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© <Your company name>

Opportunity Identification
Strength, Interests, Talents, Resources

List your strengths, interests/hobbies, skills/talents! Come up with as many as

you can think of!

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -1-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Think of the resources that you have in your home, community or university
that are under/un-employed.

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -2-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

When you look at your strengths, interests/hobbies, skills/talents and

resources: what business ideas can you think of? List as many business ideas
as you can think of!

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -3-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Think of the people that you know, locally, nationally and internationally.

Write them down and categorize them in whatever way is beneficial to you e.g.
entrepreneurs, professionals, politicians, relatives, former school mates etc.

Think of ways in which these people will be beneficial to you and at what stage
in the entrepreneurial process.

Person (Name) Category Beneficial for

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -4-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>


Join these three dots using three straight lines. Join the dots in many ways as
you can identify.

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -5-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>


List at least 20 outrageous business ideas! Use metaphors to come-up with


Metaphors can be:

 If you are a foreigner in your country, what do you need?
 If you are a baby, what do you need?
 If you are an old man, what do you need?
 If are a street kid what do you need?
 If you are a fish, what do you need?
 If you are living on the moon what do you need?







Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -6-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>


Write down at least 15 outrageous ideas individually. They should be creative

in the process.

Don’t evaluate the ideas, don’t be too critical, all ideas are allowed, even
absurd or foolish ones, come up with ideas that are as funny or as silly as
possible, all ideas will not be evaluated, do not judge any idea, ideas should
not be too detailed or complicated!







Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -7-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Problem Solving (Community problems)

Identify a community and list all the problems that you face in this community.
Select problems that have potential solutions. Analyzing the problems, choose
one and list more than ten solutions to this problem. How many of these
solutions are business ideas?

List problems of identified community!

The one problem you focus on!

List solutions to the one problem that have the potential for a business!

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -8-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Problem Solving (People’s Needs)

Look out for peoples’ needs like:

1. What exists is too expensive need something cheaper,

2. What exists is not easy to use so need a user friendly one

3. Quality of existing product or service is not good enough

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification -9-

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Using a scale of 1 to 5 evaluate at least five of the business ideas that you have
generated using the evaluation process below.

Business Idea Skills and Experience Personal Strength Passion

Knowledge Goals

1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5


1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5


1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5


1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5


1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5


Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification - 10 -

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion
© <Your company name>

Elevator Pitch

Develop an elevator pitch for your business idea. The objective of this elevator
pitch is to solicit support for your business idea within 60 seconds

Key-points to consider:

1. What is unique about you business idea? (What do you bring to the table
that is different?)

2. Does it meet customer needs or solve their problems?

3. Do you have a passion for your business idea? What motivates you?

4. It should be concise and clear! Use simple words that are easily

Action Working Sheet 01 – Opportunity Identification - 11 -

Bicol University & Leuphana University │STEP – Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion

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