The Story of The Prophet Yunus As.

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Name : Yeni Mita Rahmawati

Npm : 1901011171

Class : PAI / E

"The Story of the Prophet Yunus As."

Prophet Yunus bin Mata is one of the pious people, since before he was appointed as a
Prophet and Apostle he was indeed a diligent worship expert. He is a righteous person, but there
is a weakness that is easy to lose hope, he has invited his people to worship God and leave
worship of idols. Abandon immorality and iniquity. But of the many people, only two people
want to follow him. The two people are Rubil and Tanuh. Rubil is a pious and wise person while
Tanuh is calm and simple.

Prophet Yunus As. Once threatened his people that if within 40 days they did not want to
realize, do not repent to God then the punishment will be lowered. But his people did not want to
heed it, they even dared to wait for the arrival of the torment. Prophet Yunus As. was desperate
for the failure of his people. He left them, the prophet Jonah did not know where to go. Arriving
at the seashore he boarded a ship, there were actually many passengers, when he arrived in the
middle of the sea the ship was hit by the waves. All provisions had been reduced, but the ship
remained shaky.

The master decided to throw one of the passengers into the sea. The draw was held, at the
draw three times always the name Jonah came out. Unable to refuse the Prophet Yunus was
thrown into the middle of the sea. Allah did not want His Apostle to perish, a large whale was
ordered to swallow Jonah. It was in the belly of the fish that the Prophet Yunus was aware of his
mistake because he had left his people. He prayed to Allah and repented to Him : "O God, There
is no god but You, Glory to God. Indeed, I have wronged myself. And I belong to the group of
wrongdoers. For his sincerity in praying and because of God's grace the Prophet Jonah was
removed from the belly of a whale. He arrived at the seashore sick and weak. After Allah
restored his strength and health, he immediately returned to his column.

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