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Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT on Hig COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION =< % * oan0hos CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER Ne Series of 2017 SUBJECT: POLICIES, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR THE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (BSN) PROGRAM In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No.7722, otherwise known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994", in pursuance of an outcomes-based quality assurance system as advocated under CMO No. 46 s. 2012 entitled “Policy Standards to Enhance Quality Assurance (QA) in Philippine Higher Education Through an Outcomes-Based and Typology-Based QA, and by virtue of Commission en banc Resolution No. 231-2017 dated March 28, 2017 the following policies, standards, and guidelines (PSGs) are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission, ARTICLE| INTRODUCTION Section 1. Rationale Based on the Guidelines for the Implementation of CMO No. 46 s. 2012, this PSG implements the “shift from competency-based standards to cutcomes-based education." It specifies the “core competencies” expected of BS Nursing graduates “regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from." However, in “recognition of the spirit of outcomes-based education and the typology of HEls,” this PSG also provides “ample ‘space for HEIs offering BS Nursing program to innovate in the curriculum in line with the assessment of how best to achieve learning outcomes in their particular contexts and their respective missions. ARTICLE I AUTHORITY TO OPERATE Section 2. Government Auth All private Higher Education Institutions (PHE!s) intending to offer BS Nursing program must first secure proper authority from the Commission in accordance with this PSG. All PHEIs with an existing BS Nursing program are required to shift to an outcomes-based approach based on this PSG and must secure approval for such a shifi. State Universities, and Colleges (SUCs), and Local Universities and Colleges (LCUs) should likewise strictly adhere to the provisions of these policies and standards. Higher Education Development Genter Building, C.P Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Web Site: Tel, Nos. 441-1177, 385-4381, 441-1169, 441-1149, 441-1170, 441-1216, 392-5296, 441-1220 441-1228, 988-0002, 441-0750, 441-1254, 441-1235, 441-1255, 411-8910, 441-1171, 352-1871 ARTICLE Il GENERAL PROVISIONS Per Section 13 of RA No. 7722, the higher education institutions shall exercise academic freedom in its curricular offerings but must comply with the minimum requirements for specific academic programs, the general education distribution requirements and the specific professional courses. Section 3. The Articles that follow give minimum standards and other requirements for the implementation of outcomes-based education (OBE) of the BSN program, Outcomes-based education is an approach that focuses and organizes the educational system around what is essential for all learners to know, value, and be able to do, to achieve a desired level of competence. The minimum standards are expressed as a minimum set of desired program outcomes which are stated in Article IV Section 6. CHED designed a curriculum to attain such outcomes. This curriculum is shown in Article V Section 9 as a sample curriculum. The number of units of this Curriculum is hereby prescribed as the “minimum unit requirement” under Section 13 of RA 7722. In designing the curriculum the CHED employed a curriculum map which is showin in Article V Section 11 Using a learer-centered/outcomes-based approach, the CHED also determined appropriate curriculum delivery methods as shown in Article \V Section 11.4 Instructional Design. Based on the curriculum and means of its delivery, the CHED determined the physical resource requirements for the library, laboratories and other facilities and the human resource requirements in terms of administration and faculty. See Article VI Section 4. The HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to their own contexts and Section 5. missions provided that they can demonstrate that the same leads to the attainment of the required minimum professional nursing outcomes, albeit by a different route, provided that the curriculum delivery facilitates the attainment of the program outcomes. The HEls can use the CHED Implementation Handbook for Outcomes- Based Education (OBE) and the Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) as a guide in making their submissions for Sections 16, 17 and 18 of Article Vil ARTICLE IV PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Program Description 5.1 Degree Name The degree shall be Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). To ensure the quality of the nursing graduate, the degree is conferred upon completion of at least four-year BSN program offered by a college, professional institution or university duly recognized by the Commission on Higher Education. In the Philippines, the BSN degree is equivalent to Level 6 of the Philippine Qualifications Framework. Page 2 of 63 5.2 Nature of the Field of Study The BSN is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. Professional courses are threaded through from the first year thru the fourth year with emphasis on the nursing concepts with corresponding Related Learning Experiences (RLE). The BSN program provides an intensive nursing practicum that will refine further the nursing competencies to ensure achievement of the BSN program outcomes required of an entry level nurse. 5.3. Program Goals The BSN program aims to develop a professional nurse who is able to assume entry level positions in health facilities or community settings. The professional nurse is capable of providing safe, humane, quality and holistic care to individuals in varying age, gender and healti-iliness status: healthy or at risk families: Population groups; and community; singly or in collaboration with other health care providers to promote health, prevent illness, restore health, alleviate suffering and provide end of life care. 5.4 Specific Roles and Careers for Graduates The National Nursing Core Competencies Standards of 2012 includes the three (3) major roles of the professional nurse. As a nurse generalist, they can assume the following roles on: 4. Client Care Utilize the nursing process in the care of: Mothers, newborns, children, adolescents, adults and older persons; Family. ‘community, population groups, and persons with special needs 2. Leadership and Management Serve as Managers and Leaders of Nursing service units and health services and programs 3. Research Engage in nursing and health-related research; Evaluate research studies; Apply research process in improving client care Beyond the beginning professional roles, the nurse can pursue any of the following career options 1. Advanced Practice Nursing 1.1. Include the following roles but not limited to: Ambulatory Care, Cardiovascular Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Diabetes Educator, Emergency Care Nursing, Enterostomal and Wound Care Nursing, Entrepreneurial Nursing, Gerontology Nursing, Hospice/Palliative Nursing, Nephrology Nursing, Neurologic Nursing, Nursing Informatics, Oncology Nursing, Orthopedic Nursing, Renal Nursing and Telehealth Nursing. Page 3 of 63 4) Communicates effectively skills orally and in writing ) Engages in setf-directed lifelong learning f) Assumes leadership and management role 9) Promotes the use of health systems approach in the delivery of health care h) Participates in the conduct of researches i) Acts as a social advocate / mobilizer 6.3 Specific to BSN @) Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and humanities in the practice of nursing b) Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community utilizing nursing process ©) Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care 4) Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles ) Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language ) Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively 9) Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra- and mutti- disciplinary and multi-cultural teams h) Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a systems approach i) Conduct research with an experienced researcher i) Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and health developments in particular k) Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino 1) Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery m) Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession 1) Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care 6.4 Common to a Horizontal Type as defined in CMO No. 46 s. 2012 ‘CHED's horizontal typology is based on the functional differentiation of HEIs vis-a-vis their service to the nation. Each type is distinguished on the basis of @ transparent set of distinguishing features and measurable indicators relevant to national development goals. In particular, HEIs may be differentiated functionally along, 1) the qualifications’ and corresponding competencies of their graduates; 2) the nature of the degree programs offered: 3) the Qualifications of faculty members; 4) the types of available learning resources and support structures available; and 5) the nature of linkages and community outreach activities. (CMO 48, s. 2012, Article V, Section 21-22) Professional Institutions contribute to nation building by providing ‘educational experiences to develop technical knowledge and skills, at the graduate and undergraduate levels, which lead to professional practice, e.g., Engineering, Medicine, Law, IT, Management, Teacher Education, Maritime Education). Professional institutions develop adults who will have the technical and practical know-how to staff the various professional sectors that are required to sustain the economic and social development of the country and the rest of Page 5 of 64 the world, as well as to contribute to innovation in their respective areas, Colleges contribute to nation building by providing educational experiences to develop adults who have the thinking, problem solving, decision-making, communication, technical, and social skills to participate in various types of employment, development activities and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the communities they serve. Universities contribute to nation building by providing highly specialized educational experiences to train experts in the various technical and disciplinal areas and by emphasizing the development of new knowledge and skills through research and development. The focus on developing new knowledge is emphasized from the basic post-secondary (ie., baccalaureate) academic programs through the doctoral programs; thus, @ research orientation is emphasized in the Bachelor, Master's and doctoral degree programs. Universities contribute to nation building by producing experts, knowledge, and technological innovations that can be resources for long-term development processes in a globalized context Graduates of State Universities and Colleges must, in addition, have the competencies to support “national, regional and local development plans." (RA 7722), ‘An HEI, at its option, may adopt mission-related program outcomes ‘that are not included in the minimum set. To distinguish among HEIs according to horizontal typology types, HEIs are encouraged to develop Bachelor of Science in Nursing curricula that provide enhancements in selected program outcomes, such as but not limited to: Horizontal Typology Types PROGRAM OUTCOMES Professional | Colleg | University Institution e 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences, and + + + humanities in the practice of nursing [2 Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups and community utilizing nursing process. 3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the + + + delivery of care. 4 Practice nursing in accordance with ‘existing laws, legal, ethical and moral + + + |__ principles. | 5. Communicate effectively in speaking writing and presenting using + + + culturally-appropriate language. 6. Document to include reporting up-to- date client care accurately and + + + |__ comprehensively. ‘ Page 6 of 63 7. Work effectively in collaboration with | ] inter-, intra- and multi-disciplinary and + + Ps multi-cultural teams 8 Practice beginning management and | leadership skils in the delivery of client care using a systems. | | approach, 8. Conduct research with an | experienced researcher. + + 4 oa 10. Engage in lifelong learning with a T | passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, + _ + and nursing and health developments in particular. 11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino. | 12.Apply techno-intelligent care | systems and processes in health + + + care delivery 13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession. 14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the | delivery of nursing care. Legend: + Basic competency ++ Advanced competency 6.5. BSN Level Outcomes ‘These are outcomes expected to be achieved at the end of the specific year level. The level outcomes are as follows: First year: At the end of the first year, given simulated situations in selected settings, the learners demonstrate basic nursing skills in rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing process. Second year: At the end of the 2nd year, given a normal and high risk mother and newborn, child, family, communities and population groups in any health care setting, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process. Thitd_year: At the end of the third year, given individuals, families, Population groups, and communities with physiologic and psychosocial health problems and maladaptive patterns of behavior in varied health care settings, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process and applying research and evidence- based practice, Fourth year: At the end of the fourth year, given groups of clients (individuals, families, population groups, and communities) with health problems and special needs, the learners demonstrate safe, appropriate and holistic care utilizing the nursing process and can assume first level entry positions in any field of nursing, Page 7 of 64 ‘Section 7. Performance Indicators Performance indicators are competencies that the learners have to develop to achieve a specific program outcome. [__ Program Outcomes Performance Indicators T. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing a. Integrate relevant principles of social, physical, natural and health sciences and humanities in a given health and nursing situation. b. Apply appropriate nursing concepts and actions holistically and comprehensively. 2 Perform safe, appropriate, and holistic care to individuals, families, Population groups, and ‘community utilizing nursing process. @ Assess with the client (individual, family, population group, and/or community), one’s health status/competence. », Formulate with the client a plan of care to address the health conditions, needs, problems and issues based on priorities c. Implement safe and quailty interventions with the client to address the health needs, problems and issues, 4, Provide health education using selected planning ‘models to targeted clientele (individuals, family, population group or community) . Evaluate with the client the health status/ competence ‘and /or process/expected outcomes of nurse-client working relationship. Institute appropriate corrective actions to prevent ‘or minimize harm arising from adverse effects 3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence- based practice in the delivery of care. '@. Provide appropriate evidence based nursing care using 2 participatory approach based on * variety of theories and standards relevant to health and healing research clinical practice lent preferences client and staff safety customer care standards 4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles, @ Adhere to ethico-legal considerations wien providing safe. quaity and professional nursing care. ®. Apply ethical reasoning and decision making process to address situations of ethical distress and moral dilemma. «©. Adhere to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe nursing practice 4, Protect clients rights based on “Patients Bil of Rights | and Obligations.” €. Implement strategies/policies related to Informed consent as it applies in mulliple contexts 5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturaly-appropriate language. 6. Reportidocument client care accurately and comprehensively ‘a. Ensure a working relationship with the client andlor support system base on trust, respect and shared decision-making using appropriate ‘communication/interpersonal techniques/strategies ‘a. Document client's responses /nursing care services| rendered and processesioutcomes of the nurse client working relationship. Ensure completeness, integrity, safety, accessibility and security of information. Page 8 of 64 ‘c. Adhere to protocol and principles of confidentiality in safekeeping and releasing of records and other information 7. Collaborate effectively with inter, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams, , Ensure intra-agency, inter-agency, multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration in the delivery of health care. b. Implement strategies/approaches to enhance/support the capability of the client and care providers to Participate in decision making by the inter-professional team. . Maintain a harmonious and collegial relationship among members of the health team for effective, efficient and safe client care 4. Coordinate the tasksrfunctions of other nursing personnel (midwife, BHW and utility worker) €. Collaborate with other members of the health team in the implementation of programs and services. Apply principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health services. g. Collaborate with GOs, NGOs and other socio-civic agencies to improve health care services, support environment protection policies and strategies, and safety and security mechanisms in the community. h, Participate as a member of a quality team in implementing the appropriate quality improvement process on identified improvement opportunities 8, Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client care. @ Participate in the development and improvement of policies and standards regarding safe nursing practice and relevant to human resource management b. Manage resources ( human, physical, financial, time) efficiency and effectively ©. Apply management and leadership principles in providing direction to manage a community/village- based. d. Use appropriate strategies/approaches to plan community health programs and nursing service. . Supervise the implementation of the nursing component of the health services/programs. £. Ensure that all nursing personnel adhere to standards of safety, bioethical principles and evidence based nursing practice. 9. Evaluate specific components of health programs and nursing services based on parametersicriteria, hh. Maintain a positive practice environment Participate in the planning and implementation of staff development activities to enhance performance of nursing support staff j, Evaluate performance of nursing support staff using a standard evaluation tool 9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher. ‘, Participate in preparing a research proposal complying with the ethical principles in nursing research. b. Conduct a research study as a member of a research team. c. Determine if the research problems/questions, learning outcomes and /or hypotheses are clearly and logically linked to the research purpose, concepts and relationships, and propositions generated from the study framework d. Analyze if the conceptual framework the summary of _| Page 9 of 64 70. Engage in ifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and health developments in particular. . Engage in advocacy activities to deal with health review of related literature, research design, and data analysis procedure are logically linked with the research purpose, problems/questions, and hypotheses Establish if the interpretation, implications, and recommendations are consistent with the results considering the limitations of the study. Analyze the research study/report for adherence to standards of writing mechanics, ethical principles and guidelines in all phases of the research study, Present the research study conducted in partnership with a research team. ‘Assume responsibilty for lifelong learning, own Personal development and maintenance of competence. Demonstrate continued competence and professional growth Engage in advocacy activities to influence health and social care service policies and access to services Model professional behavior. related concerns and adopts policies that foster the ‘growth and development of the nursing profession, 77. Demonstrate responsible citizenship | b. Customize nursing interventions based on Phil culture and pride in being a and values Filipino, Exemplify love for country in service of the Filipinos 12. Apply techno-intelligent ‘care systems and processes in health care delivery. Use appropriate technology to perform safe and efficient nursing activities Implement system of informatics to support the delivery of health care 13. Uphold the nursing core values in the practice of the profession | Demonstrate caring as the core of nursing, love God, love of country and love of people. Manifest professionalism, integrity and excellence. Project the positive professional image of a Filipino Nurse. 14. Apply entrepreneurial | @ skills in the delivery of nursing care Identify opportunities for entrepreneurial nursing practice. Apply strategic interventions to address health- related concerns of individuals, families, communities ‘and population groups to any health care setting. Based on the standards of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (POF), graduates of the BS Nursing program are expected to achieve a specific level of knowledge, skills and values, application and degree of independence. Knowledge, Skills Level | ___and Values Degree of Application Independence 6 [Broad and coherent | Professional/creative work | Independent and /or knowledge and skills on | in a specialized area of | in teams of related basic clinical nursing | clinical nursing practice, | field with minimal practice and research for | research and/or further | supervision. professional, creative | study. work and lifelong learning. Page 10 of 64 ee i «3 To provide for progressive advancement of program outcomes for Nursing, the BS in Nursing curriculum is distinguished from curricula for post-baccalaureate, as well as, the doctoral and post-doctoral degrees, based on the guidelines of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (POF). (Please see Appendix A). To ensure comparability with other ASEAN countries, the ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) is likewise utilized ARTICLE V CURRICULUM Section 8. Curriculum Description Higher education institutions offering the Nursing program should design the curriculum that will effectively develop the expected program outcomes and institutional outcomes appropriate to HEI’s horizontal typology. Higher education institutions offering BS Nursing may exercise flexibility in their curricular offering, but should ensure that the minimum requirements are met. Program innovations shall be subject to prior review by the Commission. Further, the curriculum to be implemented should be aligned with the insttution’s vision, mission and goals. ‘The Commission provides the following sample curriculum, Section 9. Sample Curriculum 9.4 Curriculum Components Readings in Philippine History/Mga Babasahin hinggls@—=—=~=~*~dSCS*«S: Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas ( Philippine History, Governance & Constitution integrated) -36_units __ ~ | 24 Units | Understanding the Self/Pang-unawa sa Saril 3 ‘The Contemporary Worid/Ang Kasalukuyang Daiadig 3 Mathematics in the Modern World/Matematika sa Makabagong 3 Daigdig (Biostatistics integrated ) _ Purposive Communication/Malayuning Komunikasyon (Technical 3 Writing integrated ) ‘Art Appreciation/Pagpapahalaga sa Sining 3 Science, Technology and Society/Agham, Teknolohiya at Lipunan 3 Ethics/Etka 3 [[b) Elective Courses (Choose only 3 — 3 units People and the Earth's Ecosystems Living in the IT Era Philippine Popular Culture* 3 3 The Entrepreneurial Mind 3 3 zy Religion, Religious Experiences and Spirtualiy= Note: * Electives recommended will be institutional choice Ul, Other Courses... Physical Education a National Service Training Program (NSTP) 1 and 2 6] Page 11 of 63 ete eS Ill. Major Courses 2 units lecture, 2 units lab) NCM 105 - Nutrition and Diet Therapy (2 units lecture, + unit la NCM 106 - Pharmacolog} Biochemistry (3 units lecture, 2 units lab) 5 Logie and Critical Thinkin 3 ‘Anatomy & Physiology (3 units lecture, 2 units lab) 5 Microbiology & Parasitology (3 units lecture, 1 unit lab) 4 IV. Professional Courses . its NCM 100 - Theoretical Foundations in Nursing 3 NCM 101 - Health Assessment (3 units lecture, 2 units lab) 5] NCM 102 - Health Education 3 NCM 103 — Fundamentals of Nursing Practice (3 units lecture, 2 5 units fab) NCM 104 - Community Health Nursing I: Individual and Family as 4 Clients NCM 107 - Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Client) (4 units lecture, 5 units lab) NCM 108 - Health Care Ethics (Bioethics) and Chronic) (6 units lecture, 6 units lab} NCM 110 - Nursing Informatics NCM 109 - Care of Mother and Child at-risk or With Problems (Acute | _ NCM 111 - Nursing Research | (2 units lecture, 1 unit lab) NCM 112 Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid & Electrolyte, Infectious, Inflammatory and Immunologic Response, Cellular Aberration, Acute and Chronic (8 units lecture, 6 units tab) NCM 113 - Community Health Nursing II: Population Groups and Community as Clients (2 units lecture, 1 unit lab) [ NCM 114 - Care of the Older Person (2 units lecture, 1 unit lab) NCM 115 - Nursing Research Il (RLE 2) NCM 116 - Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition and GI Metabolism and Endocrine, Perception and Coordination, Acute and Chronic (5 units lecture, 4 units lab) NCM 117 - Care of nts with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior, Acute and Chronic (4 units lecture, 4 units lab NCM 118 - Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions/acutely ill/multi-organ problems/high acuity and emergency situations, Acute and Chronic (4 units lecture, 6 units lab) NGM 119 - Nursing Leadership and Management (4 units lecture, 3 units lab) _| NCM 120 - Decent Work Employment and Transcultural Nursing NCM 121 - Disaster Nursing (2 units lecture, 1 units lab) NCM 122 - Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital and Community settings) (8 clinical lab) Page 12 of 63 oe, ‘SUMMARY | GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES A. Core Courses B. Elective Courses C. Life and Works of Rizal ll, PE and NSTP 18 2 Ill MAJOR COURSES IV, PROFESSIONAL COURSES TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 36 units 24 units 9 units 3 units 14 units 17 units 125 units 192 units ‘At the end of the B. S. Nursing program, the total number of related learning experiencas, skills laboratory/ciinical are recommended for the following: i No, of Hours) msconaet | eres Courses Suits | cuineal | (1ereatunit | bearing Lap | (Lereditunit | (26-30% of Total RLE hours) NCW101 - Health Assesement Z| 0 702 | “30-30 hours | NGM 103- Fundamentals of Nursing eM 103 2) 0 102 | 20-90 hours NICM 104 Community Health Nursing’ | 7 | 7 Toa 20-30 hours NCM 107 - Care of Mother, Child Adolescent (Well Client) —_ 23 258 Br 7eheas NCM 109 - Care of Mother and Child at- risk or With Problems 1] 06 | S161 hows NICM 171 - Nursing Research | a 70-15 hours NCM 112 Care of Clients with Problems in Oxygenation, Fluid & Electrolyte, Infectious, Inflammatory and 1 | 5 308 | 61-91 hours Immunologic Response, Cellular Aberration, Acute and Chronic NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 0 [ Si 70-18 hours _| NCM 114 - Care of the Older Person oft 51 0-15 hours NCM 115 - Nursing Research fl 2 [9 102_| 20-30 hours NCM 116 - Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition and GI Metabolism and 1] 3 204 | 40-61 hours Endocrine, Perception and Coordination | NCM 117 - Gare of Clients with Maladaptive Pattems of Behavior 1 | 3 208 || “4081 hours NCM 118 - Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions/acutely ilymult-organ problemsihigh acuity and 23 255 | 51-76 hours emergency situations, Acute and Chronic. | NCM 119 - Nursing Leadership and Net 0 | 3 | 153 | 90-46 hours [NICM 121 - Disaster Nursing I 0 Bi 70-75 hours NCM 122 - Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital and Community settings) o 8 08 81122 hows | 36 te) 2703 Total 53 RLEUnits | fine | 540-810 hours ‘At the end of the B. S. Nursing program, the total number of laboratory units/hours is recommended for the following courses: gee 3 ress; Sy Page 13 of 63 T Laboratory Hours Courses | Laboratory Units. (unit lab = | 51 hours) Biochemist | ‘Anatomy & Physiolog 102 Microbiology & Parasitology 54 Nutrition with Diet Therap 54 Nursing Informatics (Compu 51 357 hours Section 10. Program of Study The sample program of study with the recommended sequence of courses is given in Appendix B. Institution may modify the curriculum to suit their particular requirement and thrusts. Section 11. Sample Curriculum Map 14.1 Curriculum Map of the Program Outcomes, ‘A curriculum map is the mapping of the program outcomes to the basic ‘and major courses of the BSN curriculum. This is prepared by making a grid with the outcomes occupying @ row and the courses occupying a column (or the other way around). The idea is to check the outcomes to which each course contributes. A curriculum map be developed to validate if there is a match between desired outcomes (competencies) and the content of programs. This will give the stakeholders a holistic perspective to see how the desired outcomes will be developed in the academic program. By making this map, the institution and the department concerned could redesign, add, or remove courses to develop the desired competencies. (Refer to Appendix C for the sample curriculum map of program outcomes) ‘The legend to be used for determining the extent by which the program outcome and nursing core competencies are achieved as follows: | Introduce the concepts/principles P - Practice with supervision D- Demonstrate across different clinical settings with minimal supervision 14.2 Curriculum Map of Program Outcomes and Performance Indicators A competency map is mapping of the program outcomes to the different competencies as specified in the 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards (NNCCS) and the basic and major courses of the BSN curriculum to guide the development of the instructional design. Refer to Appendix D for Sample Curriculum Map of Program Outcomes and the Performance Indicators. 11.3 Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes and Learning Outcomes To ensure that the program outcomes are achieved in the appropriate courses as identified in the curriculum map and the competency map, an alignment matrix must be done. This will guide the identification of appropriate course outcomes and leaming outcomes for a specific course. (Sample alignment matrix is provided under Appendix €). Page 14 of 63 1.4 15 Instructional Design The process in the development of an instructional design to attain learning outcomes can be found in Appendix F. Standard of Instruction The institution must maintain a high standard of instruction utilizing appropriate and updated course syllabifreferences and instructional methods, strategies taking into consideration the following: a. Professional nursing subjects should be offered with the corresponding RLEs on pre-requisites, sequencing, continuity and integration requirements, b. Credit for the completion of the course shall be based on the fulfilment of curricular requirements. The grades on professional courses shall be based on the course credit . The ratio of faculty to student in science laboratory class is 1:20 while regular classroom is 1:40 with a range of 1:20-40. The institution shall provide for a systematic and continuing plan of evaluation of the student’s progress through marking system that is consistent and congruent with set learning outcomes. d. A system of academic evaluation shall be instituted and implemented for monitoring and evaluating students and teacher performance. @. There shall be a regular academic audit on instructional resources Such as syllabi, textbooks, modules, audiovisual materials and others such as software. f. Academic records of faculty members must be properly kept and maintained in the College of Nursing. 11.6 Teaching-learning Process, This is composed of the theoretical/didactic and experiential/RLE. ‘The Related Learning Experience (RLE) is composed of Clinicals and Skills Laboratory. The RLE activities are carefully selected to develop competencies utilizing the nursing process in varying health situations. The following conditions must be observed @. Related Learning Experience (Clinical) shall be offered simultaneously or immediately after classtoom instruction. Classroom and RLE activities must be congruent with the learning outcomes of the course in terms of time and context b. Faculty in charge of classroom instruction shall supervise students in their RLE. In the case of team teaching, there should be close coordination and collaboration between ‘the lecturer and the clinical faculty. ©. A documented RLE rotation plan showing distribution of students and faculty supervision in each clinical area of base hospital and affiliation agencies shall be made available. 4. Faculty compensation shall be based on the computation that one (1) hour RLE is equivalent to one (1) lecture hour. e. Effectiveness and efficiency of the Related Learning Experience, shall consider the following factors: Page 15 of 63 1. Quality of supervision of clinical instructors and teaching- learning process 2. Readiness and capacity of the learner 3. Quality of the leaming resources both in institutions and ‘communities 4, Adequate number and variety of clientele 5. Utilization of appropriate feedback mechanism 6. Adequate number of qualified nursing staff and other personnel 7. Quality of nursing care services 8. Compliance with the required equivalence of fifty one (51) to one (1) unit RLE 9. Ratio of student to clientele depends upon the learning outcome and the capacity of the students. ‘The ratio of faculty to student for RLE (Skills Laboratory) shall be: Level 1" Semester 2" Semester | L I 1:8 iL 0 4:10 | 1:10 1:40 Iv 1:10 1:10 The ratio of faculty to student for RLE (Clinicals in Hospital/Community setting) shall be: _ level | _ 1" Semester 2" Semester 1 NA, 18 i 4:10 4:10 ul 4:10 440 ——W_—_ 40 10 The ratio of student to clientele shall be Level 1 Semester 2" Semester i NA 14 i 42 12 ill 13 1:3 [ow 18 16 ‘The ratio depends upon the client group, e.g. ICU 1:1; Psych 1:1 Community-based experience 1:1; Family 1:1; Population Group per catchment area: 1-2 :1 Community (Depending on the size of the barangay) ARTICLE VI REQUIRED RESOURCES Section 12. Administration 12.1 The College shall be administered by a full-time dean with the following qualifications: a. Filipino citizen; b. Registered Nurse in the Philippines with current and valid PRC ID; c. Holder of Master's degree in Nursing conferred by a college or university duly recognized by the Commission on Higher Education; d. Has at least three (3) years experience of clinical practice and a total of at least five (5) years experience in teaching, administration and supervision in nursing education: e. Physically and mentally fit; Page 16 of 64 f. Has good moral character; g. Has no other teaching assignments or administrative functions in ‘other public/private institutions or higher education institutions; h. Has a duly notarized employment contract as dean of the nursing program of at least one (1) academic year with corresponding academic rank renewable annually; i. An active member of good standing of the Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN); j. Member of good standing of accredited professional nursing organization 12.2. Teaching Load. The Dean shall have a teaching load not exceeding a total of six (6) units in a semester. 12.3 The Dean shall have the following functions and responsibilities a) Administration 1. Ensures compliance to CHED policies, guidelines and standards and other relevant regulations Prepares short term and long term plans; Manages department/college office operations; Obtains recognition/accreditation of the nursing program; Evaluates the performance results of the nursing program Pursues personal and professional development b) Curriculum and Instruction 1. Initiates curriculum development programs; 2. Leads development and utilization of instructional resource 3. materials; 4. Ensures attainment of instructional standards in curriculum implementation; 5. Monitors and evaluates the proper implementation of the programs ©) Faculty: 1. Plans a rational faculty, academic and non-academic load; 2. Leads in the faculty and staff development programs, @) Resource Management: 1. Manages human, financial and physical resources; 2. Collaborates with the health services, affiliation agencies and other academic units in the implementation of instructional Programs e) Research and Extension 1. Initiates research and community extension projects/programs. ‘) Linkages 1, Forges relevant linkages with local and international HEIs and agencies. Section 13. Faculty 13.1 Faculty members shall be physically and mentally fit with good moral character. Moreover, the faculty shall have academic preparation appropriate to his/her teaching assignment. Faculty members teaching professional courses must have the following qualifications: a. Registered Nurse in the Philippines with currentivalid PRC ID s Page 17 of 63 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 b. Holder of Master's degree in Nursing conferred by a college or university duly recognized by the Commission on Higher Educatior ©. Atleast three (3) years of clinical practice d. A member of accredited professional nursing organization of good standing and of a specialty nursing organization. Faculty members teaching other courses must have the following qualifications: a. Atleast a master's degree holder of other allied medical and health sciences for those teaching health science courses; b. At least a master's degree holder in their area of specialization for faculty members teaching general education courses and should only teach courses in their specialized area, When vacancies occur in the teaching force of the college during the academic year, substitute or replacement faculty with similar or higher qualifications shall be employed The following conditions for employment must be observed: a. The salary of faculty shall be commensurate to his/her academic rank, b. Full time faculty member who teaches professional courses shall be responsible for both classroom and Related Learning Experiences (RLEs). Upon appointment, @ faculty member shall have a duly notarized employment contract of at least one (1) academic year, renewable annually specifying academic rank in accordance with his academic training and clinical expertise. The recognized ranks are: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor as reflected in the administrative/faculty manual. For the initial operation of the BSN program with two (2) sections of not more than 40 students per section, a minimum of four (4) qualified masters prepared faculty members teaching professional and health science courses, shall be employed. The College of Nursing shall have an updated five-year faculty development program (FDP). The FDP consists of written activities and programs toward the development of the faculty for intellectual, personal, and professional as well as ethico-moral and spiritual growth. The program may be in the form of: a. graduate studies; », scholarship and research grants; . continuing professional development and in-service programs; 4. clinical skills enhancement on official basis for at least two weeks per year, Career advancement programs lifelong and self-directed learning activities =>@ Teaching Load. The teaching load of faculty members should be as follows: a. Fulltime faculty members may carry a combined RLE and classroom load of not more than thirty-six (36) hours per week which include consultation hours and other activities related to RLE instruction, research and extension services. b. Fulltime faculty members may design independent study for students which could be credited towards RLE instruction. Page 18 of 63 ©. Nurses who are employed in government and private institutions and at the same time who serve as part time faculty or clinical instructors must secure permit from the principal employer's to be given a maximum RLE and/or classroom load of 8-16 hours per Week per semester, provided they will render services on their off- duty "hours. ‘Moreover, the Chief Nurse/Training Coordinator/Supervisor/Head Nurse should not assume any administrative and clinical supervisory function in any nursing school. 13.8 The college of nursing must have a faculty manual containing information and policies on all matters pertaining to the faculty such as faculty development program, benefits and privileges, code of conduct , and accountability 13.9. There must be a functional integration between the college and nursing service department of the base hospital. There must be a faculty clinical orientation on policies, standards, quidelines and expectations of affiliation agencies. Likewise, nurses from affiliating agencies ‘employed as preceptors or clinical instructors must be oriented on the BSN Curriculum and the expectations of the course Section 14. Library 14.1. Library personnel, facilities and holdings should conform to existing CHED requirements for libraries which are embodied in a separate CHED issuance. 14.2, Journals. For the opening of new 8S nursing program, the HE! shall have a regular and updated subscription to at least seven (7) professional foreign nursing journals and at least two (2) local journals in the following areas: a) Maternal and Child Nursing b) General Nursing ©) Nursing Research d) Psychiatric Nursing e) Nursing Management/Leadership f) Pediatric Nursing g) Medical-Surgical Nursing h) Community Health Nursing For the recognition of the BS nursing program, the subscription of foreign nursing journals should be regularly updated and maintained. The number of copies of these journals shall be increased depending upon the student population. In addition to the core book collection, a core periodical collection of current and relevant titles (local and foreign) shall also be provided. Periodicals shall include serials, magazines and newspapers of hard andlor soft copies. Section 15. Laboratory and Facilities Laboratories should conform to existing requirements as specified in RA 6541, “The National Building Code of the Philippines” and Presidential Decree 856, “Code of Sanitation of the Philippines.” List of required and recommended equipment are listed in each course requirement. Page 19 of 63 A system for identification of laboratory equipment, supplies and models should be observed. 15.1. Classroom Requirements: a) For regular classroom instruction, the class size shall have a minimum of 20 and maximum of 40 students. 1. Allstudents should be safe and comfortably seated. 2. The ventilation and temperature for the entire room should be conducive for learning and instruction. 3. The audiovisual facilities should be properly situated to ensure clear presentation visible from all areas of the classroom The classroom area shall have at least 7 meters x 9 meters or 63 square meters. b) _For science laboratory classroom must accommodate maximum of Twenty (20) students 1. At least one (1) fire extinguisher placed outside the door in each science laboratory/nursing skills laboratory. The fire extinguisher must have a record of refill and expiry date attached to the unit; 2. Al least two (2) doors which will serve as an entrance and exit; 3. There shall be separate laboratory rooms for Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy-Physiology, Microbiology and Parasitology 4, Laboratory rooms shall be adequately equipped with available safety and emergency care facilities. 15.2. Nursing Skills Laboratory The nursing skills laboratory must be well-lighted and well-ventilated and conducive to demonstration and practice learning. Its demonstration room and practice area for return demonstration must have an area of at least 8m. x 14m, or 112 sq.m. The nursing skills laboratory simulates major areas in hospital setting and equipped with basic instruments, equipment and supplies, to aid in the development of the competencies in performing nursing procedures. Specifically, the nursing skills laboratory shall have: a. _An_amphitheater-style demonstration room that can accommodate a maximum of 40 students at one time with lavatory and running water; b. Ratio of bed to practicing students is 1:2 or a practice area for return demonstration where there is one (1) bed to two (2) students at any given time; ©. At least two (2) doors which will serve as an entrance and exit; d. At least one (1) fire extinguisher placed outside the door in each science laboratory/nursing skills laboratory. The fire extinguisher must have a record of refill and expiry date attached to the unit: @. Basic demonstration models namely 1. Birthing model 2. Newborn Model 3. Adult bisexual model with the following contraptions for: 3.1. basic life support Page 20 of 63 15.3 154 3.2. tracheostomy care 3.3. colostomy care 34 catheterization 3.5 enema 3.6 parenteral/intravenous (IV) {. _ Ratio of demonstration models to practicing students is 1:10, to facilitate learning, g. Equipment 1. Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring demonstration 2. Suction apparatus Virtual Nursing Skills Laboratory Higher education institutions are strongly encouraged to put up Virtual Skills Laboratory to supplement end complement the attainment of learning outcomes prior to actual experience. Clinical Facilities and Resources The general guidelines for the affiliation of nursing students are provided in the Joint Administrative Order of DOH No. 2013-0034 and CHED CMO No. 35 s. 2013 entitled "Policies and Guidelines on the Affiliation of Higher Education Institutions with Hospitals and Other Health Facilities for the Training of Students in Health Professions Education, Related Learning Experiences _(RLEs) are _teaching-learning Opportunities designed to develop the competencies of students utilizing Processes in various health situations. These could be sourced from, but not limited to: lying-in clinics, schools, industrial establishments, community, out-patient clinics and general and specialty hospitals. Adequate and appropriate base hospital shall be required to be the prime clinical learning resource. Base Hospital. The base hospital is a health facility utilized by a higher education institution with nursing program offering as a source of basic or primary related learning experiences. The hospital maybe independent or owned or operated by the institution or utilized by the institution in accordance with an effective and duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement between the institution and the base hospital which clearly specifies the responsibilities of each party. The base hospital of @ nursing program should meet the following requirements @. Has current accreditation by the DOH-Bureau of Licensing and Regulation as Level Iil_~—sHospital_— (Tertiary Care/Teaching/Training Hospital) b. Has an authorized bed capacity (ABC) of 100 beds with annual average occupancy rate (AOR) of eighty percent (80%): ©. Should be accessible and located within the region where the nursing school is situated. In the case of nursing schools located in Metro Manila, the base hospital should be located within Metro Manila Page 21 of 63 d. Sixty per cent (60%) of the total bed capacity of the base hospital shall be used for the RLEs of students. ©. Should have a master rotation plan indicating the schedule/areas of all the schools utilizing the hospital for training of students. Affliation Hospital is an accredited heaith facility being utilized by the HEIs in specialized areas for supplementary clinical learning of students, This shall be bound by Contract of Affiliation (COA). A COA is a legal document duly notarized that shows the terms and conditions between the HEI and the health facility as its affiliation hospital. The COA shall contain provisions for acquisition of clinical skills of students in specialized areas. Cross regional affiliations will not be allowed unless in cases where specialty areas cannot be found in the region The base hospital's, affiliation hospital/s and community health agency/ies being used by the students for RLEs either conducted in urban or rural community should have the following facilities: a. classroom for conference b. library ©. comfort room d. dressing room e. lounge f. locker Provision should be made for adequate physical facilities, supplies and equipment for effective nursing care and attainment of learning outcomes of students. The nursing service should be provided with a designated training coordinator and the required staffing composed of qualified professional and non-professional personnel. The faculty and the nursing service personnel of the affiliation agency should work together in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the related learning experiences of students. There should be an adequate number of patients varying in age, sex, level/acuity and types of iliness desired for teaching-learning experience of different curricular levels. ARTICLE VII QUALITY ASSURANCE The policies, standards, and guidelines is hereby issued to ensure high quality nursing education in the country. Nursing schools are advised to undergo external accreditation by relevant accrediting agencies recognized by the Commission. Section 16. Continuous Quality Improvement To ensure continuous quality improvement HEIs are strongly encouraged to undergo quality assurance by an external accreditation body as specified by Institutional Sustainability Assurance (ISA) Mechanism, For nursing education programs which cannot qualify yet for external accreditation, the Commission, recognized accrediting body and other Page 22 of 63 nursing education development and regulatory bodies such as the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing will provide assistance to these programs to undertake self-study or self-assessment together with their development plans for improvement and will jointly work together until extemal accreditation becomes possible. In addition to national external accreditation, the nursing program can seek international accreditation through institutional recognition. ARTICLE VII COMPLIANCE OF HEIs Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for OBE and ISA as reference, a HE! shall develop the following items which will be submitted to CHED when they apply for a permit for a new program: Section 17. complete set of institutional and program outcomes Section 18. Proposed curriculum, and its justification, including a curriculum map. Section 19, Proposed performance indicators for each outcome. Proposed ‘measurement system for the level of attainment of each indicator. Section 20. Proposed outcomes-based syllabus for each course, arranged in sequence following the curriculum matrix (all professional, major, GE, mandated courses) Section 21. Administration, faculty, and staff profile with supporting documents Section 22, Teaching assignments vis-a-vis faculty qualifications per term Section 23. List of library, laboratory, and classroom facilities and equipment, with supporting documents Section 24. _ List of available support services, with supporting documents Section 25. Proposed system of program assessment and evaluation Section 26. Proposed system of program Continuous Quality Improvement (cal For existing programs, the CHED shall conduct regular monitoring and evaluation on the compliance of HEIs to this PSG using an outcomes-based assessment instrument. ARTICLE IX SANCTIONS FOR NON-COMPLIANCE Section 27. San ns Non-compliance with the provisions of this CMO, after due process, shall cause the Commission to impose sanctions. The sanctions for HEIs offering nursing programs shall be based on the 3-year consolidated institutional performance in the Licensure Examinations for nurses and the outcome of the monitoring visits, and shall adhere to the following guidelines. ‘Compliance of Nursing schools shall be based on the following major areas: a) Performance of their graduates in the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination The institutional passing cumulative weighted average or performance of the graduates of HEIs in the Licensure Examination Page 23 of 63 for Nurses, first takers only, for the past three (3) years based on data provided by the Professional Regulatory Board for Nursing. b) Result of the Joint CHED-PRC monitoring and evaluation activti Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Performance Dean/Administration Faculty Curriculum and Instruction RLE Program and Accreditation of Training Facilities ‘Students (Admission, Promotion and Retention) Laboratory, Clinical and Physical Facilities Library and Learning Facilities Research 10. Community Outreach 11. Linkages and internationalization ©enomeenn Effective Academic Year 2018-2019 and yearly thereafter, higher education institutions offering Nursing program whose average passing percentage in the licensure examinations is thirty percent (30%) and below for the past three (3) consecutive years (2015, 2016 and 2017), equivalent to six examination periods, shall be imposed sanctions based on the following, | Overall Licensure T = Performance Action/s (Passing Average) ‘Warning sik ‘CHED monitoring visit in two (2) years a Probation for phase out . | CHED monitoring visit in 1 year r - Phase out program Below 90%, Stop admissions with gradual phase out The institutional passing average in the licensure examination for programs to be phased out shall consider ratings of examinees who took the licensure examination for the first time. Effective Academic Year 2018-2019 and yearly thereafter, higher education institutions offering Nursing program subjected to Joint CHED-PRC monitoring and evaluation shall be imposed sanctions based on the following Non-Compliance with Areas of Evaluation in Action/s |psc ‘Waring dacs Yearly visit Phase-out if non-compliant during the second L_ visit Probation 2areas Revisit in 6 months Phase out if non-compliant on the second Phase out program ‘Stop admissions with gradual phase out More than 2 areas My Page 24 of 63 > ARTICLE X TRANSITORY, REPEALING AND EFFECTIVITY PROVISIONS Section 28. Transitory Provision All private HEIs, SUCs and LUCs with existing authorization to operate Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program are hereby given a Period of three (3) years from the effectivity thereof to fully comply with all the requirements in this CMO. However, the prescribed minimum curricular requirements in this CMO shall be implemented starting Academic Year (AY) 2018-2019 Section 29. Repealing Clause Any provision of this Order, which may thereafter be held invalid, shall Not affect the remaining provisions. All CHED issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof that are inconsistent with the provisions of this CMO are hereby repealed Section 30. Effectivity Clause This set of Policies, Standards and Guidelines shall take effect starting Academic Year 2018-2019, fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of national circulation, Quezon City, Philippines May 8 , 2017 Attachments: Appendix A - Appendix B- Appendix D- Appendix E- ‘Appendix F- For the Commission pee PATRICIA B. LICUANAN, Ph.D. Chairperson Philippine Qualifications Framework ‘Sample BSN OBE Curriculum Sample Curriculum Map ‘Sample Curriculum Map of Program Outcomes Sample Alignment Matrix Sample Instructional Design and Syllabi Page 25 of 63 Appendix A Philippine Qualifications Framework LEVEL 6 7 8 KNOWLEDGE, | Graduates atthis | Graduates at this Graduates atthis SKILLS AND. level will have a level will have level have highly VALUES broad and coherent | advanced knowledge | advanced knowledge and skills | and skills in a systematic in their field of study | specialized or multi- | knowledge and for professional work | disciplinary field of | skills in highly and lifelong learning study for professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong learning specialized andor complex mutidisciplinary field of learning for complex research and/or professional discipline and/or for further study practice or for the | advancement of learning ‘APPLICATION Application in ‘Applied in Applied in highly professional work in| professional work that | specialized or a broad range of requires leadership | complex multi- and management in a specialized or multi- disciplinary professional work and/or research and/or for further study disciplinary field of professional work that requires innovation, and/or leadership and management and/or research in a specialized or multi-disciplinary field DEGREE OF Independent and for | Independent and or in | Independent INDEPENDENCE | in teams of related | teams of and/or in teams of field ‘muttidisciplinary mutti-isciplinary and more complex setting QUALIFICATION | Baccalaureate TYPE Degree Post-Baccalaureate Program Doctoral Degree and Post-Doctoral | Programs. Page 26 of 63 Appendix B Sample BSN OBE Curriculum Program of Study FIRST YEAR it Semester _ _ _ Course | Course Name Lec | Lab RLE | Units No. : si | ¢ | GEC 1 | Understanding the Self 30}; 0 fo] 3 GEC 2__ | Readings in Philippine History 3 | 0] 0/0] 3 NCM 100 | Theoretical Foundation of Nursing | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 MC1 | Anatomy and Physiology 3} 2]/0/]o0] 5 MC 2 | Biochemistry 3 | 2]}o0]o0] 5 GEC3 | Mathematics in the Modem Word | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 GEC 4 | Art Appreciation 3) 0/0/0) 3 PEt Physical Education ( Wellness) 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 and Fitness) Total zw | 4 foo | 7 Total Hours per week: Lecture- 23x 1= 23 lab - 4x Total - 35 hrsiweek Second Semester _ __ Course Course Name Lec | Lab RLE | Units | No. | st Tc GECS | Purposive Communication 3 jo jo /0 |3 NCM 101 | Health Assessment 3 jo |2 Jo |5 NCM 102 | Health Education 3 jo jo 0 |3 NCM 103 | Fundamentals of Nursing Practice |3. [0 |2 |o |5 MC3 | Microbiology and Parasitology 3/1 |o |o |4 PE2 Physical Education (Self defense) |2 0 [0 |o |2 GEC6 | Ethics 3 jo |o Jo /3 GEC E1_| The Entrepreneurial Mind 3 lo |o |o |3 Total [234 [4 To [28 Total Hours per week: Lecture -23x1= 23 Lab-5x3= 15 Total - 38 hrsiweek SECOND YEAR First Semester ‘Course Name | tec | Lab | RLE | Units Course ay] c EE NCM 104 | Community Health Nursing 7 2 1/7 (Individual and Family as Clients) NCM 105 | Nutrition and Diet Therapy 2/41] o0/0] 3 NCM 106 | Pharmacology 3 | 0/]|0}o0] 3 NCM 107 | Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent, 4 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 9 (Well Clients) NCM 108 | Health Care Ethics (Bioethics) 3} o]o0]o]s NSTP1 | NSTP 1 3 |o ajfo)]s3 PE3 | Physical Education 3 (Swimming) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | a Total Tao | 4 [3 | 4 [27 Total Hours per week: Lecture - 19x1= 19 lab - 8x3= 24 Total- 43 hrsiweek Page 27 of 63 Second Semester Course | Course Name Lec | Lab RLE J Units No. sk fc | GEC E2 | Living in an IT Era (informatics) 3] o0)o0]o0/ 3 NCM 109 | Care of Mother, Child atRiskor| 6 | 0 | 1 | 5 | i2 with Problems (Acute and Chronic) NCM 110 | Nursing Informatics 2/41] o0]o] 3 GEC7 | Science, Technology and Society | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 NSTP2 | NSTP2 3 | 0] o0]o0]} 3 PE4 _| PE 4 (Sports) 2/o0]o0l}]o0!| 2 | Total if 1 [1s | 26 Total Hours per week: Lecture - 19x 1= 19 Lab - 7x3= 21 Total- 40 hrsiweek THIRD YEAR First Semester [Course | Course Name Lec [lab [RLE Units |No. suc NCM111 | Nursing Research 1 2 jo jt jo |s NOM 112 | Care of Clients with Probiems in |@ jo |1 |5 | 14 Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory and immunologic | Response, Cellular Aberrations, ‘Acute and Chronic NCM 113 | Community Health Nursing 2 2 |o |o |1 |3 (Population Groups and ‘Community as Clients) LNCM 114 | Care of Older Adult 2 |o jo |1 |3_ | Total [1a fo [27 fas Total Hours per week: Lecture - 14x 7= 14 lab - 9x3= 27 Total- 41 hrsiweek Second Semester Course Course Name Lec | Lab | RLE | Units No. | _ _ sky c | NCM 175 | Nursing Research 2 0 270) 2 NOM 116 | Care of Clients with Problems in |5 |0 (1 |3 |9 Nutrition, and Gastro-intestinal, Metabolism and Endocrine, Perception and Coordination (Acute and Chronic) NCM 117 | Care of Clients with Matadaptve |4 |o |1 |3 |8 Patterns of Behavior, Acute and Chronic | MC 4 | Logic and Critical Thinking 3__|o 3 Total [42 To 4 6 | 22 Total Hours per week: Lecture - 12x 1= 12 Lab - 10x3= 30 Total- 42 hrsiweek us, Page 28 of 63 & SH FOURTH YEAR First Semester a [Course | Course Name | Lee | Lab [RUE] Units No. | | [st Te | NCM 118 | Nursing Care of Clientswithiife | 4 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 9 Threatening Conditions, Acutely Il Multi-organ Problems, High Acuity | and Emergency Situation, Acute and Chronic NCM 119 | Nursing Leadership and 4])o};oj)/3)|7 Management NCM 120 | Decent Work Employment and 3} 0] 0]0)] 3 Transcultural Nursing GECE3 | GEC Elective 3( institutional 3} o]o}o] 3 | choice) RIZAL 1 _| Life, Works and Writings of Rizal | 3 | 0 | 0 0 | 3 Total 7 | o | 477) 25 | Total Hours per week: Lecture - 17x1= 17 Lab- 8x3= 24 Total- 41 hrsiweek _Second Semester Course Course Name [Lec | Lab | RLE Units No. sk [t NOM 121 | Disaster Nursing 2,07 14 3 NCM 122 | Intensive Nursing Practicum o}ol]o}s|s (Hospital and Community settings) GEC 8 _| The Contemporary World 3 | o/]o}o]/ 3 — Total 6 [To |} 41 fs | 44 Total Hours per week: Lecture- 5x1= 5 Lab- 9x3 Total- 32 hrs/week Page 29 of 63 Appendix € Sample Curriculum Map of the Program Outcomes. PROFESSIONAL COURSE First year ‘Second Year Third year | Fourth year EBEERREEEBRRBBEEEEECELEER Program Outcomes 22 2582 se e3/2)2 2lezagsqaqsssss= 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, [1 |P PF PI /P/P/P/P [D/P |/D|[D/P|D/O/D/D|/D/D/D|D|D 2. Perform safe, appropriate, P TP]P PT]P/P[P/P [P [P D/P/D D/D/D/o DID 3. Apply guidelines and principles of vit Tyr TP Py PIP P{P PI[P/P/P/P/P/P/D/D/D/D/D EBP. 4. Practice nursing in accordance with 1|/P |P Plt |p |P/PlPlP [Pp lP TP lo;PlD/Pl[DlololD| D\|DlD laws, legal, ethical... _ | | 5. Communicate effectively in 1 D/P|D/D/D/0/D /D |D JD |D/D/D/D/D/D] Di Di Di DID 6. Document to include reporting 1p [Pile D/iP/P|D/P [dD /D D/D|D D/o|D| DIDI DID 7. Work effectively in collaboration with [1 | 1 P/P/P/D |P/P/D/P [D P /D/D/D/P/D/D/D/ DID] D/D ee 8. Practice beginning management and || |P |P|P|P|P |P|P)P|P |D P|D/D/D/D/D/D/D/D/D/ Di DID leadership skills. | | 9. Conduct research with an T qT T PIP /PII[P[PIP|P oD DID |__experienced researcher | | 10. Engage in lifelong learning tft PiPit |D [P/P/D/P [0 [dD 1D [D/D/D/DI/D/D/ DIDI DiDIDb 11. Demonstrate responsible L TPIP D/P/P/D/P |D D/D/D/D/D/o/D/D/ DD] DID Citizenship 12. Apply techno-intelligent care ryt PiilPlP ]Pyi [Pir P/D/D/O/P/D/D/D/D/D/D/D/ DID 13. Adopt the nursing core values. ||P PiPiPiP |Pl|PlP|P|P |b 0 |D/P/D/D/D/o/o{/oi/b/DI/D 44. Apply entrepreneurial skills [ite P DB D Legend: |- introduced concepts/principles; P-practiced with supervision; D demonstrated across different clinical settings with minimal supervision. Specify the highest level of attainment of the program outcome for each course ) Page 30 of 63 ‘wy. jendix D SAMPLE CURRICULUM MAP OF PROGRAM OUTCOMES AND THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS. A eva wea za PPI POB ree vee P ere P P D tre P P D/D |D |D/D/ojo D POT Teo e98 [tse PIP |P PTP |P P P tre P P P/PIP ive ere wey ew ctv Zev P rev P P D/D/D/D |b |P{o/D Tew P/P/P[P P/P|P|P P/P|P|P €TO le Pos rev stv P[D/D/D/D/o/o PIPP TP Al PIA P|PIP|P P| Pi PII] P| PP | P PIR) PPP Al 200 vev P[D COO D/P |r P/DGOOD/P|P eva PIP P/P/PRPIPIP|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P |P D/P/OGDoD/ojDjD Do PPP vev PO2 etv ctw POt PIP} P P/P|P PIP Course NCM 100 NCM 101 Nem 103 |P[P|P|P|P|P| PP NCM 102, Nem ios TP/P|P|P|P|P PP |P|PFPIPIP|P P/P|P|P|P|I NCM 105 |P]P|P) P| P| PIP) P NCM 106 | P| P NCM 107 |P|P|P|P|P Ncw toa P]P|P|P/P|PPP|P/PIFP/PP|P|P|P|P|P|P Nemios |P/P|p|P/P|P/PIP|PIP|RPIPIP|P|P|P|P|P|P|P/P |P NCM 170 NCM 414 Nom 112 |P{P/P(P/P/P PPI P/OGOOD/D/o/D|o/D|D/P|P |P [Pl PP NCM 113 |P/P|/P/P/P|P/PP/P|PIAPIPP(P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P |P NeMi14 ]D/D/D/D/D/DDD/D/D GOO D/D]D|D|D/o/o]D)0 |D [o/b] D]o NCM 115 [P| P New 116 |D/0/D/D/D Page 31 of 63 Appendix D SAMPLE CURRICULUM MAP OF PROGRAM OUTCOMES AND THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS POB era zee P eee | [P[PIP Tee vie P zea P P D Va | P P D/D /D [Dd] p/o}o D reo ege roa P|P |p PIP |P P POT zve P [tra era|_ P trv Tv eev zev PIP|P|P P P rev P iP P Ley PIP|P|P P|P|P|P P/P|P|P POS eto rev Pp sty P|D|D/0/D|/o/D PLPIP|P APP LP PIPIP|P)P/P|P|P|/P P| PPPIP|P|P|P|PlP|P|P |p [1 |P|P|P Pl P (PHIL PIPIP | P PIR PLA P PIP) PLP |P PI De500/d/p/ d/o] D/d/o/0 |p |P|DIo 200 vev I T P|PIAPIPIP|P P|P|P|P P/P|P |P P PTOGO ODP |e P/DGDDD/D{/D/D/D/D/D{P|P |P [P| PP P/OCoDo/P|P eva PIP OD [D/O Go| D/o/D/o/D]o/o/o |b |Djo} DID PPP veV P}PIPIP ctv PO2 tev PIP|P PIP/P T Pot P|P Course NCM 100 NCM 101 NCM 102 Nem 103 |P|P)P|P Nom 104 /P|P[P/P|P|PIPP|P|PRPPP|P|P/P|P| P| PT NCM 105 |P/P|P|P|P/ PPP NCM 106 |P|P Nom 107 |P|P|P|P| P| PIP P NCM 108 |P/P|P|P|P| PP P| P|Pl Nem 109 |P/P|p|P|P/PP/P|P[PIAP PP |P|P|P Now 110 NCM 117 New 172 [PP] P|P| P| PIP) P Nemi13 |P/P/P/P[P}P PP |P | Pl Nem 174 |D|D}D/D/D NOM 115 [P| P Nem 116 |D/D|D/D/D/Do D{P Page 34 of 63 x —— = = P D|D|o P[D] D0} PO 14 PO 13 { D PIP|P P/PTP PO 12 P DD b/d |P P POtt P|P|P P/P/P/D/0/D| 0 Do] o}PlP P/P|P/P|P/P|P|P|P|P P P P|PlP|P|P/P|P|P|P|P|P PIP P P P PP |P|P|P/D/D|D]/ | Dd] ojo p/P [P/P/P|D/D/D/D|D] 0D] PP /P/P/P|D/d/0/D] bd] dD [2 [O[e|D|d [olo]D |b [oj Djojo D/D/D)D]D [D |D{[D|D}D P/P|P|P|/P |P |P|PIP D/D/o)/o PI D D/DID DD/D/D/D/D/D]o/Djo Jo jo/D/oIo POt0 T T I P/P |P [P/P|P|D|/0/D| b/d) D/D Pos P |P /PIPIP D DOD/oD/P d/o G oo D[D[O goo o/d/D/D/D]D/0/D/D |b |D/b| DD JD]D]D [pv |P{o/o]D Oo d/o/oGooo|D P|P/P/P/P|PPP|P| PIA D/D/D/D/o Nom 117 [P|P/P[P|P]F/P[P [P/O G0,00[D|0/D]D|D|0]D]0 | |P|D]D NCM 118 |D/0|D/D/D/DDO|o/o gD NCM 119 [D|D NOM 121 NCM 120 |D]D NOM 122 T T P 1 PiP)P/P|P[P|P|P]P]|P|D P Course NCM 100 NCM 107 NCM 102 NCM 103 NCM 104 NCNM 105 NCM 106 NCM 107 NCM 108 NCM 109 NCM 110 NOM 117 Page 32 of 63 iy } a % x SY ae je ja a | O a ja [a [a a [a a ja a lala lo a [a [oo a a a a lola lo ja |e |e |e le [a ajo lalala aja [a [6 ooo lo lalo a [a [a [ooo] 6a fa jo aja [a [o 6 ]o 0 0/0 [a lo la jo jaja a [a ojala loo fafa jo ja a jo alo lolo jo aa jaja ojo lolole lo ae jaja aja lalala lo a ja ja fa allo lolol lo fa [a [a [o [oo [0 Jo | lo a [- jejeje laa jo| |e lo oo ° o a fa a fe a a a fo lo a la a la a fo a a lo lo| fala a lo 2 a lo o a [a ja a [o a I ao 3° a a a ao io ale ee} elo ale} jeje jo] le je a [-je| jajaja] je lo a j- [|e a jo] |e ajo} le jae jot |-|o a [je] elo ja jo] ele FEEEL EEE SERS I= |= | |3 |3 |= |S |S |S |S I= SeSSESRR BBS 2Eeeeeeeeerese Page 33 of 63 Appendix E SAMPLE ALIGNMENT MATRIX OF Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes and Learning Outcomes N 119 Alignment of Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes and Learning Outcomes PROGRAM OUTCOMES (PO) | COURSE OUTCOMES: (co) LEARNING OUTCOMES (LO) 1.Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing ‘Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in ‘managing cients, teams and programs in any setting Integrate principles and concepts of human behavior in managing clients and teams | Distinguish the different concepts used in nursing management Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population, group and community uitizing nursing process; Uilizes the nursing process in managing a group of clientsinursing service unit/ program in any setting | Implemenis strategies/interventions to ensure healthy population/s in the school and work settings. Implements participatory and empowerment strategies for community competence to identify and collaborate effectively in addressing needs and problems related with | health resource availability, access or use, environment protection, safety and security, Implements interventions guided by prescribed context of specific health programsiservices. Determines the health education planning models appropriate to target clientele/expected leaming outcomes and outcomes. Evaluates process/expected outcomes of nurse-client working relationship, Documents nursing care services rendered and processes/outcomes of the nurse client working relationship Page 34 of 63 ey 2 el Institutes appropriate corrective actions to prevent or minimize harm arising from adverse effects 3.Apply guidelines | Apply guidelines and Provides appropriate evidence based nursing care using a participatory approach and principles of principles of evidence- | based on: a. clinical practice, b. client and staff safety, c. customer care standards, evidence-based _| based practice in d. nursing management and leadership practice in the nursing management delivery of care; 4.Practice nursing in | Practice nursing in | Adhere to ethico-legal considerations when providing safe, quality and professional accordance with | accordance with hursing care, existing laws, legal, | existing laws, legal, ethical and moral | ethical and moral Applies ethical reasoning and decision making process to address situations of prviciples: principles ethical distress and moral dilemma. ‘Adheres to established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe nursing practice. Protects clients rights based on clients’ and Nurses’ Rights Implements strategies/policies related to Informed consent as it applies in multiple contexts. aes, Page 35 of 63 5.Communicate ‘Communicate Establishes rapport with client and/or support system ensuring adequate effectively in effectively in speaking, | information about each other as partners in a working relationship. speaking, writing | writing and presenting and presenting using culturally- Addresses with respect, trust, and concern for safely, team needs, issues, or Using culturally- | appropriate language to | Problems related with psychosocial adaptetion using appropriate appropriate clente-andieane ‘communicationyinterpersonal techniquesistrategies. language, Communicates, both in oral and written form, the results of the quality improvement project in partnership with the quality improvement team/quality assurance/nursing audit team '6.Report and "| Report and document | Documents nursing care services rendered and processes/outcomes of the nurse document up-to-date | up-to-date client care | client and nurse-other health professionals working relationship client care accurately and acziieataly ene comprehensively; Ensures completeness, integrity, safety, accessibility and security of information. comprehensively; Adheres to protocol and principles of confidentiality in safekeeping and releasing of records and other information Implements system of informatics to support the delivery of health care. 7.Work effectively in| Applies principles of | Ensures intra-agency, inter-agency, multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration in collaboration with | partnership and the delivery of health care. inter-intra-and mutti-- | collaboration to improve disciplinary, multi- | delivery of health cultural teams; services; Implements strategies/approaches to enhance/support the capability of the client, and care providers to participate in decision making by the inter-professional team. Maintains a harmonious and collegial relationship among members of the health team for effective, efficient and safe client care. Coordinates the tasks/functions of other nursing personnel (midwife, BHW and utility worker) Collaborates with other members of the health team in the implementation of RS, Page 36 of 63 ws programs and services Applies principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health services Collaborates with GOs, NGOs and other socio-civie agencies to improve health care services, support environment protection policies and strategies, and safety and security mechanisms in the community Participates as a member of a quality team in implementing the appropriate quality | improvement process on identified improvement opportunities 8.Practice beginning | Manage a nursing Discem the qualities of a good leader management and —_| service unit/health leadership skils in| program in any setting the delivery of client care; Critique the leadership theories as applied in nursing and health setting Develop a staffing schedule for a nursing team Apply patient classification systemsinursing care models Employ strategies to improve /promote motivation of the health team Manages client load to ensure health program /service coverage. Utilizes appropriate and efficient methods/strategies /tools to manage multiple ‘Nursing interventions for clients with co- morbidities, complex and rapidly changing health status with consultation as needed Coordinates care by organizing and prioritizing use of human, material, financial and other resources to achieve expected health outcomes, Creates a safe environment of care through the use of quality assurance, continuous quality improvement and risk management strategies. Page 37 of 63 Participates in the development of poli practice. s and standards regarding safe nursing Organizes own workload demonstrating time management skills for meeting responsibilities and achieving outcomes. Applies management and leadership principles in providing direction to manage a communitylvilage-based Uses appropriate strategies/approaches to plan community health programs and nursing service. Ensures adequate resources (e.g. human, material) to effectively implement programs/services based on requirements, ratio and standards. Mobilizes resources for effective program implementation/service delivery. ‘Supervises the implementation of the nursing component of the health services/programs. Ensures that all nursing personnel adhere to standards of safety, bioethical principles and evidence based nursing practice, Evaluates specific components of health programs and nursing services based on parametersicriteria | ‘Applies management and leadership principles to ensure a complete, accurate, and Up-to-date documentation of activities and outcomes of managing a community! village-based facility, component of a health program and/or nursing service Maintains a positive practice environment Demonstrates accountability for safe nursing practice: Page 38 of 63 Applies principles of supervision for effective and efficient delivery of health programs and services Assesses supervisory needs of the nursing support staff. Participates in the planning and implementation of staff development activities to ‘enhance performance of nursing support staff. Monitors the performance of the nursing support staff. Evaluates performance of nursing support staff using a standard evaluation tool Participates in improving policies and standards of nursing practice. Disseminates policies, regulations, circulars and programs among nurses and nursing support staff. Participates in developing policies and procedures relevant to human resource management Determines resources available for networking, linkage building, and referral necessary for improving delivery of health services. | 9.Conduct research | Participate in QV/QA | Prepares a dala collection and analysis plan as a member of the quality with an experienced | activities in a nursing | improvement/quality assurance/nursing audit team. researcher; service unit | Conducts collection and analysis of data with the team members based on the agreed plan. Implements with the team the developed action plan for the identified variance to improve the system or process. Page 39 of 63 40.Engage in life-long | Participate in varied | Develop a personal philosophy and career goals as a professional nurse learning with a continuing professional Demonstrates accountability and responsibilty or safe nursing practice: passion tokeep _| development activities | Develop a professional nursing portfolio current with national Assumes responsibilty for lifelong learning, own personal development and and global maintenance of competence. developments in Demonstrates continued competence and professional growth. general and nursing Engages in advocacy activities to influence health and social care service policies and health and access to services development in Models professional behavior. particular; Engages in advocacy activities to deal with health related concerns and adopts policies that foster the growth and development of the nursing profession 11.Demonstrate Practices the core ‘Accepts the responsibility in paying relevant taxes in the practice of the profession | responsible values of the Phil Customized nursing interventions based on Phil culture and values citizenship and nursing profession ipino nurse pride of being a Filipino | 12. Apply techno- ‘Apply techno-intelligent | Use appropriate technology to perform safe and efficient nursing activities intelligent care care systems and systems and processes in managing processes in health resources and care delivery nee 13.Adopt the nursing | Display nursing core Manifest caring as a core of nursing, including the love for God and people core values in the | values in nursing practice of the | management and profession leadership 14. Apply ‘Apply entrepreneurial | Apply strategic entrepreneurial interventions to address management concems any entrepreneurial | skills in management _| health care setting skills in the and leadership delivery of nursing care Page 40 of 63 Appendix F SAMPLE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND SYLLABI Course Title Nursing Leadership and Management Course Code NCM 119 Course Description : Application of concepts, principles, theories and methods of management and leadership, as well as, the ethico-moral, legal and professional responsibilities of a nurse. The students are expected to perform beginning professional management and leadership skills, and apply sound ethico- moral and legal decision-making in the hospital and community-based settings. Students are likewise expected to comply to the professional standards of nursing practice. Course Credit : Theory: 4 units (72 hours); RLE: 3 units ( 162 hours) Independent study : 30-45 hours (20-30%) Placement Fourth year, First Semester Pre-requisites NCM 116, NCM 117 Program Outcomes: 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing 2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population, group and community utilizing nursing process; Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles; Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language; Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively; Work effectively in collaboration with inter-intra-and mult-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams; Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care; Conduct research with an experienced researcher, Engage in life-long learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general and nursing and health development in particular, 11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino. 12. Apply techno-inteligent care systems and processes in managing resources and programs 13. Display nursing core values in nursing management and leadership 14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in management and leadership Sowronae Page 41 of 63 Level Outcomes: Given groups of clients (individuals, families, population groups, and communities) with health problems, the student will apply principles of leadership and management effectively Course Outcomes: Given actual clients in the hospital/community setting the Level IV students will be able to: 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in managing clients, teams and programs in any setting Uiilize the nursing process in managing a group of clients/nursing service unit/ program in any setting Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in nursing management Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language to clients and teams Report and document up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively Apply principles of partnership and collaboration to improve delivery of health services Manage a nursing service unit/health program in any setting Participate in QVQA activities in a nursing service unit 10. Participate in varied continuing professional development activities 11. Practice the core values of the Phil nursing profession 12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery 13, Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession 14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care SPN OeEeN Learning Strategies Learning Outcomes Content Topic Related Learning Assessment Classroom T | Experience (SL, T A | Hospital and A _ Community) Given actual clinical setting | Orientation to the Interactive Discussion | | Orientationvleveling of | 8 | Paper and with minimal supervision | Course expectations in the pencil test the Level IV students will: | Leveling of expectations clinical area and discussion of the intended learning Distinguish the different | outcomes and the shift “Buddy’ with a particular One-minute concepts used in nursing | to OBE approach for the | RN/nurse manager Paper course g Page 42 of 63 ‘management Reflective journaling on Rubric for the Concepts of leadership | Vignette: identifying the effective leadership and Reflection Discer the qualities ofa | & management characteristics of a management in nursing paper good leader | aManagement managerileader given a | Organization case scenario Rubric fora Leadership vignette | ‘Nursing Mgt. Peer critiquing the Integrate principles and —_b, Managerial Web quest on 2012 leadershipimanagemen Post- test concepts of human behavior | Leadership Roles as | NNCCS, roles and tstyle of a specific in managing clients and beginning Nurse —_| responsibilities of a nurse manager iain Practitioner nurse manager 1. Concepts Critique the leadership 2. Theories Sharinglcrtquing of Meares ae appiedin | 2 Qualtellein ae nursing and health setting nurse experiences on manager/ieader leadership stylesitheories 4, Roles and Responsibilities Principles of Management Leadership and Management theories 1. Early leadership theories 2. Early management theories, 3. Contemporary Leadership Management theories Page 43 of 63 Determine the health Overview of the Lecture-discussion [5 12 | Paper-pencil planning models appropriate | Functions of Test to target clientele Management neneidees, fem, Planning Case study on Nursing care planning Checklist for Population group or Reasons for Planning | operational planning for a given patient NCP community) ‘Types of Planning by a nurse manager © Strategic | Performance Uses appropriate Planning checklist strategies/approaches to © Tactical Planning Develop a community plan community health © Operational program pian Rubrics for programs and nursing Planning community service Hierarchy of Planning program plan Scope of Planning Planning for a ward and ward plan Modes of Planning project based on needs Conducts collection and Tools for Planning of staff nurses analysis of data with the Proactive vs. reactive team members based on planning the agreed plan. Philosophy, Vision, | Develop a personal mmission, goals Setting and sharing of Critique the philosophy, Rubrics for philosophy and career goals personal philosophy vision-mission and grading as a professional nurse and goals as a goals of a health care personal professional nurse facility and organization philosophy, vision- mission and goals Ensures adequate Budgeting Interactive discussion | 4 | Staffing role @ | Performance resources (2.9. human, Budgeting process Prioritization of work checklist material) to effectively and budgeting of | resources in L © && i implement Fiscal Planning Develop a personal ‘management of clients Rubric for programs/services based on Types of budget monthly financial plan personal Tequirements, ratio and | __ Costing out of as a student Head nursing role: financial tendards nursing services Budgeting of ward plan/ease Costeffectiveness Case analysis on cost- resources analysis! Organizes own workload Health care effectiveness Inventory of ward concept demonstrating time financing renclnces Paper management skills for Resource Management Post-conference meating responsibilies and |” ABC Inventory activity: achieving outcomes. Critiquing a nursing Time Management financial plan Determines resources Maximizing personal Costing of nursing available for networking, | time services linkage building, and referral | _ Maximizing necessary for improving | Managerial time Concept paper on delivery of heat ceria. Maximizing health care financing in organization time relation to quality Mobilizes resources for nursing fhealth services effective program implementation/service delivery. Apply strategic entrepreneurial interventions to address management concerns any health care | setting Analyze a given ‘Organizing Interactive discussion [4 | Head nursing activity: | 8 | Performance organizational chart Organizational theories perform the job checklist Types of Organizational descriptions of a head Structure, ~ Hierarchy, nurse’ Models | JVB, Pave 45 of 63 3 models Rubric for Organizational chart Force field analysis: Critique an organization Organizing Patient Care | students will assess the ‘organizational chart of al critique Job design strengths and ahealth care facility Job description weaknesses of a health applying organizational care facility (hospital, and management Health care community) or a principles organizations nursing school, Organizational Culture | including external forces Develop a staffing Schedule Staffing Journal sharing and | 4 | Head nursing activity. | 14 | Performance for a nursing team Recruitment, Selection, | critiquing on staffing | 1. Compute the actual checklist Placement challenges, issues patient acuity, FTE of Scheduling and problems staft-patient ratio in the Rubric for Predicting staffing assigned unit; journal Apply patient classification | needs Concept mapping of 2.Formulate a two- reaction systems/nursing care Skill mix Patient classification week rotation schedule system/ nursing care for a specific unit Patient classification delivery model based 3.Categorize clients Manages client load to system on organizational based on Hospital ‘entire’ higakh prograi Predicting staffing model | Protocol on Patient Ieervice coverage models Classification Nursing care delivery systems Staffing activity: Adopt © Case method a patient classification © Functional system/nursing care nursing model © Team nursing ©. Primary nursing ‘© Modular nursing Nursing Case Management Page 46 of 63 strategies for community competence to identity and collaborate effectively in addressing needs and problems related with health resource availabilty, access or use, environment protection, safety and security, Provides appropriate evidence based nursing care using a participatory approach based on: a. clinical practice, b. client and staff safety, c. customer care standards, d. nursing management and leadership Utilizes appropriate and efficient Methods/strategies ‘Nools to manage multiple ‘nursing interventions [complex and rapidly Elements of Directing Leading community health programs Shared Governance Power and Politics Delegation Effective delegation Journal sharing and reaction on shared governance Case analysis on power and politics Head nursing activity Implement managerial functions and delegate tasks/patients to student nurses ina team Behavioral modeling Participates in the planning | Staff Development Web-quest inquiry: Management activity: [8 | Paper and and implementation of staff Sharing of best Staff development pencil test development activities to | Continuing Professional | practices on staff planning for nurses ina enhance performance of __ | Development development specific Rubric for staff Oaae programs ward/community based developmen inuremie SunPOrt etal ‘on learning needs t plan Implements participatory Directing / Implement a community Rubrics for and empowerment Tools in Directing development plan program implementatio n Performance | checklist Rubrics for journal reaction and case analysis, Page 47 of 63 changing health status with consultation as needed, Applies management and leadership principles in providing direction to manage a communitylvillage-based ee _ Employ strategies to Motivation Interactive discussion Head nursing activity: Performance improve promote motivation | Intrinsic and extrinsic initiate team building checklist of the health team motivation activity! Action- Theories of motivation | Vignette on motivation Reflection-Action Establishes rapport with _| Strategies in motivation | strategies and Sessions (ARAS) Rubric for the client andior support system | Establishment of integrating vignette ensuring adequate | motivational conditions | motivational theories Nurses Poll to assess itch gon Rat eas, the intrinsic and Quiz é Team Work/Group extrinsic motivations of eeee botreente Processes hospital and community Selt- working relationship. nurses as basis for satisfaction Group dynamics and action plan as a nurse rating Maintains a harmonious and | Citurat avery maneyerlosder collegial relationship among members of the health team for effective, efficient and safe client care, Evaluates process/expected outcomes of nurse-client and nurse-health professionals working relationship. sets, (ES) age 48 of 63 Say Disseminates policies, ‘Communication Communication relay to [4 | Staffing activity: 10 | Performance regulations, circulars and ‘Communication identity faciitators and Charting of nursing checklist programs among nurses —_| process barriers to activities and nursing support staff Channels of communication ‘Anecdotal ‘communication Critiquing nurses observation Addresses with respect, Communication documentation 5 trust, and concer for safety, | systems team needs, issues, or Barriers to Process documentation problems related with communication and critiquing of pt- Psychosocial adaptation | _ Communication skills, nurse communication; Using appropriate | Organizational, nurse-nurse interaction, ‘communication/interpersona | interpersonal and group nurse-manager Nechniques/strategies. communication communication, nurse- | Organizational doctor interaction ‘communication Concept paper on Rubric for Documents nursing care | strategies ethical and legal Head nursing activities: concept services rendered and Improving ‘consideration in Chart rounds/review paper Processesioutcomes of the | communication reporting and Accomplishing nurse client working recording ward/community telationship. | records and reports, | Ensures completeness, | Record Management integrity, safety, accessibility | System and security of information, Adheres to protocol and principles of confidentiality in safekeeping and releasing of records and other information, ‘Applies management and leadership principles to ensure a complete, accurate, and up-to-date Page 49 of 63 documentation of activities and outcomes of managing a community! village-based facility Implements system of informatics to support the delivery of health care Use appropriate technology to perform safe and efficient nursing activities Nursing Informatics Journal sharing on benchmarking initiatives on nursing informatics Rubric for journal sharing Ensures intra-agency, inter- | Collaboration Interactive discussion |5 | Head nursing activity: | 14 | Performance agency, multidisciplinary 1. Referral of checklist and sectoral collaboration in | Coordination Case analysis on clients, i Coordination and 2. Needed Rubric for he:delvery.of heath:cere, collaboration skills of coordination’ case analysis Coordinates the a nurse manager | collaboration and concept | with members of || map Esiatonctions oF otis, Delphi procedure: | the health team, nursing personnel (midwife, ‘getting consensus GOs, NGO and BHW and utility worker) | decision through a other interest survey among nurses groups Collaborates with other and other members of ‘members of the health team the health team of in the implementation of successful Staffing activity: programs and services muttidisciptinary | 1. Coordinate with collaborations and other members of ‘Applies principles of coordination the health team, partnership and other agencies for collaboration to improve — delivery of health services. 2, Conndiate nirsiig | activities Page 50 of 63 Concept mapping of T referralicoordination Collaborates with GOs, protocol both in the NGOs and other sociocivic hospital and community agencies to improve health care services, support environment protection policies and strategies, and safety and security mechanisms in the community, Coordinates care by organizing and prioritizing use of human, material, financial and other resources to achieve expected health outcomes. implements Decision Making process | Interactive discussion |5 | Head nursing activity: [8 | Performance strategies/approaches to Decision making tools 1.Analyzing clinical checklist enhance/support the and theories Fishbone analysis of a problems given problem case 2. presenting solutions Rubric for capability of the client and Change Process scenario for simple brainstormin care providers to participate | Handling resistance to conflicts/clinical gand indecision making by the | change Brainstorming problems fishbone inter-professional team Planned change technique: think and 2. solving simple analysis, speak out freely and clinical problems Conflict Management | creatively about all Types of conflict possible approaches Staffing activity Brain wrting- Implements Managing conflict and solutions to a Clinical reasoning vwariting down strategiesiinterventions to | Work-related stress | specific nursing theater ideas in slips ensure healthy population’s | Enhancing self esteem | problem (based on problem of paper Page 61 of 63 in the school and work encountered by the related toa settings, student nurse) problem Cross-impact analysis: identification of possible causal relationships between and among various events/scenarios ina health care setting and to come up with an action plan ‘Assesses Supervisory needs | Supervision Interactive discussion [3 | Clinical audit of 16 | Performance of the nursing support staff supervision practices of checklist Psychological/structural | Debate on nurse managers ‘Supervises the ‘empowerment ‘empowerment of implementation of the nurses Paper and Head nursing activity pencil test nursing component of the | health services/programs a. Intentional modeling b. supervision of student nurses . grand rounds Maintains a positive practice environment. Applies principles of supervision for effective and efficient delivery of health programs and services Monitors the performance of | Controlling Group dynamics: 3 Critiquing a @ | Performance the nursing support staff ‘Control Process developing criteria for performance evaluation checklist Development of evaluating role tool of nurses Evaluates specific Standards performance of nurses, Rubric for components of health Employee discipline Head nursing activity group i feedback on dynamics Prostar ad ouene performance evaluation SY services based on of student nurses in parameters/criteria their team Evaluates performance of _ | Performance evaluation nursing support staff using standard evaluation tool. Prepares a data collection | Continuous Quality Interactive session 4_| Staffing activity, 16 | Performance and analysis pian as a improvement and risk 1. Prospective checklist member of the quality Management Debate on the ethical, nursing audit of improvement/quality Creating a patient safety | moral, professional and patients chart Rubric for assurance/nursing audit | culture legal considerations in 2. Reports debate and team Standards of Nursing _| ‘Nurse Aler¥/Watch’ and variancesisentin concept paper Practice issue-based reporting elevents Ensures that all nursing | Quality 3. Provide inputs personnel adhere to ‘Assurance/Quality Concept paper on on policies, standards of safety, improvement Quality safety issues | bioethical principles and Variance assurance/improvemen Head nursing activity evidence based nursing _| reportisentinel events _| initiatives for a given 1. Develop a practice. ‘Accreditation health sector ( manageable JCAHONCIA, | academe, hospital, Quaiity Institutes appropriate Phil Health, | community, DOH, ete) improvement corrective actions to Hospital project with her prevent or minimize harm Accreditation nursing team arising from adverse Commission 2. Perform risk effects Nursing audit assessment and Other CHED quality develop an Participates in the assurance initiatives, action plan development of policies and standards regarding safe nursing practice Implements with the team n plan the developed a for the identified varian« Page 53 of 63 improve the system or process Creates a safe environment of care through the use of quality assurance, | continuous quality improvement and risk management strategies Participates as a member of a quality team in implementing the ‘appropriate quality improvement process on identified improvement opportunities Participates in improving policies and standards of nursing practice. Participates in developing policies and procedures relevant to human resource management ‘Communicates, both in oral and written form, the results of the quality improvement project in partnership with the quality improvement team/quality assurance! Page 54 of 63 nursing audit team Collaborates with GOs, NGOs and other socio-civic agencies to improve health care services, support environment protection | policies and strategies, and safety and security mechanisms in the community. Demonstrates accountability and responsibilty for safe nursing practice ] Learning Strategies Learning Outcomes | Content/Topic Related Learning Assessment Classroom TA | Experience (SL, TA | Hospital and __| Community) ‘Adheres to ethico- ‘A. Ethico-moral 5 | Staffing activity: | Paper pencil legal, considerations responsibilty Everyday ethical 1. Reflective test when providing safe 1. Review dilemmas: present an journaling on and quality and 1.1 Basic ethical —_| abbreviated case ethico-moral Performance professional nursing principles study with an ethical considerations checklist care 1.2Code of ethics | dilemma to nursing in the care of for nurse and health and ask the clients Rubrics for Implements 1.3 Various Rights | students to 2. Nursing care ‘concept paper strategies/policies of clients identity/justity ethical planning that related to informed | 2. Ethical decision-__| principle upheld and integrates Page 65 of 63 ‘consent as it applies in making violated ethico-moral multiple contexts Ethical frameworks considerations for decision-making Protects clients rights 3. Ethical leadership in | Concept paper on Head nursing activity: based on clients’ and nursing professional autonomy 1. Ethical decision Nurses’ Rights 4. Professional of nurses making in autonomy addressing Peer review Applies ethical 5. Personal Work concerns in the reasoning and decision ethics Critiquing of sample clinical setting making process to informed consent form 2. Behavioral address situations of modelling of ethical distress and Psychoanalysis: work ethics moral dilemma student will develop and present their own Customized nursing work ethics principle intervention based on Phil. Culture and values. ‘Adheres to established |" B. Legal Responsibilities | Interactive session | 6 | Conference-discussion |@ | Paper and norms of conduct, on: pencil test based on the Phil 1._ Nursing Legislations 1. Legal rights of Nursing Law and legal, | 1.1. Philippine Nursing Law | Case studies on Filipino nurses, Rubrics for regulatory and 1.2 Health related laws nursing jurisprudence 2. Legal violations case study institutional affecting nursing and in health and and position requirements relevant health nursing paper to safe and nursing 1.3. Labor laws practice. ‘work contracts Position paper on a collective bargaining policy | Accepts responsibilty nurses and labor unions | recommendation on a in paying relevant 1.4. Legal issues in nursing | relevant nursing/health taxes in the practice of practice ‘concern the profession 41.1. Breach of contract 1.2. Negligence 1.3, professional _ negligence! | Page 56 of 63 T malpractice 1.4Wills 1.5, Crimes related to nursing practice 1.8 Nurses and evidence Privileged communication Z Nurses as witness __ ‘Assumes responsibilty | C. Personal and Professional _ | Panel-discussion: 5 | Participates in 8 | Performance for lifelong learning, | Responsibilties Invite professional advocacy activities on checklist own personal 1. Nursing as a profession | nurse issues of nursing development and Professional Paper pencil maintenance of Decorum Career orientation: Attendance to nursing test competence 2. Roles and invite accomplished fora on health and responsibilities ofa | alumni in various fields nursing issues Rubric for beginning nurse of practice to talk professional Demonstrates practitioner about their Self-assessment on prottolio continued competence | 3. Career development _| specialization attainment of the and professional Job search/job leads national Nursing Core growth | Preparing for an Competency standards interview Models professional Developing a behaviour professional portfolio 4. Emerging opportunities Project the good image Fields of specialization of a Filipino nurse Expanded roles of nurses Issues and Workshop on trends in nursing developing a 5. Nursing associations: | professional portfolio. Develop a professional Accredited professional nursing portfolio nursing organization: PNA Specialty organizations Interest groups 6. Relevant PRBON | Page 67 of 63 core of nursing, nursing practice nursing provisions including the love for 49. 2012 national God and people nursing core | ‘competency standards, Manifest caring as @ resolutions affecting | Web quest on relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD), | National Nursing Career progression plan Engages in advocacy Professional advocacy | Writing of a position | 1 Rubrie activities to influence Paper on health or health and social care nursing issue service policies and access to services, Engages in advocacy activities to deal with health related concerns and adopts: policies that foster the growth and development of nursing profession —_| Learning Environment: Classroom: The teaching-learning environment must be as contained in the Policies, Standards and Guidelines of CHED. Related learning Experiences: Hospital : Students will be assigned in a CHED- accredited hospital/health facility, Students will rotate in various clinical areas to perform management related activities supervised by a competent Clinical Instructor Community: Students will be exposed in the adopted community to implement and manage health clinic/DOH programs for a specific individual, families and population groups under the supervision of a competent Clinical Instructor Independent Study: Use of leamer’s time spent outside of the classroom/laboratory/clinical area for self-directed learning using available resources ( actual and online resources) equivalent to at least 30-45 hours (20-30%) of the total hours credited for the course a S Resources: Vignettes Case studies ‘Organizational charts Invited alumni/professional nurses Laptop and Audio-visual equipment Journal articles ‘Survey forms Course requirements: Exams and quizzes Professional nursing portfolio. Quality Improvement project. Community development planimplementation report Grading System: References: Textbooks. ‘Armstrong, A. (2010). Nursing ethics: a virlue-based approach. Hamshire: Palgrave Macmillan Bellosillo, J, Marquez, J., Mapil, E., Octaviano, & ( 2008). Fundamentals of nursing Law, jurisprudence and ethics, Manila: Educational Publishing House, Black, 8 and Chitty, K.K. ( 2014) St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier/Saunders. Burkhardt, M (2008). Ethics and issues in contemporary nursing. 3° ed.Australia: Thomson Delmar Learning, Clark, C. (2008). Creative nursing leadership and management, Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. De Belen, R and De Belen, D. (2007), Nursing law, jurisprudence, and professional ethics, Quezon City: C & E Publishing Finkelman, A (2012). Leadership and management for nurses: core competencies for quality care. 2" ed. Boston: Pearson, Prentice Hall, Inc. Griffith, R and tengnah, C. (2014). Law and professional issues in nursing. 3" ed, London: SAGE/Learning matters. Grohar-Murray, M. (2011) Leadership and management in nursing. 4" ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Inc. Hogan, M.A. and Nickitas, D. (2008). Nursing leadership and management. New jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Page 59 of 63 Huber, D. (2010) Leadership and nursing care management. Saunders Elsevier Huston, C. (2014) Professional issues in nursing: challenges and opportunities. 3° ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer health/Lippincott Willams and Wilkins Jasper, M, Rosser, G. (2013). Professional development, reflection, and decision-making in nursing and health care. UK: Wiler- Blackwell Kelly, P. (2012). Nursing leadership and management 3" Edition. C Engage Learning International Edition Marquis, B. and Huston, C (2012). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing, Theory and application , 7 ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Marquis, 8. and Huston, C. (2012.) Leadership and management tools for the new nurse, A case study approach Philadelphia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Masters, K. (2014) Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & barlett leaming, Perrin, K and McGhee, J. ( 2008) Quick look nursing: ethics and conflict.’ Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Porter ©” Grady, T and Mallock, K (2013), Leadership in nursing practice, changing the landscape of health care Jones and Bartlett Learning Roussel, L. (2012). Management and leadership for nurse administrators Jones and Bartlett Learning Thomas, J. (2013). A nurse’s survival guide to leadership and management on the ward. 2"! ed. United Kingdom: Churchill Livinstone Elsevier. Tomey, A.M. (2009), Guide to nursing management and leadership, 8" ed. Singapore: Mosby Elsevier Venson, et al. (2009) Philippine Nursing Law. Journals Online Journals: Nursing Management. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Journal of Nursing Management. Wiley Online Library Nursing Management Journal Information Journal of Excellence in Nursing Leadership International Nursing Review Philippine Journal of Nursing ats, eS es Page 60 of 63 Websites: http:/Awww.ahrq.goviresearch/findings/factsheets/services/nursestaffing/nursesattf.pdf http:/www. workingnurse,com/The-Nurse-Patient-Ratio-Five-Years-Later htto:/mwwwpro.who. int/topics/nursing/ichm fact sheet.pdf! http:/ Other references: Phil. Nursing Law 2012 national Nursing Core Competency Standards PRC-BON resolutions Relevant CHED Memos and Administrative Orders Page 61 of 63 Appendix G Sample Generic Rubric for Reflective Journaling T Crite [ ‘Superior (6 points) Sufficient (4 points) Minimal (2 points) Unacceptable (0 points) Depth of Response demonstrates | Response demonstrates a__| Response demonstrates _| Response demonstrates @ Reflection | an in-depth reflection and | general reflection and insights | a minimal reflection and | lack of reflection and (30%) insights on, and on, and personalization of, | insights on, and insights on, or personalization of, the _| the theories, concepts, and/or | personalization of, the | personalization of, the theories, principles, strategies related to the theories, concepts, and/or | theories, concepts, and/or concepts, and/or strategies | focus of study strategies related to the | strategies related to the related to the focus of focus of study focus of study study. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful Use of textual | Viewpoints and Viewpoints and Viewpoints and Viewpoints and evidence and | interpretations are well__| interpretations are supported. | interpretations are interpretations are missing, context supported. Response Response shows evidence of | unsupported or supported | inappropriate, andlor (30%) shows strong evidence of | synthesis of ideas presented | with flawed arguments. | unsupported. Response synthesis of ideas Appropriate examples are | Response shows little __| shows no evidence of presented. Clear, detailed | provided, as applicable. evidence of synthesis of | synthesis of ideas examples are provided, as ideas presented presented. Examples, applicable. Examples, when when applicable, are not applicable, are not provided provided or are irrelevant to the assignment, Required Response includes all Response includes all Response is missing Response excludes Components | components and meets or | components and meets all | some components and/or | essential components (30%) exceeds all requirements | requirements indicated in the | does not fully meet the | andor does not address the indicated in the instructions. Each question or | requirements indicated in_| requirements indicated in instructions. Each question | part of the assignment is the instructions. Some —_| the instructions. Many parts or part of the assignment | addressed. questions or parts of the | of the assignment are is addressed thoroughly. assignment are not addressed minimally addressed inadequately, and/or not at | all ee, Page 62 of 63 Writing Wiiting is clear, concise, | Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear and/or | Weiting is unclear and Quality (10%) | and well organized with | concise, and well organized | disorganized. Thoughts _| disorganized. Thoughts excellent with good are not expressed in a_—_| ramble and make little sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph logical manner. There are | sense. There are numerous onstruction. Thoughts are | construction. Thoughts are | more than five spelling, | spelling, grammar, of syntax expressed ina coherent | expressed in a coherent and | grammar, or syntax errors | errors throughout the and logical manner. There | logical manner. There are no | per page of writing response. are no spelling, grammar, | more than three spelling, or syntax errors. grammar, or syntax errors per page of writing. _ | & Page 63 of 63

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