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October 11, 2019


Executive Director
Colegio De Sta Ana De Victorias



HRDSO Officer
Colegio De Sta Ana. De Victorias

Dear Atty. Sta. Ana


As part of Army Reservist in Negros Occidental based in 605th Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion (605th
RRIBn), 605th Community Defense Center (605th CDC), 6th Regional Community Defense Group
(6RCDG) as commission Officer in ranks. The PANAAD PARK AND STADIUM will be hosting a football
match for AFC CUP 2019 between PHILIPPINES and PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA on October 15, 2019.
We are hereby requested and obliged to render duty on that said activity as an EVENT SECURITY to
secure the peace and order for the whole duration of the match. As we know that our current
relationship situation with China conflicts because of disputed territorial matters, Our Headquarters and
the PNP are in RED ALERT for that said games as we were already known that there will be more Chinese
fans will be attending that said game event. And this is also part of our CIVIL MILITARY OPERATION
(CMO) for our mother unit.

In connection to this, I am humbly asking for your approval that I will be absent on TUESDAY and
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 and 16, 2019 because of that said activity. Because of my rank in the service, I
was assigned as Platoon Leader to all troops who will be involved in that said activity. And also the day
after the activity, we conducting debriefing on what happened during the whole said event.

Hoping for your positive response

Sincerely yours,

College staf

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