Tres Chanxhitos

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3 little pigs who fears the fierce wolf to the wolf to the wolf who is afraid of the fierce


1 little pig : brothers I go to my house of straw that indestructible straw and that the wolf will
never destroy

2cerdito : there is nothing acomparacion with my wooden house that the wolf never collapse

3 cerdito: not be TRUST much as you always they spend playing and dancing their home very
resistant material compared to my brick house that the wolf never destroy or the
blow more strongly collapse

Narrator: At that moment the wolf appeared quietly

3 pigs: auxilo auxilo run all to their homes is the wolf

narrator : the wolf began to follow the pigs and the pig number 1 went to his straw house.

Wolf: more better get out or blow, and blow your house down.

1 little pig: oh how scary

narrator : at that moment the fierce wolf blew and destroyed the house of the first pig then the
pig ran out to the wooden house

2 pig: run run eat you

Narrator : Luckily the pig managed to get in

wolf : leave the two or a blow your house will collapse.

Narrator: soon the wolf collapsed the house and caused the two pigs

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