Bba 6 Sem Project Management 1754 2018 PDF

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hp/waow Question Paper Code : 1754 BBA, (Semester-VI) Examination, 2018 PROJECT MANAGEMENT [BBA-606] Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks :70 Note : Answer five questions in all. Question No.4 is compulsory, Besides this, one question is to be attempted from each Unit 1, Wite short notes on the folowing (3x10=30) (@) Entrepreneurial skis of project manager (©) Markot planning (©) Resource leveling (6) Project chart and layouts (©) Project time tines (Balance sheet and its components (9) Forms of project organisation 175411200 ay pro} Inp./ bap (h) Social cost benef analysis Norma time and crash time © Enterprise resource planing units Distinguish betveen project and production management ith the help of examples using the project and product dovelopment cycle (19) Do the demand analysis fora new product has a potential ‘market size of $00,000. There is an older product that Is similar to the the new product. P=0.020 and q0.075, drive the industry sales ofthis older product (Where P” isthe coofficient of innovation and qs the cootficient of irtation), What willbe the estimates of sales in year 1, 2and 3 for the nev product, according tothe Bass diffusion mocle!” 19) uNtrat Explain the factors affecting facilty location planning What are the repercussions if location of a facility s not planned at all? (19) 1734/1200 Q) hp/waow [Aaiwiy [Predecessor [Duration (n dave) 14 15 25. 20. 12 9 2 24 16 18 20 6 3 7 10 A eo c D E F cS H i J K L uM N. P 1734/1200 (6) Inp./ hp/waow 5. Explain the ways in which organizations can reduce ‘emissions that pollute the environment, How recycling help the environment ? (10 vuNtrant 6 Acompany has onits books the following amounts and pectic costs of each type of capital [ype of Capital [Book valve] Market valus| Space Cost Debt +4,00,000 | 3,80,000 5 Preference share__| 1.00.00 | 1.10.000 3 Equity share. 6,00,000 16 Retained earings | 2,00,000 | 12,00,000 3 Determine the weighted average Cost of capital Using (a) Book value weights and, (b) Market value ‘weights. Howare the different ?Can you think of a stuation where the weighted average cost of capital would be the same using ether of the weights 7 {19} 7. The balance sheet of ABC Lid. atthe end of yearn (the year which is ust over) is as follows 1734/1200 @ 0) [ero] hp/waow During the year n+, the firm plans to raise the secured [ee rooms TORE forma of20, repay a previous arm oant the extant sere cope —| 100 [a ano @ of 5, and increase unsecured loan by 10. Curent jen ad are 20 [extents labites and provisions are expected to be remain Searedeane —| eo [Gurr neos_[ 1a unchangee Further, te femplan to acqurefied assets [necro —=0 [con 2 wort 30 anintease ts mvertoriesy 10, Receiabes [oument tab ites £0 [Receivables £0 are expected to increase by 15. Other assets would rors 20min 2 2 = remain unchanged, excepting ef couse, ash, Te fm planto pay 10 by wayof equity dividend ‘The projected income statement andthe distribution of Civon the above information caleate the projetedcash ‘earings for year n+ is given below flow statement for ABC Ltd. uwiray Perils Anouk 8 Disauss the various quay contol msthods vin re [Sales 400 Jen aoe . i lost of. 1s gold "300. prevalent in project manager (10) Depreciation 20 9. ‘The details of activities of construction project are given ae Age ees 2h & below. Draw a network and determine job project nerest 20 SS a completion ine, tical activites and otal ator each [Tax 30, ‘activity. [10] Proft afer tox 30 Dvicends 10 Retoned earings 20 7s 1200 “ vsa1200 «) jrr0y Ip. www.

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