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lS 21() : 1993

TRf,Iq ITFTfi'

Ti iTlqdf renraqi-ffi1fts
( qlqr gatam )

lndian Standard


( Fourth Revision)

'"+- : - - .- .
SecondReprintMARCH f998

u D C6 6 9 . 1 3 1 . 6 - 1 4



.' : oBISlg93
. J'

J' De<nber 1993 *'le Crnog fi


l- \, _
I\ / \' r r \
Plg Iroa rsd Cart lron Scctionrl Conulttcc, MTD 6


Thir Indian .ctandard(_Fourth Rcvirion ) was adoptcd by tbc Bureau of Iodian Standar&, after the draft
lnrlitd bVjF"- .Pig_Irou .-and Cast lron Scctiobal Committce had bccn approved by thc Mctallurgical
F.oglnecring Divirioa Couocil.
Thir rtaodrrri war 6nt publirhcd in 1950 and subsequently rcvircd i! 1962, 1970 and 1978. Whilc
tcvicwing this stand-ardin thc ligbt of tbc cxpcriencc gained during thcre ycan, the coomittce decided to
rcviscittoaiignwiththe pre3entpracticesfoilowedbythelndianlndurtriesandtobring it in line with
thc othcr ovcrreasstandardr.
Thc variougdiamctcrr 4 :9, bar accordiqg to tbc scction-dzc of thc castingr have bccn replaced by a
sioglc lzeo! tcst bar. Guidance on the effect of sectioo size of the casting 6n thc tensile strcngth is, hbw.
ever, givenin Annex A. A comparisonbetweengrader is given in AnnexB.
The prodrrctionofcartings-iothc higher-gradccof glcy castiron oftcn involver special techniqucs. It is
recommended, therefore,tbat for cithcr largt_or intricate caslingsor a castinginvolving both these condi-
tions,or wiiere the cartingshave to withrtand exccptionconditions,thegraddof creycist irontelected and
any heat trcatmcnt involvcd should be agreedbetween the manufacturci and tbd purcbascr. The hishcr
gradcsof grey-castiron ( that ir, Grade FO300, FG350 and FG400 ) presentspeciaidifficultics for section
l0 mm and tfrinner.
For thc irenefitof thc purcbarer,typicel propcrticsof grcy cart iron havc bccn addcd in Annex C.
lnformation to be rupplicd by thc purchaserwhile ordcring grey iron cactingraccording to tbis specification
is given in Annex D.
In the formulation of tbir rtandard a$istance lras becn dcrivbd from ISO 185 .Grcy Cast Iron - Spccifi-
cation' iuued by International Organization for Standardization.
Fo.rthc.Purporc of dccidiog _wbcthcra particular _rcguiremcntof thir rtrioderd is complicd with, thc final
value, obrcrved or cslcuLatcd,e:prersing thc reult of a tegt or analyrir, rhrU be rounded off io accordluce
witb IS 2: 1960 'Rule_r&r ro'iadiag-off numcrical valuer (wiid j'. Tbe of riguifcant plrce,
retaia*d in thc roundcd off value rhou-ldbc the senc ar thrt oi the rp;cificd valuc
in tlis sta-ndnrd

,.+-=. ,_._rt_-
IS 210 : l99t

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
This standard covers the requirementsfor grey 6.1 The compositionof cast iron shall be left to
iron castings. thc discrerion-of the manufacturer, but a mdxi-
2REFER"ENcEs f""S.:|fr:l
The following Indian Standards are necensary
6.2 ln case of' spccial castings, the rictailed
adjr.trrctsto this standard:
chemical composition shall be as agrecd to be-
/,S "l.irc. Titlc tween the purchaser and the manufactufer,
I 387 1993 General requirements for the
supply of metatlurrgical material 7 WORKMANSHTP AND FINISH
( secondrcvision)
7.1 The castings shall be accuratcly moulded in
I 500 1983 Method for Brinell hardnesstest' accordance with the pattern or working drawingr
for merallic materials ( second supphed by the purchaser, with thg addition of
rcaision) such letters, figuies or marks as may be specrfied.

2078 1979 Method lbr tensile testing of 7.2 The purchaser shall specify tolerances,
grey cast iron (y'rst reoision) machining location and allowances with reference
to all important dimensions On other dimensioos
4843 1968 Code for designation of ferrous tolerancesspecifiedin IS 5519 : 1979shall apply.
5 1 3 9 1969 Recommended procedurc for 8 HEAT TREATMENT
repair of grey iron castings by
oxyacetylene and manual metal Castings are generally supplied without having
arc welding any hcat treatment. However, if required by the
purchaser, the heat treatment may bc carried out
5 5 t 9 1979 Deviations for untoleranced in accordance with 2 of IS 13655 : 1993.
dimensions of grey iron castings
(frst rcutsion) 9 MICROSTRUCTURE
l 3655 1993 Guidelines for heat treatment
of cast iron Where so required, thc microstructurc of grey
iron castings and the locatron for taking thl
3 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL sample_s!'all be as agreed to between the purcha-
ser and the manufacturer.
General requheqrents relating to the supply of
grey iron castings shall be as laid down in rO EREEDOM FROM DETECTS
lS l3B7: 1993.
l0.l The castings shall be sound, clean and free
4 GRADES from porosity, blow holes, hard spots,
-and cracks, hot
tears, coldshuts, distortion, gand slag inclu-
There shall be seven grades of grey iron castings sions and other harmful defects. They iball bc
namely, Grades FGl50. FG200, FG220, I,'G260, well-dressed and fettled, and shall bc readily
FG300, FG350 and FG 400. machinablc.

5 MANUFACTURE 10.2 No welding or rcpairs shall be carried out

_tyltllgut thc prior permission of the purchaser.
The castings shall be made by any process, as Welding.referred to'here includes fusion welding
agreed between the supplier and purchaser, that in accordance with the common foundry practic;
will produce castings complying with the require. Th-e,method of repair by welding ( saj IS 5139 :
ments of this Indian Standard and shall be in 1969 ) and subsequent stress-re-lievingshall be
accordance with the patterir or working drawing as agreed to between the purchaser and the
as supplied by the purchaser. manufacturer.
Ig 2lO s 1993
lI.I All tcst bars shall be cast separatelyin sand A test bar from which the tensile test piece is
moufds and the nurnber of test bars rcquircd shall machinrd shall be cast as a uniform cyliirdrical
be as specifiedin ll, Thcy shall be cast at the bar of 30 mm diameter. The tolerance on the
same time and frcm the same melt as the castings diameter shall be l ! mm. The minimum length
they represcnt. of the test bar shall be 230 mm.
ll.2 The test bar material shall be identifiable I{ TENSILE TEST
with that of the castings represented.
The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance
ll.3 When castilrgs are subjected to heat treat- with IS 2078 : 1979, using a testpiece conforming
ment, the test bars shall be heat-treated together to the dirnensionsin Fig. I and Table 2. The test
with the caslings thcy represent. piece shall be accurately machined, rvith a good
surlace finish. 1'he transition between the inds
lI.4 Thc test bars shall be cast in dried, baked or and the parallel length shall be snooth, rvithout
clcmically bondcd moulds made mainly of an undercutting or a sudden step dorvn in diameter.
aggregatc of siliccous sand with appropriate
NOTF, - Self-atigaing grips are recommended to
bindcrs. Thc average grain size of the sand shall ensure axial loading.
be approximatc to that of the sand in which the
castings arc poured. Moulda for tbe test bars shall
be approxin:ately at room temperature when
poured. More than one tcst bar may be cast in a
When tested in accordance rvith the requirement
ringle mould, but cach bar in the mould shall be
of 13, the test piece shall comply with ihe mini-
rurrounded by a thiclness of sand which is not
mum requir€ments specified in Table 3. The
less than the diamcter of thc bar.
tensile strength specified is that obtained from test
bars cast separately from the castings to rvhich
t2 FREQUENCYOr TESTTNG they refcr. The test values. represent, therefore,
only the qualit.v of the metal ltom which the
l2.f Thc numbcr of tests required for each melt casting have been poured.
or batch of castings shall be as laid down in
Tablc l, various classesof castings bcing divided 16 HARDNESS TEST
into five representative grouFr according to mass.
16.I Thc Brinell hardness test shall be carried
12.2 In tbe casc of large toDnagc of castings out in accordance with rhe method given in
being produced continuously, the minimum IS 1500 : 1983. Brinell hardness values ibr diffe-
nubber of test bars to be provided shall be one rent grades or grey iron castings shall be as
tensile test rcprcsenting cvery two hours produc- specified in Table 3.
tion from a melting furnace.
16.l.f Thehardness test shall be conducted ar
Table I Nunbcr of Tegts rp.gjf" point on the castings.These specificpoints
( Clause l2.l ) sball be such that they are amenable for hafdness
checking in routine procedure.

Grorp Mu,ol Indlvlilrd Tcrt Rcqrlrcacats f6.1.2 The location of the specific point on a
Cudafr casting for hardness measurehent shall be as
lr) Up to l2'5 Lg Oae tert for each 500 Lg agrced to between the purchaser and the manu.
of cartiogr or p.rt thereof facturer.
2l) Ovsr l2'5 Lg aad Ooe tert for overy I tonne
up to 5{, Lg 6fcutilgr or part rhereof 17 TRANSVERSETEST
31) Over 50 Lg ud up to One tert fo,r every 2 toones If requircd, the transvcrse test may be carried out
500 !g of curingr or p.rt rhereof by the manufacturer in accordance rvith the
4r) Ovcr 500 lg aud up Oas tcrt for every 3 tonaes mefhod given in Annex E. The minimum test
to I tonnc of castingsor part thereof requirements shall be agreed upon at the time of
Over I toaae
enquiry and ordcr.
5 One t.rt for every + tonner
ofcartiogr or pert tbcreof
ot one tert for cvery r8 HYDROSTATIC TEST
castiog weighing 4ronnec
or Eote If specificdat the time of enquiry and order tbe
r)Iurddition Groups--1,2, 3, aad 4all cartingrrepre- castingsmay bc tested lbr ihe-hydrostatic test
sentedby one tert rball be poured from the rame lidle pressure. The requirements for thi test pressure
G tatre beat as thc bar or barr provided for the test. shall be mutually agreed to between the prirch:ser
and the manufacturer.
I8 210 s 1993

Frs. I Macnlxsp TBxsrLe TEsr PrEce

Table 2 Dlnersione of Machiled Tenslle Tcst Plcce

( Clausa 14 |

(Gbrgc lfirchtatag Mlalosn Mlalnum PLtE B!d. Ecrercd Erdr

I)looSer Tolcnnce Prrrllcl Rrdlu
O forthc Lclgth Misimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
Gruge Diameter Length Dia at L"ogrh
Dbucter I(oot
LcRdrLp d. 11
(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (sr
mm mm mrD mm mm mtD tDln EET
20 t 0'5 ss 25 25 65 25 3tt
NOTE - Witb screwed-ends, aoy form of threed may be ured provided that the diameter rt the root of tlc
thrcad ir not lecs than that rpeciied.

Teble 3 Mechaoical Tcst Requircments 20 INSPECTION

( Cluses 15 azd 16.l ) By agreemcnt with thc mauufacturcr, the ptrr,
chaser or his represcntativc shall havc ac(xs at
Grrdc Telrltc Bdnell
( 5a I8 4&t3 :1968 ) Strolth Errdnerc
all reasonable times to those parts of the tn-.u-
Mi^ facturer's works engagcd on his.ordcr, hc shall
MPa ( N/mmr ) HB be at liberty to inlpcct the manuf,acturcr at uy
(l) (2) (3) stage, to witncss-the rcquircd tests and to rcjccl
FG I5O r50 130to lB0 any material that does not comply with ihis
200 standard. When the castings arc to be inspectcd
FG 2OO 160to 220
during manufacture and tcsted in the prerencc of
FG 220 220 180to 220
the purchaser's represcntative, this shall be rtated
FG 260 260 180to 230
on thc enquiry and order.
FG 3OO 300 180to 230
FG 350 350 207 ro 241 2I TESTING FACILITIES
FG dOO 400 207 to270 21.1 The manufacturer in supplying the tcst
NOTE - Although mcchanical propertier are speci" samples as required for tcsting chdll prepare from
fied for Grade FG 150 tbe material shall be onlv them the neccssary test pieces and supply tbc
tested ifrequired by the purcha*r. labour and appliances for making atl tcsu on his
prcmises in accordancc with this statrdard.
2l.l.l Failing facilities for carrying 'out tbc
prescribed tests at hir own worts the rDanufac-
fg.I It' on being tested any test piece rhows turer shall carry out the tests clsewhcre.
obvious signs ofa casting defect, the results of
thc test may be discarded and a further test ZI ISIART.ING
made. ZLl- Each casting, i[ feapible, shall be lcgrbly
marked with a numbcr of idcntification m-arli
19.2 If any sound test piece faih, two further which it can be traced to the melt, and the batch
tests shall be made, should eithcr of these test of beat reatment, if done, from which it was
pieces fail, the castings reprcsented shall, not made.
lomply with the t'equirements of this Indian
22.2 By agrecment bctween the purchaser and the
manufacturcr, castings complying with thc re-
19.3 In the absenceof further separately cast test quiremcnc of this standard rhall be, after ins-
bars, the manulacturcr shall iave the option of pection,. Icgibly marked with an aaceptaace
submitting tcst bals, sectioned from an agreed mark
position in the castings. Thc requiremcnts of the
iest shall be as agreed to between the purchaser 23 STANDARD MARK
and the manufacturcr. However, thc guidancc The castings may also be marked with 0he
mav be obtained from Anncx A. Standard Mark.
t'S 210 s 1993

( Forewordand Clauselg.3 )


A-1 Thc Indian Standard grades of grey cast iron A-2 Figure 2 gives a guide to the likely variation
arc bascd oa the minimum teirsile stre.ngth ob- in tensile strength in different sections when a
tained when mctal is cast into test bars of 30 mm given grade ol grey iron is cast into a casting of
dinrneter. The strength developed by a given simple shape and uniform thickness or containing
mctal shall vary with thc coolingrate in the mould cored holes where the cooling rate in the mould
highcr strcngths being obtained if the same metal of a given section shall differ from that in a castrng
ic cast into smaller bars than 30 mm diameter of sample shape and uniform thickncss, the dia-
and lower strengths if the metal is cast into bars gram provides only an approximate guide to the
larger than 30 mm diameter. Similarly, the cool- likely tensile strength in different sections and
'ing ratc of a flat slower than that of a bar
design should be based on the measured tensile
whorc diameter is eciual to the thickness of the strength in critical parts of the casting.
platc so that the strength developed in the plate
will bc lower than that developed in the bar.
A-l.l The cooiing rate of a casting in a mould A-2.1 Table 4 gives guidance to the likcly varia-
( bence the strength developed in any pirticular tion in tensile strength f<rrdifferent casting section
lection thickncss by the metal employed for its thicknesses when a given grade ofgrey cast iron
manufacture ) is influenced also by the Presence is cast into a casting of simple shape and uni-
of cores, cbanges in section thickness, the presence form thickness. For casting of non.uniform
of bosscs projections and intersections, such as the section or castings containing cored holes, the
junctions of ribr and bosses. Thus, in castings of table provides only an approximate guide to
other tban simple shape and uniform thickness the likely tensile strength in drfferent sections,
the cooling rate of any part can be expected to and casting design should be based on the
differ from that of a Bat plate of similar section measured tensile strength in critical parts of the
thickness. casting.

C R 0 S S - S E C T I O N ATLH I C K N E S Sm, m

^ 350
- 300 3C0
= 250

3t no

3 rso

01530s0 75 100
(, m

This diagrem is for guideuce and rhould not be ured for acceptance purPo!€r.

Fro. 2 Vlrrrrrox oF TENsTLE SrneNcTH wrrn Cnoss-Ssottoner. TntcrNrss or GnE,Y Inon Cesrlrcs
IS 210 3 1993

Table 4 Anticipated Tensile Properties for the Castiogs ( for laformation Only )
( ClauseA-2.1 )

Gredc Creting Sectlon Thiclncmr Aadclprtcd Tcnrllc

mm Strcogth
-a__--____ MPa ( N/mm! )
Over Up to and
FG I5O 2'5 l0 155
l0 20 130
20 30 l15
30 50 t05
F'G 200 25 l0 205
l0 20 t80
20 30 160
30 50 145
IrG 260 4'0 l0 260
t0 20 235
20 30 215
30 50 t95
F'G 300 l0 20 274
20 30 245
30 50 225
FG 350 l0 20 3r5
20 30 2n
30 50 270

( Foreword
( = N /m m 2 l
GRADE kg, I t n m 2 GRADE
FG4OO {00
10 a0

FG 350


FO200 m

F Ot 5 0 r50 t5-15

t Nfmm?= lMPa=0'1020kgffmml ,
Frc. 3 Cor,rprnrsor.lBsrweeN GRross rN THIs EortroN ANDTHE Pnr,vrous Eorrron
BesBp oN Mtxruuv Ter.lsrrr SrnsNcrH
IS 2f0 s 1993

( Forcword

Gl The followinginformation is given for the guidanceo[ engineersand designers. It doesiot form
part of the standardand shouldnot be usedfor acceptancepurpotes:
Ptoperdce Unlt Grrde

rG 150 FG200 FG 220 FG 260 FG 3OO FG 350 FG 4OO

Tensile streDgtb MPa ( N/nmr ) 150 200 220 260 300 350 400
0'01 perceat proof MPa ( N/mmr ) 42 56 62 73 B4 98 rt2
0'l percent proof MPa ( N/mmr ) 98 t30 t+3 t69 195 228 260
Total ttrain at Perccnt 0.6G,0.75r)
0'390'63r) 0'57 0.50 0.50 0.50
Elartic strain at Percent 0.15 0.17 0.lB 0'20 0.22 0.25 0'28

'- Total minus elartic 0'45-0'60!)0'31-0'50r)0'21-0'451) 0'37 0'28 0'25 0'2s

strain at faiture
Notched tcnrile rtre-
ngth ( saa Note 2 )
(Circumferential MPa ( N/omr) r20 160 176 208 240 280 320
45" V-notcb, root
radius 0'25 mm or
Notch depth 2'5
mm, notch dia 20
mm or notcb
depth 3'3 mm,
notch diameter
7'6 mm )

Circumferential MPa ( N/mmr ) 150 200 220 260 300 350

qotcb, Radiur 9'5
mm ( Notch depth
2'5 mm, ootch dia-
rneter 20 mm )
Compressive ltretgtb MPa ( N/mmr ) 600 720 768 864 960 r 080 l 200
0'l percent proof MPa ( N/mmz ) 84 tti 123 146 168 rs6
0'l percent proof MPa ( N/mma ) 195 260 286 338 390 455 520
Shear streogth MPa ( N/mrut ) t73 230 253 299 3*5 403 4d0
Torsional streogth MPa ( Ir'/mml ) t73 230 253 t99 345 403 460
Shear rtraio at Percent >4 >4 >4 >4 Upto4 Upto4 Upto4
Modulus of elasticity
Teosion GPa 100 lt4 120 128 135 140 t45
Comprcssion GPa 100 lt4 120 t2B 135 140 t45
Modulus of rigidity 40 {6 48 51 5+ 56 5tr
Poisron's ratio :*
Fatigue limit ( Woh-
let )
Unnotched ( 8'4 MPa ( N/mmr ) 68 90 99 rt7 135 r49 152
mm dia )
V-notcbed ( Cir- MPa ( N/mmr ) 68 87 94 l0B t22 l:9 127
cumferential .15o
V-notch wirh
0'25 mm toot
radius, Diameter
at notch 8'4 mm
deprb of notch
3'4 mm )
Hardaess Refer Table 3 for bardness values

Propertles Uoit Grrrdc

FG r50 FG 200 FG 220 FG 260 rc 300 FG95O FG 4OO
'Cocfficient of ther-
mal expression
- t00"C to 20oC x l0-6/K
?0oOto 200oC x l0r/K
20oCto r00oC x l0-6/K
Thermal conductivity
1000c W/mK 52.s 50'8 50.1 48'8 47.4 45.7 41.O
200"c WlmK 51.5 49.8 49'l 47.8 46'+ 4+.7 4t.0
3000c lV/mK 50,s 48.8 .{8'l 46.8 45'4 43.7 42,O
400'c W/mK 49'5 47,8 47'r 45'B 44.4 42.7 4l'0
500"c 1,t//mK 48.5 46'8 46.1 44.8 49.4 +t.7 40,0
Specificheat capacity
/20"C to 200oG 265 37s +20 460
J/LgK 460 460 460
20oCto 300oC J/lqK 355 435 455 495 495 495 +9s
200c to 4000c JllgK 400 465 465 505 505 50s 5G5
20oC to 500oC JileK +25 480 +75 515 515 sl5 s15
20"C to 600oC .l/lsK 4+5 500 495 535 535 53s 535
200c ro 7000c .I/LgK 490 555 560 605 605 605 60s
Relative density 7'05 7.t0 7.15 7'20 7.25 7.30 7.30
Magnetic and elec-
trical prooerties

\{aximum magne- ptli m

tic permeability
Remanent magne- T
Coercive force r\/m
I{ysceresis loss at J/-t
50 Hz
Dlectricalrcsistivity pOm 0.800 0.770 0.760 0.730 0.700 0.G70 0.640
I The typical properties given in thir Annex_are. the propcrties io a 30 mm diameter separately cast tett bar or
in a-castingsectioo correclly rePrele-nt€dby lbis lize oftert bar. Wherc the tensile rtrenjthdoeJnot correspond
to that givrn, orher properties may differ slightly from thosegiven.
2 Notched tellile streDgthsincreale slightly as notch scverity ratio, notch radius, notch diameter, increare
3._-Theral-ues-quotedforcoefficientof thermal expansion.of Grade FG400 are for material in pearlitic iroo.
Where accictrlar iron is used for this grade appropriate valuesare;
200cto 200"c 15.0x l0a/K
20oCto 4O0'C16'5 x l0-o/K
!) Values depend on the compogition of iron.

( Foraword\


D-l BASIS FOR ORDER b) Any required limits on the sulphur and
phosphorus content
D-l.l While placing an order for the purchase
o[ grpV iron- casting covered by this standard, the c) Drawing or reference number of the
curchascr should specifythe following: pattern ( if supplied by the
a) Material specification; .purchaser ),
along with a copy of the qrawrng;
IS 210 | 1993

d) Tcsts reguircd; c) Any special requirement of the purchaser,

o) Whcther the castings are to be inspected for example, hardness tcsts and locations
and tcstcd in the prcsenceof the purcha- of non-destrueliy6 testing, quality assu.
scrtsreprerentative; rance, etcl and
f ) Condition of delivery; h ) Test reports, if required.

( Clause17 )


The object of this test is to determine the trans- E-3.1 Place the two ends of the test bar on hori-
verse bending strength of grey cast iron by apply- zontal supp()rtS. The support and the point of
ing constantly increasing singlc load at the ccntre application of the load shall be rounded to a
of a test bar arranged as a beam between two radius of 5 to 20 mm. Apply a single load verti-
suPportsuntil fracture occurs. cally at the centre of the bar ( seeFig. 4 ).
E-2 TEST BAR,S E-3.2 Increase the load uniformly without shocli
E-2.1 The cast test bars shall have thc dimensions until the bar fracture. T'he load should be applied
given in Table 5. in such a way that the increase of st..essdoes not
exceed 3 MPa per second Find out the load at
Table 5 l)imensions of Trarsverse the fracrure of the test bar with the accuracv
Test Ears indicated in Table 6.
( ClauscsE-2.1 and B-2.2 ) E-3.3 Determine the deflection of the test bar
from the notion of the thrust relative to the 6xed
Dlroctcr Pernleelble Varlatlon Length (t)
' supports or to the supporting table of the machine.
of the Cast from Noainal Min
Test Bsr Dirurctet In order to eliminate any errors in mi"asuring the
-l.----r deflection, the measurement should be stirted
Unmachined Macbined after applying a small preload as given in
(l) (2) (3) (4) Table 6.
mm mm mm mm
30 ! t'2 + 0'2 500 Table 6 Testiag Conditions and
Accuracy of Readings
E-2.2 Test bar is normally tested unmachined. ( ClausesF,-2,2,8-3.2, B-3.3 and Frg. a )
The surface of the test bar shall be free from un-
evennessand seams rvhich may be removed by
carcful grinding. The diameter shall be measured Noniael Dletance AccuracyqfRea,|lngs Pre-
at the c€ntrc ol the test bar in two directioDs per- Dlueter Eetween *--:-- Load
d Centre of Dia'!e- Load P, Deflec' Appror
pcndicular to one.another. Thcdifference betwecn
Slpports, ter of Mat tion at
two measurements shall not cxcccd 5 percerrt of Lg Bar Frac-
the normal diametcr. The mean value if rhe two d ture
diameters shall be the diameter do (,raa E-{ ) of (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
the test bar. For its permissible vaiiations fiom mm mm mm mm mm urm
the nominal diamcicr and the accuracy ot 0'l
30 450 100 0'2 200to
mcasurcment of tbe diameter, the values indicated 400
in Tables 5 and 6 shall apply.



l'lo. 4 TneNsvansr Trsr Ben or Gnay Cesr Inox

tS 2r0: 1993

E-4 TEST RESULT rvbere

The test report shall includei p - maximum loacl at fracturc in N,
a) load at tracture in N;
tt : centresof supports
b) bending.strength-/6,to an accuracyof 0.5 t;tHffttctween
MPa calcuiated irom the iormula:
do - fircan diameter in mm' and
8 P!:
ro :
n doi c) deflcctionat fracturein mm.
'' N O . r A U G U S T1 9 9 8
,r',t To
i ( Foudh Rcvlston)
(Page8, Tuble6, col4 and6 Substitutc
)- .'N' for.nlnl' asunit of road.

l,{m 6 )
unii.el5 N;Elhi;tm


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