REkapan Latihan Soal UTS 1-1

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1. My name is David Garza. I’m from mexico . My family is in Mexico City. My brother is a
university student. His name is Carlos.
2. My name is Sun Hee Park. I’m 20 years old. My sister is student here, too. My parents are in
Korea right now.
3. I’m Elizabeth but everyone calls me Beth. My last name is Silva. I am A student a city college. My
parents are on vacation this week. They are in Los Angeles.

1. A : who’s that ?
B : Oh , that’s is miss wet.
2. A : where is she from?
B : She is from Miami.
3. A : what is her first name?
B : it’s celia.
4. A : who are the two students over there?
B : their names are Jeremy and Karen.
5. A : where are they from?
B : they are fro Vancouver Canada.

1. A : is Mr. Gray from United State?

B : Yes, She is from Chicago.
2. A : Is English class at 10:00?
B : No, it is not . But at 11:00 .
3. A : Are you and Monique from france?
B : Yes, we are from Paris .
4. A : Are Mr and Mrs Tavares American?
B : No, They are not. But Brazilian .

1. A : Where do you come from?

B : I am ………. Thailand
a. Am from
b. Are from
c. Come from
d. Came from
e. Is from

2. A : is mrs Gray from United States?

B : No, She ………. She is from Chicago.
a. Is
b. Was
c. Is not
d. Was not
e. Were

3. He = his
She = ……….
a. Him
b. Their
c. Its
d. Her
e. My

4. Richard : Hello, are you brian?

Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name?
Richard : Sorry, how do you ………. that?
Brian : B-R-I-A-N.
a. Spell
b. Mention
c. State
d. Say
e. Sound

5. My brother is a university student ………. name us carlos.

a. Their
b. Her
c. Our
d. Hers
e. His

1. A : What do you do ?
B : I’m a full-time student. I study the violin
A : And ………. Do you ………. To school?
B : I ………. To the New York School of music.
A : Wow ! ………. Do you like your classes?
B : I ……… them a lot.
(1. A. where , go
B. Go
A. How
B. like

2. A : What ………. Rachel do?

B : She’s a teacher . She ………. An art class at a school in Denver
A : And what about Ryan? Where ………. He work?
B : He ………. For a big computer company in San Francisco.
A : ………. Does he do, exactly?
B : He’s a web-site designer. He ………. Fantastic web sites.
(2. A. Does
B. Teaches
A. Does
B. Works
A. What
B. Designs

1. A : Excuse me, How much ……………….. Jeans?

B : Which ……………? Do you mean ………………..?
A : No, the light blue ………………..
B : Oh, ……………….. Are $59.95
A : Almost $60! Are yo kidding?
(1. A. Are these/those
b. ones? These/those ones?
c. ones
d. they

2. A : I like ……………….. Backpack over there. How much ………. It?

B : Which ……………?
A : The red ……………
B : It’s $27.49 But …………… Green …………… Is only $22.25
A : Ok, let me see it. Please.
(2. A. That, is
B. one
C. one
B. The, one

1. C : How ………. Is the cake?

W : What do you mean?
C : I mean the price of the cake.
W : Oh, it is $10.
a. Many
b. Few
c. Some
d. Much
e. Little

2. There is no price tag. The Underlind words has a synonym meaning with ……….
a. Value
b. Present
c. Rewarding
d. Gift
e. Money

3. Much >< Little

Expensive >< ……….
A. More
B. Many
C. Cheap
D. Too much
E. Some

4. A : Excuse me, how much ……….those orange?

B : Those are $5/kilo.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Was
e. Were

5. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based word of ……….
a. Bad
b. Worst
c. Best
d. Than
e. Good

1. A : which dress is …………… (pretty), the yellow oneor the green one?
B: Well, the green one is silk. And silk is …………… (expensive) polyester.

2. A : Is this b;ue T-shirt ………….. (Large) the red and white one?
B : No, the red and white one is …………… (big). It’s mediumthe blue one is a

3. A : Look at these pants! Which ones do you like ………….. (good)?

B : I prefer the green cotton ones. They’re …………… (stylish) the wool ones.

1. A : prettier
B : more expensive
2. A : larger
B : bigger
3. A : better
B : more stylish than

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