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Focus Groups

Facilitated Workshop


Nominal group technique

Idea/mind mapping

Affinity diagram



Questionnaires and Surveys



Requirements Traceability Matrix

Define Scope

Product Analysis
Alternatives Generation

Create WBS


Work Package

Planning Package

100 percent rule

Validate Scope


Variance Analysis
Projectized Organization

Balanced Matrix Organization

Weak Matrix Organization

Composite Organization


Rolling Wave Planning

Mandatory Milestone

Optional Milestone

Sequence Activities
Mandatory dependencies

Discretionary dependencies

External dependencies

Internal dependencies



Published Estimating Data

Activity Resource Requirements

Estimate Activity Durations

Analogous Estimating

Parametric Estimating

Three-Point Estimating

Contingency reserves

Management reserves

Critical Path Method

Critical Path

Critical Chain Method

Resource Leveling
Resource Smoothing

What-If Scenario Analysis

Schedule Compression


Fast tracking

Hammock activity

Trend Analysis

Rough order of magnitude (ROM)

Definitive estimates
Determine Budget

Funding Limit Reconciliation

Cost Baseline

Project Budget



Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cause-and-effect diagrams


Pareto Diagram

Control Chart

process is considered out of control

Scatter Diagram

Design of Experiments

Statistical Sampling

Force field analysis

Process Improvement Plan

Quality Metrics

Quality Checklists

Quality assurance

Continuous process improvement

PDPC (Process decision program charts


Interrelationship digraphs

Tree diagrams

Matrix diagrams

Quality Audits
Process Analysis

Root cause analysis

Control Quality



Attribute sampling

variables sampling



Organizational Theory

staff release plan


Interpersonal Skills

Virtual Teams

Scheduled training

Unplanned training





Team Performance Assessments

Project Performance Appraisals

Sources of conflict

Collaborate/Problem Solve

Formal Communication
Informal Communication

Potential communication channels

The Seller

Fixed-price contracts



T&M Contract

Procurement Statement of Work

Conduct Procurements
Weighting system

Bidder Conferences


Analytical Techniques

Direct and Manage Project Work

Contract Change Control System

Procurement Performance Reviews

Payment Systems

Procurement Audits
Risk appetite

Risk tolerance

Risk Threshold

Delphi technique

Checklist Analysis

Influence diagrams

SWOT Analysis

Risk Register

Risk Probability and Impact Assessment

Probability and Impact Matrix

Risk Urgency Assessment

The Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Continous Probability distributions

Discrete Probability distributions

Sensitivity analysis / tornado diagram

Avoid Strategy

Transfer Strategy

Mitigate Strategy
Accept Strategy

Exploit Strategy

Enhance Strategy

Share Strategy

Contingent Response Strategies (contingency plans)

Risk Reassessment

Risk Audits


Power/interest grid
Power/influence grid

Stakeholder Register

Expert Judgment

Stakeholder Management Plan

Project Charter

Business Case

Facilitation Techniques

Project Management Plan

Direct and Manage Project Work

Corrective action

Preventive action


Work Authorization System

Change control board (CCB)

Lose to lose solutions

Win to win solutions

win-lose solutions
Prepared By Mahmoud Karem


confidential information

prequalified stakeholders , moderator

key stakeholders , cross-functional requirements , improve commun

consensus , QFD and JAD

generate and collect multiple ideas , does not include voting

.Rank or Prioritize Ideas

Reflect commonality and differences in understanding

Classify or Organize the Ideas , Generate Ideas about the Proble

Delphi technique , Consensus

More than 50 %

largest block

quick , large number of respondents , varied audiences , geographically

job shadowing , viewing individuals in their environment

obtaining early feedback , mock-up , Metigate The Risk

links product requirements from their origin to the

deliverables , managing changes to the product scope

(Included & Execluded) Describes the project, service, or result boun

Translating high-level product descriptions into tangible deliverables

systems analysis, requirements analysis, systems engineering, v
and value analysis
Lateral thinking, analysis of alternatives

Process of subdividing project deliverables

Technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and

Lowest level of the WBS

Work breakdown structure component below the control accou

The WBS represents all product and project work, including the pr
management work

Formalizing acceptance of Deliverables

Reviews, product reviews and walkthroughs

The cause and degree of difference between the baseline and actual pe
PM has Maximum Authority

Sharing Authority Between PM and FM

PM act as Coordinator or Expeditor

Special Team

Represent the effort needed to complete a work package

Iterative planning technique , the work in the future is planned at a high

is a form of progressive elaboration

Milestones required by contract

Milestones based upon historical information

logical sequence of work , relationships among the project activ

Dependencies are legally or contractually required or inherent in the na
work , hard logic or hard dependencies

Preferred logic, preferential logic, or soft logic , best practices

Outside the project team’s control , relationship between project activ

non-project activities , Waiting The Hardware Component from Su

Inside the project team’s control , cannot test a machine until they ass

Successor activity can be advanced with respect to a predecess

Successor activity will be delayed with respect to a predecessor activit


Published data through Articles, books, journals for estimating ac

Identify the types and quantities of resources required

process of estimating the number of work periods needed to complete

using historical data , limited amount of detailed information , less cost
time consuming but it is also less accurate , Top Down Estima

statistical relationship between historical data and other variables ,


It Considers estimation uncertainty and risk , PERT

known-unknowns , a percentage of the estimated activity duration, a fix

of work periods, or may be developed by using quantitative anal

unforeseen work , unknown-unknowns

Estimate the minimum project duration , without regard for any res

Longest path through a project, which determines the shortest possibl

duration , Zero Float

Buffers , account for limited resources

shared or critically required resources are only available at certain tim

allocated , keep resource usage at a constant level , critical path to c
usually to increase
critical path is not changed , activities may only be delayed within thei
total float , may not be able to optimize all resources

delaying a major component delivery , a strike or a change in the pe


shorten the schedule duration without reducing the project sco

Adding Resources , approving overtime , increase the Cost , You have


Activities are in parallel for at least a portion of their duration , increased

haven’t available Budget

More comprehensive summary activity

Examines project performance over time to determine whether perform

improving or deteriorating

Estimate in the range of −25% to +75%.

Range of accuracy to -5% to +10%.

Process of aggregating the estimated costs

The expenditure of funds should be reconciled with any funding limit

commitment of funds for the project , bankruptcy

Budget with Execluding any Management Reserve

Cost Baseline + Management Reserve

measure of exactness

Assessment of correctness

compares the cost of the quality step to the expected benefit

fishbone diagrams , Ishikawa diagrams , linking the undesirable effect

special variation to the assignable cause , Trace the problem’s source b
actionable root cause

process maps , useful in understanding and estimating the cost of q

tally sheets , facilitate the effective collection of useful data about a p
quality problem , data about the frequencies or consequences of d

vital few sources that are responsible for causing most of a problems

determine whether or not a process is stable , control limits are general


a data pointe exceeds a control limit (2) seven consecutive plot points
above the mean; or (3) seven consecutive plot points are below the

Two Variables , Enviroment of Manufacturing with Actual Enviroment , c


Determine impact on cost of quality , optimal conditions , changing a

important factors, rather than changing the factors one at a tim

choosing part of a population , Ex. PMP Application Audit

These are diagrams of the forces for and against change

Process boundaries , Process configuration , Process metrics and Ta

improved performance
on-time performance, cost control, defect frequency, failure rate, ava
reliability, and test coverage

verify that a set of required steps has been performed

umbrella for continuous process improvement , Make sure that the W

Complied with Quality Policy

eliminates activities that do not add value

understand a goal in relation to the steps for getting to the goa

process for creative problem solving in moderately complex scena

, intertwined

parent-to-child relationships and Nesting Relationship , represent deco

hierarchies such as the WBS, RBS , OBS

show the strength of relationships between factors, causes, and obj

May be scheduled or random, and may be conducted by internal or ex

auditors , Identify all nonconformity, gaps, and shortcomings
follows the steps outlined in the process improvement plan , includes ro

identify a problem, discover the underlying causes that lead to it, and
.preventive actions

Verified Deliverables is Output of this Process , Check the Deliverable I

before delivering to the Customer

keeping errors out of the process

keeping errors out of the hands of the customer

The result either conforms or does not conform

the result is rated on a continuous scale that measures the degree of c

organization’s existing departments, units, or teams with the project ac

work packages

shows the project resources ) , responsible, accountable, consult, and

assigned to each work package
proactive correspondence, luncheon meetings, informal conversa

can shorten the amount of time, cost, and effort needed to create the Pl
Resource Management , recommend exercising a flexible leadersh

mitigate human resource risks that may occur during or at the end of

selected in advance , competitive proposal , staff assignments are defi

the project charter

communication skills , emotional intelligence , conflict resolution , neg

team building

Form teams of people who live in widespread geographic areas , Comm

planning becomes increasingly important with these Teams

classroom, online, computer-based, on-the-job training from another pro

)member, mentoring, and coaching

(observation , conversation , and project performance appraisa

learns about the project and their formal roles and responsibilities ,
members tend to be independent and not as open
technical decisions , Disagreements

well-organized unit , They are interdependent and work through issues

trust each other

The team completes the work , staff is released from the projec

at strategically important times , meeting room sometimes called war

tight matrix

assessments of the project team’s effectiveness

clarification of roles and responsibilities, constructive feedback to team

scarce resources, scheduling priorities, and personal work styl

Long Term Solution

reports, minutes, briefings

emails, memos, ad-hoc discussions

Show complexity of a project’s communications

can be viewed during the contract life cycle first as a bidder, then as th
source, and then as the contracted supplier or vendor

The Riskiest Contract on Seller , Clear Defined Scope

adjustments to the contract price due to changed conditions, such as

changes, or cost increases , Long-time Contract , long-term relation

the Most Risky Contract on Buyer , Buyer can’t Define the Scope , If y
have Team to review the Invoices don't use it

a hybrid type of contract , acquisition of experts , a precise statement

cannot be quickly prescribed , rates per unit , rates per hour

developed from the project scope baseline , describes the procuremen

sufficient detail ,Includes specifications, quantity desired,quality le
performance data , performance reporting

obtaining seller responses, selecting a seller, and awarding a con

Select a single seller , ranking all proposals by the weighted evaluatio

used to ensure that all prospective sellers have a clear and comm
understanding of the procurement requirements , no bidders receive p

Announce about Bid on selected newspapers

examining past performance of Seller

authorize the seller’s work at the appropriate time

includes the paperwork, tracking systems, dispute resolution procedu

approval levels

identify performance successes or failures, which allow the buyer to qu

seller’s demonstrated ability or inability to perform work , take place as
project status reviews

accounts payable system

identify successes and failures that warrant recognition in the prepar

administration of other procurement contracts on the project, or on oth
within the performing organization
an entity is willing to take on in anticipation of a reward

volume of risk that an organization or individual will withstand

Below that risk threshold, the organization will accept the ris

reduce bias , Anonymously

Risk identification developed based on historical information , The lowe

the RBS

showing causal influences

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

Include root causes of risks , Potential responses to a risk

prioritized (High , low) for further Quantitative analysis , Lock-Up

Check near-term responses

analyzes the effect of those risks on project objectives

Beta and Triangular

Scenarios , Can use with Decision Tree

The most potential impact of Risks (Greatest) on the project

Eliminate the threat , Extending the schedule , reducing scope , shut d

project , Using old technology in case new technology has a high

shifts the impact of a threat to a third party , insurance, performance

warranties, guarantees , Fixed Price Contract , Pure Risk

Prototype , Training a team member who has limited experience , Rentin

your server may stop (Backup) , Security system , reduce the probab
occurrence or impact of a risk
not take any action unless the risk occurs , unable to identify any othe
response strategy

assigning an organization’s most talented resources , ensure that the o

is realized , using new technologies or technology upgrades

increase the probability and/or the positive impacts , Adding more resou
activity to finish early

third party , risk-sharing partnerships, teams, special-purpose compani


response plan that will only be executed under certain predefined con
triggering events , sufficient warning , If the Steel Prices will be 1000 E
purchase a Stock to be in my Warehouse

Identification of new risks , Reassessment of current risks , Closing of

.are outdated

examine and document the effectiveness of risk responses , effectiven

risk management process

Used with The risk which has been happened and wasn’t unanticipate

grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (“power”)

level or concern (“interest”)
grouping the stakeholders based on their level of authority (“power”)
active involvement (“influence”)

It includes (Identification information , Assessment information , Stak

classification) , It contains Stakeholder Roles

Identify Actions and communications required to close the gaps betwee

and Desired Engagement

Sensetive Plan , Includes Strategies required to effectively engage stak

Assign project manager and give him authority , Link project to orga
strategic plan , May created by project manager but issued by spo

Business Need + Cost Benefit Analysis , justify and establish boundar


Brainstorming, conflict resolution, problem solving, and meeting man

Includes Description of how the integrity of the project baselines w


performing the work defined in the project management plan , implem

approved changes , Generate work performance data , implement risk
realigns the performance of the project work with the project managem

ensures the future performance of the project work is aligned with the
management plan

any unique and verifiable product

how project work will be authorized, ensure that the work is done by the
organization, at the right time, and in the proper sequence

is responsible for meeting and reviewing the change requests and ap



Collaborate/Problem Solve

No. of Comm. Channels =
n = No. of SHs

Who does Select and Prioritize the Right Programs and Projects

Who does do the Project and Program in Right way

The Top Management needs to increase the monetary assets , stockholder

equity and recognition , what the Top Management wants to do

The Top Management informed the IT Manager to terminate the Project and
the IT Manager informed the Project Manager to terminate the Project

Which of the following would NOT be considered a useful Organizational

Process Asset when identifying stakeholders?

A. Lessons learned from previous phases

B. Stakeholder register templates
C. Stakeholder registers from previous projects
D. Organizational culture for identifying stakeholders

How to Prevent Scope Creep

What is strongly influences how requirements are managed

you found one of key stakeholders complain of a one of work package still
not complete. You do not agree and review with him the WBS dictionary but
the stakeholder still unsatisfied. What is the next document you should

team member suggested the addition of a functionality, which she thinks,

will improve customer satisfaction. Your approach would be to

correct sequence for these tools and techniques used in Project Time

What would you use in management presentation

If the sponsor knows the Earned Values like SPI , CPI and so on and can’t

If The Sponsor doesn't know the Exact earned values

How to Prevent Cost overrun ?

Your customer always asking for a lot of changes of scope and product
features during the project execution. You accept all changes to meet a
customer satisfaction. After a distance of time of execution, you noticed an
inflation at project budget. What should have done to prevent this situation

Sponsor tells you that the project will be terminated because of Problems
in the credit limit of the bank . What could have done by the project
manager to prevent this

The Customer requested new specification to be added to the Product ,

what will you update next

You are monitoring and recording results of assessing performance and

recommending necessary changes. What do you get from this exercise

Identify all the gaps/shortcomings in your project

Your Team inspected the Site before formal join Visit with Customer , what
is the Process

you are in the process of determining the project roles, responsibilities,

and reporting relationships for your team members , What are the Inputs of
this Process

You are approximately 50% physically complete with your project. The
project sponsor has just asked you, the project manager, for a listing of
when and how each of your staff is going to be released from the project.
Which of the following documents will you present to the project sponsor
to answer their question
How to Prevent ?

you realize that you will need 6 resources for 6 months. You can get only 2
resources after negotiating with the functional manager and as per the
organizational policy, you can hire 2 more in every 6 months. As a project
manager what will be your next step

your project team leave the site early at 2:00 pm Friday you would like to
establish clear expectations regarding the acceptable behavior of the team
member to avoid such situations

After completing some work required to develop your project team

members, such as training. what will you do next

A conflict appeared between two members of your team. The conflict start
to impact the schedule of project tasks. What should you do?

What you need to Move forward with projects that would have been ignored
due to travel expenses

Can vary from a 5-minute agenda item and help individual team members
work together effectively

If there is a Conflict between two Members and one of them said to you , I
know that you will go with him , ok go with it
Emphasizing areas of agreement rather than areas of difference; conceding
one’s position to the needs of others to maintain harmony and

If the Customer request a Change and you don't have enough Budget for it

The information is provided in the right format, at the right time, to the right
audience, and with the right impact.

providing only the information that is needed.

Transmission of the message , Ensuring the information being

communicated is clear and complete , Confirming the communication is
correctly understood

Ensuring that the information is received in its entirety (Completely) , The

information is understood correctly , acknowledged or responded to

You need to get Approval for Scope Change from Virtual Team

You Need to document the Changes on The Constraints

The SH has a Problem on Frequencies or Times or Technology of
Communications or Reports

Where you can find Escalation Process

You need to test your Product but you haven't the enough Cababilities to
do that < what you will do ?

You are New PM and the Sponsor informed you to refer to the Previous
projects but you didn't found any data , what the Previous PM Forgot to do

You found the Problems in Contract as the Cost was increased in Fixed
Price Contract , To Prevent that

The Seller need Down Payment before Signing the Contract

The Seller Performance was very bad , to Prevent that

If one of Sellers ask for Questions by mail , what you will do

Significant differences in cost estimates between sellers

If the Project Manager of Buyer set a Meeting with PM of Seller to check he

Performance of Seller

You have Negotiated with the Customer about Specific Problem what will
you do next

It includes roles and Responsibilities of who will be responsible for Risk

Activities like Who will identify the Risk , Who will analyze and so on

You have Identified New Risks and closed outdated ones what will you do
Next ?

compares the amount of the contingency reserves remaining to the amount

of risk remaining at any time in the project in order to determine if the
remaining reserve is adequate.

Unforseen risks Happened

you implemented a risk response and hired an additional skilled technical

resource that can help in testing your application. However, you are
worried that the technical resource may leave - this new risk can also be
You have Identified a new Stakeholder What is next ?

New SH , What will you update ?

SH Changed from Resistor To Supportive , Wht you will update Next ?

In Kick of Meeting , Who will present the Strategy or Direction Strategy of


In Kick of Meeting , Who will present the Implementation Strategy of Project

Whern you develop a New Product , a Compititor released a Product as

yours , what will you do ?
When you need to check that the Project Still aligned with Objectives and
Benefites which agreed before , What will you do ?

In the final stage of the project the sponsor rejected the final product where
he said it didn't met the project objectives. Which document you will review
to convince him

While collecting requirements and suggestion , a key stakeholder

requested some requirements and suggestions but the sponsor rejected all
his requirements and suggestions , what should you have done to prevent
this situation :
During the execution of the project you had to manage a change request
where sponsor is out of the board. You evaluated the impact of the change
on the other constraints of the project then you got the change request
approved by CBB. The next step project manager should do:
A. Update management plan
B. Implement the change
C. Ask the sponsor for authorization
D. Review the approved change within the team

If the Question that you analyzed the Impact of Change and found that the
Schedule will increase by 2 Months

If The Customer requested the KPI to be added

Who is responsible for preventing the Unnecessary Changes

Before considering the project closed , Project manager reviews :

Audit project success or failure, gather lessons learned and archive project
information for future use by the organization

CCB Roles and Responsibilities in :

If the Sponsor informed you to terminate the Project , What will you Do
Next ?
Kick-off meeting happened at :

Any Change in Contract Need :

Any Changes due to Governmental Law

If the Sponsor informed you to terminate the Project and you have agreed
with the Supplier to Deliver Some Materials or Products

Portfolio Manager

Program and Project Manager

Increase the Business Value

Functional Organization

""D"" Org. Culture is EEF

Scope MGMT Plan or Project MGMT plan if Scope plan not in


The phase-to-phase relationship

Scope statement

Disallow the new requirement, because it changes the project


Decomposition work packages into activities, allocate

resources, schedule task

Precedence is Incomplete

Milestone chart

Performance report

Earned Value Report

Forcasting , Cost Management Plan or Project MGMT plan if

Cost plan not in Choices
Change management plan

Funding Limit Reconciliation

Requirements Documentation then Quality Management Plan

Quality control measurements

Quality audit which is Part of Quality Assurance process

Control Quality

Plan Human Resource MGMT Plan (OPA & EEF & Activity
Resource Requirements )

Staffing management plan (Go with Son then Father , if Staffing

Plan not in Choices Choose HR Plan if it is not in Choices
choose Project MGMT Plan and so on
Search for Plan Immediately

Acquire (outsource) contractors in accordance to your H.R

When the performing organization is unable to provide the(
staff needed to complete a project, the required services may
be acquired from outside sources

Ground Rules

Team performance assessments

Ask the project manager to interfere for solution

Virtual Team

Team-Building Activities



Effective communication

Efficient communication

Sender Responsibility

Receiver Responsibility

Interactive (Need Discussions)

Pull (Document , so No Need For Discussion)

Reviewe or Refer to Communication MGMT Plan

Communication MGMT Plan

Compare between Hiring testers or using the Existing

Resources to take the Decision (Make or Buy Analysis)

OPA Update (Lessons Learned + Project Files)

Refer to Procurement MGMT Plan as the Contract Type is the

Real Problem

Refer to Procurement MGMT Plan , if The Plan not in Choices

so refer to Copmany Policy

Strict Source Selection Criteria

Send the Answer to all Sellers (no bidders receive preferential

procurement statement of work was deficient, ambiguous,
and/or that the prospective sellers either misunderstood or
.failed to respond fully to the procurement statement of work

Procurement Performance Reviews

Negotiation then Meditation/arbitration then litigation

Risk MGMT Plan

Risk Reassessment (Missing Step : Reassessment of current

risks )

After Making Reassessment , I need to check if the (

Reserve) Contingencies is enough or need to be increased

Workaround then review the Contengencies if there is Enough

Fees to handle it , if not , you will Request a Change to get
)these Fees from Management Reserve

Secondary risk
Create SH Register

SH Register then SH MGMT Plan then Communication MGMT


SH MGMT Plan (It Includes C and D Engagement and which

Strategies) then SH Register which is output from Plan SH
MGMT as Documents Update


Project Manager

Cost Benefit Analysis

Project Charter

"Identify all key stakeholders"

we are in collecting requirements and sh register is input to(
this process , the sponsor rejected all his requirements , this
means that the PM didn't identify all key stakeholders to
)prevent this situation
Ask the sponsor for authorization
Customer or sponsor approval may be required for certain
change requests after CCB approval, unless they are part of the

You must analyze the Impact on trible Constraints

Add it to Project Charter

scope baseline (If it will not be found in choices so choose
Project MGMT Plan)

Administrative Closure

Change MGMT Plan

Validate Scope to know to what extent the Deliverables have

been Reached
Planning and the Next is Execution

Change Request

Will Request Change Request Immediately without Evaluationg

the Impact

Inform the Seller Immediately to stop Delivering the Materials

as first Action

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