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Frantisek Koran Jan Mosték é CLLRS TIRED MEDI! 22 \A winas & wa! PUBLICATIO: ee yer ee NEXT ISSUE IN RED LINE NOVEMBER 2000 WINGS & WHEELS PUBLICATIONS, is a registered Trade Mark. Ford Mutt in detail® © RAK, tt edition, Prague, October 2000 published by RAK- Frantisek Konan Contact addr 170 06, Prague e-mail: wwp.rak@l ISBN 80-96416-05-4 2 RAK, P.O.Box 35 Czech Republic ‘is publication woud nower have been completod without the help {IM stmt Tomatekot ete, Mr nen Ksky of Pelous and Mr Via Lohr ol near Surat Foe cover Ford Mt MISIA of owner Mr Visti Tométok of bree Foto Font Koen 200. Roar cover Ford Mul MISIA2 ot owner Mindi Kish of lout Proto Fone Kotan 200. Fat pope: Ford Mt MISIA2 ot ownor Mr Vlei Lando 201 neo Bumper ota Fon Kotan 2000 Reterence ond source mata Aaherrorhie Colour photos, unas otherwise stated, Tart © Jan Most 2000 Graph design and Leno © RAK, Frontik Kat, 2000 Prague, Gzuch Repubic Prase by FINDOR s.r0, Cesk) Tesin, Czach Repubic Fronitek Kota 2000 PrP. PUBLICATIONS. 2 was granted a development of jamous but agel Joop MB and M36Ai Unlike lis predecessors he new vel pled US Army’s OTAC (Ordnance Truck ‘Automotive Command) had integral Cchassis/body unit, alkwhe- fist prototype was ready one year later, the seco duction. 1! ahi t@ light alloy wheel discs Having developed the new vehicle designers to three principle issues in to consideration. Firstly he ody could be fabricater utilising less sophisicote« tecling. Second, the body should have high resistor fs as found in third worl Czech Republic, ont we re there is N displayed at Impe Musou Duxford, UK ‘countries. Tied, the vehicle ‘and maintenance cost should afford many court figs to have larger fleet of {@ proven vehicle design The first production con- tract was awarded to Ford In 1960 and vehicles issued fo the Miltary were desig ated MI5I, 1/4 ton, 4x4 us tilty: truck." In the years 1963/64 a modified vers on, designated the MIBIA1, was developed. tt rellected the Miltary requ rements 10 carry heavier weapons and other extra load ond featured a hee: viorduty rear suspension. Production starled in 1964 ‘and continued ill 1969 ‘and the vehicles were built simultaneously by Ford ond Willys (later AM General), The MISIAI was ‘also moditied as the reco: less rile louncher, inst ling the M79 rile’ mount ‘and provisions for moun. ting of 6 rounds of ammu- nition, designated MISIAIC, and an exten: ec-bodied version was u: lance, designated M718. IMI5IA2 shown on the bot tom picture belongs to Mr Jindfich Kinsky trom Pieloug, Czech Republic, MIBIA2 depicted above Is from the collection of Mr Viadimis Lehr from Zvolo, Czech Republic. ‘operators, ust iors But mostly 2 haiant men, having @ propens! ty for application mobile handling chara Would make a full 90 de mended. To overcome these troubles a redesign of the rear ‘was ordered. The I ‘Actrame suspension mitraiing the rear wheels were suspended inde- pendently of each other, but the wheels remained verical in all postions of frome, whereas on ered in and out accord handling liao ve the floxbiity ‘al suspension. This revised truck was designated the MISIA2. This new suspension appeared on all ost1969 vorsions of the vehicle with the recoiless rifle version b ing designoted M825 and the ambulance version designated MTIBA\. Several new safety feat fs were Intoduced with the MISIA2 Sori vehicles, such os a doop-dish steering wheel, a one piece windscreen with elect wi ers and windscreen washers er rear lights. The rigi the MISIAZIC, was ‘also tested, but test rsulls indice MISIAI, und tion, The botto the page 4 shows the vehicl Condition before restoration. The ‘onstruction of the body mono- {U9 is visible on the other bot tom pictures m151 41 5 The MUTT history begun in 1961. The vehicle was stan- dardised in 1960 and pro- ction of the MIST series ‘ceased in 1982, Although many of the MISI tosks were taken over by the HUMMER many MUTTs wo- fein the US millary service 98 late as 1997 whon U- SMC used MISIA2s during the operations in Albania. fo 100 counties have u sed the MISI in their milk BO ay ere sones orc Typical features of the M151 and MIS1A1 series are front mudguards with fla top part an the right front mudguard is not @ standar! feature. M151 a1 7 M151 A1 Interior Details m1s51 a1 hues 2ANd EngimewWetanls) ‘8 —_—— ee on ) M718 Ambulance Frontline The M716 1/4 ton trontine ambulance tuck wos designed to carry ambulatory or Iter patients. The body of the vehicle was extended for 1 Inches and widened by § inches to accom- modote up to thee lites. 22 m71s8 The ligand ral sup the layout ¢ {he rear body extension. Due to he f nsion the spare located on the Fight body i the jenyeon carter was m front wheel m different handling and driving ists and It was pe W any Lo ompletely by AM General. the is @ part of the um Duxford Ford Mutt M151 A2 The AZ was the final model form of the IMISI series trucks, t was manufactures in various periods by bo!h Ford and AM General since 1969, The main change of the new series was the total redesign of the rear suspension system. A trailing atm os- sembly with pivoting points located almost perpendicularly 10 the longitudinal vehic- [e's axis alowed the rear swinging wheels to move almost without change in camber. This modification improved stabil of the vohicle remarkably MISIA2s shown on this page belong to the Missouri National Guard and the pictures wore taken in 1992, Note the net installed in- stead of the side curtain, bot tom rohi pletur,etough being the miery patio. s not onginal MS2A2 fo ture, M151 A2 Interior Details M151 A2 rental tt The ins Picture ab M151 A2 Engine Details Pictures on this and the next pages show the MISIA2 ftled with the has but the same modification could be used on MISI(Al) as well. The body fab . of aluminium panel Is fitied with two doors having slicing windows. The hardtop enctosure is originally designed for exireme cold-weather operation under arctic conaltions, usually combined with the winterzation kt the part of which is also b M1151 AS Herctco M151 A2 Hardtop Q 8 8 3 2 & I ft q b 2 M151 A2 Hardtop Matt was design IMai6.Essontialy Drakes and th ston lights. to M416 A1 Trailer 1/4-ton Trailer OE M416 A1 Trailer W&W PUBLICATIONS ALREADY ISSUED veuow Safooatic aus resent History ‘irarate Pro nw tl FORD MUTE RED special m museum line publications issued in 1996- 2000 years.

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