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A Research Proposal

In partial fulfilment of the requirements

In Technical in Writing: Business

Submitted by:

Jose Firmo N. Venturado Jr.

John Mark A. Garcia

Kier S. Arquillo

Victor Merlin A. Telmoso

Jerlen V. Dioneo

Mary Ann P. Dimco



Background of the Study

As the internet is expanding, it becomes a popular marketing channel. Online shopping is

one of the commonly used mediums for convenient shopping. It is, in fact, a popular means of

shopping among the Internet community (Bourlakis et al., 2008). No matter clothes, electronics,

or pets, online shopping trend is becoming more popular with each passing day. Hundreds of

websites and applications are being created and deployed every year to cater this rising demand

of comfortable shopping trends.

Online shopping is becoming a suitable way to make all your purchases, whether you’re

at home in office, or in a different country. This is especially true for developed countries, where

every store has its website you can buy from. You can easily convey about the promotions like

cash on delivery and special discounts on online purchases. This trend to shop online with the

comfort of your own couch has recently been taken up in the Asian region as well, especially in

Pakistan and India. India seems to have adopted the trend much faster as compared to Pakistan.

They have multiple fashion, furniture and food websites, along with the commonly known

companies, such as Amazon and Ebay.

A rapid advancement of internet technology facilitates buyers to buy goods and services

from stores which offer online shopping and provide detailed information about data product on

internet (Jamil et al. 2017). We can’t deny the fact that shopping with the used of internet is now

part of the lifestyle. Since many people are online at the same moment looking at the internet for

products that would satisfy the people is an appropriate approach. The offers on the internet can
be easily compared; therefore a consumer can buy a product with the most favourable conditions

(price, quality, other discounts) tailored to individual needs. Several researchers have carried out

studies in their effort to examine the factors influencing consumer’s habits and experience to

make e-commerce purchases in online shopping.

Though people are unique from one another and they have different preferences and

standards towards the product being offered to them, the adoption of this trend has been easy.

Yet, the results of their online shopping experience and their habits still differ in some ways.

The “online shopping experience” has recently been considered in marketing literature

with the crossing of the fields of consumption experience, shopping experience, and online

experience. A potential positive impact to the e-retailer’s performance has been emphasized

(Michaud-Trévinal A., Picot-Coupey K., Stenger T. (2015). However, there is no consensus on

what the “online shopping experience’ (OSE) lived by the consumers is. It refers either to the

prior online experiences, measured by the frequency of use (Pentina, Amialchuk, and Taylor,

2011) or the purchase experience ‘OCE’ (Verhoef, 2009; Rose et al., 2012), or the internal state

of consumers (Mosteller, Donthub, and Eroglu, 2014). In recent article, Michaud-Trévinal and

Stenger (2014) define the online shopping experience with different perspective.

Furthermore, online shopper such as staffs, faculties, and students of Carlos Hilado State

College know the factors that affect online behaviour and habits. Shoppers’ behaviour is treated

as an applied discipline because some decisions significantly affects shoppers’ behaviour and

expected actions. Customer engages through online shopping in so many ways not only for

buying the products, but also to compare product structures, prices, warrantees and delivery

services based on Kuester, Sabine (2012).

The researchers use qualitative method to determine the underlying issues. The result of

this study will vary a lot depending on consumers’ personal characteristic, on their social

interactions, and on the situation and their beliefs towards this trend of e-marketing.

Statement of the Problem:

This paper aims to determine the online shopping habits and experiences among the

customers of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College.

Specifically it answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of students engaged in online shopping when grouped according to:

a.) Age

b.) Sex

c.) Educational Attainment

2. To what extent is the shopping habits of the participants in terms product delivery when

grouped as a whole and according to profile variables?

3. Is there significant difference in the extent of shopping habits of the participants when

grouped according to profile variables?

4. Is there significant difference in the extent of shopping experience of the participants

when grouped according to profile variables?

5. Is there significant relationship between shopping habits and shopping experiences?

Theoritical Framework of the Study

This study was anchored from different professional researchers based on their theories

and beliefs. According to Velarde (2012) states that behavioral intention is determined by three
factors which include subjective norm, attitude and perceived behavioral control where every

element has its own belief structures and attributes. In the pretext of shopping online, subjective

norm is about the internal or external influences that affect individual towards online shopping.

Attitude is the overall feelings by buyers on how good or not online shopping is towards them.

Perceived behavioral control is about the facilitating conditions that enable one to shop online

and the confidence levels of buyers in shopping online. A major advantage of this model is that it

studies behavior aspect of individual and their eventual behavior towards a certain technology.

Consumer behavior can be described as the study of individuals, groups, or organizations

and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of the products, services, experiences, or

ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

(Kuester, 2012; p. 110) Chinting (2010) stated that few school or educational studies have

simultaneously explored both internet marketing and organizational commitment, and of those

that have, only direct effects were examined. This study clarifies the relationship between school

organization’s internet marketing and teachers’ organizational commitment by examining the

mediating role of teachers’ job involvement and job satisfaction. Kanwalgurleen (2012)

discussed that different options in internet encouraged them to search and eventually purchase

online, because more than 100 million internet users in India. People those who are using

internet from 5 to 7 hours a day were found to be adopter of online shopping. Price

consciousness, convenience and variety, easy payment options and challenges of online shopping

are the factors found to be a significant in online shopping. Without rush traffic and vehicles one

can purchase a huge variety of product by spending minimum timing. Adrita Goswami

(2013) Studied “Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping with Special Reference to

Teenage Group of Jorhat Town” study concludes that online customers are satisfied. This
research explicitly indicates that online marketer should give more importance on price factor

and after sale factor. In this competition era all the online marketers should have to concentrate

on the customer’s satisfaction to retain the existing customers and have to offer new scheme day

by day to attract the new customers.

Ashish Pant (2014) concluded in his research article that a successful web store is not the

just a good looking website with the dynamic technical features but is also emphasis on building

the relationship with customers with making money. Firstly understanding the customer’s needs

and wants is very essential for building a relation with the customers keeping companies’

promises gives a customer a reason to come back and meeting the expectations gives them a

reason to stay. Costumer as a person will and needs according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of desires

of Abraham Maslow states that individuals have 5 basic desires, that they address so as of

priority. Physiological desires are initial, followed by safety and security, social happiness,

vanity and self-actualization.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The model identifies the antecedents of online shopping habits and experiences of

customers which covers the areas of education, information and communication material. The

independent variables which is the profile of the respondents such as their Age, Sex and

Educational attainment are factors that influence Carlos Hilado Memorial State College –

Fortune Town Campus, students, staff`s and faculty, education, information and their

communication material. The effects and relationship of the said three areas formulate the

Customer`s Online shopping habits and experiences. This Online shopping habits and

experiences among customer is significantly helpful for the students and staffs of the given

campus. And if there is significance differences in the extent of Online Shopping Habits and
Experiences of customers. A major implication for findings is that able to help give better

understanding to the online shopping in addressing the Online Shopping habits and experiences

of customers which significantly affect the online business success.

Customer’s Profile




Female Education, Information

Online Shopping Habits

Educational Attainment and Communication

and Experiences

College Level Materials

College Graduate

Master’s Degree

Doctorate Degree

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram

Significance of the Study

The study of online shopping habits and experiences among customers of Carlos Hilado

Memorial State College (CHMSC) will benefit the following:

Online Retailers. The result of this study will help online retailers and marketers to develop

strategies and techniques such as enhancing their promotional system in order to encourage

potential customers to purchase online. In the marketer’s perspective they will more understand

the attitudes of the consumers as well as the factors influencing consumers to make e-commerce


Customers. This study will help the consumer to be aware that e-commerce is becoming an

important trend in this modern information technology society. They will also know that asides

from risks there were a lot of advantages of shopping online as well.

Future Researchers. This study will be useful for a future researchers where current study could

serve as a reference and may provide some guides to those who would like to study about the

same topic.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on online shopping habits and experience among customers of

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) - Fortune Towne Campus. The study was

conducted in four months. The respondents will be composed of students, staff and faculty either

they are regular or part-time as long as they are into online shopping.

The researchers will be using self-made questionnaire to gather information from the

respondents after gathering information.

After gathering information, the researchers will evaluate the information and analyse the

result. The result should be interpreted with caution, particularly with the respect to the

generalization of the research findings of online shopping customers of Carlos Hilado Memorial

State College (CHMSC) as a whole. The sample size of the study cannot be generalized and

applied for general public since opinions are dynamic; hence, the results of the study based on

the opinions are likely to differ. The result also depends upon the integrity of respondents in

giving true and fair opinion and their level of knowledge in the subject under study. Both sample

error and non-sampling error may exist in the study and also biasness among the responses

cannot be ignored. As online shopping depends on World Wide Web which has a global reach,

hence a multi -cultural, cross cultural research need to be undertaken to correctly understand the

online shopping attitude. Empirical research could also be carried out to find out similarities and

differences of online shoppers of different countries and compare between the perception, habits

and experiences of the shoppers.

Definition of the Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for clear understanding

of their meaning as used in the study.

Habits. Habits is the repetition of purchases and there's a higher probability of returning

back among consumers to the same goods or services (Limbu et al. 2012).

In this study, habits is a settled tendency or usual manner of behaviour.

Experiences. A test, an attempt, and refers to experimentation, that is to say the

knowledge based upon sense experience as opposed to a pure and prior knowledge. It is enable

by an individual learning process. It is part of the individual subjective insight experience.

Experience differs from behaviour, which is avisible part of experience (what is seen from the

outside) and differs from the situation itself (Bruner, 1986; Arnould and Thomson, 2005).

Customers. Customers is an ordinary human being who happened to engage in activities

related to purchase of products or services (Azjen, 2014).

In this study, customers are persons who purchased commodities online.

Online Shopping. Online shopping is a type of e-commerce which enables clients to

directly acquire products or services by any retailer through internet using websites (Bourkahs et

al. 2008).

In this study, online shopping is the action or activity of purchasing goods and services

from websites.


A large number of existing studies in the broader literature have been examined and

investigated that contributed to several well documented results about online shopping habits and

experiences of consumers especially to students. The results of previous studies from different

researchers have presented various factors that affect consumers' habits towards online shopping

which played a big role to their experience.

Online shopping indicates electronic commerce to buy products or services directly from

the seller through the internet. A Susan Rose, Neil Hair and Moira Clark (2011) identified online

purchase in particular continues to rise, as adoption and penetration levels of Internet technology

continuously increase. At same time, technology has enhanced the capacity of online companies

to collect, store, maintains, transfer and analyze vast amount of data from about the consumer

who visit their web sites.

K.Vaitheesewaran (2013) examined the convenience of online shopping “With product

getting standardized, specifications getting fixed and the concept of service getting eroded, the

post-sale responsibility of the retailer has come down drastically. Hence customers go to stores

to explore the product physically detail but by online at a cheaper rate. Heavy discounts of e-

commerce firms are possible because of their no warehouse model.”

On Online Shopping Habits

Day-by-day taste, preference and choices are varying regarding different factors such as

the Internet emergence. However, this development needs some more understanding related to
the consumer’s behavior. Consumer behavior research identifies a general model of buying

behavior that depicts the processes used by consumers in making a purchase decision

(Vrender, 2016Vrender. (2016).

Consumer attitudes toward online shopping usually been determined by two factors; one

is trust, and another is perceived benefits (Hoque, Ali, & Mahfuz, 2015). Therefore, trust and

perceived benefits seem to be the critical conjectures of consumer behavior toward online

shopping (Al-Debei, Akroush, & Ashouri, 2015; Hajli, 2014). Moreover, information quality,

merchandise attribute, website design, transaction capability, payment, security/privacy,

delivery, self-consciousness, state of mind, the consumer’s time sense and customer service are

strongly predictive of online shopping satisfaction (Katawetawaraks, C., & Wang, C. L. (2011)

Mudambi, S. M., & Schuff, D. (2010)).

The information quality and purchase quality linked with the post-purchase quality are

statistically significant in the case of customer satisfaction (Vegiayan, Ming, &

Harun, 2013Vegiayan, K. D., Ming, C. W., & Harun, M. L. O. (2013). However, brand image

and quality of products, goodwill of country of origin also influence significantly on purchase

intention of online products (Haque et al., 2015). Moreover, online data extraction about the

products, services along with the historical data for individual customers is ingredient element to

choose an online store or make re-purchase decision (Liao, Chu, Chen, & Chang, 2012).

In order to provide a clearer understanding, according to Huseynov and Yıldırım 2014

(Huseynov, F., & Yıldırım, S. Ö. (2014), online shopping has unique characteristics. They

emphasized that the lack of physical interaction tends to be the critical impediment in online

retail sales followed by the privacy of individual information and security of financial

transactions over the Internet. Demangeot, C., & Broderick, A. J. (2010) also revealed that
perceived ease of use does not affect the behavioral pattern in this case rather influenced by

security and privacy issues. No relationship is built between the customer and the online shop in

the presence of perceived online risk even if a customer spent hours on the Internet (Zuroni &

Goh, 2012Zuroni, M. J., & Goh, H. L. (2012).

As stated in Hsu and Bayarsaikhan (2012), the auther focused on the consumers’

behavior/habit in an online setting and were interested in looking into 1) consumer

innovativeness, 2) perceived benefit, and perceived risk.

First, consumer innovativeness refers to providing the consumer an opportunity to know

more about the product. Second, perceived benefit refers to shopping convenience the pleasure

one expects to get from the product, more opportunity for product selection, and the ease/comfort

of shopping. The convenience in shopping online and the user-friendly features of an online

selling platform served to increase an individual’s intention to buy (Hsu & Bayarsaikhan 2012).

In line with this, the availability of the item’s information, quality, and wide variety of options

are what make the consumer’s online shopping experience convenient (Santana & Loureiro,

2010). Third, perceived risk refers to the undesirable consequence and uncertainty involved in

purchasing (Amin & Mahasan, 2014).

As mentioned on the previous studies, consumer characteristics and habits mostly focus

on trust, perceived risk, attitude towards online purchasing, subjective norms, perceived self-

efficacy, personal innovativeness, and satisfaction from online purchasing. Trust is one of the

most important dimensions in the majority of the studies. Consumers’ trust in vendors or

websites (i.e., consumers’ evaluations of websites or vendor trustworthiness) plays a crucial role

in online shopping. Lack of trust has a negative impact on online purchase intentions.
On Online Shopping Experience

The online shopping experience and its impacts on online shopping (conversion and

repurchase) have attracted increasing attention in academic research (Pentina, Amialchuk, and

Taylor, 2011; Rose et al., 2012). However, there is no consensus on what the ‘online shopping

experience’ (OSE) lived by the consumers is. It refers either to the prior online experiences,

measured by the frequency of use (Pentina, Amialchuk; and Taylor 2011) or the purchase

experience ‘OCE’ (verhoef, 2009; Rose et al., 2012) or the internal state of consumers

(Mosteller, Donthub and Eroglu, 2014).

In recent article, Michaud-Trevinal and Stenger (2014) define the online shopping

experience with a different perspective. They consider that it is not the memory of past

experiences, but the actual experience lived by the consumers when they shop online. Moreover,

their definition covers all the aspects of online shopping as it refers to the search of information,

relation, browsing, and purchase.

The online shopping experience and its impacts on online shopping (conversion and

repurchase) have attracted increasing attention in academic research (Pentina, Amialchuk, and

Taylor, 2011; Rose et al., 2012). However, there is no consensus on what the ‘online shopping

experience’ (OSE) lived by the consumers is. It refers either to the prior online experiences,

measured by the frequency of use (Pentina, Amialchuk, and Taylor, 2011) or the purchase

experience ‘OCE’ (Verhoef, 2009; Rose et al., 2012), or the internal state of consumers

(Mosteller, Donthub, and Eroglu, 2014). In a recent article, Michaud-Trévinal and Stenger

(2014) define the online shopping experience with a different perspective. They consider that it

is not the memory of past experiences, but the actual experience lived by the consumers when

they shop online. Moreover, their definition covers all the aspects of online shopping as it refers
to the search of information, relation, browsing, and purchase. In doing so, this definition of OSE

also covers infra-ordinary experiences. However, this first conceptualization has not been

operationalized nor empirically tested through a quantitative process yet. Indeed, the literature

that emphasizes the importance for retailers to focus on experience often lacks both the

definitions of central concepts and empirical support (Bäckström and Johansson, 2006;

Bäckström, 2011).

The online shopping experience and its impacts on online shopping (conversion and

repurchase) have attracted increasing attention in academic research (Pentina, Amialchuk, and

Taylor, 2011; Rose et al., 2012). However, there is no consensus on what the ‘online shopping

experience’ (OSE) lived by the consumers is. It refers either to the prior online experiences,

measured by the frequency of use (Pentina, Amialchuk, and Taylor, 2011) or the purchase

experience ‘OCE’ (Verhoef, 2009; Rose et al., 2012), or the internal state of consumers

(Mosteller, Donthub, and Eroglu, 2014). In a recent article, Michaud-Trévinal and Stenger

(2014) define the online shopping experience with a different perspective. They consider that it

is not the memory of past experiences, but the actual experience lived by the consumers when

they shop online. Moreover, their definition covers all the aspects of online shopping as it refers

to the search of information, relation, browsing, and purchase. In doing so, this definition of OSE

also covers infra-ordinary experiences. However, this first conceptualization has not been

operationalized nor empirically tested through a quantitative process yet. Indeed, the literature

that emphasizes the importance for retailers to focus on experience often lacks both the

definitions of central concepts and empirical support (Bäckström and Johansson, 2006;

Bäckström, 2011). The online shopping experience and its impacts on online shopping
(conversion and repurchase) have attracted increasing attention in academic research (Pentina,

Amialchuk, and Taylor, 2011; Rose et al., 2012).

Below are the factors that contribute to online shopping habits and experiences:

On Fake Online Reviews

A collection of five-star ratings can do amazing things for online sellers. As a result,

some authors have confessed to posting fake reviews; see “Fake Reviews: Amazon’s Rotten

Core”. Others are now offering a refund to customers, in exchange for a write-up; see “For $2 a

Star, an Online Retailer Gets 5-Star Product Reviews”. Ways to Reduce Your Risk – Be

skeptical of reviews that lack detail, or are too positive. Social media sites like Facebook,

Twitter, and Yelp may provide a stronger, direct relationship to people’s opinions. Check the

source. Does it link to the reviewer’s profile and previous reviews, or a social media page that

shows the reviewer is real? Dina Rezvanipour, CEO of 3d Public Relations and Marketing says,

“I always recommend my clients focus on customer interactions on their facebook and twitter, it

helps reduce their risk of people assuming skeptical comments and build a relationship with their

customers.” Finally read reviews on multiple platforms (e.g. Amazon and

On Lack of Full Cost Disclosure

Additional fees like shipping may be hidden until late in the checkout process. For

example, I was recently stung by Consumer Reports’ price comparison engine after it suggested

that the best place for me to buy a laptop with free delivery was, which is

owned by Systemax. When I neared the end of the purchase process, the fine print said I’d have

to spend $49.99 on a year membership, to get the “free” shipping. What’s worse, I then learned it
would cost $189.99 more for Microsoft’s software. This meant the actual cost was 20% greater

than I was led to believe. Ways to Reduce Your Risk – Remember there is “no free lunch”, in

other words you’re going to pay for delivery one way or the other. Don’t expect software to

come with the computer. Finally, don’t use TigerDirect or ConsumerReports’ comparison


On Counterfeit Goods

Even Jeff Bezos‘Amazon is having difficulty keeping counterfeits off its site. We know

this because a California appellate court recently opined on Amazon’s efforts to police

counterfeit goods sold by its third-party merchants. The decision was noteworthy because

Amazon has been using a lower “Policing” standard than set by the court in Tiffany v. eBay.

Ways to Reduce Your Risk – If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Research the third-

party seller or website you are buying from. Don’t be afraid to ask lots and lots of questions.

Finally, trust your gut.

On Order Never Arrives

Each time I’ve shopped on or, my order has arrived on time.

Given the amount of business both companies do, I’m sure everyone won’t be as lucky. For

example, I found an Epinions review titled, “Packages get lost in mail or stolen in

warehouse”. I believe the likelihood of an order not arriving, increases when third party sellers

(e.g. Marketplace Retailers) become involved. Ways to Reduce Your Risk – Size matters. When

shopping, stick to Top 500 Internet Retailers.

On Identify Theft

According to The US Department of Justice, identity theft and fraud are terms used to

refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s

personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. For

example, if someone steals your debit card number, your entire checking account is exposed.

Within minutes, identity thieves can drain your account and set you back financially for years.

Ways To Reduce Your Risk - Just remember the word “SCAM”. Be (S)tingy about giving out

your personal information to others unless you have a reason to trust them, regardless of where

you are. (C)heck your financial information regularly and look for what should be there and what

shouldn’t. (A)sk periodically for a copy of your credit report. (M)aintain careful records of your

banking and financial accounts.

On Usefulness

Online shopping is fast gaining huge popularity, and this is all because of the endless

innovations taking place in the field of technology. The success of an online business is

dependent on some factors, and there is no single recipe to becoming a successful online

businessman. Convenience is one of the most important keywords associated with the benefits

fetched from online shopping. People who shop online do not need to go through the hassle of

visiting the stores in person. There is no wastage of time and money.

Online shopping is highly useful because it offers people the convenience of shopping for

their favorite trends without stepping out of their comfort zones. In the recent times, online

shopping has gained huge importance among people mainly because of the following factors:
At the online stores, there are innumerable options available for every product. This is

because different vendors are operating on the same shopping sites thus giving people the

flexibility of choosing items that best go with their budget.

Online shoppers are offered an abundance of different online portals where almost all the

goods and services on this planet can easily be bought.

Shoppers also get the flexibility of comparing prices from different retailers.

One of the best things about online shopping is that it gives people the option of shopping

any time of the day or the night. This is because the online shopping portals are available.

Majority of the online shopping portals deliver products within three working days and

most of the times without any shipping costs included.

On Conveniency

Conveniency is the most important benefits as anyone can buy things by just sitting at

home and spending some time with laptops and mobile phones. You can do shopping in minutes

at any time without standing in a long queue. Online shopping also provides great benefits for

ladies and old age people as it becomes easy for them to buy things without wasting energy.

On Wide range of varieties

Online shopping provides you an opportunity to purchase wide range of products of your

choices. You can shop various products with ease and comfort. Even you can shop products in

bulk from online wholesale supply store if you are running a restaurant or doing a retail business.
On Better prices

Online shopping offers better prices on the products as compared to the shopping we

normally do. It also provides great deals, coupons, and festive offers. Additionally, one can save

money on taxes.

On Easy comparisons of prices and products description

Researching and the comparisons of the products of your choice become easy. You can

compare the products that you have to buy with various e-commerce sites for its price range,

product description and customer reviews.

On Time and Money Saving

It takes a few minutes to shop the products online and it saves a lot of time visiting the

shop and searching for products, standing in a queue for amount payment etc. It also reduces the

cost of transportation and parking issue.

You can shop your products 365 days at any time. The availability of online shopping

gives the freedom to shop at your convenience and time.

The products that you order from online are delivered at your doorstep within 2 to 3 days

of ordering. There are also some options available in many of the online sites for urgent delivery.

On Scam or Risk

If you plan for shopping online there is some risk of getting cheated like credit card

scams, phishing, hacking and other scams too.

On Shipping Problems

If you are staying in the rural areas then the delivery of the product may take around 10 to

12 days. They may also sometimes charge extra amount as a delivery charge for the products or

sometimes the delivery option may be not available in the rural areas.

First of all, you will not be able to feel the product or material. If you are going for any

clothing purchase then there is a chance that there may be a color difference, difference in

clothing material as well as in the measurements. This could make you disappointed and create a

bad experience. But you are also provided with the return policy by some of the sites.

Customer Service

Whenever if you have any queries regarding the products or any other queries you may

not always get help from the customer service or reply on your instant chats.

If you don't have proper internet connectivity in your home, then the transaction may take

time or end up in failure.



This chapter talks about the research methodology adopted in eight separate sections. The

first section discusses the research design of the study for various methods used in conducting

and analyzing data. Second section comes with the locale of the study to whom the study is

intended for. Third section discusses the respondents of the study which focuses specifically to

all potential respondents. The next five sections include the research instrument for the medium

or instrument used by the researcher, validity of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, data

gathering procedure and last but not the least, data analysis procedure.

This study will uncover the online shopping habits and experience of students and

professors and/or faculties of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) – Fortune

Towne, Bacolod City.

Research Design

This study is a combination quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Quantitative

research is generally given to the study of the overall statistical results obtained and carried out,

which has characteristics of exploratory, diagnostic and predictive. The purpose of using this

method is not the pursuit of accurate conclusions, but simply to understand where the problem

located and to find out the situation, drawing the perceptions finally, and importantly the

information in this research method are shown in some kind figures (Saunders et al. 2012).

Qualitative research is a method, or an angle based on the social phenomenon or

something that has the properties and contradictory changes in the movement to study
things from the internal regulations, besides, the major approaches in this research to collect data

by depth interview, questionnaire, or inquire (Saunders et al. 2012).

This study adopts the descriptive-survey method of research. The purpose of this study is

to investigate the habits and the experiences of students, professors and/or faculties in Carlos

Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) situated at Fortune Towne in the Province of Negros

Occidental towards online shopping. The descriptive survey method, according to Saunders, et

al. (2003) defines method as one which looks with intense accuracy at the phenomena of the

moment and then describes precisely what the researcher sees. Descriptive research design is

concerned with describing characteristics of a problem.

As widely accepted, the descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study that

involves adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. Furthermore, descriptive research

describes a certain present condition. Relatively the method is appropriate to this study since it

aims to describe the repeated behavior (habits) and attitudes of potential customers in Carlos

Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) – Fortune Towne.

The technique that has been used under descriptive method is the survey method which is

commonly used to explore opinions according to respondents that can represent a whole

population. The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the researcher in

formulation of generalizations. The direct data type of survey is a reliable source of first-hand

information because the researcher directly interacts with the participants through answering

questions with the used of survey forms or questionnaires given by the researcher.

Qualitatively, the researcher prefers to use the purposive type of non-probability

sampling. According to the American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2006), the

purposive sampling technique, also called judgment sampling, is the deliberate choice of a
participant due to the qualities the participant possesses. It is a nonrandom technique that does

not need underlying theories or a set number of participants. Simply put, the researcher decides

what needs to be known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the

information by virtue of knowledge or experience. It is typically used in qualitative research to

identify and select the information-rich cases for the most proper utilization of available

resources. This involves identification and selection of individuals or groups of individuals that

are proficient and well-informed with a phenomenon of interest. In addition, the idea behind

purposive sampling is to concentrate on people with particular characteristics who will better be

able to assist with the relevant research.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted to students in all levels, and professors and/or faculties in the

different departments of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) – Fortune Towne.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the students and professors and/or faculties of

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) – Fortune Towne. The respondents will be

selected through purposive sampling. In this study, the researcher selected number of participants

comprising 100 students from all levels and 25 professors and/or faculties from the said school.

The distribution of respondents is depicted in the table presented below.

The respondents were visited personally in their rooms for students and in different

departments for professors/faculties to distribute, administer and collect the questionnaires. The
accomplished questionnaires and feedback gathered and collected will be the basis in completing

the study.

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents from Carlos Hilado Memorial State

College (CHMSC) situated – Fortune Towne Brgy. Estefania in Bacolod City in the Province of

Negros Occidental.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents from CHMSC

Respondents Number of Respondents


 First Year 25

 Second Year 25

 Third Year 25

 Fourth Year 25

Professors and/or Faculties 25


Research Instrument

A self-structured questionnaire is used in this research in order to meet the requirements

of the research and to cover the diversity of the research problems.

The questionnaire consists of three main parts, first part is the demographic survey.

Second part of the questionnaire will cover the habits of students and professors and/or faculties

in online shopping. Third part will focus on the students and professor and/or faculties

experiences in online shopping. The researcher decided to use the English language in

developing the questionnaire instead of Tagalog and dialect language.

Validity of the Instrument

The questionnaire will be subjected to content validation by experts on the field of

research, academe, and business and management to look at the content and format of the

questionnaire and judge whether or not they are appropriate. Valuable comments and suggestions

will be taken and applied to develop the questionnaire, in addition, the criteria set by Good and

Scates (1954) cited in Gregorio (2008) was used in validating tool to establish the capacity of the

questionnaire to measure what it intends to measure as this was used for the research study.

Reliability of the Instrument

Reliability is the extent to which a measurement gives results that are consistent. A

measure is said to have high reliability, if it produces similar results under constant conditions.

Scores that is highly reliable, accurate, reproducible and consistent from one testing occasion to


To establish the reliability of the research instrument with the permission from the

students and faculties, a pilot testing was conducted in the Carlos Hilado Memorial State

College. After the survey was conducted, the responses were listed and compiled.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used the survey questionnaire to ask the online shoppers professionals on

their perception on online shopping. They also conducted a one-on-one interview with the

shoppers and gathered deeper insights on the subject matter.

The permission from the faculties and students of the Carlos Hilado Memorial State

College of Fortune Towne Bacolod City will be secured and the researchers conducted to the 85

respondents of the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College to determine the habits about the

online shopping. The researchers will be giving brief instructions on how to answer and what to

fill out in the survey-questionnaire. There were enough copies of questionnaires that were

reproduced and distributed to the participants. The researchers will personally be administering

the questionnaires and requesting the participants to answer the 15 items in the survey-


Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered, collected, tabulated, and interpreted using the tabular matrix for the

analysis. The study used in the processing of the data gathered which then examined, interpreted

and presented according to the specific problems in the study.

In problem number 1 is to identify the profile of the respondents according to selected

variables age, sex, civil status, length of service, employment status, and total monthly income.
Mean Score Interpretation

3.41-4.00 Strongly Disagree

2.41-3.20 Much Disagree

1.41-2.40 Agree

0-1.41 Much Agree



Age: ______

Sex: ⃝ Male ⃝ Female

Educational Attainment:

⃝ College Level

⃝ College Graduate

⃝ Master’s Degree

⃝ Doctorate Degree

Instructions: Check the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scaling below as your


5 – Always 4 – Often 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rarely 1 – Never

A. Online Buying Habits of Customers 1 2 3 4 5

1. I utilize smart phone and mobile apps for online shopping.

2. I use social media for direct purchases.

3. I shop more every payday.

4. I shop during sale season.

5. I am encouraged to buy online if given coupons and rebates.

6. I shop anytime of the day in the internet.

7. I have sufficient information about the product on the site.

8. I will purchase only if there is provision of home delivery.

9. I have broad selection of goods available on the internet.

10. I prefer online shopping only if online prices are lower than actual

Instructions: Check the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scaling below as your


5 – Everytime 4 – Almost Everytime 3 – Occasionally

2 – Almost Never 1 – Never

B. Customer Experiences in Online Shopping 1 2 3 4 5

1. I am satisfied with the product I bought online.

2. I receive the product ordered online on time.

3. I am happy with the quality of product and services.

4. My queries were attended right away.

5. The description of the product I seen on the website are very accurate.

6. It is difficult to return product/item back to online retailer.

7. I lose privacy when I shop online.

8. I have experienced identity theft.

9. I am not satisfied with the product I bought online.

10. I am not offered enough payment options.

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