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Effectiveness of Visual Feedback During

Isokinetic Exercise
Hong ). Kim, BScfPT), MSc '
john F. Kramer, BSc(PE), MA, P h D 2

hysiotherapeutic a p Although previous investigators have observed that knowledge of performance via visual
proaches often use sensory feedback tends to enhance performance during an isokinetic test, the time frame over which visual
information (eg., tactile, feedback remains advantageous is unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare knee
proprioceptive, visual, and extensor torques produced by visual feedback and no visual feedback groups on three occasions,
auditory inputs) in an ef- completed over a 2-week period, and at 4 weeks afier the third test. Healthy, sedentary subjects
fort to improve a patient's voluntary were each randomly assigned to either a visual feedback or a no visual feedback group IN = 10
muscular control (6,8-9,10,16,22,90, males and 10 females per group). Visual feedback consisted of viewing a computer monitor which
35,42). Augmented sensory feedback displayed the current and a target knee extension force. Torques produced by the visual feedback
has been found to facilitate motor group were consistently greater (p < 0.05) and more reliable than those produced by the no visual
unit activation during the skill acqui- feedback group. The effectiveness of visual feedback tended to decrease over the fist three
sition phase of motor learning while occasions, suggesting that visual feedback may not be as advantageous once a skill is well learned.
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inhibiting undesired motor behavior Further research needs to examine the contribution of visual feedback to motor learning as well as
(14,16,26). Isokinetic testing with vi- retention and transfer of motor skills during more complex functional tasks.
sual feedback tends to produce Key Words: knee extension, resistive exercise, visual feedback
higher torques than does testing with
' Physical Therapist, Scott Physiotherapy Clinic, Surey, British Columbia, Canada
no feedback (2,7,12,17,2l). While
conflicting results have been re-
' Director, School of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Elborn College, University of Western
Ontario. london. Ontario, Canada N6G 1Hl
ported at fast angular velocities, there
is general agreement that the positive
effects of visual feedback on torque feedback is advantageous on one oc- skill acquisition and neuromuscular
are more evident at slower velocities casion, does it remain equally advan- control (8). The extent to which
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1997.26:318-323.

(2,7,12,17,2l). This latter finding tageous on subsequent occasions? training with visual feedback leads to
may be attributable to the additional Testing protocols with visual longterm improvement in a skill and
time available for visual information feedback have included knee exten- is transferable to performance with-
processing and subsequent central sion and flexion cycles, using concen- out feedback is unclear. The perfor-
nervous system response at slower tric muscle actions (2,12,17), eccen- mance of a motor skill and it5 trans-
velocities (2,12,20). tric muscle actions (21), and ferability to similar skills can be
Available studies (2,7,12,17,2l) continuous concentriceccentric mus- assessed by using a similar skill after
have tended to use repeated mea- cle action cycles during knee exten- an intervening period of no expo-
sures designs, with each subject being sion (7). To the best of our knowl- sure. The question of transferability,
tested under both visual feedback edge, the effects of visual feedback or retainability of isokinetic move-
and no feedback conditions. As a re- during tests using isolated move- ment skills, has not been addressed
sult, learning or carryover effects ments and muscle actions have not in earlier studies.
from one condition to the other may been reported. Whether visual feed- The primary purpose of the
have confounded results, particularly back might differently affect isolated present study was to compare knee
if subjects had a preference for one or reciprocal movements (ie., knee extensor peak torques during visual
condition over the other. In addition, extension or knee flexion) and mus- feedback and no feedback conditions
investigations have typically used only cle actions (ie., concentric or eccen- on three test occasions completed
one test occasion (2,7,12,17), leaving tric) is unclear. over a 2-week period. The secondary
open the question of whether the Visual feedback, through infor- purpose was to compare the visual
effectiveness of visual feedback mation processing and additional feedback and no visual feedback
changes over time. That is, if visual sensory input, is thought to facilitate groups during a separate test com-

Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997 JOSPT

- - .--.". .-- --.. - R- E S E A R C H STUDY

No Visual Feedback Visual Feedback

Gender Variable
Males Age (years) 28.6 4.2 29.4 3.4
Height (m) 1.76 11.4 1.74 8.8
Mass (kg) 68.3 14.0 73.5 8.8
Females Age (years) 27.1 2.1 27.4 4.1
Height (m) 1.65 10.4 1.63 9.9
Mass (kg) 52.7 9.2 54.8 9.5

TABLE 1. Descriptive information tor subjects (N = 10 per cell) in the no visual i d b a c k and visual i d h a c k
groups (means and standard deviations). Ditutioa of Movement of Ught B a m .ad Kaec Ertndon

FIGURE 1. Force pattern during visual feedback-

eccentric muscle action. The target pattern remained
pleted without visual feedback after 4 one of two groups: 1) visual feedback
on the screen, while the subject attempted to keep the
weeks without exposure to isokinetic or 2) no visual feedback. All test.. current force pattern above the target pattern.
testing (retention test). were completed with subject.. seated
on a computerized dynamometer
METHODS (Kinetic Communicator 500H, Chat-
tecx Corporation, Hixson, TN), their Following verbal explanation of
Subjects back against a backrest oriented 8.5" the test procedure, the subjects prac-
above the horizontal and their hips ticed two submaximal efforts and
Forty young healthy subjects (20 at 85" of flexion. A seatbelt oriented then completed two maximal efforts
males and 20 females), ranging in diagonally over the pelvis secured it using the assigned feedback condi-
age from 21 to 32 years, gave in- to the test table during knee exten- tion and muscle action. No verbal
formed consent to testing (Table 1). sion efforts. Subject.. were allowed to feedback was provided during the
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They reported no known pathology grasp either the seatbelt or the test test. The highest of these two maxi-
that might affect performance, only table during testing (25). Their prefer- mal efforts was retained on the com-
occasional involvement in recre- ence was noted and they were required puter screen and provided the initial
to do the same throughout all testing. target force pattern for the visual
During practice and testing, the feedback group (Figure 1). The com-
computer monitor was placed directly puter screen displayed instantaneous
Facilitatory effects of in front of the subjects at eye level force in the form of a continuous
and about 1.8 m away. The monitor moving light beam (Figure 1). The
visual feedback may was rotated so that subjects in the visual feedback subjects were in-
be partially attributed visual feedback group viewed the structed that the objective during
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1997.26:318-323.

screen (28 X 21 cm), while subjects testing was to make the current or
to the '~sychological in the no visual feedback group real-time beam display, which moved
viewed the back of the monitor. across the computer screen from
carryover effect." Practice and testing were con- right to left during eccentric muscle
fined to the knee extensors, using actions or left to right during con-
isolated concentric and eccentric centric muscle actions, exceed their
ational activities, and no previous ex- muscle actions through the range previous "best" force pattern, which
perience using a computerized dyna- 85 to 5" of flexion, at an angular ve- remained on the monitor during that
mometer. All subjects had normal or locity of 45"/sec. Dynamometer acti- test. This skill was described verbally
corrected-to-normal vision with lenses vation or threshold force was set at and demonstrated by the tester man-
and reported right leg dominance midpoint. Each test occasion in- ually moving the dynamometer arm.
(the leg used to kick a ball). cluded a separate set of three repeti- Subjects initially practiced using s u b
tions of concentric and a separate set maximal efforts, during which they
Test Procedures of three repetitions of eccentric mus- were readily able to produce forces
cle actions. The subjects were given a which deflected the current beam
The subjects completed the first 15-second rest between repetitions display above and below the target
three tests within 2 weeks, with a and a 2-minute rest between muscle force pattern. The subjects in the no
minimum of 2 days between tests. action sets. The sequence of eccen- visual feedback group were instructed
Four weeks after the third test, they tric and concentric muscle actions to push (concentric) or resist (eccen-
were retested. On the first occasion, was randomly assigned for each s u b tric) as hard as possible throughout
subject. were randomly assigned to ject on each test occasion. the movement.

JOSFT V o l m e 26 Number 6 December 1997

RESEARCH STUDY .- -" >. - -. - -

No Visual Feedback (N = 20) V i i l Feedback (N = 20)

Test Muscle Action Musde Action
Concentric Eccentric Concentric Eccentric 280-

First occasion 0.74 0.82 0.84 0.94

Second occasion 0.81 0.88 0.92 0.98
Third occasion 0.91 0.95 0.96 0.97
Retention 0.76 0.86 0.91 0.96 2
TABLE 2. Within-occasion-bemn-repetition reliability coefficients on the first, the second, and the third Q
occasion, and the retention test. a
I- zoo-

Four weeks after the third test tween scores on the third occasion 1w -
occasion, the test procedure was and the retention test. Following a IW -
repeated, with the exception that vi- significant F ratio, a Newman-Keuls
sual feedback was not provided to test was used to compare selected 140 -
either group (retention test). All test- pairs of means. The 0.05 level was
ing was completed by the same tester, used to denote statistical significance 0 T
8 1 I

1 2 3
who used the same standardized in- throughout testing. OCCASlONS
structions that had been used with
FIGURE 2. Peak toques during visual feedback fVF)
the no visual feedback group during RESULTS and no visual feedback (NF) conditions. Data aver-
the initial three test occasions. aged over gender and repetitions (N = 20). 1 =
Within-Occasion-Between-Repetition Standard deviation.
Data Analysis Reliability
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All peak torques were corrected Between-repetition ICCs in- interactions (condition X occasion
for the effects of gravity on the limb creased on each of the initial three and occasion X muscle action), and
segment and resistance pad. Between- occasions, but decreased on the re- all four main effects were statistically
repetition reliability on each occasion tention test-more so for the no vi- significant (p < 0.05) on the
was determined using intraclass cor- sual feedback group than for the vi- ANOVA. Post hoc analysis of the con-
relation coefficients (ICC.,,) (4,36). sual feedback group (Table 2). The dition X occasion X muscle action
A five-way analysis of variance visual feedback group demonstrated interaction (averaged over gender
(ANOVA) (two visual feedback condi- higher ICCs than did the no visual and repetition) indicated that both
tions X two genders X two muscle feedback group, and the ICCs for eccentric and concentric peak
actions X three occasions X three eccentric muscle actions were higher torques for the no visual feedback
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1997.26:318-323.

repetitions) was used to test for statis- than those for concentric actions. condition, as well as concentric peak
tically significant differences over the torques for the visual feedback
three occasions (37). A second five- ANOVA for the Three Occasions group, were significantly higher on
way ANOVA (two visual feedback each successive occasion (p < 0.01;
conditions X two genders X two Table 3 presents peak torques for Figure 2). However, eccentric torques
muscle actions X two occasions X all tests. One of the three three-way for the visual feedback group stabi-
three repetitions) was used to test for interactions (condition X occasion X lized on the second occasion (first
statistically significant differences be- muscle action), two of the six two-way occasion < second occasion and first

No Visual Feedback ( N = 20) Viswl Feedback (N = 20)

Concentric Eccentric Concentric Eccentric
Male Female Male Female Male kmale Male Female
First occasion 191 14 143 17 240 10 188 22 230 15 173 17 288 12 239 19
Second occasion 204 12 156 16 253 14 200 23 251 10 195 15 303 12 255 21
Third occasion 226 11 178 12 268 13 214 21 263 11 206 14 302 13 254 20
Retention 196 16 142 18 256 26 196 24 240 31 186 31 296 28 249 22

TABLE 3. Means and standard deviations ior peak torques (Nm) on three occasions and the retention test. Scores averaged over the three repetitions on each test
(N = 10 subjects per celll.

320 Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997 JOSF'T


occasion < third occasion, P < 0.01; DISCUSSION the present study tended to be greater
but second occasion third occa-
In agreement with previous studies
than that for the no visual feedback
condition, suggesting greater consis
sion, p > 0.05). Torques produced by
the visual feedback group were signif- (2,12,17), the present study also found tency of performance with visual feed-
enhanced knee extension torques with back. While torques for the no visual
icantly greater than those for the no
visual feedback. Whereas previous stud- feedback condition increased on each
visual feedback group during the re-
ies reported torques produced using successive occasion, eccentric torques
spective concentric and eccentric
visual feedback to be >12% higher for the visual feedback condition stabi-
muscle actions on each occasion
than those produced without visual lized on the second occasion (Figure 2,
(p < 0.01). feedback, the present study observed Table 3). Stabilization or saturation of
On the condition X occasion visual feedback to produce torques torque output with visual feedback may
interaction, torques produced by the ranging from 19% (on the first and be attributed to enhancement of m e
visual feedback group stabilized on second occasions) to 14% (on the tor learning, which may be reflected in
the second occasion, while torques third occasion) higher than the no a number of ways,including facilitation
produced by the no visual feedback visual feedback condition. Although of motor unit recruitment and/or pe-
group were significantly higher on there was a tendency for the visual ripheral reflex support (3,13,27,28,31,
each occasion (p < 0.05). On the feedback group to be heavier than the 32,40). The present results suggest that
occasion X muscle action interaction, no visual feedback group, t tests (inde visual feedback has a facilitatory effect
torques produced during eccentric pendent and nondirectional) indicated on motor learning, enabling skilled
muscle actions stabilized on the sec- no significant differences between the movements to be learned more
ond occasion, while torques pro- two groups for males, females, or the quickly. However, the diminishing ef-
duced during concentric muscle ac- group as a whole (p > 0.05). Further- fectiveness of visual feedback over time
tions were significantly higher on more, the correlation between body suggests that visual feedback is only
each occasion (p < 0.05). mass and peak torques was only 0.27 necessary for learning and may be less
(Pearson product moment correlation; important for the performance of well-
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ANOVA for the Retention Test p > 0.05), indicating a low relationship learned tasks (18,19,26,33,34,38,45-
between body mass and torques for 47). Thus, patients in clinical settings
Two of the six two-way interac- these subjects. For these reasons, we may not benefit as much from visual
tions (condition X occasion and mus- attribute the diierence between feedback once the movement has been
cle action X occasion) and all four groups to the visual feedback. In the repeatedly practiced and is well
main effects were significant (P < present study, each subject participated learned.
0.05) on the ANOVA. For the condi- in only one condition, while in previ- These facilitatory effects of visual
tion X occa..ion interaction (aver- ous studies, the subjects completed feedback may be partially attributed to
aged over gender, muscle action, and both visual feedback and no feedback the "psychological carryover effectn of
conditions. In addition, subjects in the the visual feedback incentive system, as
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1997.26:318-323.

repetitions), peak torques for the no

present study tended to be sedentary described in classical conditioning t h e
visual feedback condition were signif-
(they exercised only sporadically and ory (39). Our findings also support the
icantly lower on the retention test
less than two times per week) and may concept of "apria' knowledge" (15),
than on the third occasion (P <
better reflect the activity backgrounds where performance is updated by kin-
0.01), whereas torques for the visual
of patients typically seen by physical esthetic and cutaneous information
feedback condition were similar (P > therapists. The present study also com- obtained earlier. In the present study,
0.05). For the muscle action X occa- pared the responses of males and fe- subjects receiving visual feedback may
sion interaction (averaged over gen- males and noted no significant differ- have better learned to use additional
der, condition, and repetitions), peak ences in responses to visual feedback. sensory inputs which guided the de-
torques during concentric muscle Previous studies have not exam- sired movement (knee extension) dur-
actions were significantly lower on ined between-repetition variation or ing retention testing when visual feed-
the retention test (p < 0.001), the effectiveness of visual feedback back was withdrawn. Thus, visual
whereas eccentric torques were simi- over subsequent test occasions. Al- feedback may be advantageous during
lar (p > 0.05). Torques produced though Kellis and Baltzopoulos (21) the early phase of learning (13,30,38,
using the visual feedback condition reported test-retest reliability for 13 of 42-44), where it serves to facilitate
were significantly greater than those 25 subjects for the no visual feedback neuromuscular control and to refine
produced using the no visual feed- test, they did not compare reliability motor skill.
back condition for both the condi- coefficients for the visual feedback and After 4 weeks without exposure
tion X occasion interaction and the no visual feedback conditions. Reliabil- to isokinetic exercise, the visual feed-
condition main effect (p < 0.01). ity for the visual feedback condition in back group demonstrated only

JOSFT Volume 26. Number 6 December 1997 32 1


slightly lower between-repetition reli- I ) motor recruitment efficiency, tent to which knee extension move-
ability coefficients and torques on the 2) passive parallel elasticity of muscle ment skill obtained using visual
retention test than on the third test spindles, and 3) advantages of cross- feedback is retained over time and is
occasion. In contrast, on the reten- bridge kinetics. Eccentric muscle ac- advantageous in functional tasks.
tion test, the no visual feedback tions utilize more efficient recruit-
group was characterized by signifi- ment strategies, such as selective fast- Clinical Implications
cantly lower between-repetition reli- twitch motor unit recruitment with a
ability and torques than on the third lower motor unit requirement (1.22, During isokinetic training/testing
test occasion. These results suggest 41). While spindle unloading occurs using visual feedback, knee extensor
greater variation and poorer retain- during concentric muscle actions, the peak torque tends to be enhanced
ability of the knee extension skill in stretched muscle spindle may provide compared to testing without visual
the no visual feedback group. We additional peripheral reflex support feedback for at least three test occa-
interpret these findings to suggest during eccentric muscle actions, en- sions completed within a 2-week pe-
that training with visual feedback abling faster modification of the de- riod. As a result, knee extensor
over the first three occasions pro- sired motor activity by producing re- torques determined with visual feed-
duced more effective learning, lead- flexive compensation (3,5,19,23,24, back should not be comparable with
ing to greater retention of the knee 46). Energy expenditure and those determined without visual feed-
extension skill. mechanical work change proportion- back. In addition, visual feedback
In agreement with Carlson et al ally in concentric actions; however, may be advantageous in learning a
(7), the present study found eccentric during eccentric muscle actions, net motor skill and as a strength training
muscle actions to be more responsive mechanical advantages can be achieved stimulus, especially during the initial
to visual feedback. In addition to with greater mechanical efficiency and phase of strength training. However,
torque saturation or stabilization on energy dissipation (12,23,24). When the effectiveness of visual feedback
the second occasion obsewed in the the muscle fibers are lengthened dur- decreases with exposure to the crite-
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present study (Figure 2), eccentric ing an eccentric muscle action, the rion task, particularly during eccen-
muscle actions also demonstrated actomyosin bonds might be disrupted tric muscle actions.
higher between-repetition reliability rather than undergo an ATPdepen-
coefficients, particularly in the visual dent detachment (12). These biome- CONCLUSIONS
feedback group (Table 2). Further- chanical advantages can be described
more, reliability coefficients and as the sarcomere "popping" theory, I ) The visual feedback condition
torques changed least between the which results from the unequal was characterized by higher between-
third test and the retention test during strength characteristics of various sar- repetition reliability than was the no
eccentric muscle actions performed by comeres during an active ballistic visual feedback condition, particularly
the visual feedback group. These re- lengthening (23,24,29).Since isoki- during eccentric muscle actions;
sults suggest that motor learning may netic torques combine sewocontrolled 2) torques during visual feedback
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1997.26:318-323.

occur more readily during eccentric and voluntary muscle contraction, en- tended to stabilize on the second occa-
muscle actions, resulting in higher hancement of eccentric torques with sion, in particular, eccentric torques;
torques and higher reliability. As a re- visual feedback may be attributable to 3) the effectiveness of visual feedback
sult, eccentric muscle actions per- improved motor unit recruitment decreased over time, particularly dur-
formed using visual feedback may be a and/or peripheral reflex support (27, ing eccentric muscle actions; and
preferred means to learn a motor skill. 28,30-32,34,40). 4) previous practice using visual feed-
This suggestion, however, requires fur- The present study was limited to back led to transfer of knee extension
ther study. two specific motor skills, concentric skills after 4 weeks without training,
In a recent review, Enoka (11) and eccentric knee extension, and wherea. previous practice with no vi-
concluded that eccentric muscle ac- tested a relatively slow angular veloc- sual feedback was characterized by rela-
tions were characterized by unique ity (45"/sec) to maximize the oppor- tively poor skill retention. JOSIT
motor unit activation strategies com- tunity for all subject. to interpret and
pared with isometric and concentric utilize the visual feedback informa-
muscle actions. In the present study, tion. Further research is required to REFERENCES
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JOSFT Volume 26 Number 6 December 1997

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2. Danny M. Pincivero, Rachael R. Polen, Brittany N. Byrd. 2019. Nonlinear Relationship Between Upper-Arm Volume and
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5. Danny M. Pincivero, Staci M. Thomas. 2018. The Effects of Knee Joint Angle and Contractor Intensity on Perceived Exertion.
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17. Michael Heuser, Danny Pincivero. 2010. The effects of stretching on knee flexor fatigue and perceived exertion. Journal of Sports
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18. ROBERT M. CAMPY, ALAN J. COELHO, DANNY M. PINCIVERO. 2009. EMG-Torque Relationship and Reliability of
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19. Tina L. Claiborne, Mark K. Timmons, Danny M. Pincivero. 2009. Test–retest reliability of cardinal plane isokinetic hip torque
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23. Mark K. Timmons, Staci M. Stevens, Danny M. Pincivero. 2009. The effect of arm abduction angle and contraction intensity
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29. Tina L. Claiborne, Charles W. Armstrong, Varsha Gandhi, Danny M. Pincivero. 2006. Relationship between Hip and Knee
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31. Lori Bolgla, Terry Malone. 2005. Exercise Prescription and Patellofemoral Pain: Evidence for Rehabilitation. Journal of Sport
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32. Danny M. Pincivero, Yuliya Salfetnikov, Robert M. Campy, Alan J. Coelho. 2004. Angle- and gender-specific quadriceps femoris
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35. Danny M. Pincivero, Paul T. Dixon, Alan J. Coelho. 2003. Knee extensor torque, work, and EMG during subjectively graded
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36. D.M. Pincivero, A.J. Coelho, R.M. Campy, Y. Salfetnikov, E. Suter. 2003. Knee extensor torque and quadriceps femoris EMG
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38. Danny M. Pincivero, Robert M. Campy, Yuliya Salfetnikov, Ashley Bright, Alan J. Coelho. 2001. Influence of contraction
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39. Danny M Pincivero, Richard C Green, Jason D Mark, Robert M Campy. 2000. Gender and muscle differences in EMG amplitude
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40. Danny M. Pincivero, Alan J. Coelho. 2000. Activation linearity and parallelism of the superficial quadriceps across the isometric
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