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11/12/2019 Have Ants in Pants | Behind Closed Doors | Deliver the Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds

r the Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds | Engoo

Vocabulary Idioms

Have Ants in Pants | Behind Closed Doors | Deliver the

Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds
7 Advanced

Exercise 1
have ants in (one’s) pants /hæv ænts ɪn pænts/
Phrase to be unable to sit still due to feeling impatient, anxious, or

Sally had ants in her pants because it was her first

appearance on TV.
behind closed doors /bɪˈhaɪnd kloʊzd dɔrz/
Phrase in secret or in private; away from the public

The restart of nuclear reactors will be negotiated behind

closed doors.

deliver the goods /dɪˈlɪvər ðə gʊdz/ to do or provide what is expected

The team's new player failed to deliver the goods.
go the extra mile /goʊ ði ˈɛkstrə maɪl/… 1/8
11/12/2019 Have Ants in Pants | Behind Closed Doors | Deliver the Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds | Engoo

Phrase to put more effort into something than is typically expected

He is always ready to go the extra mile to make sure the

job is done well.

in two minds /ɪn tu maɪndz/ unable to make a decision about something

She was in two minds about going abroad.

Exercise 2

Dialogue Practice

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

My interview with the board is tomorrow. I have ants in my pants!


That interview about your project? What exactly are you supposed to do

First, I'm going to present the project to the board. Then, they will discuss
it behind closed doors. And in two weeks, they will let me know whether it… 2/8
11/12/2019 Have Ants in Pants | Behind Closed Doors | Deliver the Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds | Engoo

Saya has been accepted. I am still in two minds if I should go or not.

Come on! I know you can deliver the goods. I believe in you. And if you
want, I can go with you to give you some support before the presentation.

That would be great! You're always ready to go the extra mile when I need
it. Thank you, Masa.

No problem, that's what friends are for!


Exercise 3

Read the passage aloud with your teacher.

Saya has ants in her pants because she needs to deliver a presentation about her
project. The board will discuss her project behind closed doors and will give her the
results in two weeks. She's in two minds whether she should go or not. Masa gave her… 3/8
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support by saying that she would be able to deliver the goods. Saya thanked him for the
support and for being willing to go the extra mile by accompanying her to the interview.

Exercise 4
Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms to complete the dialogue.

Saya and Masa are talking about Masa's first date with the girl he likes.

You are going to ask her out, right?


Yes, but I have (1) . I am really shy.


Come on! You'll be fine, Masa! You talk to her almost every day. You just… 4/8
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need to ask the question. And you should (2) and plan
something special for your date.


I already have everything planned in my head. But asking her out... that's
my biggest problem. She might reject me. She might think that I am
Masa desperate. I'm still (3) about whether I should ask her out at

Come on! I'm sure she'll say yes!


Are you sure? And what if I fail to (4) and the whole date ends in
disaster? What if she gets bored with me? Also, if she says no, everyone
Masa will make fun of me.

Don't think that way, Masa! Everything will be okay. And, you can ask her
(5) , so no one will know about it.

Okay. I guess I just need to calm down and do it. Thank you, Saya!


Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 5

Answer Pool (Questions 1-5)… 5/8
11/12/2019 Have Ants in Pants | Behind Closed Doors | Deliver the Goods | Go the Extra Mile | In Two Minds | Engoo

go the extra mile

ants in my pants
deliver the goods

in two minds

behind closed doors

Exercise 5

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct idioms to complete the sentences.

1. He is still inexperienced, so I don’t think he can .

2. Rory is better than Tom. She is always ready to , unlike him.

3. If you’re , don't go to the party.

4. Non-authorized personnel are not allowed inside. This meeting will take place .

5. I had before I met the president.

6. Sheila to buy a special gift for her father's birthday last month.

7. Don't worry! If you study hard, you'll definitely be able to .… 6/8
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8. The decision about the new principal was made .

9. I'm finally going on a date with Jessica. I've got .

10. You need to work harder so that you can .

Exercise 6

Sentence Building

Create sentences using the following idioms.

have ants in one’s pants

behind closed doors
go the extra mile
deliver the goods
in two minds

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