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HPCL interview 1

1. My group discussion topic was that we were the heads of United nations and we have have to
arrange some problems in decreasing order of their effects on mankind through discussion.

2. Meaning of my name?
3. 2)Why hpcl and not iocl,ongc,ntpc?
4. 3)You have mentioned that perseverance is your strength .Elucidate that by giving
example from your life?
5. 4)turning point in your life?
6. 5)as a mechanical engg. how can you contribute to the sales of hpcl.Give three points?
7. 6)npsh,hydraulic coupling,pump diagrams,difference between several pumps,6 cylinder
engine firing order(my summer training),knuckle joint,just in time and diff between creep
and fatigue?
8. 7)How will you handle different dialect people as you are not versed with their language?
9. 8)you are the boss of a section and your junior is refusing to do the task .How will
complete the task..?
10. 9)Will you join this company if you get selected in other companies?


1. In GD they gives you Two topics Related to Current Related Topics or some General
topic . They form Group of 10 candidate and topic is being discussed by Group
2. In GT is also they gives you Two situation and Group members decides that on which
topic they want to select. In GT all the Group member Discuss about that situation
and atlast all the group members should come up with some Solution
3. Tell me about your self.
4. 2.What are your hobbies?
5. 3. Have you given any other Company interview before?
6. 4. As I told them that I have given interviews of NTPC,BPCL also,They asked in
NTPC and IOCL,Which company will u select and why?
7. 5. What do You know about IOCL?
8. In Technical Questions :
9. 1. What is evaporation phenomenon
10. Explain Breytton Cycle on Board.
11. 3.Tell me different type of Bearing and their uses.
12. 4.where had you done your Summer training ? And what did you learn there?
13. 5. At last they asked basic Questions Related to Turbines only because I have done
my Summer Training in BHEL Haridwar.

1. why chemical(or respective branch) , why HPCL, strengths, weaknesses, hobbies,

extracurricular activities etc

 Why you want to join BPCL/IOCL/HPCL etc. What is your motivation?

 Why we should hire you ( this can be answered with the unique value addition you bring to the
 Few questions about your understanding of Oil & gas industry. How big is it, what is the
annual production capacity in India, how many refineries India has, why refineries are located in
coastal areas ?
 What is the refining capacity in the neighbourhood countries of india? Is there an business
opportunity for India in these countries?
1.  What is the impact of oil & gas industry on agriculture
2.  Types of crude oil, how much india import, from which country? What is
3.  What is the impact of war in gulf countries on the oil prices?
4.  What is the net oil import in india? how india can reduce its dependency on oil?


BPCL is more into profit making and customer satisfaction, in opposition with other psu being employee
centric. As far as I consulted my seniors in both OMCs, I found that BPCL works more like a private
company, focusing on result and it's brand image. Which will give me more opportunity to grow as a
employee and on personal level as well. Here markering strategies are more aggresive thats why it is
having highest market share in branded fuel sector and I believe the core values of company are the
reason behind it's success

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