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Develop Project Charter oe Outputs 1 Business documents <1 Expert judgment 1 Project cherter * Business case 2 Data gathering 2 Assumption log * Bonofits managomont plan + Brainstorm 2 Agreomonts + Focus groups 3 Entorpriso environmental + Intorviows factors 3 Intorporsonal and toam skis 4 Organizational process assots + Conflict management + Faciitation + Macting management 4 Moctings oo Pesala ceeebd en om 1 Projoctchartar 1 Expert judgment °3 Enterprise environmental * Brainstorming factors * Checklists 4 Organizational process assots * Focus groups + Interviows 3 Intorparsonal and team skills * Conflict menagement * Facilitation * Meeting management 4 Meetings: Dire nd Manne ejet Wook 1 Project management plan 1 Exparjudgmont 1 Dativerables + Any component 2 Project management 2 Work performance data 2 Project documents information systam 3 Issue log + Chango log 3 Mostings ‘4 Chango roquasts + Lossons larnod rogistor IY Projatt management plan + Milestone lst updates + Project communications * Any component + Project schedule 5 Project documents updates + Requirements traceability «Activity lst matric «Assumption log + Risk register + Lossonsleamad rogistar + Fisk report + Requirements 3 Approved change requests documentation 4 Enterprise environmental + isk ragistar Factors + Stakeholder agistar 5 Organizational process assets 1 Orgavizstional provass assets updates ee ee ede ‘Tools & Techniques 1 Exportjudgment 1 Lessons leamed register 4 Project management plan * All components 2 Knowledge management 2 Project management plan 2 Project documents 3 Information management Updates * Lossons loarnod rogistor 4 Intorporsonal and toam sks * Any component + Project team assignments Active list 4 Organizational process assets + Rosource breakdown * Facilitation updates structure * Leadership + Source selection criteria + Networking + Stakoholder register + Poltical awareness 3 Dalverables 4 Entorpriso onvironmeontal factors 5 Organizational process assots BCR eee Lad Eee 1 Expertjudgment 11 Work performance ropots 1 Projectmanagomont plan 2 Data analysis 2 Change requests ‘Ary componant 2 Project documents + Altomatives analysis 3 Project management plan + Assumption log + Cost-bonofit analysis updates * Basis of astimates + Earmad valuo analysis * Any component + Cost forecasts + Root cause analysis 4 Project documents updates * Issue log + Trond analysis * Cost forecasts * Lassons learnad ragister * Variance analysis * Issuelog * Milestone lst 3 Decision making + Lassons learned register + Quality reports ‘6 Meetings + isk register + isk regstor + Schedule forecasts + Risk roport * Schadula foracasts .3 Work performance information 4 Agreements ‘5 Enterprise environmental factors rganizational process assets ee ae en! 6 Eee Cd 1 Project management plan 1 Expert judgment <1 Approved change roquests * Change management plan 2 Change contro tools 2 Projact managoment plan + Configuration management | | 3 Data analysis Updates pian + Altorativas analysis ‘= Any component + Scope baseline + Cost-henefit analysis 53 Project documents updates * Schedule baseline 4 Decision making * Change log * Cost baseline * Voting 2 Project documents + Autocratie decision making * Basis of estimates + Muliriteria decision + Requirements traceability analysis matrix 5 Mestings + Fisk port 3 Work performance reports 4 Change roquosts ‘5 Entarpriso nvironmental factors 8 Organizational process assets Close Project or Phase pote Outputs 1 Project charter 1 Expertjudgment 1 Project documents updates °2 Project menagement plan 2 Dats analysis * Lessons learned register * Allcompononts Documont analysis .2 Final product, sovice, or 2 Project documents + Ragression analysis recut vansiton ‘Assumption log| «Trend analysis. 2 Final report, + Basis of estimates + Variance analysis 44 Organizational process assets + Changelog 3 Meetings updates * Issue log + Lossons learned register Migstone ist + Project communications + Quality control measurements + Qualty reports + Raguiramonts documentation + Riskreaister + Fiskraport 4 Accepted deliverables 5 Business documents + Business case + Bonofits managomont plan 8 Agrooments 77 Procurement documentation ‘8 Organizational process assets Plan Scope Management Tools & Techniques 1 Projectchartsr 1 Expertjudgment 11 Scope management plan 2 Project management plan 2 Data analysis: °2 Requitemerts management * Qualty management plan + Aeratves analysis plan + Project life cyclo dascrition | | 3 Mootings + Dovalopmant approach 3 Enterprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assets Oe Ce ad Eee ed 1 Project chartar 4 Expertjudgment 1 Requirements documentation 2 Project management plan 12 Data gathering 22 Requiraments traceability Seopa managemant plan * Brainstorming matrix + Requiraments management atarviews pian + Focus groups: «+ Stakeholder engagement * Questionnaies and plan surveys 3 Project documents + Benchmarking ‘Assumption log 13 Date analysis, + Lossons larnad register * Dacumant analysis « Stakaholder rgistor 4 Dacision making 4 Busingss documants * Voting + Business case ‘+ Muliriaria dacision 5 Agreements analysis 8 Enterpse environmental 5 Data representation factors * Affinity diagrams 17 Organizational process assets + Mind mapping 8 Interpersonal and team skis + Nominal group technique + Observation conversation + Facilitation 7 Context diagram 8 Prototypes ee Ly Tool eee 1 Project charter 1 Expertjudgment 1 Project scope stetoment 2 Project management plan 2 Data analysis 12 Project documents updates * Scope management plan + Akarnatves analysis * Assumption iog| 3 Project documents + Assumption log + Requirements documentation + Roguiramants analysis + Requirements traceability documentation 4 Interpersonal and team skis mmatrie’ + Risk rgister + Facilitation + Stakeholder register 4 Enterprise environmental 5 Produ factors 5 Organizational process assats analysis ORE] ee Ce 4 Project management plan 1 Expert judgment 1 Scope baseline + Scope management pian 2 Decomposition 2 Project documents updates 2 Project documents + Assumption log| * Projact scope stetomont + Requirements + Requirements decumantation documentation 23 Entorprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assets Meera ped ed Outputs 4 Project management plan 1 Inspaction 4 Accepted deliverables + Scops menagomont plan 22 Dacision making 2 Work performance + Requiraments management + Voting information plan 3 Change requests + Scops bassline 1 Project dacument updates 2 Project documonts + Lessons learned register + Lassons laamed register + Roguiremonts + Qualty pons documertaton + Roquiramonts + Requirements traceability ddocumantation matrix + Requirements traceability matric 3 Verified deliverables “4 Work parformance data Cea pd ee 1 Project management plan 1 Data analysis 1 Work porformanca + Scope managemant pian + Variance analysie information + Requirements management Trond analysis 2 Change requests plan 3 Project management plan + Change management plan updates * Configuration management + Scope management plan plan + Scope baseline + Scops baseline + Schedule baseline * Performance moasurement * Cost basalino bass + Parformance moasurement 2 Project documents baseline * Lessons leaned register 4 Projact documents updates + Roquiromonts + Lassons laamed rogistor documentation + Roquiromonts + Requiraments traceability documentation matric + Requirements traceability 3 Work performance data matrix 4 Organizational process assots Plan Schedule Management 1 Project char 2 Project management plan Scopa managorant plan + Development approach 3 Emerprise enviconmental factors 4 Organizational process asssts Tools & Techniques 4 Export judgment 2 Data analysis 3 Moctings Outputs 1 Schedule menagement plan Bysece Caer 1 Projectmanagement plan + Schedule management plan + Scope baseline 2 Enterprise environmental factors 3 Organizational procoss assols, Peer ced 1 Projact managomont plan * Schedule menegement plan * Scope baseline 2 Projact documents * Activity atibutes + Aetivity fist + Assumption log + Milestone ist 3 Enterprise environmental factors 4 Organizational provess assats Ee caeae aa nece 1 Project management plan * Schedule management plan * Scope baseline .2 Project documents © Activity atibutes + Activity list ‘Assumption log + Lessons leamed register + Hillestone ist + Projacttoam assignmonts + Resource breakdown + Resource calondars + Resource requirements + Risk register 3 Enterprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assets Eos 1 Expertjudgment 22 Decomposition 3 Rolling wave planning 4 Mestings eed 1 Procadence diagramming mmathad 2 Dependency determination and intgration 3 Leads andlags 4 Project management information system ee 1 Exertjudgment 2 Analogous estimating 3 Parametric estimating 4 Three-point astmating 5 Bottom-up estimating 8 Data analysis ‘Altorativas analysis, + Reserve analysis 1 Decision making 1 Mootings 1 Activity ist 2 etvty atributas 3 Milastone list “4 Chango requosts 5 Project management plan updates + Schedule baseline + Costbaseline 1 Projact schoduls natwork diagrams 2 Project documents updates + Aetivty attributes * Aetiviy ist + Assumption log + Milestone list 1 Duration estimates 2 Basis of esimates 3 Project documents updates * Activity atributos + Assumption log + Lessons learned ragistar Br oT ECs a eo os 1 Project management plan 1 Schedule network ana 1 Schedule baseline * Schedule management plan | | 2 Critical path method 2 Project schedule * Scope baseline '3 Resource optimization 3 Schedule data 22 Projectdocuments 4 Date analysis 4 Project calendars + What scenario analysis, ‘5 Change requests * Simulation ‘8 Project managornont plan * Assumption log 5 Leads and lags updates + Basis of estimates 8 Schedule compression + Schedule management plan + Duration estimates 1 Project management + Cost basen * Lessons learned register information system 7 Project documents updates * Milestone lst 8 Agile celoase planning + Aativity attributes + Project schadule notwork + Assumption log diagrams + Duration osimetos + Project team assignments * Resource calendars + Resource requirements + Fisk egistor + isk rogistor 3 Agrooments 4 Enterprise environmental factors 5 Organizational process assets Peo Ch a. oo outputs 4 Projectmanagement plan 1 Data analysis 1 Work performance + Schedule management plan + Eamed value analysis information + Schedule baseline + Itaration burndown chart 2 Schedule forecasts + Scope baseline + Performance reviews 3 Change requests + Performance messurement «Trend 4 Projact management plan baseline * Variance updat 2 Project documents + What: scenario analysis + Schedule management plan * Lessons learned registor 2 Critical path method + Schedule baseline + Project calendars 3 Projectmanagement + Cost basalino + Project schedule information systam * Performance measurement + Resource calendars 4 Resource optimization baseline + Schedule data 6 Loads and lags 5 Projact documents updatos 13 Work performance data 1 Schedule compression + Assumption log 44 Organizational process assets * Basis of estimates —— + Lessons learned register + Project schadule + Rospurce calendars * isk register + Schedule data poe ead cent eed = eo 1 Project charter 1 sper judgment 2 Project managamentplan 12 Data analysis + Schadule management plan || 73 Mectngs * Risk management plan 3 Enarprise envionmontl feces 4 Organationel process osets ed PPE 4 Projoct menagomont plan * Cost management plan * Quality management plan + Scope baseline 2 Project documents + Lossons leamed registar + Project schedule + Resources requirements + Risk rogistor 3 Enterprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assets Outputs 41 Export judgment 41 Gostestimates ‘2 Analogous ostimating 12 Basis of estimates [3 Parametric estimating 33 Projact documents updates ‘4 Bottom-up estimating + Assumption log ‘5 Thros-point ostimating + Lossons learned register 3 Data analysis, «+ Fisk ogistor + Altematives analysis + Reserve analysis. * Costof qualty 1 Project management, information system 8 Decision making * Voting Determine Budget 1 Projectmanagement plan + Cost management plan + Resource management plan + Scope basolino 2 Project documents + Basis of estimates + Cost estimates + Project schadule + Fisk register .3 Business documents + Business case + Bonolits managomont plan 4 Agreements 5 Enterprise environmental factors 5 Organizational process assots road 1 Expert judgment ‘2 Cost agaregation 2 Data analysis 4 Cost baseline 2 Broject funding requirements 3 Project documents updates «+ Rasorva analysis += Cost estimates 4 Historical information review + Project schedule 5 Funding it raconetiation + Risk registor 8 Financing 4 Project management plan = Cost management plan Cost basalina * Performance measurement baseline 2 Projaet documents * Lassons laamod rogistor 3 Projet funding requiramnts 44 Work performance data ‘5 Organizational process assets Eee 3 Expert judgment * Variance analysis + Trand analysis + Reserve analysis 3 To-complato psrformance indox 4 Project management information system 1 Work performance information 2 Costforacasts 3 Chango roquosts 4 Project management plan updates = Cost management plan + Cost baseline + Porformance measurement baseline 5 Project documents updates + Assumption log + Basis of estinatos + Cost estimates + Lossons loarnod rogistor + Rsk register ee ee ee ety 1 Project chartar 1 Expertjudgment 1 Quality management plan 2 Projoct managamant plan 2 Data gatharing '2 Quality metres + Requirements management + Benchmarking '3 Project menegoment plan plan * Brainstorming updates + Risk management plan + Interviews + Risk management plan + Staksholder engagamant 3 Data analysis * Soope baseline pian + Cost-benefit analysis 4 Project dacuments updates + Scope baseline * Cost of quality * Lessons eamed register 3 Projact documants A Docision making + Requirements traceability ‘Assumption log + Mukicritoria dacision matric + Requirements analysis + Risk roistor documentation 5 Data representation * Stakaholder egistor + Roguiraments traceability + Flowchens| matrix * Logical data model + Risk ogstor + Matrx diagrams «+ Stakoholderrgistor + Mind mapping A Entorprise environmental ‘6 Tost and inspocton planning factors 7 Meetings 5 Organizational process assets 1 Projact managomont plan <1 Data gathering 4 Quality reports * Qualty managoment san * Chocklists 12 Tastand evaluation .2 Project documents 2 Deta anaysis documents + Lessons learned register + Akarativas analysis 3 Change requasts * Qualty control * Document analysis 4 Projeetmanagement plan ‘massuraments + Process analysis updates + Quality metrics + Root cause analysis + Quality management plan + Risk report 3 Decision making + Scope baseline 3 Organizational process asssts ‘+ Multcritora dacision + Schedule baseline analysis + Costbasolina 4 Data representation .5 Project documonts updates + Affinty diagrams + Issue log + Couse-end-efect diagrams + Lessons leemad ragster + Fowcharts| + Risk register + Histograms * Matrix diagrams + Scattor diagrams 5 Audits 6 Design forX 7 Problem solving 8 Qualtyimprovemant methods Control Quality 1 Project management lan 1 Date gathering 1 Quality comrol measurements + hliy manegomont plan + Cheeklts 2 Verified daiverbies 2 Projact documents * Chock shoots 4 Work performance + Lessonsleamed riser + Statistical sampling information * Oualy mevies Questemnaires and surveys "| 4 Change requests + Tastand evaluation 2 Data analysis documants + Performance eviews 1 Approved change roqosts * Root causo analysis * ‘Cualty management pan 4 Datvarables 3 Inspoction § Projct documonts updstos 5 Work performance data 4 Testng/reduct evaluations + Issuelog 8 Emtrpase environmental 5 Data represertaton * Lessons eared register factors * Cause-and-tfect diagrams + Fisk register 17 Organizational process assets + Control charts + Testand evaluation + Histogram documents * Scatter 6 Meetings Plan Resource Management Eee 1 Project chartor 1 Expert judgment 1 Resource management plan 2 Projact managoment plan 2 Dats roproscniation 2 Taam cherter, * Quality manegament plan + Hisrarchical charts 3 Project documents updates + Scope baseline + Responsibly assignment ‘Assumption log 3 Project documonts matrix + Risk register * Project schedulo + Text-oriantod formats + Requirements 3 Organizational theory documentation % Mactings + Rist royistor X « Stakcholder register 4 Enterprise environmental factors 5 Organizational procoss assots Tools & Techniques 1 Project management plan 1 Expert judgment 1 Resource requirements ‘ Resource management plan | | 2 Bottom-up estimating 2 Basis of estates + Scope basoline 3 Analogous ostiating 3 Resource breakdown 2 Project documents 14 Paramotric estimating structuro ivy atrbutes '5 Dats analysis 4 Projact documents updates + Activ list * Alternatwas anclysis + Actiy atobutes + Assumption log 8 Projact managament + Assumption log += Costestimates information system + Lossons laarnod rogstor “+ Resoures calendars 7 Meetings * Risk ogister 3 Enerprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assets Tools & Techniques 1 Projactmanagement plan 4 Decision making 1 Physical resource + Resource management plan + Multritara decision assignments + Procurement management analysis 2 Projectteam assignments plan 2 Interparsonal and team sls || 3 Resource calendars * Cost baseline + Negotiation 4 Change raquests 2 Project documents, 8 Pre-assignment 5 Project management plan + Project schadula 4 Viral teams updates + Resource calendars lesource management plan + Resource requirements + Costbaseline + Stakeholder ragistar 6 Project documents updates 3 Enterprise environmental + Lessons leamed register factors + Project schedule 4 Organizational process assets + Resource braakiown structure + Resource requirements + Risk register + Stakeholder rogistar 2 Enterprise environmental {actors updetes 8 Organizational process assets updates Develop Team Tools & Techniques 1 Project management plan 1 Colocation + Resource management plan | | 2 Virwalteams 2 Project documents 3 Communication technology + Lossons leemod ragistor 4 Intorparsonal and toam skills Project schedule confit management * Project team assignments + Infusncing 1. Team performance 2 Change requests 3 Project management plan updates ‘+ Resource management plan 4 Project documents updates + Lessons leamad registar + Project schedule + Projacttoam assignments + Resource calendars + Team chartar 5 Enterprise environmental factors updates 8 Organizational process assats updates eee + Resource eslendars + Matvation = Team charter + Negotiation 3 Enterprise environmental += Team bulging factors 5 Recognition end rewards 4 Organizational process assets | | 6 Training 7 Individual and team 8 Meetings 4 Projectmanagement plan 1 Imerpersonal andteam skils | | 1 Change requests + Resource management plan * Conflict management 2 Project management plan 2 Project documents + Decision making updates + Issue log + Enetional intaligence Resource managomont plan + Lessons learned register + Influencing * Schedule bassline + Project team assignments * Leadership + Costbaseline * Team charter 2 Project management 3 Project documents updates 3 Work porformance reports information systam * Issue log % Team performance + Lossons laamod rogisto assessments + Projecttvam assignments 5 Enterprise environmental 4 Enterprise environmental factors factors updates 5 Organizational process assots Tools & Techniques 1 Projact management plan Dita analysis 1 Work performance + Resource management plan * Altarnatwas analysis information 2 Project documents * Cost-banefit analysis 2 Change requests * Issue log * Barlormance reviews 3 Project management plan * Lessons leamed register + Trend analysis updates + Physical resource .2 Problom solving + Resource management plan assignments 13 Interpersonal and team skills * Schedule bascine + Project schedule + Negatiaton + Costbaseline + Resource breakdown + Influencing 4 Project dacuments updates structure 4 Projact management * Assumption og + Resource requirements information system + Issua log + Rsk og + Lassons learned registor 3 Work periarmance data + Physical resource 4 Agreements assignments 5 Organizational process assats ‘+ Resource breakdown ssructure + Riskregister Plan Communications Management 1 Project charter 4 Expertjudgment 4 Communications management 2 Project management plan 2 Communication requirements plan + Resource management plan analysis 2 Project management plan + Stakeholder ongagomont .3 Communication technology updetes plan “4 Communication models + Stakeholder ongagomont 3 Project documents '5 Communication methods plan + Requiromer 8 Interpersonal ané team skis | | 2 Projactdocuments updatas documentation * Communication styles * Project schedule + Stakoholder ogistor sssossmont + Stakeholder register A Enterprise environmental + Political awareness factors = Chur 5 Organizational provess assets + Stakeholder engagoment ‘assassmant matrix 8 Moctings Manage Communication: a eo 1 Project management plan 11 Communication technology 1 Project communications + Resource management plan | | 2 Communication mathods 2 Project management plan + Communications 2 Communication skill updates ‘managomont plan * Communication compstoncs * Communications «+ Stakeholder engagement + Feedback ‘management plan plen + Nonverbal + Stakeholder engagement 2 Project documents + Prasontations plan * Chango log 4 Projact managament 3 Project documents updatos * Issue log information system + Issue log + Lessons leamed register 5 Project reporting + Lessons lesrned register + Quality report 8 Interpersonal and team skills + Project schadule + Risk report * Activa listening + Risk rogstor * Stakaholder register * Conflict management + Stakoholdorrogistor .3 Work performance repors ulural awareness 4 Organizational process ' Enterprise environmental + Meeting management assets updatas factors + Networking 5 Organizations process assets * Polticel ewareness 7 Meetings ee BOC ern n tr ts ot res Outputs || Project management plan -) Exportjudgment 1 Work performance "fowourcemiregenenrpan | | 2 Project manegoment ifomaton = Cammanianons ihrnston sym 2 hangs eques rmovapenent pan Dats eaie 2 Projet management plan + Sutoolerengevomert * Sakohola engogoment ‘odes nian feesiont ma Canmuriceions 2 Projet documents 4 tare ana il renagemon gan Stalag S"Otmertonlomersaion | | + Sukoelier egugemert 5 osonslaredrogtr | | 5 Mostngs an = Propctconmuncaions | °F) | pjct cums updates 3 Wattpertomence ata rg 4 Emarpse environmental + teen umd itr facore + Sukonolerregier 5 Organizational process assets Eee ee 1 Projoct chartor 2 Project management plan + All components 23 Projact documents + Stakoholdarrogistor 4 Entarpris environmental factors 5 Organizational provess assats XR ‘Tools & Techniques 1 Exportjudgmont 2 Data anaivsis, * Stakeholder analysis 2 Meatings Ce 4 Project management plan + Requiramants management plan + Schedule managament plan + Cost management plan + Oualty management plan + Resource management plan + Risk managomont plan + Scope baseline + Schedule baseline + Cost baseline .2 Project documants ‘+ Assumption log + Cost estimates * Duration estimates + Issue log + Lessons leamad register + Requirements documentation + Resource requirements + Stakeholder register 3 Agreements {4 Procuremant documentation 55 Enterprise environmental ‘actors 8 Organizational process assets ee 1 Exportjudgment 2 Date gathering + Brainstorming * Chocklsts + intorviows 2 Dats analysis + Root cause analysis * Assumption and constraint analysis + SWOT analysis + Document analysis 4 Intarporsonal end tsar skis * Facilitation 5 Prompt sts 5 Moctings od 4 Rick egistor 22 Risk roport. 3 Project documents updates + Assumption log + Issua log + Lessons learned register reek he CAA Rte eee ce ed 1 Project management plan + Risk managomont plan 2 Project documents + Assumption log + Ris register * Stakeholder register 3 Enterprise environmental factors A Organizational process assats Tools & Techniques 41 Exper judgment 22 Data gathring * Interviews + Fisk probability and impact aseasement + Assossmant of othor risk erameters <4 Interporsonal and toam skills * Facilitation 5 Fisk categorization 5 Data representation + Probabilty and impact mati * Hierarchical charts 7 Maotings ed 4 Project documents updates * Assumption log + Issuelog + Risk rogistor + isk report Tools & Techniques 1 Project management plan 1 Exgertjudgment 1 Projact documents updates + Riskmanagement plan 2 Data gathering iskrepor. + Scope baseline + Interviews * Schedule baseline 3 Interpersonal and team skills + Cost basaline + Faciitation 2 Project documents 4 Representations of + Assumption log| uncertainty + Basis of estimates 5 Ota analysis: * Cost astimatos + Simulations + Costforecests analysis + Duration estimatas * Decision tee analysis * Milestone lst + Influence diagrams + Resource requirements + Risk register + Risk report + Schadula forecasts 3 Enterprise environmental factors Plan Risk Respo! 4 Projectmenagemert plan 1 Expertjudgment 1 Chango roquosts * Resource managementplan | | 2 Oate gathering '2 Project management plan + Risk management plan + Interviews updates + Cost baseline 8 Interpersonal and team skills + Schedule management plan .2 Project documonts «= Faciltation + Cost management plan + Lassons eerned register 4 Stategis for threats + Quality management plan + Project schedule 5 Strategies for opportunities + Resource management plan + Projact team assignments 8 Contingent response + Procurement managemant + Resource calondars stratogios plan + Fiskrogistor 7 Stratogios fr ovral projact + Scope basolino + Riskrepor risk + Schedule baseline + Stkcholder register 8 Date enaysis + Costbaseline 2 Enterprise environmental ‘Alternatives analysis 3 Project documents updates factors + Cost-benefit analysis * Assumption log 4 Organizational procass assets | | 9 Decision making + Cost forecasts ——_——r— ‘+ Mutiertaria decision * Lessons laarnod rogistor analysis + Project schedule + Project tsa assignments + Risk register + Fisk roport Implement Risk Responses Eee 1 Project management plan 1 Expt judgment 1 Chango roquosts ‘Risk management plan ‘2 Incarpersonal andteam skils | | 2 Projact documents updates, 2 Project documents + Influencing * Issue log Lossons learnod rogistor 3 Project managomont * Lossons laanadragistor ‘+ Rist resister information system * Projecttgam assignments + Fisk port + Riskregisr 3 Organizational process assots + Riskreport 4 Projactmanagement plan + Riskmanagemont plan 2 Project documents * Issue log * Lessons leamed register + Riskresister * Risk report 3 Work performance date 4 Work performance reports ‘Tools & Techniques 1 Date analysis, ‘+ Tochnical pariormanco analysis + Reserve anaiysis, 2 Audis 3 Mectings Outputs 1 Work porformanco information 2 Chango roquosts 3 Projectmanagement pan updetos *"Any component 4 Project documents updates * Assumption log + Issue log + Lessons learned register + Risk esistor + Rsk report, 5 Organizational process assets updates Plan Procurement Management a oc. 4 Project charter 1 Expert judgment 1 Procurement management 2 Business documents 2 Data gathering plan * Businass caso ‘= Markot research 2 Procurement stratogy + Bonsfits managomont plan | | 3 Data analysis 3 Bid documonts| .3 Project management plan + Make-orbuy analysis 4 Procuramant statamont of ‘Scope management plan 4 Source salaction analysis. work * Quality management plan 5 Meetings 5 Souree salecton ciara. + Resource management plan 6 Make-or-buy decisions * Scope basoline 7 Independent cost estimates 4 Project documents 8 Change requests + Milestone ist 9 Project documents updates + Project taam assignmonts + Lessons leaenad register + Roquiromonts * Milestone ist documentation + Raguiramonts + Requirements traceability documentation matric + Requirements traceability + Resource requirements mmatri + Risk ropistor + Risk register + Stakeholder ropister * Stakaholder register 5 Enterprise environmental 10 Organizational process factors assets updates 8 Organizational process assots PUT Pato Tt a eo out 1 Project management plan 1 Exportjudgment 1 Solactad sellars {cape management plan 12 Advertising 2 Agreements + Requirameatsmanagement | | “3 Bidder cooterances 3 Change raquasts plan 4 Dats analysis 4 Broject management plan + Communications * Proposal evaluation updates management lan ‘5 Intarporsonal and toam skills ‘+ Requirements management “+ Rsk managoment plan + Nogetiaton + Procurement management plan * Communications + Configuration managament ‘manegement plan plan + Risk management plan + Cost baseline + Procurement management 2 Projoct documonts plan + Lessons learned rapister + Scope basolina + Project schedule + Schedule baseline * Requirements + Cost baseline documentation 5 Project documents undatas + Risk register + Lessons learned register + Stakoholdorrogistor + Requirements 3 Procuramont documontation ‘documentation 4 Seller proposals, + Roquiromonts traceability 5 Erase envronmeral faciors 8 Orgarizatonsl proves assets + Rsk register — + Stakeholder register 8 Organizational process assats updates Cease cca anc Tools & Techniques 1 Project managomont plan 1 Expartjudgment <1 Closod procuromonts + Requirements management | | 2 Claims adminiswetion (2 Work performance plan 3 Data anaysis: information + Risk management plan + Poriormance reviews 23 Procurement documentation + Procurement management + Earnad value analysis updates plan + Trond analysis 4 Change requests + Change management plan 4 Inspection “5 Projoct managoment plan + Schedule baseline 5 Audits updatos 2 Project documents + Riskmanagementplan + Assumption log + Procurement menagement + Lossons loamod rogistor pian + Milastone ist + Schedule basolina + Quality reports += Cost baseline + Requirements 5 Project documents updates documentation + Lassons learned regisar + Requirements traceability + Resource requirements matrix + Requirements traceability isk register matrix * Stakoholdorregistar + Risk ogistor 3 Agroemants + Stakaholdorropistor 44 Procurement documentation 17 Organizational process assets 5 Approved change requests updates 8 Work performance data 7 Entorprise anvironmontal factors 8 Organizational process assets Peete eo toting ED outputs 1 Projact chartar 1 Expert judgment 1 Stakeholder register 2 Busingss documonts 22 Data gatharing 2 Change requests + Business case * Questionnaires and surveys | | 3 Project managamont plan + Benefts managament plan + Brainstorming updates 3 Project management plan 3 Data analysis, ‘Requirements management * Communications * Stakeholder analysis plan manegemont plan + Document analysis, + Communications + Stakoholder engagement 4 Date roprosontation ‘manegemont plan plan «Stakeholder mapping/ + Riskmanagement plan 4 Project documents representation akeholder engagement * Changelog 5 Meetings plan + Issue log 4 Project documents updates + Requirements + Assumption log documentation + Issue log 5 Agreements + Riskregister 8 Enterprise environmental factors 1 Organizational process assets Plan Stakeholder Engagement SS = 1 Projactchartar 1 Expert judgment 1 Stakeholder engagement 2 Projoct managomont plan 2 Date gathering plan + Rasource management plan * Benchmarking + Communications 23 Date anaysis| managema + Assumption and constraint + Risk manager analysis 3 Project documonts + Root cause analysis * Assumption log A Decision making + Chango log « Priortizeton/ranking + Issue log 5 Data roprosontation + Project schedule ind mapping + Risk register + Stakeholder engagement + Stakeholder egistor assessment matrix 4 Agraemants 5 Mactings 5 Enterprise environmental factors 5 Organizational process assats Manage Stakeholder Engagement a eo 1 Project management plan 4 Expert judgment 1 Change requests * Communications 2 Communication skills 2 Project management plan ‘management plan «+ Feedback updates Risk management plan 3 Interpersonal and team skills * Communications + Stakeholder engagement + Confit management ‘management plan plan + Cultural awareness + Stakeholder engagement + Change management plan + Negotiation plan 2 Project documents + Observation/conversation 3 Project documents updates = Changelog + Politcal ewaraness * Change log * Issue log 4 Ground rules * Issue log + Lossons laamod rogistor <5 Mootngs + Lessons leamed register + Stakeholder register SO + Stakeholder register 3 Enterprise environmental factors 4 Organizational process assots 1 Project managamont plan + Resource managomont plan * Communications management lan + Stakeholder engagement plan 2 Project documonts * Issuo log + Lessons leamed resister + Project communications + Risk register * Stakeholder register 3 Work performance data 44 Enterprise environmental factors 5 Organizational process assets ea Cees ey cred Tools & Techniques 1 Data analysis + Aomatvos analysis + Root cause anaysis + Stakeholder analysis 2 Dacision making * Malone ison analysis + Voting 3 Data representation + Scakaholder engagement assessment matrix 4 Communication skits + Foodback + Prosortations 5 Interpersonal and team skills + Active listening ultural awareness * Loadorship + Networking * Palieal awareness 6 Mestings 1 Work performance information 2 Chango requests 2 Project management plan updates + Resource management plan * Communications ‘management plan + Stakoholder engegoment plan 4 Projact documents updates + Issue log + Lessons earned register + Risk rogistor + Stakeholder register

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