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Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

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A study of indoor thermal parameters for naturally ventilated occupied T

buildings in the warm-humid climate of southern India
Mona Doctor-Pingela,b,∗, Vishnu Vardhana,b, Sanyogita Manuc, Gail Bragerd, Rajan Rawalc
Studio Naqshbandi, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, 605111, India
Centre for Scientific Research, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, 605111, India
Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380009, India
Center for Environmental Design Research, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA


Keywords: The ever-increasing demand for built spaces to cater to the needs of the tropical population compels for the
Building monitoring adoption of sustainable building forms and passive design strategies. This research aims at studying the cases of
Warm and humid six naturally ventilated occupied buildings constructed in the tropical ‘warm and humid’ climate of Pondicherry
Passive design and Auroville, India. The buildings were subjected to long-term data logging and sporadic hand-held mea-
Natural ventilation
surements. Indoor parameters of air temperature (Ta), surface temperature (Ts), and relative humidity (RH)
Adaptive thermal comfort
across six living spaces, eight roof assemblies, and six passive design strategies were logged on an hourly basis
and analysed for the hottest and coldest months. In order to estimate the thermal comfort, Ta readings of the
most occupied zones were compared against ASHRAE-55 adaptive thermal comfort model and India Model for
Adaptive Comfort (IMAC) temperature limits. This research showed that the hourly averaged Ta and RH in the
six naturally ventilated spaces at the hottest summer hour (13:00) was between 31.0 and 33.2 °C and
56.0–69.0% while the outdoors were at 36.9 °C and 43.3% respectively. The hourly averaged rooftop and ceiling
Ts for the unshaded roofs at 14:00 h during peak summer was between 53.0-43.4 °C and 36.6–31.0 °C respec-
tively, while a shaded roof had a rooftop and ceiling Ts of 34.5 °C and 31.9 °C respectively. The passive design
strategies of exposed cavity walls, night ventilation, and optimised building forms were found to be the most
effective. The number of uncomfortable hours predicted by the ASHRAE model were found to be 93.4% higher
than those by IMAC.

1. Introduction agglomerations” like Mexico City, Mumbai, Kolkata, Rio de Janeiro,

Manila, Lagos, Guangzhou, Kinshasa, Shenzhen, Jakarta, and Lima [3].
With the ever-increasing adversity of climate change and global These facts are a clear indication that the population of these tropical
warming, the urban masses have been experiencing drastic climatic hotspots is growing rapidly and will eventually lead to far greater en-
events. The tropics are more susceptible to these changes as the ele- ergy consumption and footprint.
vating temperatures are prone to question their very liveability. The India is the seventh largest economy in the world but with a per
concern for tropics is graver as they house 40% of the world's popula- capita energy consumption of just 16.8% of the cumulative average of
tion with its inhabitants growing at the rate of 2.2% per year, in the world's top six economies as of 2014 [4]. However, the predicted
comparison to 1.4% growth for the rest of the world [1]. The updated growth rate is poised to improve the Indian economy and elevate the
Köppen-Geiger classification by Peel et al. classifies the landmass in energy consumption substantially in the coming decades. Studies pre-
Southeast Asia, Central and Western Africa, Northern Oceania, Tropical dict an annual increase of 4.9% in the total energy consumption and
South and Central America, and Coastal India under the ‘Aw – Tropical 3.2% in the energy consumption by buildings in India until the year
Savanna’ climate, with the minimum average monthly temperature of 2040, which is highest in comparison to any other country [5,6].
18 °C throughout the year and variable wet and dry months as per This paper presents new research to help aid the Indian and global
further sub-classifications [2]. Norris describes how 1 billion of the 1.5 demand for sustainable buildings by documenting thermal parameters
billion people living in these tropical regions occupy advanced “urban across six naturally ventilated buildings in order to – a. highlight the

Corresponding author. Studio Naqshbandi, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, 605111, India.
E-mail address: (M. Doctor-Pingel).
Received 13 November 2018; Received in revised form 19 January 2019; Accepted 21 January 2019
Available online 22 January 2019
0360-1323/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 1. Location of Pondicherry and Auroville on the Indian eastern coast [7].

prominence of passive design strategies in the warm-humid climate comparison to ASHRAE – 55 adaptive thermal comfort model [21].
zone, - b. provide data for prospective simulations and studies con- Multiple other studies including Indraganti et al., Toe et al., Khan et al.,
cerning buildings in the tropical climate, and – c. demonstrate the ap- and Beccali et al. drew the same conclusion [23,27–29].
plicability of India Model for Adaptive Comfort (IMAC). This research Sproul et al. found out that white roofs were significantly more
highlights the case of six buildings located in the warm-humid climatic efficient than green and black roofs in cooling the globe and re-
zone of the coastal south Indian union territory of Pondicherry and a mediating global warming [30]. Al-Obaidi et al. further elaborated on
nearby international township of Auroville in the state of Tamil Nadu, passive roofing methods in tropical Southeast Asia – they concluded
as shown in Fig. 1. The six buildings, as detailed in Table 1, were that a site-specific approach was the key when deciding between re-
subjected to component-level monitoring for a period of over a year to flective and radiative cooling options [31]. Rehman documented up to
yield air temperature (Ta), surface temperature (Ts), and relative hu- 25.3% reduction in the operating loads of a building with reflective
midity (RH) readings for selected indoor zones and passive design coatings in comparison to radiative roofs [32]. Roslan et al. found re-
features. flective roofs to be more efficient than radiative roofs for the warm-
humid climate [33]. The white reflective roofs under study in this re-
1.1. Buildings under study search consistently provided lower ceiling Ts and kept the indoors
cooler in comparison to the radiative roofs.
Table 1 shows the six naturally ventilated buildings chosen on the Omar et al. highlighted how the presence of a ventilated cavity (as
basis of the variety of function, passive design strategies, and feasibility used in case 1) could bring down the heat flux and consequent cooling
of monitoring. These buildings were chosen from over 20 shortlisted loads by 50% in comparison to a standard roof; additional insulation on
buildings, as they represented a unique case of passive design strategies the ceiling side would reduce the same to 85% [34]. This paper is an
and building form. Most importantly, the design intent of the architects extension to the study of Doctor-Pingel et al. – wherein, Ta/Ts for the
of these buildings was heavily focussed on climate responsiveness. This hottest day, in addition to seasonal damping across the roof assembly,
design intent was reflected in the spatial configuration and material has been presented for the building in case 1 [35]. This paper elaborates
selection across all these buildings. The photographs of the chosen the same study with a focus on the cavity wall, double ventilated roof,
buildings are shown in Fig. 2. Each of these buildings was studied for and adaptive thermal comfort of the building for the first time.
indoor Ta and RH in the most occupied living space, temperatures Da Rosa et al. and Chabannes et al. studied the usage of rice husk as
across passive design strategies (Fig. 3), and Ts across the roof assem- an insulating layer, as used in case 3 - the studies commented on the
blies (Fig. 4). applicability of rice husk as a natural binder and insulator [36,37]. The
vernacular ‘madras’ and terracotta roofing, as used in cases 2 and 4,
1.2. Previous studies were studied by Madhumathi et al. and Ramesh to find them adapted to
the warm-humid climate of south India with a low embodied energy
With the impending plight of climate change and an exponentially content and their ability to contribute to a Ta drop of 6–8 °C for living
increasing tropical population, the comfort of occupants in passively spaces [38,39]. However, the short duration of monitoring by Madhu-
designed buildings in the region has been of popular research interest mathi et al. cannot be deemed suitable to provide reliable readings on a
for the last 2 decades [14]. Most of the thermal comfort studies in the long-term basis. The roofing strategy of naturally ventilated domes and
warm-humid tropical zones followed the adaptive and PMV-PPD ap- vaults have been studied by Dabaieh et al. – they find ventilated domes
proach, as discussed by Dagigh and Yang et al. [15,16]. These studies to be more comfortable in comparison to ventilated vaults [40].
recorded the thermal sensation and lifestyle patterns (clothing, activity The impact of microclimate and landscape had been widely re-
levels, hours of operation, etc.) of the local occupants through surveys searched for the warm-humid climate in the Southeast Asian countries –
with simultaneous measurements of indoor and outdoor thermal para- Brown et al. and Yang et al. studied the effect of green spaces and
meters, followed by statistically defining the neutral temperature (Tn) various urban surfaces for the cities of Kuala Lumpur and Guangzhou
and acceptable ranges of temperature, and ultimately yielding the respectively [41,42]. They found that increasing the natural shade
general trend of comfort for the occupants [17–24]. through trees was the most effective strategy to reduce thermal stress,
These studies repeatedly proved that the internationally accepted while paved surfaces doubled up as ‘heat sources’ to add on to ambient
thermal comfort standards, as proposed by ASHRAE for adaptive heating. Yang et al. described how plating of trees could lead to a
thermal comfort, did not conform to the local comfort levels unan- temperature reduction by up to 15.2 °C in the warm-humid climates.
imously [25,26]. Manu et al. in their study on India Model for Adaptive Yang et al., in another paper, quoted on the ability of water bodies
Comfort (IMAC) proposed a model to define the comfortable range for in reducing the ambient temperature while increasing the humidity and
naturally ventilated buildings based on a survey of the Indian masses - leading to discomfort during the humid hours [43]. Manteghi et al. and
this model was found to be more accurate for the Indian population in Syafii et al. also studied the impact of water bodies on the microclimate

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

in the tropical and sub-tropical urban climates to find out that water

Bedroom, Domes and Vault, Air

SEP 2013-AUG 2014 and JAN

Mukuduvidu Residence (AV)

bodies cooled the ambience during warmer instances of heat waves and

Poppo Pingel, Mona Doctor-

had a potential to remediate the urban heat island [44,45]. However,

Stratification in Dome
Manetghi et al. pointed out that water bodies contributed to elevated

G+1 with 2 rooms

Private Residence
temperatures and humidity during the evening to early-night hours that
2015-OCT 2015

might lead to discomfort.

Pingel (1992)
Ghaffarianhoseini et al. analysed the effect of courtyards in the

Case 6
warm-humid climate of Kuala Lumpur and concluded that increasing


the courtyard height, albedo of the exposed walls, and placement of

83 foliage in the courtyard space significantly increased thermal comfort;
Bedroom, AAC Insulated Roof

Dhanya Pater, Dr Chaman Lal

however, excessive shade could lead to ventilation blockage and prove
to be counterproductive [46]. Another simulation-based study by
Assembly, Balcony (Night

Blessing House (AV) [12]

G+1 with 2 rooms and a Almhafdy et al. commented on the importance of aspect ratio of the U-
Private Residence and
SEP 2013-AUG 2014

shaped courtyards – a courtyard having an aspect ratio of 1:2 performed

Always Occupied

better than one with the aspect ratio of 1:1; the inclusion of elongated
Gupta (2007)
cantilevered roofs above the courtyard also helped improve the thermal


comfort of the zone [47]. Yasa et al., simulate the performance of

Case 5
standardly sized courtyards in various climates to find the square ‘H’


typology best suited to the warm-humid climate in terms of least solar

Traditional Franco-Tamil (circa 1900);

radiation [48]. However, no study was found to mention a long-term

measurement of thermal variables in and around the courtyard and is
G+1 with 10 rooms and an open
Passage, ‘Madras’ Roof Assembly,

restored by INTACH Pondicherry

being presented for the first time in this paper.

Landsman et al. studied case 5 (from this study), which utilizes
INTACH Office (PY) [11]

‘night ventilation’ as a passive design strategy to establish its effec-

NOV 2013-OCT 2014

tiveness over other ventilation strategies [49]. This paper adds on to the
Central Courtyard

study by comparing the hourly averaged temperatures for the hottest

and coldest months for the zone affected by night flushing against an


adjacent balcony zone, allowing us to contrast the difference in Ta of


Case 4


the zone experiencing the effect of night flushing and the zone which is

not. Ran et al. reported night-time reductions of up to 1.5 °C with the

combined effect of night flushing and a green roof for the warm-humid
Assembly, Indoor Cavity Wall

G+2 with 20 rooms with two

Offices Occupied 9:00–17:00

Luminosity Apartments (AV)

David Nightingale, Ganesh

climate [50]. Jamaludin et al. found night ventilation better than the
Collective Residence and
Apartments Unoccupied
Bedroom, Shaded Roof

full-day ventilation strategy for warm-humid locales of Malaysia and

rooftop living spaces
OCT 2013-SEP 2014

reported Ts reductions of up to 3.9 °C [51]. Simulation-based studies by

Fagih et al. and Soleimani et al. comment on the distribution of thermal
parameters in the dome and establish their applicability over flat roofs
Bala (2010)

[52,53], yet, air stratification in domes has not been researched in


Case 3

detail and is being presented for the first time.


The evident literature gap of unavailability of long-term thermal

G+1 with 3 rooms and cottages

readings for occupied zones, passive design strategies (exposed and

Hollow Block Roof, Landscape

Afsanah Guesthouse (AV) [9]

Dining Area, Terracotta and

indoor cavity wall, sand garden, night ventilation) and roofing strate-
gies (ventilated double roof, terracotta roof, hollow AAC block roof,
Commercial Residence
SEP 2013-AUG 2014

Poppo Pingel (2003)

shaded RCC roof, traditional madras roof, domes, and vaults) for
Always occupied

buildings in the warm-humid climatic zone has been identified and

attempted to be filled through this paper. In addition, indoor tem-
peratures have been compared against IMAC and ASHRAE-55 adaptive
Case 2

comfort limits for naturally ventilated structures for the first time.

2. Methodology and instrumentation

G+3 with 51 rooms and a semi-
Ventilated Roof, Exposed Cavity

Golconde Dormitories (PY) [8]

Sammer, George Nakashima
Antonin Raymond, Francois

2.1. Research approach

Dormitory Room, Double
SEP 2013-AUG 2014

Collective Residence

The research initiated with the identification of the most prominent

buildings in the region of Auroville and Pondicherry. As described in
Details of the six buildings under study.


section 1.1, the choice of six buildings was based on the uniqueness of

the passive design strategies, the permission for long-term monitoring,


Case 1


and the variety of function. Thereafter, each of the six selected build-

ings was studied in depth through the analysis of building drawings and
site-visits in order to identify the specific zones and thermal parameters
Zones/Features Studied

Zone under study (m2)

to be monitored. This step also helped ascertain the number of required

Built-up Area (m2)

Storeys and rooms

loggers and their positioning across the building.

Monitoring Period

Architects(Year of
No. of Occupants
Hours Occupied/


A market survey was conducted to identify the best long-term log-

ging equipment and Onset HOBO was considered as a reliable vendor. A


total of 47 brand-new loggers (types A, B, C, D and E) were procured

Table 1


with an manufacturer-supplied calibration certificate valid throughout

the period of monitoring. The readings supplied through these loggers

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 2. Buildings under study. (a). Case1: Golconde Dormitories. (b). Case2: Afsanah Guest House. (c). Case3: Luminosity Apartments. (d). Case4: INTACH Office. (e).
Case5: Blessing House. (f). Case6: Mukuduvidu Residence.

were sufficient for the study, however, in order to keep a rudimentary The procurement of loggers was followed by their installation and
check on the recorded values, hand-held equipment were put to use on launch. The loggers were stuck to the building surfaces using adhesive
a sporadic basis. The hand-held equipment (supplied by Extech and Velcro strips and double-sided tapes. The surface temperature sensors
Fluke) came with manufacturer-supplied calibration certificates too, were ensured to be in direct surface contact using industry-supplied
which were valid throughout the monitoring period too. We have conduction paste and were stuck with an adhesive tape of a colour si-
performed additional checks to increase the confidence in the readings milar to the monitored surface. Once installed, the loggers were pro-
measured by HOBO, which have not been included in this paper for the grammed as per the products’ user manual to launch and record the
sake of brevity. readings at hourly intervals. Appendix A (in the supplementary data

Fig. 3. Plans of occupied spaces and passive design strategies studied for (a). Case1. (b). Case2. (c). Case3. (d). Case4. (e). Case5. (f). Case6.

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 4. Roof sections with surface temperature (Ts) sensor positions. (a). Case1: Ventilated double roof. (b). Case2: Sloped terracotta and hollow block roofs. (c).
Case3: Shaded, husk-insulated roof. (d). Case4: Traditional terracotta ‘Madras’ roof. (e). Case5: Sloped AAC block roof. (f). Case6: Lime plastered domes and vault.

Table 2
Parameters under study – long-term monitoring.
Parameter Range Accuracy Resolution Drift

Ta/Ts −20–70 °C ± 0.35 °C (For a range of 0–50 °C) 0.03 °C (at 25 °C) 0.1 °C (per year)
RH 0–100% ± 2.5% (For a range of 10–90%) 0.05% < 1% (per year)

Fig. 5. Long-term monitoring equipment. (a). Five types of HOBO data loggers. (b). Side view, showing the round external channels for loggers A, B, and C. (c). Flat-
ended and cylindrical temperature and RH sensor cables.

file) tabulates the name, position, and the monitored parameters of all connections, low battery levels, and tampering. The sporadic hand-held
the 47 loggers placed across the six buildings. These loggers were readings were also taken during these visits.
maintained on a monthly basis. During the maintenance visits, the
logged data was downloaded and the loggers were checked for loose

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Table 3 readings of these zones were compared against ASHRAE-55 adaptive

Description of hand-held instruments. and IMAC thermal comfort limits calculated for the ambient tempera-
Equipment Parameters Measurement Accuracy Resolution ture of Pondicherry and Auroville for a span of one year and the number
Measured Range of hours breaching the limits were noted. Given that the temperature
difference between the indoor air and surfaces was less than 10 °C and
Extech HT30 Heat Ta 0–50 °C ± 1 °C 0.1 °C
the hand-held Tg readings were within the range of ± 1 °C from Ta, it
Stress Meter Tg 0–80 °C ± 2 °C 0.1 °C
RH 0–100% ± 3% (at 0.1%
was valid to assume Ta as the operative temperature and directly
25 °C) compare against the established ASHRAE and IMAC limits [21,25].
Fluke 561 IR Ts −40 - 550 °C ± 1% (at 0.1 °C ASHRAE-55 adaptive thermal comfort model lays out guidelines
Thermometer 23 °C) pertaining to the indoor temperature and comfort level considering the
human thermal perception and adaptability. The occupants can find a
living space at a fixed temperature thermally comfortable or un-
2.1.1. Analysis – environmental parameters
comfortable depending on their metabolic rate, clothing insulation, Ta,
The monthly readings were downloaded from the loggers using
MRT, Vwind, and RH. Based on thermal comfort surveys and mathe-
HOBOWare software [54]. The data was thereafter processed to check
matical modelling of human perception of temperature, a temperature
for errors and inconsistencies with the following steps:
range was defined to indicate the comfort of a fixed percentage (80% or
90%) of occupants in the zone. IMAC or India Model for Adaptive
1. The raw data was converted to a spreadsheet in MS-Excel.
Comfort replicates the surveys and mathematical modelling as per
2. In order to check for the error in time-series measurement, a true
ASHRAE standards, but for the Indian population. As given below,
hourly time series was created for the duration of data collection
ASHRAE-55 uses equations (1) and (2), while IMAC uses equations (3)
and the corresponding readings were inserted from the table with
and (4) for calculating T80% Acceptability limits:
recorded time-series to the table with the true time-series using the
VLOOKUP function. (Tcomfort )ASHRAE = 0.31 × Tm + 17.80 (1)
3. The true-time series table was then checked for zero and blank va-
lues using MS-Excel ‘filters’. The indicated instances were recorded (T80% Acceptability )ASHRAE = Tcomfort ± 3.50 (2)
as ‘missing’.
4. In order to check if the remaining readings were correct, individual (Tcomfort ) IMAC = 0.54 × Tm + 12.83 (3)
parameters were checked to be in specific ranges using MS-Excel
(T80% Acceptability ) IMAC = Tcomfort ± 4.10 (4)
formulae. For instance, the acceptable ranges for Ta, Ts, and RH
were defined as 0–60 °C, 0–70 °C, and 0–100% respectively. Any Here, Tcomfort denotes the neutral comfortable temperature around
readings beyond their respective ranges were considered ‘erroneous’ which the comfortable temperature range is calculated for both the
and deleted. models. Tm is the 30-day moving average of the outdoor temperature.
5. Every instance of ‘missing’ or ‘erroneous’ data was recorded and is The comfortable range for the two models is given by T80% Acceptability,
presented in appendix B (in the supplementary data file). with a deviation of 3.50 °C and 4.10 °C from the neutral temperature for
the cases of ASHRAE and IMAC respectively (for 80% acceptability).
The outdoor weather data collected from the Automated Weather The hourly Ta values were compared against (T80% Acceptability)ASHRAE
Station (AWS) was cleaned in the same way as the indoor data and and (T80% Acceptability)IMAC – the hours breaching the comfort limit were
converted into a CSV file for a preliminary analysis through Climate tabulated and compared on a case-by-case basis.
Consultant [55]. Outdoor weather analysis helped define January and
June as the coldest and hottest months. Indoor Ta and RH across the
2.2. Indoor Monitoring
most occupied building zone in each building were hourly averaged for
the two chosen months to indicate the two peak scenarios. The Ta or Ts
2.2.1. Long-term
across each of the passive design strategies were averaged similarly.
Long-term monitoring of the buildings was carried out on an hourly
The roof and ceiling Ts was averaged for the hottest month as the
basis using Onset HOBO loggers that could log temperature and RH
temperatures were favourably cool during the winters.
data with parameters as mentioned in Table 2. Fig. 5 shows the five
types of loggers with their external channel slots and external sensor
2.1.2. Calculation – thermal comfort cables.
In order to estimate the annual thermal comfort in the living spaces As shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b), loggers A (U12-012), B (U12-013),
of the six cases, one representative zone was chosen from each case and C (U12-006) shared a similar appearance, with the exception of lux
with the maximum presence of occupants. The cleaned, long-term Ta sensor on A, while loggers D (UX100-011) and E (UX90-001) included

Fig. 6. Monthly averaged variation during the period of study for Pondicherry and Auroville for the highest, lowest average and instantaneous outdoor (a). Ta (b).

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 7. Case 1: Variation of hourly averaged (a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coldest months. (b). RH for the hottest and coldest months. (c). Ts across double
ventilated roof assembly for the hottest month. (d). Ts across the cavity wall for the hottest and coldest months.

digital displays for the instantaneous Ta, RH, and window operation CSV file for the local climate, the weather file for Chennai was down-
timings respectively. Loggers A, B, C, and D measured Ta and Ts with loaded from the EnergyPlus website [56] and the following variables
RH, while logger A alone measured the lux levels, which have not been were replaced with the data collected from the AWS: Dry Bulb Tem-
included in this paper to maintain relevance to the theme. Logger E perature, Dew Point Temperature, RH, Atmospheric Pressure, Wind
monitored the time of opening and closing of a strategically placed Direction, Wind Speed, GPS Location, and Elevation.
window for ‘case 5‘. ‘External channel’ were the number of free input
ports in the logger which allowed the plugging-in of additional sensor
3. Results and discussion
cables to measure temperature or RH - Fig. 5(c) shows the Ta, Ts, and
RH sensors. It must be noted that the height of logger placement varied
3.1. Outdoor
with each case to best suit the studied building forms and is mentioned
in appendix A (supplementary data).
The CSV weather file created for Auroville and Pondicherry as per
the AWS measurements was analysed using Climate Consultant to un-
2.2.2. Hand-held derstand that if a building operated on the outdoor climatic conditions,
As mentioned above, the long-term loggers were self-sufficient to 62.5% of the hours would fall in the ‘comfortable’ zone as per ASHRAE
measure the indoor parameters with the prescribed accuracy, as the – 55 adaptive comfort limits (for 80% acceptability). The ‘un-
industry-supplied calibration certificate was valid throughout the comfortable’ hours demanded the strategies of ‘dehumidification’ and
duration of monitoring. The hand-held measurements provided another ‘dehumidification with cooling’ to be brought in the comfort limit. As
layer of corroboration to ensure correct measurements. These mea- shown in Fig. 6, the peak outdoor temperatures during the period of
surements were taken on a sporadic basis during September study were highest for the month of May and the lowest for February.
2013–August 2014. Table 3 gives a description of the instruments used However, based on historical data, the average temperatures were the
for instantaneous measurements. lowest and highest for the months of January and June respectively.
Therefore, the two months have been used in the following sections to
2.3. Outdoor monitoring demarcate the ‘hottest’ and ‘coldest’ scenarios and averaged data has
been presented for the two months.
In order to contrast the indoor parameters against the ambient The hourly averaged Ta for January ranged from 20.3 °C to 28.3 °C
conditions, the outdoor parameters had to be monitored locally. The at 4:00 and 12:00 h respectively, while the instantaneous readings
weather file for the nearest available location – Chennai (156 km from fluctuated between the peaks of 18.2 °C and 29.3°. For June, the
Pondicherry) would not have sufficed for the exact weather data due to average Ta range remained in between 27.5 and 36.9 °C, with the lowest
a different urban landscape and geography. Auroville housed four of the and highest points at 4:00 and 13:00 h respectively; the instantaneous
six buildings under study and was in the immediate vicinity of temperatures went as high as 39.6 °C and as low as 24.6 °C. The RH for
Pondicherry (15 km away), therefore the AWS located in Auroville, was January and June was in the range of 63-8-97.6% and 43.3–76.8%
an appropriate source for outdoor data collection. In order to create the respectively. The representation of data across these two extreme

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 8. Case 2: Variation of hourly averaged (a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coldest months. (b). RH for the hottest and coldest months. (c). Ts across terracotta and
hollow block roof assemblies for the hottest month. (d). Ta across pond and sand garden zones for the hottest and coldest months.

months puts the variation of variables into perspective. 3.2.3. Passive design strategy: exposed cavity wall
Fig. 7(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts across the west-
facing air cavity wall for the hottest and coldest months of June and
3.2. Case 1 January. The wall was designed in order to shield the building from the
summer sun, while the winter sun did not strike it. Being west-facing,
3.2.1. Ta and RH the exterior cavity wall surface was the warmest during the early eve-
Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta and ning hours of June, while keeping the interior surface under 32 °C. The
RH trends for the hottest and coldest months. As a general trend, the wall was beyond the reach of the winter sun, thus was warmed or
occupants kept the louvers on the southern façade of the room and cooled due to the convection currents.
corridor shut during the warmer months of the year and open during
the cooler months. This is why the indoor parameters were closer to the
3.3. Case 2
outdoors for January, whereas the difference in environmental para-
meters was more prominent for June.
3.3.1. Ta and RH
Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 8(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta and
3.2.2. Roof temperature RH trends for the hottest and coldest months of June and January for
Fig. 7(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts across the ven- the naturally ventilated dining space in case 2. The open plan of the
tilated double roof (shown in Fig. 4(a)) for June. The high temperature building included large fenestration and efficient natural ventilation
difference between the exterior and ceiling surfaces was possible due to strategies, which allowed enhanced air circulation. This resulted in
the presence of the ventilated double roof – the air cavity with multiple marginal temperature and RH difference between outdoors and indoors
openings to the ambience allowed the exchange of air and did not let during January when the windows were kept open. However, similar to
the air cavity overheat. Had the cavity been enclosed, the encapsulated case 1, as the windows were shut during the summers, the outdoor-
air would have heated, and would eventually have contributed to an indoor temperature and RH differences were more prominent.
elevated ceiling temperature. As can be seen from the temperature
profile of the roof slab, it was at a significantly cooler than the ‘exterior’ 3.3.2. Roof temperature
due to the effect of the shade of the concrete shell but did not experi- Fig. 8(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts across the ter-
ence any thermal time lag. The temperature profile of the ceiling in- racotta and hollow block roofing strategies (shown in Fig. 4(b)) for the
dicated a thermal time lag of 3 h due to the thickness of the ceiling. month of June. The two roofing strategies maintained the ceiling Ts in
Simulation-based studies on a roof with a similar construction typology the range of 30.8–37.0 °C and 31.5–37.1 °C respectively. The exterior
in a Hot-Dry climate has shown that the addition of a ventilated zone surface of the ‘hollow block’ roof was cladded with white reflective
between the roof surfaces leads to a heat flux decrease of 50%, while tiles, thus was found to be cooler than the red terracotta exterior by
additional insulation on the exposed surface can lead to a heat flux 5.2 °C. The presence of air cavities in hollow block allowed it to have a
decrease of 85% [34]. higher thermal time lag. However, despite the varying thermal time lag

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 9. Case 3: Variation of hourly averaged (a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coldest months. (b). RH for the hottest and coldest months. (c). Ts across roof assembly
for the hottest month. (d). Ts across the indoor cavity wall for the hottest and coldest months.

for the two cases, the peak ceiling temperatures were found to be si- 3.4.2. Roof temperature
milar. The effectiveness of reflective roofs over radiative roofs has been Fig. 9(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts across the in-
studied in cooling dominated environment and consistent with the sulated roof assembly as shown in Fig. 4(c). The GI enclosure shaded
findings in this paper [33]. Additionally, Madhumathi et al. studied the the entire roof and kept the roof Ts in the range of 30.1–34.5 °C for the
Ta under multiple roof typologies in warm-humid South India to find hottest month. The multi-layered roof slab with an insulating layer of
out that the terracotta clad roof was the most efficient in moderating rice husk further added to the resistance and moderated the ceiling in
the outdoor temperature during typical summer days [38]. the range of 30.6–31.9 °C, with a minimal thermal time lag of 1 h. The
low thermal mass can help us infer that despite the high thermal re-
3.3.3. Passive design strategy: landscaping sistance of the used materials, as studied by da Rosa et al., the heat
Fig. 8(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ta across the in- transfer was not dominated by conduction, thereby rendering the roof
door and outdoor zones of the pond and sand garden for June and thickness and the choice of materials insignificant [36].
January. The landscape influenced the indoor temperatures of the ad-
jacent indoor zones throughout the seasons. The air in the outdoor 3.4.3. Passive design strategy: indoor cavity wall
zones next to the pond and sand garden was warmer than the indoor Fig. 9(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts across the indoor
air. However, the difference of temperature of the two zones on two cavity wall for June and January. The exterior surface of the cavity wall
sides of the dining area contributed to wind currents blowing from the was entirely shaded and faced the thermal buffer of an indoor staircase.
pond to the garden at 0.1–0.8 m/s, as indicated by hand-held readings. Therefore, the Ts variation of the interior and exterior surfaces was
Previous studies by Yang et al. and Manteghi et al. pointed out that the negligible. In January, the interior surface was warmer than the ex-
water bodies in the immediate microclimate would lead to an elevated terior by 0.5 °C during the hottest hour of the day, while in June, the
Ta and RH during the early evening hours [43,44]. The findings were interior surface was cooler by 0.7 °C, with a negligible time lag for both
consistent with these results. the months.

3.4. Case 3 3.5. Case 4

3.4.1. Ta and RH 3.5.1. Ta and RH

Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta and Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta
RH trends for the hottest and coldest months of June and January for and RH trends for the hottest and coldest months of June and January
the occupied zone in case 3. This building was designed with inspira- for the occupied passageway next to the courtyard in case 4. The Ta and
tion from the building in case 1, thus the manually operable louvers RH for the hottest and the coldest months did not undergo a drastic
worked in a similar fashion. However, unlike case 1, this building did diurnal variation despite being in the immediate vicinity of the open
not have a thermal buffer of the corridor and consequently had a lower courtyard. The noticeable thermal time lag, in tandem with low diurnal
thermal time lag. variation, could also have been due to a moderately enclosed plan of

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 10. Case 4: Variation of hourly averaged (a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coolest month. (b). RH for the hottest and coolest month. (c). Ts across terracotta roof
assembly for the hottest month. (d). Ta across office and courtyard zones for the hottest and coldest months.

the zone with well-insulated facades and roof assembly. while allowing the ingress of cooler ambient air from the fenestration
facing the street. As studied by Ghaffarianhoseini et al., the summer-
3.5.2. Roof temperature time courtyard temperature could have been further reduced by placing
Fig. 10(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts for the hottest shady plants in the exposed area [46]. The length:breadth ratio of this
month across the terracotta roof assembly, as shown in Fig. 4(d). The courtyard was close to 1:1, and as per the studies of Alhamfdy, could
traditional multi-layered ‘terracotta-madras’ roof assembly provided a have performed better with a ratio close to 1:2 [47].
temperature difference of 17.5 °C during the hottest hour of the day,
similar to the 15.7 °C difference for the terracotta roof assembly in case 3.6. Case 5
2. The high thermal mass and insulating layers of fired bricks allowed
the heat to be dissipated before reaching the ceiling surface, moderating 3.6.1. Ta and RH
it at a near-constant temperature. Madhumathi et al. found the tradi- Fig. 11(a) and Fig. 11(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta
tional ‘terracotta-madras’ roof assembly to maintain a warmer indoor and RH trends for the hottest and coldest months of June and January
temperature in comparison to a regular terracotta roof, which goes for the occupied bedroom zone in case 5. The small fenestration and
against the observation in this study [38]. This can be explained by the usage of blinds to curb excess sunlight, coupled with occupant con-
fact that the roof used in case 4 had a higher thickness than the one in trolled natural ventilation during the morning and evening, allowed the
the referred study. Additionally, the referred study does not detail on indoors to be moderated within a range of 1.3 °C and 1.2 °C for June and
the plan of the studied building, neither does it mention of the indoor January. In addition to ventilation, the shade of trees on the south and
ventilation strategies – both of which could drastically impact the east façades made out of insulated AAC blocks allowed the tempera-
measured variable. tures to moderated.

3.5.3. Passive design strategy: central courtyard 3.6.2. Roof temperature

Fig. 10(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ta across the Fig. 11(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts for the sloping
naturally ventilated central courtyard zone and mixed-mode ventilated hollow block roof shown in Fig. 4(e) for the month of June. The
office zone for the months of June and January. The passive design ‘hollow-block’ roof assembly was the same as used in case 2, the air
strategy of central courtyard aided differential heating of the exposed cavities reduced the thermal transmittance, while the white reflective
surface and enhanced the ventilation of the building, as indicated by tiles increased the albedo, resulting in reduced absorption of radiation
0.2–0.8 m/s winds as per the hand-held readings. The courtyard ex- and lower temperatures. The fact that this roof was sloped against the
perienced lower and more comfortable temperatures than the office angle of the summer sun, contributed to the reduced normal radiation
zone for 8 months, while it was warmer for the 4 months of summer. absorption, in comparison to the flat roof of case 2. This finding is
Even during the warmer months, the direct impingement of sun on the consistent with the fact that sloped roofs, in comparison to conventional
exposed courtyard floor raised the Ta and helped extract stale air out, flat roofs transmit a lower amount of heat [57].

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 11. Case 5: Variation of hourly averaged 10(a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coldest months. 10(b). RH for the hottest and coldest months. 10(c). Ts across the
roof assembly for the hottest month. 10(d). Ta across the balcony and indoor zone showing the temperature difference due to night flushing for the hottest and coldest

3.6.3. Passive design strategy: night flushing spaces in case 6, as shown in Fig. 4(f). The exterior surface of the domes
Fig. 11(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ta for the indoor was covered in broken white reflective tiles, yet allowed the tempera-
zone and balcony for June and January. The ‘night-flushing’ of warm ture to go as high as 48.3 °C, while the exterior surface of the vault
indoor air in the evening and inlet of cool ambient air through the fe- remained cooler by 4.3 °C during the hottest hour of the day for June.
nestration kept the indoors cooler than the immediate balcony zone, The vault, with layers of reflective tiles, lime concrete, and fired brick,
separated by the window. The peak temperature difference between the provided a low thermal time lag while maintaining a lower ceiling
two zones was found to be 4.9 °C for the hottest month, while other temperature. The usage of lime in plastering the structures further en-
studies in the warm humid climate have shown thermal reductions in hanced the albedo and contributed towards lower Ts in comparison to
the range of 1.6–3.9 °C [50,51]. The E-type state-logger readings grey cement plastered surfaces (similar to case 1).
showed that the average window opening and closing times for the first
three weeks of June were 7.30 and 18:32 h with no instances of the gap
3.7.3. Passive design strategy: building form
in operation. Whereas, the same timings changed to 7:33 and 20:34 h
Fig. 12(d) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ta highlighting
for January, with 8 instances when the window was either left open or
the air stratification along the vertical axis for Dome 1 for the months of
closed – i.e., not operated as per the designated pattern.
June and January in 2015. The Ta at the heights H1, H2, and H3,
corresponding to the heights of 84, 271, and 317 cm from the floor level
3.7. Case 6 for the hottest hour of the day for June were 32.4°, 32.7°, and 32.9 °C
respectively. The highest temperature gradient was observed during the
3.7.1. Ta and RH midnight hours of both the months, the highest temperature difference
Fig. 12(a) and Fig. 12(b) show the variation of hourly averaged Ta between H1 and H3 during June and January at 0:00 h was 1.4° and
and RH trends for the hottest and coldest months of June and January 1.2 °C respectively. A simulation-based study on brick-corbelled domes
for the occupied zone. The Ta in the occupied zone under the vault in the Mediterranean climate indicated a comparable thermal gradient
made out of fired brick and lime remained moderated with a difference of ∼2 °C between the base and the top of the dome [58].
of 4 °C with the outdoors during the hottest hour of the day. The open
plan of the building, in addition to the form, allowed a constant ingress
3.8. Comparative inferences
of natural air and kept the indoors cool when the outdoors were cool,
while warmed it up during the warmer hours.
The indoor Ta was found to be lower in the case of buildings with
smaller fenestrations and shade on the southern façade (case 1 and 5)
3.7.2. Roof temperature by 2.2 ± 0.8 °C during the hottest hours in comparison to the buildings
Fig. 12(c) shows the variation of hourly averaged Ts for the month with open plans (case 2 and 6).
of June for the two domes and vault, which served as a roof to the living The exterior surface of the white roofs (in cases 2, 5, and 6) were

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

Fig. 12. Case 6: Variation of hourly averaged (a). Indoor Ta for the hottest and coldest months. (b). RH for the hottest and coldest months. (c). Ts across the two
domes and vault for the hottest month. (d). Ta at heights H1, H2, and H3 under the first dome for the hottest and coldest months (of 2015).

Table 4 the hottest summer hour. The temperature difference between the
Annual uncomfortable hours as per ASHRAE-55 and IMAC comfort limits for highest and lowest measured layer of air in the dome (in case 6) was
the six living spaces. highest for the coldest hour of June at 1.5 °C, the same was found to be
Case Annual Uncomfortable Hours 1.2 °C for the coolest hour of June.

3.9. Adaptive thermal comfort
1 2401 43
2 2790 625 In order to compare the extent of thermal comfort across the six
3 1596 16 living spaces, Table 4 tabulates the uncomfortable hours as per
4 4851 310 ASHRAE-55 Adaptive and IMAC limits for 80% acceptability. The IMAC
5 363 0
6 3358 15
comfort limits were 1.3 °C wider than the ASHRAE limits and better
suited to the Indian population. The difference between the two com-
fort models has been indicated in multiple previous studies, specifically
found to be cooler than the traditional terracotta-coloured roofs by in the warm-humid climates [23,25–29]. This is consistent with the fact
6.8 ± 2.9 °C, while the addition of slope to the roof, as in case 5, re- that the uncomfortable hours reported by ASHRAE were 93.4% higher
duced the temperature further by 1.3 °C. Provision of an external roof than the hours reported by IMAC in this study. As per ASHRAE, case 4
shade (in case 3) was significantly effective in bringing the exterior roof was most uncomfortable with 56.14% of the 8760 h in the un-
Ts down by 13.9 ± 4.6 °C in comparison to a traditional roof (in case comfortable zone. Whereas, as per IMAC, case 2 was the most un-
4). Concerning the geometry of the roofs, the vaults (in case 6) kept the comfortable with 7.1% uncomfortable hours. Both models predicted the
ceiling cooler by 3.7 ± 1.2 °C in comparison to the domes during the zone in case 5 to be the most comfortable.
hottest times of the year. The interior surface of the outdoor cavity wall
(in case 1) was warmer than the interior surface of the indoor cavity 4. Conclusion
wall (in case 3) by a minimal 0.7 °C, thus the utility of an indoor cavity
wall for temperature reduction was nominal. The six naturally ventilated buildings in the ‘warm and humid’ cli-
The landscaping of pond and sand around the building (in case 2) mate of Pondicherry and Auroville were monitored using long-term
elevated the Ta of the landscaped zones above the outdoor temperature data loggers for a span of one year and analysed for Ta and RH across
by 1.5 °C and 0.5 °C during the hottest hours, while facilitating wind the most occupied zones, Ts across the roof and ceiling surfaces, and Ta/
currents across the dining space. The central courtyard zone (in case 4) Ts across the passive design strategies. The outdoor environmental
was found to be warmer than the occupied office zone by 2.2 °C during parameters were collected from a weather station (AWS) set up in
the hottest hour, while during January it was cooler by 1.6 °C. The Auroville.
‘night-flushing’ strategy (in case 5) kept the indoors cooler – which was This study, for the very first time, provides hourly averaged thermal
reflected in the 4.9 °C warmer temperature of the balcony zone during readings for eight tropical roofing strategies –ventilated double roof,

M. Doctor-Pingel et al. Building and Environment 151 (2019) 1–14

terracotta cladded roof, hollow block roof with a sloped variant, tra- MRT Mean Radiant Temperature
ditional ‘madras’ roof, rice-husk-insulated shaded roof, and roof in the RH Relative Humidity
form of lime plastered domes and vaults. This study also documents six GI Galvanised Iron
passive design strategies and shows that the passive design strategies of
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