be calculated from L*,a*, * to give CCIE 1976 psychometic lightness L* CIE 1976 0 b chroma Cy = ae? + BONE CIE 1976 @ b hue angle gy = arctan (bY) a") bbatween 0° and 360° Table 1 — Colour-matching functions for the 10° observer ‘at 5 nm wavelength intervals ISO 7724/1-1984 (E) eae a a Fa Rn aa om oa 2) Se & toes S| ser | igs % ose oe =| ae eS gue gee = gas gee wo | om | come | ee | ase = ose oane S| oes | me S a ao fe] gee | age = oe oa cea tee, | nee fs oie oe ES ae age = se | S| uae) aes es cam oat Pe 2 cen Gea S| oy | ie 3 cee ee S| os | oe = oom oa = gee gS wm | ame | goss S| 3 | as « oc ano S| ae) os | oe 2 | see | oe = gee ae S| | ee 7 Son ae 3 cd eee cee cs S| ae | os " gow aaa =| oe | oe z oo 3a a : nd =| | ss x com 2 a Hy ae 3am wo | cous | ose me | cam | gam = cco og es a) eae | cee a ae 3a fo] aan | age 2 um ane bag | 7 coe ae 7 ed Solace |e = | go | oe 19 oom oan | see | ue 2 oom 38 S| oe | ae s fae oe so) Ree | ase 2 oom me s gem ae so | ose | coo =) spe | came rs ccm asso SB) ike | ise 2 Seth 8 ae Soe | Sal ecee ee eee | ae S| Re | ae alee | eee S| ime | see Suse | ia Table 2 — 10° tristimulus values for the perfect reflecting diffuser for standard illuminants D 65 and A Tiistimalae| ‘Banderd Wiuminant value a Xs Tne Yq 00.00 zh 3520 1SO 7724/1-1984 (E) 4 Standard illuminants The CIE standard illuminant © 65 which corresponds to natural daylight at 2 correlated colour temperature of about 6 500 K (see CIE Publication No. 15], should be specitiad tor colour ‘measurements in accordance with this International Standard. NOTE — The standard ituminant ¢coresponds to natural daylight ‘correlated clout temperate of 6 724 K. ts apactal datbution dose not spproach that of natural dayight so closely as that of standard Muminant 65, expec n the utrevilet rogion ‘The standard iluminant A, which represents the light of & tungsten lamp and corresponds in Its spectral distribution to a perfect black body at @ temperature of 2 856 K, should be ‘specified for the colorimetic determination of @ special ‘metamerism index (see clause 6 of {SO 7724/2) ‘Numerical valuos for the relative spectral power distribution Sy of standard iluminants 0 65 and A are 5 Spectral radiometric characteristics 5.1 General f the various possible spectral radiometric characteristics that describe the reflecting properties of materials (see CIE Publica tion No. 38), the three characteristics defined in 6.7.1 to 6.1.3. ‘are used in this part of ISO 7728 for paint fim colorimetry, ‘Table 3 ~ Relative spectral power distribution Sof standard Mluminants 0 65 and A at § am wavelength intervals a Siow Sha ton Siow = wo 3 oy wo = 3 10.90 605 we = 5 13.09 e as | 35 37 13335 515 88 oo m7 2 we wn 8 ar eis id 5 40 318, ne 30 33 a8 a5 1323 35 35 = 8 2100 oo 37 oS 819 2 3 Pay 20 7 2487 30 0 5 53 mee cd 1 40 yi | 28,70 cy m2 46 nos | 3a cd a2 | 70 BS 0 oe) rc aa oS @3 5 a8 0 Bs & 30 es 749 co a7 7 a7 os 707 5 4552 ps 4524 70 ns 51,08 705 Bo oo st no m3 5 56.85 ns eo 2 ons 0 59.96 505 ess 7 67 510 68.06, mo e3 85 25 7 26 a0 neo 0 Bi ms @3 2s 7573 590 7333 7 ee | 27.00 55 ws 7 so | Za59 50 85.95 780 wes | Zo ees wat 7 see | Ze ™ ws) zo 0 | gay Es so.44 7 85,1 2037 cy 100,00 780 ea | ees Eo 103.58 50 | tore 5 110.0 500 neat cy 118.08 5 12173 5 13538 6.1.1. spectral reflectance factor R{A): The ratio of the a- ciant flux reflected inthe directions within a givan cone to that reflected in the same directions by a perfect reflecting diffuser ‘dentcally iradiated in the observed wavelength interval. NOTE — tn contrast to the recommendations of the CIE (220 CIE Publication No. TBI this part of ISO 7724 spacfoe the spectal efec tance factor instead of the spectral redlance factor. Th Incruments ‘commarcialy avelable are not suitable for accurata measurement of tha apactral radiance factor because of eyetomate ears cauead bythe vergence ofthe rtiacted ight bears, 6.1.2 spectral reflectance o2): The ratio ofthe reflected a- dant flux to the incident flux in the observed wavelength interval. 5.4.3 spectral diffuse reflectance 2492): The ratio of the reflected radiant flux to the incident fiux in the observed ‘wavelength interval measured withthe specularly reflected light {gioss) excluded. 5.2 Illumination and viewing conditions ‘The various modes for measuring the reflected radiation to be specified for colour measurements in accordanco with this In- ‘emational Standard are listed in table 4 ISO 7724/1-1984 (E) In the directional iluminasion and viewing beams the angle bet- ween the beam axis and any ray shall not exceed 3°, ‘The diffusa illumination and viewing takes place in an in tegrating sphere with an internal coating chosen such thatthe light is diffused by the wall of the sphere uniformly and ron selectively with reepect to wavelength, The total area of the sample port of the integrating ephere shall not axcosd 10 % of the total internal reflecting sphare are, Specularly reflected light can be party suppressed for the il- lumination and viewing conditions 8/¢ and 4/8 by means of a gloss trap. The results of the measurements are depanclent on the size, the position, and the structure of the gloss trap. It has proved practical to use only gloss traps which axclude at least 95. % of the Eight reflected by a highly polished back glses plato. Those traps should be tested using @ primary standerd With a refractive indox of betwean 1,50 and 1,5 as specified in 1SO 2813 for the measurement of specular gloss. The quotent of the spectral reflectances of the higly polshed black glass ‘measured with and without gloss trap shal full the oon- dition Maasviement condone thinaion Viewing | _,aignaton, Facies Se Brora ere ore ‘esi sroog renal _ ‘ores diffuse, : tyre inept ‘sia ~aitfase, ‘dithuse/e wegen ‘aia specu ‘econ trols oo diffuse, Spectral Piatt raflectonce ear) Inogratog ‘ero E sn, Taine Spectral ener integrating ‘bia aittuse 21a ait) eee shar poe ions twp ‘cased considered. "+ Thisie contrary tothe recommendations of the CIE see CIE Publication No. 15) which permits the lumi tion ofthe viawing normal tothe specimen measure ‘The possibilty of intereflactions between @ high gis specimen and the lumineting optics should be nt conditions O/éane 0). Theinurinaion or observ tion ange with a smal defined devon from zero se speed inthis part of 180 7724 prevents teractions between the specimen and the iluminating or viewing opécs whan measuring high gloss spesmans.

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