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Daven Cayetano 11-abm 4 October 15,


Mrs. Roque Filipino Christian Living

Jesus and the Little Boy

Reflection Paper


The lesson that story wanted to show us is God listens to us whenever we talk or pray to him. No
matter how hard or struggling it is, we should always remember that there is always God, our
father, beside us willingly and mercifully helping us for every problems we have. God just won't
ignore and leave us alone, but he will join us to solve our hardships in life together. We must
always be good and faithfully believe in him even through the hardness of our life


The moment I finished reading the story, the thought that jesus really appeared beside the boy
and being tangible is overwhelming. I realized that God is good all the time. That he is ready to
help us whenever we needed help from him. For he is our father that always brings blessings in
our life. I realized that I should not always complain on everything that I do not have because I
am sure that God is ready to give us something better and more usefil than the thing we are
wishing for.


From the moment I read the story, I have said to myself that I should be more optimistic and
keep myself faithfully stronger. That I should pray and seek help from God whenever I encounter
struggles and trials in life. Even in my littlest problem, that we should keep in touch with God to
be able to solve our problems. Also for the times that we received blessings from him, we
sometimes tend to forget that God is the one who gave us that. So whenever I encounter positive
things, that I would express my gratitude for God.

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