Melly Mulia Rahmadani 08021181924083 Fmipa Fisika-A

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Nama : Melly Mulia Rahmadani

NIM : 08021181924083

Jurusan : FMIPA / Fisika A


1. In the United States, B.Water Treatment is generally the responsibility of municipal


2. Crop rotation D. Is one method of preserving soilfertility.

3. A. Canada adopted The dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.

4. C. There is Almost impossible to capture the beauty of teh aurora borealis in photographs.

5. Usually, political cartoons A. Appear on the editorial page of a newspaper.

6. A. Harvard University has Two major art museums, the foggand the sadler.

7. American director Margaret Webster, D. Become famous for her production of

Shakespearean plays.

8. C. There are two Gas tanks connected to welding equipment, one full of oxygen and the
other full of acetylene.

9. C. Philip Glass Is more interested in rhythm tahn in melody is apparent from his

10. Compressed air B. Provides the power to drive pneumatic tools.

11. A. The earth is constanty bombarded By cosmic rays.

12. B. The Three Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

13. A. it was jane byrne Who was elected the first woman mayor of chicago in 1979.

14. Every computer consists of a number of systems D. That work together.

15. On the moon, A. There is no air because the moon’s gravitational field is too weak to retain
an atmosphere.

16. The Glass Mountains of northwestern Oklahoma D. are covered with flecks of gypsum,
which shine in the sunlight.

17. In some cases B. it is difficult to decide if an organism is a plant or an animal.

18. The first American novelist to have a major impacton world literature D. was james
fenimore cooper

19. C. The first Important railroad tunnel in the United States was cut through the Hoosac
Mountains in Massachusetts.

20. Generally, C. The calofornia poppy grows in the valleys and foothills of the Pacific Coast

21. When bats are at rest A. They hang upside-down.

22. D. it was in1790 That the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to

23. Although not as important as they once were, C. railroads are still a major form of
transportation in North America.
24. The Loop, which is the commercial heart of Chicago, C. is inclosed within a rectangular

25. D. there are about twenty Amino acids that serve as the basic building blocks of all

Exercise 1

1. Cable cars are moved by cables D. that run underground and are powered by a stationary
2. The melting point is the temperature A. which a solid changes to a liquid.
3. There are six types of flamingos, all D. they have long legs, long necks, and beaks that curve
sharply downward.

Exercise 2

1. Most folk songs are ballads D. That have simple words and tell simple stories.
2. After its introduction in 1969, the float process C. become the world’s principal method of
manufacturing flat sheets of glass.
3. In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School, B. where ngineers were
4. Many sculptures consisted of a number of large wooden structures C. wich arranged in
complex patterns.
5. Steward E. White was a write A. whose novels describe the struggle for survival on the
American frontier.
6. Diamonds are often found in rock formations called pipes, B. Which resemble the throats of
extinct volcanoes.
7. William Samuel Johnson, C. who had helped write the Constitution, became the first
president of Columbia College in 1787.
8. Seals appear clumsy on the land, A. but they are able to move short distances faster than
most people can run.
9. The instrument panel of a light airplane has at least a dozen instruments C. which the pilot
must watch them
10. A keystone species is a spesies of plants or animal C. whose absence has a major effect on
an ecological system.
11. The size and shape of a nail depend primarily on the fuction D. For which is intended.
12. In geometry, a tangent is a straight line B. whose touching a curve at only one point
13. It was the ragtime pianist Scott Joplin A. wrote the “Maple Leaf Rag,” perhaps the best
known of all ragtime tunes.
14. There are over 2000 varieties of snakes, A. mostly they are harmless to humans.
15. Smokejumpers are A. Firefighters descend into remote areas by parachute to fight forest
16. Charlotte’s best known book C. is women and economics, which she urges women to
become financially independent.


1. Aerodynamics is the study of the forces A. acting on an object as it moves through the
2. B. plants grown For their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
3. B. Sponsored by the U.S state departement, jose limon’s dance troupe often toured abroad.
4. Elfreth’s Alley in Philadelphia is the oldest residential street in the US, with D. House
dating from 1728.
5. In 1821 the city of Indianapolis , Indiana, was laid out in a design A. Patterned after that of
Washington, D.C
6. C. A filter placed In front of a camera lens changes the color of the light that reaches the
7. The Massachusetts States House, B. Which was complated in 1798, was the most
distinguished building in the United States at the time.
8. Barbara McClintock D. is known for her discovery of the mobility of genetic elements.
9. The solitary scientist D. Making important discoveries by himself has in many instances
been replaced by a cooperative scientific team.
10. Geometry is the branch of mathematics C. concerned with the proporties of lines,
curves,shapes, and surfaces.
11. B. Receiving An average of 471 inches of rain a year, Mount Waialeale in Hawaii is the
wettest spot in the world.
12. Amber is a hard, yellowish-brown A. substance formed from the resin of pine trees that
lived millions of years ago.

1. The Democratic Party is older than the other major American politican party, B. the
republican party
2. C. Peer group relations, the Relations with friends and acquaintances, playa major role in
the social development of adolescents.
3. Joseph Henry, A. The first director of the Smithsonian Institute, was President Lincoln’s
advisor on scientific matters.
4. The Wassatch Range, A.which is a part of the Rocky Mountains extends from southeastern
Idaho into northern Utah.
5. B. the dancer Ruth St. Dennis turned to asian dances to find inspiration for her
6. The organs of taste are the D. taste buds, groups of cells which are mainly located on the
7. In 1878 Frederick Taylor invited a concept called scientific management, C. A method of
obtaining as much efficiency from workers and machines as possible.
8. A group of Shakers, C. member of a strict religious sect settled around Pleasant Hill,
Kentucky, in 1805
9. In physics, A. the term “plasma” refers to a gas which has a nearly equal number of
positively and negatively charged particles.
10. Norman Weiner, D. a mathematician and logician, had an important role in the
development of the computer.
11. Jerome Kern’s most famolis work is Showboat, C. the finest one most enduring musical
12. D. The great dismal swamp is A marshland that covers over 750 square miles in North
Carolina and Virginia.

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