Teaching Philosophy 1

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Sarissa Bryant 

November 18, 2019 

Teaching Philosophy 

Growing up in Virginia Beach, I have always been lucky enough to have nice 

schools with amazing teachers and staff. It is a privilege that many of the students in 

the area don’t realize we have and take it for granted. About a year ago I gained 

interest in the teaching field because I was exposed to information on the conditions 

of schools in rough neighborhoods. Students in these areas are faced with poverty, 

violence, and inadequate school funding, which leads to drop outs and low student 

performance. The turnover for teachers in rough neighborhoods is high, which affects 

students greatly. A classroom will only be successful if the teacher is passionate and 

driven about the success of their students. 

I want to become a teacher because I love working with kids, and especially 

want to help students who are in the rougher areas. From my personal experience as a 

student I have learned best in classrooms where it is clear that my teacher truly cares 

about not only the material, but each individual in the class. An example of how a 

teacher has affected me greatly is my junior year history teach, Ms. Bachman. 

Throughout highschool, I have always had a tough time in history class. Last year, 

however, I was able to maintain an A average for the entire year. This was solely 

because my teacher worked closely with me to help make sure I understood 

everything. Ms. Bachman would always allow students to come to her for help 
whenever they needed and would even make separate reviews for anyone who needed 

extra material. If it wasn’t for her being so caring for her students, I wouldn’t have had 

the motivation I did. This experience relates greatly to my passion for teaching in 

rougher neighborhoods, because students in these areas are the ones who need 

guidance the most. They are used to teachers coming in and out, so this makes 

building relationships more difficult. I want to be part of the change and get students 

the help that they need when it comes to school. Students in these types of areas most 

likely have to face issues at home or within their neighborhoods, and I want them to be 

able to have someone they can trust and count on. By forming relationships with 

students the classroom becomes more effective. Students are more likely to complete 

their assignments and perform well when they like their teachers.  

Becoming a teacher is something that has been important to me for a while 

now. The type of area that I want to teach in is where a good teacher is needed most.. I 

want to be able to help kids who think giving up is easier than pushing through, and 

get them on the right path. A student can’t be successful without a teacher who loves 

what they are doing and care tremendously about each and everyone of their students.  

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