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Types & purpose, Approximate estimate of buildings - Bill of quality, - Requirement for preparing estimation,
factors to be considered, - principles of measurement and billing, contingencies, Elementary billing and
measurement of basic materials like brick, wood, concrete and unit of measurement for various items of work -
abstract of an estimate.

2 Marks Questions:
1. What is estimate?
Estimate of a project is forecast of its cost, generally prepared before executing a project to plan its funds.

2. What is estimation?
Estimation is the process of preparing an estimate. Estimating is the process of calculating the cost of a
project obtained from calculating the various quantities of items of works involved in that project.

3. What are the types of estimates?

Detailed estimate
Approximate estimate

4. What is approximate estimate?

Approximate estimate is the approximate cost of proposed project obtained by multiplying the number of
items or units in the proposed project by known cost of similar item or unit of a similar existing project.

5. What is detailed estimate?

Detailed estimate is the accurate cost of a project. It is obtained by adding up the cost of all the items of
works involved in a project. Cost of each item is obtained by multiplying the quantity of the item with the unit rate of
that item.

6. What is abstract of estimate?

The cost of each item of work in a project is calculated in a tabular form, from the computed quantity and
the unit rate of each item. The total cost of all items is worked out in Abstract of Estimate Form, as below. It is also
called as Bill of Quantities.
Item No. Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Total Amount

7. What are the costs considered in detailed estimates?

Costs of various items of works including materials, machinery and labour
Allowance for contingencies
Establishment charges
Lump-sum amount for water supply, sanitary connections and electrical fittings

8. What are the components of a detailed estimate?

General report
Drawings of plans, sections, elevations, details, layouts, etc.
Design data and calculations
Basic rates adopted in rate analysis

9. What is Bill of Quantity?

The Abstract of Estimate is called as Bill of Quantities. It consists of brief description of all items in a project
along with the quantity, unit rate and hence amount. The process of writing the Bill of Quantities is called billing.

10. Define Contingencies.

‘Contingencies’ is the amount for the uncertain and miscellaneous items which cannot be classified under
any item of work or which were initially omitted. It is derived from Latin word ‘con’ (with) and ‘tangere’ (to touch) -
which means chance of occurrence or which may happens. Contingencies are provided at (usually) 5 % - 10 % of total

11. What is meant by establishment charges?

The wages of skilled and unskilled labour are included in the item of work. To construct a project other staff
like admin staff, accountants, peons, security, etc. are required. The salaries and wages of these is called as
establishment charges.

12. What is the difference between estimated cost and actual cost?
Estimated cost is the probable cost of construction, worked out from drawings and the rates prevailing at
the time of estimation. It can be known before the construction has started.
Actual cost is construction cost, worked out from physical measurements of actual work done and the rates
are the actual rates spent for the execution of work. It is known only after the construction is completed.

13. What is meant by overhead charges?

The expenses relating to the works such as costs incurred for tools, testing, insurance, amenities at site
power, stores, etc.
The expenses relating to the office establishment such as costs incurred for postage, rent, travelling,
stationery, taxes, telephone, etc.

14. Write down degree of the accuracy to be used in quantity estimation.

According to Clause 2.3, Page 1 of IS 1200 Part 1, the accuracy to be used in quantity estimation is:
Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m
Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m2
Cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m3

15. Draw the table of standard measurement form.

Item No. Description of Item No. Length Breadth Depth Quantity Total

8 Marks Questions:
1. Explain the uses of estimate?
For proposed projects:
To ascertain probable time of contract
To control expenditure during execution
To estimate quantities of bulk materials (cement, steel, aggregates)
To frame tender documents and arrange contracts
To manage the finance of the project (bank loans etc.)
To obtain administrative approval and technical and budgetary sanction
To prepare interim and final bills for paying vendors and contractors
To prepare construction time schedule
To justify the investment
To select economical alternative
To workout material and labour requirements
For existing structures:
To arrive at the rent
For arbitration proceedings claims
To prepare tax schedules
To valuate property for government taxes, purchase, mortgage, insurance charges

2. Explain the main functions of an approximate estimate.

For preliminary studies - to get idea of approximate cost, time, labour and material required
Justification on return of Investment - to validate the investing the money in one option or other
Financial aspect - to arrange funds
Tax schedule - for framing tax schedules in public utility projects
Insurance - to fix the insurance premiums

3. Explain the factors considered for detailed estimate.

Material availability
Labour availability
Location of site
Transportation cost
Quantity of materials

4. Explain the types of detailed estimate.

Item Rate Estimate (or Detailed Estimate)
Revised Estimate
Supplementary Estimate
Revised and Supplementary Estimate
Complete Estimate
Annual Maintenance and Repair Estimate
Special Repair Estimate

5. Explain the reasons for difference in estimated cost and constructed cost.
Lack of accuracy in the working out of quantities and estimate.
Rise in prices of labour and materials during work execution
Changes in design and drawings during work execution
Additional items executed during construction
Cost of missed out items during estimation
Change in dimensions in construction. E.g. depth of foundation is increased
Change in specifications of the item of work

6. Explain the principles of units of measurement of items with examples.

Bulk, voluminous, mass or thick works shall be measured by their volume. Unit: m3. All three dimensions of
Length, Breadth (or Width) and Depth (or Thickness of Height) shall be measured to compute the volume. E.g.
concrete, brickwork, sand filling.
Shallow, thin and surface works shall be measured by their area. Unit: m2. Any two dimensions of Length,
Breadth (or Width) and Depth (or Thickness of Height) shall be measured to compute the area. E.g. PCC flooring,
plastering, painting.
Long and thin work shall be measured by their linear dimension. Unit: m. Any one dimension of Length,
Breadth (or Width) and Depth (or Thickness of Height) shall be measured to compute the linear dimension. E.g.
fencing wire
Piece work, job work, shall be enumerated, i.e. taken in number. E.g. man holes, electrical / plumbing
fixtures, modular door/window set
Some works are taken as Lump-sum and estimated as percent of other works. E.g. plumbing, electric works

7. Explain the methods of approximate costing for buildings.

Plinth Area Estimate: Plinth area of proposed building x cost of 1 m2 plinth area of similar building
Cube Rate Estimate: Cubic contents (volume) of proposed building x cost of 1 m3 volume of similar building
Functional Unit Estimate (Approximate Estimate or Preliminary Estimate or Abstract Estimate or): No. of
functional units in proposed building x cost of 1 functional unit in similar building. E.g. no. of beds in a hospital, no. of
class rooms in school
Approximate Quantity Method Estimate: Total length (in running metre) of walls x cost for 1 running m
Empirical equations for materials and manpower

8. Explain the general rules for measurements of works for estimation.

Measurement shall be item wise for finished item of works.
Recording of dimensions shall be in the order of Length, Breadth (or Width) and Depth (or Thickness of
According to Clause 2.3, Page 1 of IS 1200 Part 1, the accuracy to be used in quantity estimation is:
Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 m
Areas shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m2
Cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 m3
Same type of work under different conditions and nature shall be measured separately under separate
items. E.g. RCC for foundation is different item than RCC for roof slabs, though both are made of RCC
Item of work which cannot be accurately quantified or requires site measurement shall be described as
Provisional. E.g. laying water supply pipe to connect the building to municipal mains.
For structural concrete, brickwork or stone masonry, work shall be categorised as below
(a) Foundation to plinth level
(b) Plinth level to first floor level
(c) First floor level to second floor level, third, fourth … and so on - each floor categorised separately
Parapet wall shall be measured along with the storey level immediately below it

9. Write the major items of work in an estimate in the order along with the units of measurements.
Sl. No. Item of Work Measurement Unit
1 Earthwork (excavation / filling) Volume m3
2 Sand Filling (below footing / ground floor) Volume m3
3 PCC Volume m3
4 Masonry (walls) - brick / stone/ block Volume m3
5 Brickwork (Partition walls) Area m2
6 RCC Volume m3
7 Reinforcement Steel for RCC Weight (mass) kg
8 Woodwork (doors / windows / ventilators) Volume m3
9 Plastering (wall / ceiling) Area m2
10 Flooring (PCC / tiles / marbles or other stone slabs) Area m2
11 Roofing Area m2
12 Painting (white or colour washing / distempering) Area m2
13 Plumbing (water / waste water) Lump-sum No.
14 Electrical Fixtures with wiring Lump-sum No.
15 Electrical fixture (e.g. fan) Number No.

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