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As revealed by Worldpanel, the growth of revenues from fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry in

Indonesia is the highest compared to other Southeast Asian countries, namely with 8.3% growth. FMCG and
fresh foods are still the products with the largest expenditure for households in Indonesia.

As we learned, the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industry is one of the quite attractive and
promising industries in Indonesia, with the estimated market size of more than USD 10 billion per year dollar.
With more than 255 million people, Indonesia is a lucrative market for the FMCG industry.

Overall, the FMCG retail industry contributed 18.5% into the national GDP in 2016. This figure is expected to
increase to 30% by the year 2030.

On the other hand, The Sigma Research Survey results say that the huge market potential of the baby diapers
industry is 14 trillion per year. The diapers industry is estimated to continue growing at an estimated 18-20%
per year. This is also strengthened considering that every year the infant birth rate in Indonesia reaches 9.7

Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk (LPP) Indonesia masih tergolong tinggi. Hingga akhir 2018, LPP Indonesia
berada di posisi 1.39%, yang berarti setiap tahun ada 4.2 juta sampai hampir 4.8 juta bayi baru lahir di
Indonesia. Angka ini turun dari 2010 sebesar 1.49%.

Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia predicts that the Indonesian economy will grow by 5.1% in the third quarter of
2019. Like the previous quarters, household consumption is still the main supporting factor of economic

Based on the data from Statistics Indonesia, it is mentioned that the economic growth in the second quarter
of 2019, only grew at the level of 5.05%, lower than the realization of economic growth in the first quarter of
2019 of 5.07% (YoY). Furthermore, the World Bank predicts that Indonesia's economic growth will drop below
5 percent in 2020, which is only 4.9%.

Berdasarkan data di atas, dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia yang masih tergolong tinggi,
maka penjualan baby diaper masih prospektif untuk dioptimalkan. On the other hand, the slowing down of
the Indonesian economy this year to 2020 is a caution for all industry players.

Dalam setiap tahunnya, terdapat 4.2 juta sampai hampir 4.8 juta bayi baru lahir di Indonesia. Hal ini
mengindikasikan bahwa produk popok bayi yang dijual oleh the Company masih prospektif untuk

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