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TIME: September to December

14 weeks
5 classes per week
57 classes x 80 minutes
14 classes x 57 minutes

CREDITS: 5 Credits

I will be assuming that a majority of the students have some prior drama experience. Various
topics will be reviewed and adjusted depending on students’ abilities and comforts. This plan
may need to be adapted throughout the semester, to ensure that SLOs have been thoroughly


Unit Forms/Components Integrated Learner Expectations

in Unit

Orientation/Beginnings  Orientation style activities to Orientation

(4 weeks) help the classroom become a Student will be exploring
safe space. We will be using many of the different
warmups, games and teacher- disciplines in drama, these
lead activities. will come from Movement,
 Student will lead a warm-up Speech, and Improvisation. At
for the class. the end of this unit students
will lead a warm-up that
encompasses either Speech,
Movement, or Improvisation.
These outcomes will also be
revisited throughout the
course of the semester.

Haunted House  Students will prepare for a Improvisation

(4 weeks) haunted house, and put it Voice
on for the school. They Acting
will create the story of the Movement
Haunted House and
create their characters
costume. They will also
create the story behind
the haunted house and
their character profile.

Scripted Work This unit will build on students’ Speech 5, 7, 11-14

(2 weeks) knowledge of a scene, plot, Improvisation 3-15, 18-32
beginnings, endings, and Costume 1-8
characters motivations. Lighting 1-10

 Scripted Work
 Lighting
 Script Analysis
 Plot

 Overview of theatre history

Theatre Studies  Groups research various Theatre Studies 1,2
(2 weeks) periods for presentations to
the class

 Improvisation
Planned Improvisation  Group Drama Improvisation 1-32
(3 weeks)  Picture book Activity Movement 1-11
Speech 6-14

Improvisation 18-32
Major Project  Analysis of One Act Movement 10,11
(2 weeks)  Directorial Concepts Costume 1-8
 Puppets (movement) Lighting 1-10
 Final Projects (Puppet Show) Speech 10-14
Journal (20%):
Students will keep a journal to reflect on the activities that we do during class. Journals will be
taken in every two weeks to ensure that students are using them effectively. I will give the last
5-10 minutes for student reflection at the end of class.

Lead Warm-Up (5%):

Students will lead a warm up activity for the class, that focuses on speaking, movement, or

Theatre History Presentation (10%):

In groups students will complete research and presentation of a topic in Greek theatre, this
could include genre of play, technology used, acting styles etc.

Picture Book Activity (15%):

As a class we will read a picture book, students will have to come up with a script to finish the
picture book and perform their script.

Analysis of Play (15%):

Students will analyze a one act play and determine a directorial concept.

Puppet Show - Final (25%):

Students will combine different skills that they have learned throughout the semester to create
a unique puppet show. This will be a group project and students will be given class time to work
on this project.
 Create puppets
 Create script
 Make choices regarding tech i.e. lighting and sounds
 Perform puppet show.

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