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Date: July 22-26, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learner demonstrates communicative competence and literary

appreciation through his/her understanding of the basic elements and features if myths and also
correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standard/s: The learner transfer learning by creating an artistic comic strip version
of a myth.

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Use of appropriate reading style (skimming) to get the gist of the reading text,
b. Identifies and explains the elements and features of myths,
c. Employs note-taking strategies while listening to an informative text,
d. Produces the correct intonation when making sentences while observing proper use of
subject-verb agreement, and,
e. Express one’s thoughts, ideas, feeling and experience regarding the short story selection.
Learning Content: Philippine Myths
Learning Resources: Textbook, PowerPoint presentation, Flash cards
Core Values Integration: Showing a sense of responsibility to family


A. Motivation Technique
Day 1
Arrange the following valuable precious thing in the universe from the most important to the
least and explain why. The class will be divided into three groups and one on the members of
each group will explain the arrangement of the three valuable precious things according to
the group’s final verdict.


Teacher divided the class into 5 groups and each groups must have a representation and the
representative will going to choose an envelope. Inside of that enveloped is scrambled words
and they are going to arrange after that they are going to read.
Ex: who is Aponi-tolau’s mother?
In the myth about a great flood?
What does myth try to explain?

B. Transitions/Linking Statements
Day 1
 Now, the student have idea that the topic is something to do with story that
related to Love, Respect, and trust.
Day 2
 Students observe that the sentence has subject and verb and also the intonation
of each sentence that ends with period, question mark, and exclamatory.
A. Learning Activities (i.e. Cooperative Strategy & Active Learning)
 Activating Prior Knowledge
Day 1.
The teacher explain the Elements and Features of Myths.
(Setting, Characters, Plot, Theme)

Short Quiz

Day 2
After explaining the Elements and Features of Myths. The teacher will show an example of
short story entitled ‘’ THE GREAT FLOOD; HUMITAU RESTORE THE WORLD by; Monica A.
Mercado. The students will divided into groups and let them read the story.

Activity: Group Paragraph Writing

Directions: Complete the diagram to describe the character on the myth.

Day 2
The teacher explain about Subject-Verb Agreement while observing the correct intonation.
(rising, Falling, rising and falling)

Activity: Write their own Telephone conversation. While observing the use of intonation and
correct used of subject and verb in formulating the conversation.

B. Assessment Techniques

Star diagram
Writing Sentence
Exit Slip

Processing Questions

 Understanding the selection.

1. What is myths in your understanding?
2. Give me another example of myth?
3. What characteristics of Aponi-tolau do you see in the members of your family,
classmate, and other people you know?
4. What happen to Tau-mariu after he discover that Humitau and Aponi-tolau run away?
5. The subject and verb must agree in number?
A. Transfer of Learning
The students are able to write a sentence and apply on how to use the correct
intonation in daily life situation. And they have already an idea about the myths which
is an idea or story that is believed by many people but that not true or imaginative. They
can also apply the Love, Respect and trust for family.

B. Closure & Synthesis

Exit Slip
Directions: in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, complete the following into

I learned______________
I am unsure about___________________

Prepared by: Ms. Sheramy H. Mohammad-Ain K.


Date: July 29 & Aug, 2, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learner communicative competence and literary appreciation through
his/her understanding of the elements, features, and objectives of fables and legends.

Performance Standard/s: the leaner transfer learning by narrating effectively a fable or legend
heard, read, or viewed.

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Scan unfamiliar words and use context clues to make meaning and relates characters
in real life situations,
b. Recites dialogue while observing rising-falling intonation,
c. Differentiate a fable from a reflective-essay by writing a paragraph while observing
proper use of subject-verb agreement, and,
d. Develop an original fable or legend.

Learning Content: Fable and Legend

Learning Resources: Textbook, PowerPoint presentation, Flash cards
Core Values Integration: Showing a sense of responsibility to family


A. Motivation Technique
Day 1
The teacher divide the class in to six groups each group is provided a materials where they are
going to write the correct spelling of animal’s name. After that they will going to guess what
all is about.

Transitions/Linking Statements
 The teacher will ask students about the activity and they conclude that activity is
about animal’s life.
 When we say animal’s is about Fables.

A. Learning Activities (i.e. Cooperative Strategy & Active Learning)
 Activating Prior Knowledge
Day 1.
The teacher ask students what is there opinion when we say FABLES? (students answer)
After they define the Fables. The Teacher show a story entitled” The Monkey and the Turtle.”
Each group should read the story and they should get the unfamiliar word in the text and define
it so that they can relate it to the character of the story.

Activity 1: Directions: Scan the unfamiliar word and write the meaning.
Unfamiliar words Meaning

Activity 2:
Directions: Create an anime comic strip based on “The Monkey and The Turtle”. Present your
anime comic strip to class. Use the rubric to assess your work.
 Focuses on the story
 Includes main characters.
 Shows development of action.
 Uses appropriate language forms.
 Shows good craftsmanship.

Day 2
Discussion about the Legend of “The Town of Sweets”
Activity: Summarize the folk story by taking turns in narrating the important events in
chronological order.

Day 3
The teacher explain what is Legend. Legend is a story that is handed down from the past and
may tell about something that really happened or people who really live. Legend may fiction or
non- fiction.
Activity: Minute paper
B. Assessment Techniques
Minute paper
Exit Slip

Processing Questions

 Understanding the selection.

1. What moral lesson of the story?
2. What is the important of learning a Fables and Legend?
3. How did the monkey and the turtle divide the banana plant?
4. What did the turtle do to teach the monkey a lesson?
5. Why the story entitled the Torn of Sweets?
6. What are the different types of candied they sell during fiesta?
C. Transfer of Learning
The students will able to apply the moral lesson that they have learn through real life
situation. And they have already an idea about the difference between Legend and
D. Closure & Synthesis


Write Like if you want the story and write heart if you relate to the character of the story.

Prepared by: Ms. Sheramy H. Mohammad-Ain K.


Date: August 5-9, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learners exhibits communicative competence and literary appreciation
through his/her understanding of

Performance Standard/s: The learner transfers learning by composing a lyric poem patterned
after an original.

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Discuss and explain the Elements of Poetry,
b. Observe the correct pitch levels and pronunciation of words while reading the poems,
c. Employs active listening to be able to supply the missing words in an incomplete poem,
using pronoun, and,
d. Compose a lyric poem showing the elements of poetry, and perform a poem recitation
while exhibiting correct usage of subject-verb agreement.

Learning Content: Lyrical Tales

Learning Resources: Textbook, PowerPoint presentation, Flash cards
Core Values Integration: Showing a sense of responsibility to family


A. Motivation Technique
Day 1
The teacher distribute a poem entitled “Road not Taken” by Robert Frost. Let them read
according to the group.

B. Transitions/Linking Statements
 Students say that poem contains a line, rhyme, stanza and tone the way
they read the poem.
A. Learning Activities (i.e. Cooperative Strategy & Active Learning)
 Activating Prior Knowledge
Day 1.
The teacher discuss about Elements of Poetry.
(Form, rhythm, rhyme,…..)
Activity 1: Read the poem orally to get a feel of the language as a pattern of sound.
Activity 2: Scan the unfamiliar words in the poem. Write the meaning of the words by
identifying the part of speech and by writing the clues to their meaning.

Vocabulary Chart
Unfamiliar Word Part of speech Clues to Meaning

Day 2
Discussion about pronouns.
Activity1: Direction: Write in the blanks the correct pronouns to complete the prayer.

B. Assessment Techniques
Poem reading
Vocabulary Chart
Sentences construction
Self-assessment Chart
Short Quiz

Processing Questions

 Understanding the selection.

1. How can you truly appreciate a poem?
2. Which lines remind you of a sad experience?
3. Which lines remind you of delightful experience?
A. Transfer of Learning
The learners are able to compose their own poem using the elements of Poetry.

B. Closure & Synthesis

Self-assessment Chart

The activity that I liked best is_________________________________________________

The activity that I need to improve on is__________________________________________
To improve my next performance, I will_________________________________________

Prepared by: Ms. Sheramy H. Mohammad-Ain k.


Date: August 19-23, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learners displays communicative competence and literary appreciation
through his/her understanding of

Performance Standard/s: The learner transfers learning by creating an artistic collage of pictures
depicting the plot of a narrative.

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Visualizes characters, setting and plot,
b. Employs note-taking strategies when listening to the text,
c. Observe conversational strategies such as turn-taking, turn-giving, and nonverbal
language, and,
d. Design an artistic collage of pictures depicting the plot of a narrative.

Learning Content: Pre-Spanish Fiction

Learning Resources: Textbook, PowerPoint presentation, Flash cards
Core Values Integration: Showing a sense of responsibility to family


C. Motivation Technique
Day 1 (Pictures)
The Greek philosopher once said that there were three ways to treat an enemy:

Love him Punish

Kill him

Form a group of five to do the ff. write which if the three ways you would personally consider
wise and show each other’s answer and discuss the topic further.
D. Transitions/Linking Statements

A. Learning Activities (i.e. Cooperative Strategy & Active Learning)
 Activating Prior Knowledge
Day 1.
Discussion about the story of WHO WAS THE RAJAH’S SON?
Activity 1: Dramatize the story.
Activity 2: Create a collage of drawings and pictures depicting the plot if the story.
>Focuses on significant details
>Depict characters creatively.
>Shows good craftsmanship.

Day 2
Discussion about Indefinite Pronouns.
Activity: work with your seatmate. Construct a sentence based on the ff.

B. Assessment Techniques

Role play
Team work
Short Quiz
Self-assessment Chart

Processing Questions
 Understanding the selection.
1. What can you say about the story?
2. Describe Bay-Bay. What tragedy struck the barangay?
3. What problem came up with the return of the two boy?
4. What did the elders of the barangay do to identify the rajah’s son?
C. Transfer of Learning
The learner can apply the moral lesson from the story into real life situation.

D. Closure & Synthesis

Self-assessment Chart
The activity that I liked best is_________________________________________________
The activity that I need to improve on is__________________________________________
To improve my next performance, I will__________________________________________
Prepared by: Ms. Sheramy H. Mohammad-Ain K.
Date: August 19-23, 2019

Content Standard/s: The learners displays communicative competence and literary appreciation
through his/her understanding of

Performance Standard/s: The learner transfers learning by creating an artistic collage of pictures
depicting the plot of a narrative.

Learning Competencies:
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Summarizes the arguments presented in a minute debate( writing and composition)
b. Expresses language functions, using the simple tenses of verbs( Grammar in context)
c. Distinguishing between positive and negative traits of characters in a story(Reading

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