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“Love & Gold”

Arlie Russell Hochschild

In the work of Arlie Russell Hochschild, “Love & Gold” it tells the story of a woman named Vicky
Diaz, a 34 yrs old mother of 5 children who migrated in the United States to work as a house keeper. Before
she migrated in the US she was a college-educated teacher and travel agent in the Philippines. She chose to
work abroad even she will be apart from her children because the salary of the job in the US will be much
sufficient for her family.

The story was not only about the life of Vicky in being an OFW. This article shows the life of
women’s problem when they are migrating to other countries to work for their family. It also show that
people from third world country chose to move to first world country to work even the job is not that good
like the job they get in their country. For example like Vicky, she has a good job back then when she was
in the Philippines being a teacher and travel agent but she decided to migrate in US to work as a house
keeper. There is a huge different between the job and there is also a huge different in the salary. Working
as a house keeper in US has a big gap in the salary of working as a teacher and travel agent, being a house
keeper earn a lot than teacher and travel agent.

Through reading the article I felt awful and at the same time amazed. I felt awful because of the
situation of the people that are migrating to other countries and they will be separated from their family and
love ones. I am also amazed to them since they are willing to sacrifice anything just to provide and help
their family. And I am also sad about the effects globalization and global capitalism. The rich people from
the country become richer but the poor people remains the same. The globalization is not a bad thing at all
it also bring good effects. In the article it showed that globalization also has a part in the economic growth
of a country. But only the rich country or people are the one’s that only benefit from it.

Keiah Adrielle N. Reyes Gender & Society

BSBA FM 1-2 Sir Donn

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