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Class: A1
(Solutions Elementary, 2nd edition)
Test time: 60 minutes
Test total: 100 pts
Full name Supervisor Examniner



1 Complete the sentences with the words below. (4pts)

is are any a aren’t isn’t
1 There _______ five English teachers at our school.
2 _______ there a computer in your classroom?
3 There _______ a DVD player in Room 2. Use Room 5.
4 There _______ any students in the canteen.

2 Write questions for the underlined answers. (4pts)

1 I’m reading a fashion magazine. _____________________________________________
2 He’s arriving at 9.30. _____________________________________________
3 Barbara’s wearing a new skirt! _____________________________________________
4 I’m smiling because I’m happy! _____________________________________________

3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of have to. (4 pts)
1 I _______ do homework every day, only on Mondays and Tuesdays.
2 We _______ train for three hours at swimming lessons every Saturday. It’s very hard.
3 My brother _______ come home before 11 p.m., but I do!
4 When they’re seventeen, English students only _______ study four subjects. They’re lucky!

4 Write questions with have to. (3pts)

1 When / he / start work? _______________________________
2 What / your sister / study / at school? _______________________________
3 Why / we / leave now? _______________________________

5 Choose the correct verb forms. (5pts)

1 Tom doesn't go out / isn't going out tonight because he has to study.
2 I can't answer the phone! I have / I'm having a shower!
3 Always check for cars before you cross / are crossing the road.
4 Sorry, he can't talk to you now. He drives / He's driving the car.
5 He likes food, but he never cooks / he's never cooking!


1. Complete the sentences with the school subjects below. (6pts)

ICT biology geography economics chemistry history DT
1 We study the life of plants and animals in __________.
2 __________is the study of kings, queens, wars and empires.
3 We make plans and projects using a computer in _____________.
4 We study ______________ in the science lab.
5 _____________is the study of computers and the Internet.
6 We learn about countries, climate and maps in ___________.

2. Complete the sentences. Write the adjectives in brackets correctly. (3pts)

1 Look at the bride in her wedding dress! She's ___________! (fitluueab)
2 There are lots of things to see and do there. It's an ____________ place! (maziagn)
3 Fancy dress parties? I love them! They're really _________! (nuf)

3. Complete the sentences with the words below. (7pts)

bride ceremony costumes graveyard groom guests venue
Gothic Wedding is a new film from Denmark about a wedding. The 1__________ for the wedding
2_____________ is an old 3____________ in a small village. The 4___________ all wear scary
5_____________ and the 6____________ and 7 __________ look like ghosts. And that's only the

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. (4pts)

bored keen interested good angry proud
1 Sorry, I'm not really __________ in dance classes!
2 Fiona is very ________ at languages!
3 Our school football team is very ________ of winning the championship.
4 Are you ___________on painting?


1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. (5pts)

1 ‘Are there _________ desks in the library?’ ‘Yes, there are _________ near the door.’
2 My sister _________ to wear a school _________ at her school, but I can wear jeans at my school.
3 In our school, the head teacher’s _________ is in front _________ the boy’s toilets!
4 ‘Excuse me. Where’s the science _________?’ ‘It’s next to the music _________.’
5 There isn’t a playing _________ at our school, so we _________ to do all our P.E. lessons in the gym!
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (5pts)
1 Our school _________ (PLAN) a _________ (LEAVE) party for our English teacher this Friday.
2 I _________ (WEAR) a large hat because it’s very bright and I _________ (NOT / HAVE) any sunglasses
with me today.
3 I’m _________ (CONFUSE) – I _________ (NOT / UNDERSTAND) your message. Are we meeting at 9
o’clock in the morning, or 9 o’clock at night?
4 My cousin’s hair is straight, but she _________ (WANT) to have _________ (CURL) hair.
5 I _________ (INVITE) all my best friends to my _________ (ENGAGE) party in July.

3. Read the text.

Dear cousins,

I'm here in England on a three-month exchange visit. It doesn't snow much in winter, so I don't have to wear
lots of clothes like at home. The school is always quite warm because there's central heating. There are three
floors, so I often get lost and have to ask for directions! DT is on the ground floor, for example, but biology is
on the top floor – that's a lot of stairs! One good thing is that the doors on each floor have a different colour,
so it's easy to remember: blue, red and green.

The school subjects here aren't the same as at home. In history classes, we learn about English history, not
European history, so I'm not very keen on that. We don't have to do economics this month because the
teacher's sick (I can't stand economics!). But the science labs are brilliant! We can do lots of experiments, and
the teachers are fun.

Life outside the school is a big change! I have to be careful in the streets because cars all drive on the left.
There's a good bus service between the town and the school, so I don't have to walk much. And the family I'm
living with are very friendly. They have a son and a daughter about the same age as me, so we sometimes go
out together.

But there's still a lot that I don't understand! I have to do a lot of homework, so I don't watch much TV. And
the food – what can I say about the food? They eat everything out of cans and packets, so I really miss my
Mum's cooking!

Write back soon!


Choose the correct answers. (5pts)

1 Guido says he often needs ____________.
A clothes B heating C directions
2 The different colours help him to remember the ____________.
A classrooms B floors C subjects
3 Guido likes the ____________ classes.
A economics B history C science
4 Guido's main problem outside the school is the ____________.
A buses B cars C family
5 Guido wants to ____________.
A finish his homework B eat his mum's food C watch more TV
4 Read the text.

December 29

Hello everyone! Here I am on a weekend trip to Prague – in the middle of winter. People are wearing their
best winter clothes. Lots of heavy jackets and coats for the men, and long skirts and boots for the women –
because it's not easy to walk in the snow in normal shoes! People in the park are doing exercises in tracksuits
and trainers, but with a sweatshirt on top!

February 7

Today's report is from a fancy dress party to celebrate Carnival here in the south of France. I notice that
nobody's wearing hats, maybe because it's quite warm. And I can't see many coats either. Lots of colourful
tops and comfortable, informal trousers like leggings and joggers – a few men are even wearing shorts!
Everyone's having a great time, dancing in the streets. And if you don't wear a hat, it can't fall off when you're

July 12

Hello again – now I'm in Berlin in July. Everybody seems to have a message on their T-shirts, and in all kinds
of different languages! Young people are wearing shorts, skirts, jeans and trainers – really casual clothes. But
it's easy to see the business people in their suits and ties and shiny shoes! They look so serious! Orange seems
like a popular colour this summer, especially with the women. Men seem to prefer greens and blues.

Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? (5pts)

1 Normal shoes are common in Prague in winter. ___
2 People are jogging in the streets at Carnival. ___
3 People with hats are dancing at Carnival. ___
4 Business people in Berlin always wear very smart clothes. ___
5 Men and women in Berlin aren't wearing the same colours. ___


1. Listen to the conversation. Are the sentences true or false? (10pts)

1 Wanda wants to study economics next year. ____
2 You can surf the Internet in the library. ____
3 Conor has an exam tomorrow morning. ____
4 Conor doesn't have a good English teacher. ____
5 Wanda studies all the same subjects as Conor. ____

2. Listen to the conversation at a party. Match the names with the descriptions. (10pts)
1 Molly ___
2 Fiona ___
3 Susan ___
4 Ewan ___
5 Billy ___
A is wearing a green dress.
B is wearing a pink T-shirt and a hat.
C goes to school with Cameron's sister.
D is wearing a yellow cardigan.
E puts photos on her website.


Write a letter (90–120 words) to welcome an exchange student to your home and your school. Give
information about:
 Your daily routine at home (times and activities).
 Class times, subjects and activities.
 Lunch time at school.
 Transport between home and school.

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