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Reviewer – MGT1101 Constructs representing generalized behaviors or states

Chapter 5 of affairs that are considered by the individual to be

Leaders can use power for good or ill People in an organization vary in the relative
• Recent scandals involving political, business, importance they place on values
and religious figures highlight the need to • Instrumental values
consider values and ethics in terms of • Terminal values
• Scholarly and popular literature have turned • Instrumental values: Modes of behavior, such
greater attention to the question of ethical as being helpful or being responsible
leadership • Terminal values: Desired end states, such as
• Leader’s personal values and ethical code may family security or social recognition
be the most important determinants of how
that leader exercises available power sources The different generations that encompass the work
force are the following:
Leadership and “Doing the Right Things”
 The veterans (1922-1943) - were born during
Leaders face dilemmas that require choices between the great depression (world war II) and has a
competing sets of values and priorities hard time adapting to the technological era
• Leaders should internalize a strong set of ethics, (nearing retirement)
which are principles of right conduct or a  Baby boomers (1944-1960) - post war babies
system of moral values that hate technology and want most things
• Gardner and Burns stressed the centrality and done through paper
importance of the moral dimension of  Gen Xers (1961-1981)- does not care about
leadership job security because they are entrepreneurial
• Leaders set a moral example that becomes the by nature and they can produce income from
model for an entire group or organization anything
 Millenials (1981-2005) - are centered on
Qualities of leadership that engender trust (t=vice) technology and are recognized as heavy
• Vision consumers of social media
• Empathy
• Consistency Gen Xers have a clearly different view of authority than
• Integrity previous generations
McGregor's styles of managerial behavior on the basis • Expect managers to earn their promotions and
of people’s implicit attitudes about human nature not be rewarded with leadership responsibilities
• Theory X asserts that most people need because of seniority
extrinsic motivation because they are not Research has found little evidence of a generation gap
naturally motivated to work (pessimists) in basic values
• Theory Y asserts that most people are • Studies show that Boomers, Xers, and
intrinsically motivated by their work Millennials in the managerial workforce are
more similar than different in their views of
Extrinsic motivation is a behavior driven by external organizational leadership
factors such as a reward or avoidance of negative • Define leading as removing obstacles and giving
outcomes. Money is the most obvious example of followers what they need to work well
extrinsic motivation.
Moral reasoning: Process used by leaders to make
Intrinsic motivation is a behavioral catalyst driven by a decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors
desire for personal satisfaction or fulfillment.
Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic
motivation arises from outside.
Dual-process theory of moral judgment • Implicit prejudice: Subconscious prejudices that
• Moral judgments dealing with rights or duties affect one's decisions without him or her being
are made by automatic emotional responses aware of them
while those made on a more utilitarian basis are • In-group favoritism: Doing acts of kindness and
made more cognitively favors for those who are like us
Two Systems: • Overclaiming credit: Overrating the quality of
System 1 - Bases on emotions; Automatic one's own work and contributions
Emotional Responses • Conflicts of interest: Adversely impact ethical
System 2 - more practical; done cognitively judgments and bias one's perceptions of
Moral Reasoning and Character-Based Leadership
Common but challenging ethical dilemmas involve Ways in which people with firm moral principles
choosing between two rights may behave badly without feeling guilt or remorse
• Kidder identified the following common ethical over their behavior
dilemmas: • Moral justification: Justifying otherwise
• Truth versus loyalty: Honestly immoral behavior in terms of a higher purpose
answering a question that may • Ex. War is okay is because it is done to
compromise real or implied promise of protect our country.
confidentiality to others. • Euphemistic labeling: Disguising morally
• Ex. Your friend is cheating and distasteful behavior with cosmetic words
you are being asked by the legal • Ex. Employers firing employees: “We
girlfriend about it. have to let you go”
• Individual versus community: • Advantageous comparison: Avoiding self-
Protecting the confidentiality of contempt for one’s behavior by comparing it to
someone’s medical condition when the even more heinous behavior by others
condition itself may pose a threat to the • Ex. Stealing 5 pesos from your mom is
larger community okay because your older brother stole 5
• Ex. Doctor-Patient thousand.
confidentiality • Displacement of responsibility: Violating
• Short-term versus long-term: Balancing personal moral standards by attributing
spending time with family against responsibility to others
making career investments for future • Diffusion of responsibility: Making a big crime
benefits appear smaller
• Ex. Parents who do not spend • Disregard or distortion of consequences:
much time with their children Minimizing the actual harm caused by one’s
due to work. behavior
• Justice versus mercy: Deciding whether • Dehumanization: Avoiding the consequences
to excuse a person’s misbehavior of one’s behavior by dehumanizing those who
because of extenuating circumstances are affected
or a conviction that he or she has • Ex. Black vs. White
learned a lesson • Attribution of blame: Justifying one's immoral
behavior by claiming it was caused by
• Kidder offers the following principles for someone else’s actions
resolving ethical dilemmas:
Ends-based thinking: Doing what’s best for Components of moral potency
the greatest number of people • Moral ownership - sense of responsibility
Rule-based thinking: Following the highest • Moral courage - confidence in addressing
principle or duty ethical situation in positive manner
Care-based thinking: Doing what one want • Moral efficacy - overcome threats for engaging
others to do to him or her; the golden rule. in ethical behavior

Research has identified biases that affect our moral

Avolio and Associates: Components of Leaders must set a personal example of values-based
Ethical Leadership leadership and ensure that clear values guide
everyone’s behavior in an organization
Moral person
• Principled decision-maker who cares about Leading by Example: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,
people and the broader society
Moral manager • Research shows that role models can be
• Makes ethics an explicit part of the leadership characterized using the following categories of
agenda by communicating messages of ethics attitudes and behaviors:
and values and by modeling ethical behavior
Authentic leadership • Interpersonal behaviors: They show
• Authentic leaders exhibit consistency among
care, concern, and compassion for
their values, beliefs, and actions
• Study of authentic leadership has gained
momentum because of the following beliefs:
• Basic fairness: They show fairness to
• Promoting transparency and openness
in relationships builds trust and others
• Ethical actions and self-expectations:
• Fostering more inclusive structures and
practices can help build more positive They hold themselves to high ethical
ethical climates standards and behave consistently in
both their public and private lives
Servant leadership views serving others as being the
leader’s role • Articulating ethical standards: They
• Characteristics of servant leaders articulate a consistent ethical vision and
• Listening are uncompromising toward it
• Empathy
• Healing Upward ethical leadership: Leadership behavior
• Awareness enacted by individuals who take action to maintain
• Persuasion ethical standards in the face of questionable moral
• Conceptualization
behaviors by higher-ups
• Foresight
• Stewardship • General quality of an organization’s ethical
• Commitment to others’ growth
climate affects whether or not employees raise
• Building community
ethical concerns
Roles of Ethics and Values in Organizational
Leadership • ethical climates - ethical standards or
norms are consistently and clearly
Organizations have dominant values just as individuals communicated, embraced, and
do enforced by organizational leaders
• Values represent the principles by which
employees are to get work done and treat other • unethical climates - unethical behavior
employees, customers, and vendors exists with little corrective action, and
• Leaders in an organization fail because of a misbehavior may even be condoned
misalignment between personal and
organizational values Creating and Sustaining an Ethical Climate
Top leadership’s collective values play a significant role “Fronts” of leadership action required to create an
in determining the dominant values throughout the ethical climate
organization • Formal ethics policies and procedures
• Many of the most difficult decisions made by • Core ideology
leaders are choices between opposing values • Integrity
• Structural reinforcement
• Process focus
Figure 4.1: Sources of Leader Power in
Principle-centered leadership asserts a fundamental the Leader, Follower, and Situation Framework
interdependence between the personal, interpersonal,
managerial, and organizational levels of leadership

Interdependence between the levels posited in

principle-centered leadership is similar to the
conceptualizations of authentic leadership

Chapter 4 - Power and Influence Reward Power:

The extent of reward power depends upon the extent
Power: Capacity to produce effects on others or the to which one has control over rewards that are valued
potential to influence others by another.
• Function of the leader, the followers, and the Coercive Power:
situation The opposite of reward power is the coercive power;
• Attributed to others on the basis and frequency which is the ability to influence punishment.
of influence tactics they use and on their Expert Power:
outcomes Expert power is based on the perception or belief that
Influence: Change in a target agent’s attitudes, values, the influence has some relevant expertise or special
beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics knowledge that others do not have. It is more of a
• Influence tactics: One person’s actual behaviors personal power rather than organisational power.
designed to change another person’s attitudes, Referent Power:
beliefs, values, or behaviors This power is known as charismatic power and is based
upon the attraction exerted by one individual over
• Influence can be measured by the behaviors or another. This power develops out of admiration of
attitudes manifested by followers as a result of another and a desire to be like that person.
a leader’s influence tactics Legitimate power is power you derive from your formal
• Amount of power followers have in work position or office held in the organization's hierarchy of
situations can also vary dramatically authority.
• Some followers may exert relatively
more influence than the leader does in French and Raven’s Bases of Social Power:
certain situations Expert Power
• Leaders with high amounts of power can cause
fairly substantial changes in subordinates’ Power of knowledge
attitudes and behaviors  Some people are able to influence others with
• Individuals with a relatively large amount of their relative expertise in particular areas
power may successfully employ a wider variety
of influence tactics Followers may have more expert power than leaders
• Followers often can use a wider variety of at times
influence tactics than the leader  If different followers have considerably greater
• This is because the formal leader is not always amounts of expert power, the leader may be
the person who possesses the most power in a unable to influence them using expert power
leadership situation alone
Sources of Leader Power French and Raven’s Bases of Social Power:
• Furniture arrangement
Referent Power
• Shape of the table used for meetings
and seating arrangements
Potential influence one has because of the strength of
• Prominently displayed symbols
the relationship between the leader and the followers
• Appearances of title and authority
• Desire to maintain referent power may limit a
• Choice of clothing
leader’s actions in certain situations
• Presence or absence of crisis
The stronger the relationship, the more influence  Followers that use coercive power to influence
leaders and followers exert over each other a leader’s behavior tend to have a relatively
• Followers with relatively more referent power high amount of referent power among co-
than their peers are often spokespersons for workers
their units and have more latitude to deviate
from work-unit norms Leader Motives
• Takes time to develop but can be lost quickly People vary in their motivation to influence or control
French and Raven’s Bases of Social Power: Legitimate • Need for power is expressed in the following
Power ways:
Holding a position and being a leader are not • Personalized power
synonymous • Socialized power
• Effective leaders often intuitively realize they • Thematic Apperception Test, a projective
need more than legitimate power to be personality test, can assess the need for power
successful • Need for power is found to be positively related
• Followers can use their legitimate power, job to various leadership effectiveness criteria
descriptions, bureaucratic rules, or union
policies to influence leaders Personalized power is exercised for personal needs by
selfish, impulsive, uninhibited individuals who lack self-
Involves the potential to influence others through control
control over desired resources Socialized power is used for the benefit of others or the
• Potential to influence others through reward organization and involves self-sacrifice
power is a joint function of the leader, the
followers, and the situation • Leaders who are relatively uninhibited in their
Problems associated with rewards need for power will use power impulsively
• Overemphasizing performance rewards can • Leaders with a high need for power but low
lead to workers feeling resentful and activity inhibition may be successful in the short
manipulated term, but the remainder of the organization
• Extrinsic rewards such as praise or may pay high costs for this success
compensation may not have the same • Some followers have a high need for power,
behavioral effects as intrinsic rewards such as which can lead to tension between the leader
personal growth and development and the follower
• Rewards may produce compliance but not other
desirable outcomes like commitment • Miner describes motivation to manage in terms
of the following composites:
French and Raven’s Bases of Social Power: Reward • Maintaining good relationships with
Power authority figures
• Wanting to compete for recognition
Leaders can enhance their ability to influence others and advancement
based on reward power by: • Being active and assertive
• Determining what rewards are available and • Wanting to exercise influence over
most valued by subordinates subordinates
Followers can exercise reward power over leaders by: • Being visibly different from followers
• Modifying their level of effort based on the • Being willing to do routine
leader’s performance administrative tasks

French and Raven’s Bases of Social Power: Types of Influence Tactics based on
Coercive Power the Influence Behavior Questionnaire
• Rational persuasion: When logical arguments
 Reliance on this power has inherent limitations or factual evidence is used to influence others.
 Informal coercion can change the attitudes and This power usually comes from someone who is
behaviors of others an expert in their field and is based on using
logic and evidence to influence others.
• Inspirational appeals: When a request or Leaders should pay attention to the actual influence
proposal is designed to arouse enthusiasm or tactics they use and why they believe particular
emotions in targets . focus on values, emotions, methods are effective
and beliefs to gain support for a request or • Influence efforts intended to build others up
course of action more frequently lead to positive outcomes than
• Consultation: When targets are asked to influence efforts intended to put others down
participate in planning an activity. Behavior Chapter – 3 Skills for Developing Yourself as a
seeks others participation in making a decision Leader
or planning, strategy
• Ingratiation: When an agent attempts to get a
target in a good mood before making a request
• Personal appeals: When a target is asked to do
a favor out of friendship
• Exchange: When a target is influenced through
the exchange of favors
• Coalition tactics: When agents seek the help of
others to influence the target
• Pressure tactics: When threats or persistent
reminders are used to influence targets Preparing for an Interview
• Legitimizing tactics: When agents make Candidates should gather as much information
requests based on their position or authority about their potential company as they can
• Sources of information include Websites,
Influence Tactics and Power annual reports, press releases, and marketing
A strong relationship exists between the relative • Can also use Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo, and
power of agents and targets and the types of other social networking sites to set up
influence tactics used informational interviews with people inside the
Leaders with high referent power generally do not organization
use legitimizing or pressure tactics
Leaders with only coercive or legitimate power tend The First Day: Making a First Impression
to use coalition, legitimizing, or pressure tactics The first meeting with the boss happens in the
Hard tactics are used when: boss’s office and lasts an hour
• An influencer has the upper hand • Key topics to address in the meeting
• Resistance is anticipated • Identifying the team’s key objectives,
• The other person’s behavior violates important metrics, and important projects
norms • Understanding the boss’s view of team
Soft tactics are used when: strengths and weaknesses
• One is at a disadvantage • Working through meeting schedules
• Resistance is expected and communication styles
Rational tactics are used when: • Sharing plans for the day and the next
• Parties are relatively equal in power several weeks
• Resistance is not anticipated • New hires could end discussions by arranging a
follow-up meeting with their bosses to review
Using influence tactics is a social skill progress and to ask whether weekly or monthly
Other ways to successfully influence superiors one-on-one meetings would be helpful
• Thoroughly preparing beforehand • New leaders should also meet with their entire
• Involving others for support or coalition tactics teams the first day on the job
• Persisting through a combination of approaches
People select influence tactics as a function of their First Two Weeks
power relationship with another person New leaders should meet people both inside and
outside the team
A Concluding Thought about Influence Tactics • Key objectives for these meetings are:
• Learning as much as possible
• Developing relationships Tasks to be performed include:
• Determining future allies • Gathering benchmarking information from
other organizations
One-on-one meetings with key team members • Meeting with key external customers and
should provide the leader with answers to critical suppliers
questions • Meeting with the former team leader, if
• What is the team member working on? appropriate
• What are the team member’s objectives?
• Who are the “stars” a level or two down in the New leaders need to be able to articulate:
organization? • Where the team has been and where it needs
• What are the people issues on the team? to go over the next one to three years
• What can the team do better? • What the team needs to accomplish and what
• What advice do team members have for the changes will be needed to make this happen
new leader, and what can the new leader do to • Their expectations for team members
help team members? Once the proposed changes have been agreed to,
new leaders need to have one-on-one meetings
New leaders should minimize their personal with all team members affected by any strategy,
interactions with direct reports during their first structure, and staffing decisions
two months on the job • New leaders should seek feedback from peers
• Should discuss the following during meetings: and recruiters
• Their peers’ objectives, challenges,
team structure, etcetera Third Month: Communicate and Drive Change
• Their perspectives on what the new Things to do include:
leader’s team does well and could do • Articulating how the team will win
better • Identifying the what, why, and how of any
• Their perspectives on the new leader’s needed changes
team members • Defining a clear set of expectations for team
• How to best communicate with the members
boss Major events for the third month
• How issues get raised and decisions • Meet with the entire team
made on their boss’s team • Meet off-site with direct reports if the team is
New leaders should make it clear that they want
and appreciate their peers’ help Key objectives of the off-site meeting
• Should schedule regular meetings with their • Get agreement on the critical attributes and
peers to build relationships values of team members
New leaders should meet with their stars during the • Create a team scorecard
first two weeks on the job • Establish an operating rhythm
• Stars can provide ideas for improving team • Establish task forces to work on key change
performance and are likely candidates for direct initiatives
report positions should the new leader decide
to change the structure of the team Learning From Experience
Leadership practitioners can enhance the learning
New leaders should try to meet with individuals value of experiences by:
who were once part of the team but have taken • Creating opportunities to get feedback
positions in other parts of the organization • Taking a 10 percent stretch
• Offer unique insights into the history of the • Learning from others
team and team members • Keeping a journal of daily leadership events
• Having a developmental plan
First Two Months: Strategy, Structure, and Staffing
Leader should gather more information, determine Technical Competence
the direction, and finalize the appropriate structure
and staffing for the team for the next six weeks
• Concerns the knowledge and repertoire of • Being honest and dependable
behaviors one can utilize to complete a task
successfully Building Effective Relationships with Peers
• Followers with technical competence earn Research suggests that a key requirement of leadership
better performance appraisal ratings, exert effectiveness is the ability to build strong alliances with
influence in their groups, and are more likely to others
be a member of a leader’s in-group Ways to establish and maintain good peer relationships
• Related to improved managerial promotion • Recognizing common interests and goals
rates, better training skills, lower rates of group • Understanding peers’ tasks, problems, and
conflict, reduced levels of role ambiguity, and rewards
higher motivation levels among followers for • Practicing a theory Y attitude
Development Planning
Steps in building technical competence Systematic process of building knowledge and
• Determining how the job contributes to the experience or changing behavior
overall success of the organization Peterson and Hicks believe that there are five
• Becoming an expert in the job through interrelated phases to developmental planning:
education, training, observation, asking • Identifying development needs
questions, and teaching • Analyzing data to identify and prioritize
• Seeking opportunities to broaden one’s development needs
experiences by performing tasks associated • Using prioritized development needs to create a
with the other positions in one’s work group focused and achievable development plan
and visiting other parts of the organization • Periodically reviewing the plan, reflecting on
learning, and modifying or updating the plan as
Advantages of Having a Good Working Relationship appropriate
with Superiors • Transferring learning to new environments
Superiors and followers sharing the same values,
approaches, and attitudes will: Conducting a G A P S Analysis
• Experience less conflict The first phase in the development planning process is
• Provide higher levels of mutual support to conduct a G A P S, goals, abilities, perceptions, and
• Be more satisfied with superior and follower standards analysis, which involves the following steps:
relationships • Identifying career goals
Followers receive better performance appraisal ratings • Identifying strengths and development needs
related to the career goals
Building Effective Relationships with Superiors • Determining how one’s abilities, skills, and
In order to understand the superior’s world better, behaviors are perceived by others by asking
followers should: others for feedback or through performance
• Understand the superior’s personal and reviews or 360-feedback instruments
organizational objectives • Determining the standards one's boss or
• Realize that superiors do not have all the organization has for one's career objectives
answers and have both strengths and
weaknesses Bridging the Gaps: Building a Development Plan
• Keep the superior informed about various Following are the steps for developing a high-impact
activities in the work group or new development plan:
developments or opportunities in the field • Working on career and development objectives
• Determining the criteria for success
Requires followers to adapt to the superior’s style by: • Determining action steps
• Clarifying expectations about their role on the • Deciding whom to involve and reassessing dates
team, committee, or work group • Stretching assignments
• Listing major responsibilities and using the list • Using various resources
to guide discussions with superiors about • Reflecting the knowledge with a partner
different ways to accomplish tasks and relative
priorities of the tasks Chapter 2 - Leader Development
The Action, Observation, and Reflection Model Attributions: Explanations that one develops for the
Shows that leadership development is enhanced when characteristics, behaviors, or actions he or she attends
the experience involves the following processes: to
• Action Fundamental attribution error: Tendency to
• Observation overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and
• Reflection underestimate the environmental causes when others
Spiral of experience fail
• Most productive way to develop as a leader
• shows that leadership development is enhanced • Self-serving bias: Tendency to make external
when the experience involves three different attributions for one’s own failures and make
processes: action, observation, and reflection internal attributions for one’s own successes
• Actor or observer difference: Refers to the fact
Figure 2.1: The Spiral of Experience that people who are observing an action are
much more likely than the actor to make the
fundamental attribution error

Perception and Action

Research shows that perceptions and biases affect
supervisors’ actions toward poorly performing
Self-fulfilling prophecy is a perceptual variable that can
affect actions
• Self-fulfilling prophecy: Occurs when one's
expectations or predictions play a causal role in
The Key Role of Perception in the Spiral of Experience: bringing about the events he or she predicts
-Experience is not just a matter of what events happen
to you; it also depends on how you perceive those Reflection and Leadership Development
events. • Reflection offers leaders insights about framing
-Perception affects all three phases of the action- problems differently, viewing situations from
observation-reflection model. -People actively shape multiple perspectives, and understanding
and construct their experiences. subordinates better
• Leadership development can be enhanced by
Perception and Observation raising implicit beliefs to conscious awareness in
Observation and perception both deal with attending to order to aid thoughtful reflection
events around a person • Intentional reflection may prompt one to see
Perceptual sets can influence any of one’s senses potential benefits in experience not initially
• Feelings, needs, prior experiences, and considered relevant to leadership
expectations can all trigger a perceptual set • Leaders tend to ignore reflection because they
Stereotypes about gender, race, and the like represent lack time or they lack awareness of its value
powerful impediments to learning because they
function as filters that distort one’s observations Fundamental Archetypes of Leadership
• Teacher and mentor
Perception and Reflection • Father and judge
Perception influences reflection • Warrior and knight
• Reflection is how humans interpret their • Revolutionary and crusader
observations • Visionary and alchemist
Perception is inherently an interpretive, or a meaning-
making, activity, of which attribution is an important Single- and Double-Loop Learning
aspect Single-loop learners seek relatively little feedback that
• Attributions may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or
Factors that affect the attribution process actions
• Fundamental attribution error
Double-loop learning involves being willing to confront Programs for first-level supervisors use lectures, case
one’s own views and inviting others to do the same studies, and role-playing exercises to improve
• Mastering double-loop learning is viewed as supervisory skills
learning how to learn • Focus on:
• Learning is enhanced through a practice of • Training
systematic reflection or after event reviews or • Monitoring
A E Rs • Giving feedback
• Conducting performance reviews
Making the Most of One's Leadership Experiences:
Learning to Learn from Experience Mid-level manager programs use individualized
• Learning events and developmental experiences feedback, case studies, presentations, role playing,
that punctuate one’s life are stressful simulations, and in-basket exercises to improve:
• Being able to go against the grain of one’s • Interpersonal skills
personal historical success requires a strong • Oral and written communication skills
commitment to learning and a willingness to let • Time management
go of the fear of failure and the unknown • Planning
• To be successful, learning must continue • Goal setting
throughout life and beyond the completion of
one’s formal education Conger states that a multi-tiered approach is effective
and should focus on personal growth, skill building,
Leader Development in College feedback, and conceptual awareness
Programs on leadership studies are being offered by Some approaches to leadership development
many higher education institutions and colleges emphasize individualized feedback about each person’s
Leadership programs should be multidisciplinary and strengths and weaknesses based on standardized
should cultivate values represented in the broader field assessment methods
• Service learning is used to inculcate values such • Others emphasize that leader development in
as social responsibility and the expectation to the twenty-first century must occur in more
become engaged in one’s community lifelike situations and contexts

Different leader development methods may be used Training Programs and Action Learning
beyond service learning Traditional training programs involve personnel taking
• Some courses or program elements might leadership classes during work hours
involve individualized feedback to students in • Such training addresses common leadership
the form of: issues, but its artificial nature makes it difficult
• Personality, intelligence, values, or to transfer concepts to actual work situations
interest test scores Action learning involves the use of actual work issues
• Leadership behavior ratings and challenges as the developmental activity itself
• Case studies and role playing are used as • Works on the philosophy that best learning
vehicles for leadership discussions involves learning by doing
• Simulations and games are structured activities • Conducted in teams of work colleagues who are
designed to mirror the challenges or decisions addressing real company challenges
commonly faced in the work environment
Development Planning
Leader Development in Organizational Settings To make enduring behavioral changes, leaders must
• Organization-based leadership programs provide positive answers to the following five questions:
benefit both the individual and the organization • Do leaders know which of their
• Research indicates that return on investment behaviors need to change?
or R O I for investments used in leadership • Is the leader motivated to change these
development are both positive and substantial behaviors?
• Numerous leadership training programs are • Do leaders have plans in place for changing
aimed at leaders and supervisors in industry targeted behaviors?
and public service • Do leaders have opportunities to practice new
• Are leaders held accountable for changing Personal relationship in which a more experienced
targeted behaviors? mentor acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a
less experienced protégé
Coaching • Mentor: Experienced person willing to take an
Key leadership skill that can help leaders improve the individual under his or her wing
bench strength of the group and retain high-quality • Provides protégés with knowledge,
followers advice, challenge, counsel, and support
Process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, about career opportunities,
and opportunities that they need to develop and organizational strategy and policy, and
become more successful office politics
Types of coaching
• Informal coaching Not the same as coaching because:
• Formal coaching • It may not target specific development needs
• Guidance is provided by someone several
Informal coaching: Takes place whenever a leader helps leadership levels higher in the organization and
followers to change their behaviors not the immediate supervisor
Formal coaching programs: Designed for the specific There are formal and informal mentoring programs
needs and goals of individual executives and managers • Informal mentoring occurs when a protégé and
in leadership positions mentor build a long-term relationship based on
friendship, similar interests, and mutual respect
Peterson and Hicks: Steps in Informal Coaching
• Forging a partnership • In a formal mentoring program, the
• Inspiring commitment organization assigns a relatively inexperienced
• Growing skills but high-potential leader to a top executive in
• Promoting persistence the company
• Shaping the environment Informal mentoring may be more effective than formal
mentoring as it creates a stronger emotional bond and
Informal Coaching can last a lifetime
• Process can be used to diagnose why behavioral
change is not occurring and what can be done Building One's Own Leadership Self-Image
about it  Not everyone wants to be a leader or believes
• Increases in difficulty when it occurs either he or she can be
remotely or across cultures  People who want to avoid the responsibilities of
• Can and does occur anywhere in the leadership should keep an open mind about the
organization and is effective for both high- importance and pervasiveness of leadership
performing and low-performing followers  Many people are selling themselves short

Features of Formal Coaching CHAPTER 1 - What Do We Mean by Leadership?

One-on-one relationship between manager and coach
lasts from six months to more than a year Leadership
• Coach and manager meet regularly to build Complex phenomenon involving a leader, his or her
skills followers, and the situation
• Role plays and videotape are used extensively, Because of the complexity of leadership, leadership
and coaches provide immediate feedback researchers have defined the concept in many different
• Outcomes of coaching programs ways:
• Clarification of managers’ values • Process by which an agent induces a
• Identification of discrepancies between subordinate to behave in a desired manner
managers’ espoused values and their • Directing and coordinating the work of group
actual behaviors members
• Development of strategies to better • Interpersonal relation in which others comply
align managers’ behaviors with their because they want to, not because they have to
Process of influencing an organized group toward
accomplishing its goals Distinctions between Managers and Leaders
Actions that focus resources to create desirable Managers:
opportunities • Administer
Creating conditions for a team to be effective • Maintain
The ability to engage employees, the ability to build • Control
teams, and the ability to achieve results • Have a short-term view
• The first two represent the how and the latter • Ask how and when
the what of leadership • Imitate
A complex form of social problem solving • Accept the status quo
Difference between Successful Managers and Effective • Innovate
Managers • Develop
• Inspire
Successful managers • Have a long-term view
• Those promoted through the ranks • Ask what and why
• Spend more time in organizational socializing • Originate
and politicking • Challenge the status quo
• Spend less time on traditional management
responsibilities such as planning and decision Leadership Myths, 1
making Good leadership is all common sense
Effective managers • The term common sense is ambiguous
• Make real contributions to their organization’s • If leadership were simply common sense, then
performance there would be fewer workplace problems
Leadership Myths, 2
Leadership Is Both a Science and an Art Leaders are born, not made
Bass and Stogdill’s Handbook of Leadership: Theory, • Innate factors and formative experiences
Research, and Managerial Applications cites influence behavior and leadership
approximately 8,000 studies on leadership • Natural talents or characteristics may
• Reflects the scope of the science of leadership offer certain advantages or
Leadership remains partly an art as well as a science disadvantages to a leader
• Some managers may be effective leaders • Research shows cognitive abilities and
without ever having taken a course or training personality traits are partially innate
program in leadership • Different environments can nurture or suppress
• Some scholars in the field of leadership may be different leadership qualities
relatively poor leaders themselves Leadership Myths, 3
The only school where leadership is learnt from is the
Leadership Is Both Rational and Emotional school of hard knocks
Leadership includes actions and influences based on: • Formal study and experiential learning
• Reason and logic complement each other
• Inspiration and passion • Formal study of leadership provides students
Since people are both rational and emotional, leaders with a variety of ways of examining a particular
use rational techniques and emotional appeals to leadership situation
influence followers • Studying the different ways researchers
• Leaders should weigh the rational and have defined and examined leadership
emotional consequences of their actions helps students use these definitions and
• Some leaders have been able to inspire others theories to better understand what is
to deeds of great purpose and courage going on in any leadership situation

Aroused feelings can be used either positively or The Interactional Framework for Analyzing Leadership
negatively, constructively or destructively
• Mere presence of a group causes people to act
differently than when they are alone
• Levels of competence
• Motivation

Workers who share a leader’s goals and values, and

who feel intrinsically rewarded for performing a job well
may be more motivated
Following factors have significant implications:
• Number of followers reporting to a leader
• Followers’ trust and confidence in the leader

States that leadership is the result of a complex set of Importance of the leader and follower relationship has
interactions among the leader, the followers, and the undergone dynamic change for the following reasons:
situation • Increased pressure to function with
• Example: In-groups and out-groups reduced resources
• In-groups: High degree of mutual • Trend toward greater power sharing and
influence and attraction between the decentralized authority in organizations
leader and a few subordinates • Increase in complex problems and rapid
• Subordinates feel a high degree changes in an organization
of loyalty, commitment, and
trust toward the leader Ways in which followers can take on new leadership
• Other subordinates belong to roles and responsibilities in the future
the out-group • Being proactive in their stance toward
organizational problems
Leader as an Individual • Contributing to the leadership process by
Characteristics include: becoming skilled at “influencing upward”
• Unique personal history • Staying flexible and open to opportunities
• Interests Alternative approach to understanding followership
• Character traits • Constructionist approach: Views leadership as
• Motivation combined acts of leading and following by
Effective leaders differ from their followers and from different individuals, whatever their formal
ineffective leaders on elements such as personality titles or positions in an organization may be
traits, cognitive abilities, skills, and values
Leaders are generally calm and are not prone to The Situation
emotional outbursts • Leadership makes sense in the context of how
the leader and followers interact in a given
Leaders appointed by superiors may have less credibility situation
and may get less loyalty • Most ambiguous aspect of the leadership
• Leaders elected or emerging by consensus from framework
ranks of followers are seen as more effective
Leader’s experience or history in a particular Illustrating the Interactional Framework: Women in
organization is usually important to her or his Leadership Roles
effectiveness • Women are taking on leadership roles in
Leader’s legitimacy is affected by the extent of follower greater numbers than ever before
participation in a leader’s selection • Problems that constrain the opportunity for
capable women to rise to the highest leadership
Followers roles still exist
Both practitioners and scholars stress the relatedness of
leadership and followership Findings from studies regarding problems that constrain
Following aspects of followers affect the leadership women from gaining leadership roles
process: • Mentors of women executives had less
• Expectations organizational influence and clout than did the
• Personality traits mentors of their male counterparts
• Maturity levels
• Compared to men, women’s trust in each other
decreases when work situations become more
professionally risky
• Women’s commitment to the organizations
they worked for was more guarded than that of
their male counterparts
• Strong masculine stereotype of leadership
continues to exist in the workplace
• Women are seen as less well suited to the
requirements of leadership than men

Practice interactive leadership

• Interactive leadership developed by women’s
socialization experiences and career paths
Factors that explain the shift toward more women in
leadership roles
• Women themselves have changed
• Leadership roles have changed
• Organizational practices have changed
• Culture has changed

Glass cliff: Female candidates for an executive position

are more likely to be hired than equally qualified male
candidates when an organization’s performance is
• Challenge for women in addition to the glass
• Reflects a greater willingness to put women in
precarious positions

Things to Keep in Mind for Effective Leadership

Leadership must always be assessed in the context of
the leader, the followers, and the situation
Leaders may need to respond to:
• Various followers differently in the same
• Same followers differently in different

Followers may respond to:

• Various leaders differently
• Each other differently with different leaders
The right behavior in one situation is not necessarily the
right behavior in another situation


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