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Ethylene gas and steam at 593.

15 K (320°C) and atmospheric pressure are fed to a

produces ethanol by the reaction:
C2H4 (g) + H2O(g) → C2H5OH(l)
The liquid ethanol exits the process at 298.15 K (25°C). What is the heat transfer a
Senyawa n A
Etilen 1 1.424
Air 1 3.47
T 298.15

To 593.15

R 8.314

Tou 0.502655

Senyawa ∆H298 Q = ∆HR + ∆H298

Reaktan Etilen 52510
Reaktan Air -241818
Produk Etanol -277690

∆H298 = Produk - Reaktan -88382

spheric pressure are fed to a reaction process as an equimolar mixture. The process

). What is the heat transfer associated with this overall process per mole of ethanol

B C D ∆A ∆B ∆C
1.44E-02 -4.39E-06 0 4.894 0.015843 -0.000004392
1.45E-03 0 1.21E+04

∆� = R ∫𝑇𝑜^𝑇(𝐴+𝐵𝑇+𝐶𝑇^2+𝐷𝑇^(−2) )𝑑𝑇

Q = ∆HR + ∆H298
Q -115652 Joule
-115.6521 kJoule


∆D ∆HR
12100 -27270.14

𝐷𝑇^(−2) )𝑑𝑇
A gas mixture of methane and steam at atmospheric pressure and 773
CH4 + H20 → CO + 3H2 and CO + H20 → C02 + H2
The product stream leaves the reactor at 1123.15 K (850°C). Its comp
yCO2 = 0.0275 , yCO = 0.1725 , yH2O = 0.1725 , yH2 = 0.6275
Determine the quantity of heat added to the reactor per mole of produ

Reaktan y A B C D
CH4 0.2 1.702 0.009081 -0.000002164 0
H2O 0.4 3.47 0.00145 0 12100

∆H298 ∆H298a ∆H298b y ∆H298 total

CH4 -74520 205813 164647 40030.535
H2O -241818
CO -110525 0.1725
CO2 -393509 0.0275
H2 0

produk y A B C D
CO2 0.0275 5.457 0.001045 0 -115700
CO 0.1725 3.376 0.000557 0 -3100
H2O 0.1725 3.47 0.00145 0 12100
H2 0.6275 3.249 0.000422 0 8300

Q 54880.59 J
ospheric pressure and 773.15 K (500°C) is fed to a reactor, where the following reactions

C02 + H2
3.15 K (850°C). Its composition (mole fractions) is:
.1725 , yH2 = 0.6275
reactor per mole of product gas.

CH4 + H20 → CO +
T To R ∆A ∆B ∆C ∆D ∆HR
CH4 + 2H20 → CO2
298.15 773.15 8.314 1.7284 0.002396 -4.33E-07 4840 -11454.92 �=∆�𝑅+ ∆�298 +∆
298.15 773.15 8.314
∆H298 total M:
B : 0.1725 0.1725
40030.535 S : 0.1725 0.1725

B : 0.0275 2(0.0275
S : 0.0275 0.055
CH4 = 0.1725 + 0.027
H20 = 0.1725 + 0.172
T To R ∆A ∆B ∆C ∆D ∆HP
1123.15 298.15 8.314 3.36975 0.00064 0 3579 26304.979
1123.15 298.15 8.314
1123.15 298.15 8.314
1123.15 298.15 8.314

HT  HR
 
 H298 
 HP

  298   298   T
HR    ni  CPi dT      ni CPi dT     
 i T R  i T R  i 298

  T   T 
HP    ni  CPi dT      ni CPi dT 
 i 298  P  i 298 P
CH4 + H20 → CO + 3H2 (a)
CH4 + 2H20 → CO2 + 4H2 (b)
�=∆�𝑅+ ∆�298 +∆��

CH4 + H20 → CO + 3H2

B : 0.1725 0.1725 0.1725 0.6275
S : 0.1725 0.1725 0.1725 0.6275

CH4 + 2H20 → CO2 + 4H2

B : 0.0275 2(0.0275) 0.0275 0.6275
S : 0.0275 0.055 0.0275 0.6275
CH4 = 0.1725 + 0.0275 = 0.2
H20 = 0.1725 + 0.1725 + 0.055 = 0.4

98  HP
298   T 
  ni CPi dT       ni CPi dT 
i T R  i 298 R

T 
  ni CPi dT 
i 298 P

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