Practicum Journal

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Project and Indicators Reflection Hours Timeline

Utilized MSUM research database
to research scholarly sources on
onboarding and training processes
Advising and
Supporting/Leadership/ Collected Onboarding docs and
Onboarding Research and Assessment Organizational and processes from Ads and started to
12 April
Human Resources review. Compiled all docs into one
cohesive document and presented
to Directors team for feedback and
Researched articles on different
Organizational and styles of mission, vision and values
Staff Retreat - Mission/Vision/Values Human Resources
20 April-June
Created and Facilitated a workshop
disecting NDSU admission values
Sat in on CRM build meetings,
learned some of the skeleton of
how the build was going to happen
Campus Relations Management (CRM) build Technology and how it was going to be utilized 15 Ongoing
Tested and provided feedback of
the CRM and new admission
Created a mailing insert for
Law, Policy, and students with international credits
External Credit Evaluation Governance/Social to be transferred. Document laid
Justice and Inclusion out the services the students could
use and how to use them. 6 April/May
Took NDSU top competetor schools
and researched intent to enroll and
Assesement, Evaluation,
Commitment/Intent to Enroll Project Research
commitment processes. 15 June-Aug/Oct
Assesement, Evaluation,
Commitment/Intent to Enroll Project Research
15 June-Aug/Oct
Provided suggestions on how to
improve our campus process
Scored applications, particpated in
phone interviews, in-person
Search Committee interviews, evaluating candidates,
Organizational and and creating a search committee
Human Resources recommendation 15 Aug-Sep
Run a weekly data report and
import information into Access to
create a report. Evaluates
Application History Report applications, admits, GPA, ACT
scores, school attended, and
Technology majors. 15 October-Nov
Learned about the processes in a
daily visit, weekend visits, and two
major events we host on campus.
Campus Visits Values, Philosophy, and Talked about collaborations with
History/Student Union staff, academic
Learning and departments, Metro Systems, and
Development internal processes 2 October
Learned about the different
processes in the admission
committee when applicant does
not meet guidelines to be
admitted. Student's core (eng,
math, sci, social sci) GPA is
considered, sub-scores of ACT/SAT
test. Student's senior schedule
sometimes taken into account. If
the student has submitted
supporting documents such as
letters of recommendation,
personal statements, resume,
committee will review as well,
Law, Policy, and though supporting documents are
Admissions/Appeal Committee Governance/Social not required unless the student is 5 Sep/Nov
Justice and Inclusion appealing.

Met with Vice Provost of Student

Affairs and Enrollment
Management and discussed the
process of a student's appeal. This
is where supporting documents are
required to review. Personal
statements and letters of
recommendation. Updated grades
and test scores are also
encouraged during this time to be
evaluated on the most updated
academic progress/success.

Total 105

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