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SUBJECT Civic (English)

TIME 8.50 – 9.50 a.m.
C. STANDARD 1.2, 3.2
L.STANDARD 1.2.1(a)
CORE VALUE Responsibility
CONTEXT Self and Family
TOPIC Financial Saving
OBJECTIVES Describe the one importance of saving money wisely

Express gratetul feelings for saving the money wisely

Use the money wisely to buy food in canteen.
Open a bank account
ACTIVITIES Pre lesson:
Ask and answer session:
How much pocket money do you receive every day or every week?
How do you spend your pocket money?

Activity 1
1. Pupils are divided into small groups
2. Each group will be provided with a mahjong paper and marker pen
and discuss the ways to save money wisely.
3. Each group will come out to present their ideas.
4. Teacher gives feedbacks on responses and emphasizes the
importance to save money.

Activity 2
1. To role-play how they spend or save their money wisely and give the
reason why they do so.
2. After the role-play session, ask and answer session is hold.
· Who had showed their gratitude for the money received?
· Why?
3. Teacher gives feedback on this activity.

Activity 3
1. Teacher shows the procedures of opening a bank account to pupils.
2. Teacher will explain to pupils.
3. Pupils will be given a worksheet on rearranging the sentences into
correct order about the procedures of opening a bank account.


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