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By : Rizky Reviva Zadani (Blue Sunshine)

Many things in this world that can be discovered and owned. Even though people wanting gold
in this world, people can get it in various ways. But, sometimes there is one thing that is difficult
to be reached and owned..

That is feeling.

The feeling becomes a very important thing for every human being on earth. With feelings,
everything feels alive. Like a flower showered with water, like a tree that has roots, like a sky
with a spectrum of light, feeling is the most important part of life.

And Bianca is a person who easily falls in love.

It's been a year since her feeling for Orion grew in her heart. Although the feeling has been
revoked, the rest of the root still resides in his heart, giving many various kinds of feelings that
can drive her crazy for a moment.

Bianca really wants to pull out all the roots until there is nothing left ...

But in fact, she still could not decrease it at all.


The crowded atmosphere in room 305 can not be stopped with one click. People who were
thirsty for recognition say hundreds or even thousands of words. If those words can be arranged
sequentially, a series of many words that will be able to circle the earth.
Bianca becomes one of those people, but not for Orion. He just quietly looking down while he
read the lesson book without speaking in the slightest. Bian who accidentally sees him could
only glance and try not to be curious with Orion's business.

"He doesn't need me. Why I must be worry with him.. "

"Bi, do you realize?" Nada, Bianca’s classmate asked without permission.

"Realize? What kind of thing that I must realize?"

"Em.. It’s about.." Nada looks hesitant to say "Orion doesn't talk to you for a long time."

Bianca's mind seems to freeze. Why can her friend think about the same thing with her? She
means.. she never talked about this, never. Even to talk about the small activities that Orion did
for him, she doesn’t have any willingness.

Bianca begins to voice "Yes, just let it go. Maybe he has nothing to do with me. "

"But it feels strange, Bi.. he usually tries to have many talks with you. Now, he seems like a
stone." The stone seems right, Bianca thought. But the girl doesn’t want to go any further. She
remembers a quote that says “Just pass everything like running water, then your life will go on,
as usual.”

The class turns more crowded when the class leader informs that the lecturer cannot come to
class because of an important meeting. With huge emotions, all students in the class leave the
room. But..

They are trapped in their building because of heavy rain. As a result, they wait on the balcony of
the building on the 3rd floor while looking at the unbelievably heavy rain.
"The rain’s showering.." Bianca looked up while watching the raindrops falling on the balcony
wall. The rain’s splashes hit Bianca, but the girl let the splashes and make her clothes moist.

"You will guff if your clothes get wet."

Bianca turns her head. The look on her face changes instantly when he sees a man who is talking
to him and standing right beside him. The man's hand reaches out to feel the rain falling from the
cloudy sky above him. Bianca looks at the man's face and after that, she looks at his sturdy hand.

"I don’t protest.." Bianca replies "don't pretend to know."

"I don't pretend to know ..." The man is lowered his hand, then turn his hand to look at Bianca "I
only know how you don't respond to something clearly."

Bianca feels like an ant hiding behind a rock and the stone suddenly lost. There is shame that run
through Bianca's body, as he has no chance to reply anything from the man's words.

"Yes.. you're right.." Bianca slowly clenches his hands "I'm a random girl, not clever, or not as
beautiful as the girls in the class.."

"And it seems like you need to learn to look for good and right attention with other people. I
don't want to say you are stupid, but I just want to say that you don't understand, Orion Sakti
Wijaya. "

Tears well up in Bianca's eyes. She could not control himself. She really wants to punch the man
named Orion, but She knew that she couldn't punch a man in a public place.

"I've been good enough to understand your attitude all this time. And I'm already fed up with
everything you have. ” Bianca walk with annoying steps, and at that moment lightning appears
without permission. Very bright and surprising.
Bianca suddenly froze, unable to move, and her gaze trembled as her unstable heart. Bianca is a
girl who is afraid with lightning. When she sees the lightning, she seems to be a human who is
not useful in this world.

Everyone on the balcony has entered the building. Bianca feels that she is only there, full of fear
and helplessness. But..

A pair of hands reach out to guide Bianca to stay calm. The big hand helps her close his gaze to
fear, and the other hand is holding Bianca's weak shoulders to keep her calm.

"Don't force yourself to be a strong person.. if you still need help to survive in your fears."

Bianca could not hold back her tears. Sobs of the weak girl, Orion can hear it clearly without
sharpening his hearing. A lopsided smile carves on his handsome face, signaling that he has
achieved success. Bianca doesn’t know about it, ever.

Orion finally leads Bianca to walk entering the building. He holds Bianca's weak shoulders, who
are still shaking because of her crying.

"Bianca! Where are you? Are you still here? "The owner of that voice makes Bianca and Orion
surprised. Suddenly, Nada, the owner of that voice approaches them with worried faces" You are
crying.. did you just see the lightning?! "

Bianca doesn’t answer, she could only cry right now. Nada immediately hugs Bianca tightly.

"I’m afraid ..." Bian said it softly.

"Yes.. it's okay, Bi. It's me, there’s me.. " Nada looks at Orion spontaneously, which is much
higher than her, with a look that is difficult to interpret.

"Bi ..." Orion calls out to Bianca, but the girl is reluctant to turn her head.
"Sorry ... are you mad with me?"

Bianca doesn't answer at all. The man who apologized from her is busy staring at Bianca from
behind as if looking for a gap to be able to get an apology from the girl.

"I do not mean to make you mad.. Sorry for being strange to you.."

Bianca is stunning in his sobs. Orion's words are like the answer to her question so far.

"Bianca.. look at me.."

Orion's gentle voices bring Bianca to a willingness of wanting to see Orion. The girl turns around
and find Orion staring at her with a cute sad face which can make Orion want to smile at her.

"Don't cry.. I’m sorry about it. I couldn’t control my selfishness. You are able to have mad with

Bianca stuns. She stares into Orion's eyes until she is sure that she could pierce Orion's own
mind space. For Bianca, it's hard to believe in people whose feelings are still old-fashioned like
Orion. Bianca is standing between two minds, at the moment.

Orion who is sincerely apologizing

Or Orion who has another purpose for all of this. In general, Orion's brain is like an alien from
outer space and his range of thoughts is not like Bianca.

"I’m sorry, Bi.. really.."

Bianca doesn’t nod or shook his head, she just stares at Orion in full investigation and then kicks
Orion's thigh smoothly hard enough. Orion immediately grimaced in pain while he is holding his
aching thigh.

"It hurts, Bi!"

"I don’t care. It's none of my business. ” The short-haired girl quickly left the lobby of the
building and re-entered class 305. Nada, who still has responsibility for Bianca immediately
followed that girl to the classroom. They left Orion in a balcony which is rained, which made
Orion think that the girls in his class were actually stranger than aliens.

Orion sighed hard. He looked at room 305 while thinking about his feelings. What he has done,
what he has felt, and how his heart is right now. Orion's clever brain, in fact, can not
accommodate all the aspirations of his heart. Feeling so much to be accommodated by himself.

However, he could not give his overflowing feelings to Bianca. Is not because of his inability,
but.. he can’t, yet.

There is one thing that makes him still keep this feeling to Bianca. And because of that, he was
unstable with Bianca. The instability was also due to him who did not know what to do for
himself or Bianca.

"I'm sorry, Bi.. for everything.."


Disclaimer :

Actually, this is my first English short story that I have written. I was inspired with many things
when I wrote this short story. I inspired with my own love story when I was in the first semester
of my college. I think that moment can be the main problem in my short story. I also inspired
BTS’ song titled “The Truth Untold” because in the end of this story, Orion still doesn’t tell
about his ambiguous feeling to Bianca. That song also tells about a complicated feeling of
someone and he can’t tell it to his love. Then, I was inspired by Ms. Lesson in “The Skylight
Room” by O. Henry. She likes to named her chosen star and most of my characters was named
by stars’ names (Like Bianca and Orion). Even though this story isn’t entertain the readers, I’m
still happy with my own work. I hope you, who will read this story, can be satisfied. Thank you
and enjoy! 

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