Classroom Observation Evaluation Criteri 2019 Final

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Dominic Savio College

A Summary of Evaluation Ratings and Guidelines

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE AND TIME OF OBSERVATION: ________________

DEPARTMENT/ COLLEGE: __________________ SUBJECT/ CLASS: __________________________________


Summary : Summary : Summary: Summary: Summary:
A model teacher, whose teaching An excellent teacher who meets all An effective teacher who meets A teacher with weaknesses who meets Meets few expectations and is
embodies the best teaching expectations & exceeds some. Has most but not all expectations. some but not most expectations. Has unlikely to satisfy the requirements
practices, exceeds expectations in the potential to develop into an Delivers satisfactory performance developmental needs in some core of the Institute. Demonstrates
almost all criteria and meets outstanding teacher with training in most categories. May receive areas and has to work hard to meet the fundamental weaknesses in terms

global teaching benchmarks in and constructive feedback. 'Needs Development' rating in requirements of the institute in terms of language skills. Teaching skills
terms of planning, instructional Possesses exceptional some areas but has the ability to of planning, classroom management, are weak and ineffective and are
quality and communication skills. communication skills but needs to meet all or exceed some lesson delivery skills and language unlikely to improve with training or
Could be filmed and observed by other fine-tune lesson delivery skills to meet the expectations with further training, proficiency. coaching.
teachers for the purpose of training and 'best practices' standards. experience and feedback.
Guidelines: Guidelines: Guidelines: Guidelines: Guidelines:
• Receives 'Outstanding' rating • Receives 'Above Average' or • Receives 'satisfactory' or • Receives 'Needs Development' • Receives 'Unsatisfactory' rating
in approximately 12 out of 16 'Outstanding' rating in higher ratings in rating in D15 or D16 in D15 or D16.
evaluation categories. approximately 12 out of 16 approximately 13 out of 16 • May receive 'Unsatisfactory' rating • Receives 'Unsatisfactory' rating
• Should not receive 'Needs evaluation categories. evaluation categories. in one or more categories. in approximately 4 categories or
Development' or • Should not receive 'Needs • Should not receive • Receives 'Needs Development' any 3 of the following key areas:
'Unsatisfactory' ratings in any Development' or 'Unsatisfactory' rating in any rating in approximately 4 out of 16 B2, B3, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12,
category 'Unsatisfactory' ratings in any categories or any 3 of the following key D15, D16
• Has 'Outstanding' rating in most of the category. areas:
• Should receive 'Satisfactory' or
following key areas: • Has 'Above Average' or higher ratings in B2, B3, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, D15,
higher ratings in most of the
B2, B3, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, most of the following key areas: D16
following key areas:
D15, D16 B2, B3, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12,
B2, B3, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12,
D15, D16
D15, D16

Meets all criteria for a rating of 3
• Has at least 7 categories rated
"Above Average" or "Outstanding".
• Has not received "Needs
Development" or "Unsatisfactory"
ratings in any category.
EVALUATOR: _________________________
Instructor's Overall Rating 1 2 3 3+ 4 5
DATE: ________________________________
1. Develops a focused and logically staged lesson with clearly stated and appropriate lesson objectives
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Lesson Objectives are specific, realistic • Lesson Objectives are specific, • Lesson Objectives are realistic & • Lesson Objectives may be somewhat • Lesson Objectives are unrealistic & not
& relevant to the curriculum goals realistic & relevant to the relevant to the curriculum goals unrealistic & may be less relevant to the relevant to the curriculum
• Exceedingly well thought out lesson plan curriculum goals • Lesson plan bears evidence of thought curriculum goals • Lesson plan bears little evidence of planning
with professional layout bearing • Well thought out lesson plan with and planning • Lesson plan bears evidence of only brief or is not submitted at all.
evidence of careful planning professional layout bearing • Lesson plan may lack details thought and planning. • Stages are not clearly identified and the plan
• Clearly identified stages with logical evidence of careful planning • Stages may not be clearly identified and • Stages are not clearly identified and the lacks logical progression.
progression & sufficient details • Clearly identified stages but they the plan may lack logical progression plan lacks logical progression. • The lesson plan is extremely general and
• The lesson, as delivered, follows the lack logical progression or some of • The lesson, as delivered may be not as • The lesson plan is very general and may be may solely list activities.
overall stages and organization of the the details well-organized as the lesson plan was a mechanical listing of activities in places • The lesson plan does not indicate hardly any
lesson plan • The lesson, as delivered, follows the • Lesson plan includes some appropriate • The lesson plan shows little thought about variety in interaction patterns
• Lesson plan includes a thoughtful and overall stages and organization of variety of interaction patterns interaction patterns • The lesson plan does not include activities
appropriate variety of interaction the lesson plan • Lesson includes activities that at least • The lesson plan does not include activities to verify whether objectives were achieved
patterns (individual, pair, group work, • Lesson plan includes a variety of attempt to verify whether objectives to verify whether objectives were
teacher-student, and student-student interaction patterns were achieved by the end of the achieved
interaction) • Most objectives on the lesson plan lesson
• Most objectives on the lesson plan are are verifiably achieved by the end of
verifiably achieved by the end of the the lesson


2. Builds rapport with learners to create a cordial and supportive learning environment
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher is very pleasant & friendly • Teacher is pleasant & friendly • Teacher is somewhat pleasant & friendly • Teacher is not very pleasant and friendly • Teacher is distant, aloof or ill tempered
• Teacher uses words of encouragement & • Teacher uses words of • Teacher uses words of encouragement • Teacher does not appear to have much • Teacher makes almost no effort to build
appreciation frequently and encouragement & appreciation & appreciation sometimes, although rapport with learners rapport with learners
appropriately, even when correcting often, although not always when usually not when correcting wrong • Teacher often does not use words of • Teacher does not use words of
wrong answers correcting wrong answers answers encouragement & appreciation encouragement & appreciation
• Teacher is very sensitive to the learners' • Teacher is sensitive to the learners' • Teacher is not always sensitive to the • Teacher is often not sensitive to the • Teacher is not sensitive to the learners'
culture, needs & level culture, needs & level learners' culture, needs & level learners' culture, needs, and/or level culture, needs & level
• Teacher is very patient with the learners • Teacher is patient with the learners • Teacher is reasonably patient with the • Teacher is not very patient with the • Teacher gets rude or impatient
• Teacher always responds to needs, • Teacher doesn't always respond to learners learners • Teacher does not respond to needs,
concerns, and questions raised by the needs, concerns, and questions • Teacher sometimes responds to needs, • Teacher often does not respond to needs, concerns, and questions raised by the
students. raised by the students. concerns, and questions raised by the concerns, and questions raised by the students.
• Teacher almost always calls learners by • Teacher often calls learners by students. students. • Teacher rarely calls learners by name
name and makes them feel comfortable name • Teacher sometimes calls learners by • Teacher occasionally calls learners by
name name

B 3. Demonstrates effective classroom management skills to enhance & support learning
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher consistently demonstrates • Teacher often demonstrates good • Teacher demonstrates adequate • Teacher occasionally demonstrates • Teacher often loses his grip on the lesson
excellent classroom management skills classroom management skills to classroom management skills to keep adequate classroom management skills because of poor classroom management
to keep the learners focused keep the learners focused the learners focused but fails to keep the learners consistently skills and fails to keep the learners focused
• Teacher deals with disruptive learner • Teacher deals with disruptive learner • Teacher deals with disruptive learner focused • Teacher insults or shouts at learners to
behavior firmly without being offensive behavior firmly without being behavior appropriately without being • Teacher does not always deal with enforce discipline
& responds promptly to acts of offensive & responds promptly to offensive & responds to acts of disruptive learner behavior in an • Teacher overlooks continued violation of
disruption such as coming late to class, acts of disruption such as coming disruption such as coming late to class, appropriate and inoffensive way and classroom norms & doesn't deal with
talking aloud, and playing with mobile late to class, talking aloud and talking aloud and playing with mobile sometimes loses his grip on the lesson as disruptive learner behavior firmly &
phones without losing his grip on the playing with mobile phones without phones with minimal distraction from a result of disruption from students promptly
lesson losing his grip on the lesson his lesson coming late, talking aloud, or playing with • Teacher doesn't improvise to engage &
• Teacher improvises on the spot to • Teacher doesn't improvise to engage • Teacher doesn't improvise to engage & their mobile phones. involve disruptive learners
engage & involve disruptive learners & involve disruptive learners involve disruptive learners • Teacher doesn't improvise to engage &
involve disruptive learners


B 4. Manages classroom space effectively to maximize learner participation

5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher chooses an appropriate seating • Teacher chooses an appropriate • Teacher chooses an appropriate seating • Teacher may not always choose an • Teacher doesn't choose an appropriate
arrangement to maximize learner seating arrangement to maximize arrangement for learner participation appropriate seating arrangement to seating arrangement to enhance learning
participation learner participation • Teacher moves around the classroom but maximize learner participation • Teacher rarely moves around the classroom
• Teacher moves around the classroom • Teacher moves around the doesn't usually pay equal attention to • Teacher doesn't move around the and doesn't pay equal attention to all
and always pays equal attention to all classroom and usually pays equal all learners classroom very much and doesn't pay learners
learners attention to all learners • Teacher may or may not reshuffle equal attention to all learners • Teacher doesn't reshuffle learners efficiently
• Teacher reshuffles learners for activities • Teacher reshuffles learners for learners for activities and some • Teacher doesn't reshuffle learners for for activities and many learners are not
making sure all learners are involved activities but a few learners may learners are not involved activities and some learners are not involved
and no one feels left out not be involved or may feel left out. involved


5. Uses engaging warm up activities to personalize the learning context and stimulate learners' interest
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher uses appropriate lead-in • Teacher uses some lead-in strategies but • Teacher doesn't use any lead-in strategies
• Teacher uses effective lead-in
strategies to start the lesson they are not engaging enough and starts the lesson abruptly.
strategies for an interesting start to
• Teacher doesn't use visuals or other • Teacher doesn't use visuals or any other • Teacher doesn't use visuals or any other
• Teacher uses extremely effective lead-in the lesson
learning aids effectively to draw on learning aids to draw on learners' prior learning aids to draw on learners' prior
strategies for a lively start to the lesson • Teacher uses visuals or other
learners' prior knowledge and to knowledge and to engage their attention knowledge and to engage their attention
• Teacher uses visuals or other learning learning aids effectively to draw on
engage their attention • Teacher doesn't present the lesson in a • Teacher doesn't present the lesson in a
aids extremely skillfully to draw on learners' prior knowledge and to
• Teacher may or may not present the familiar context close to learners' real-life familiar context close to learners' real-life
learners' prior knowledge and to engage their attention
lesson in a familiar context close to experiences experiences
engage their attention • Teacher presents the lesson in an
learners' real-life experiences
• Teacher presents the lesson in an interesting and familiar context
interesting and familiar context close to close to learners' real- life
learners' real-life experiences experiences

C 6. Gives clear & concise instructions for activities
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher consistently gives clear, • Teacher usually gives clear, focused, • Teacher gives fairly clear instructions • Instructions before activities are often not • Instructions before activities are frequently
focused, and precise instructions and precise instructions before which are usually understood by the initially understood by the learners due to unclear and learners don't understand
before activities start activities start students before activities start. a lack of focus and clarity what's expected of them without much
• Teacher uses gestures and examples to • Teacher often uses gestures and • Teacher often doesn't use gestures and • Teacher doesn't use gestures and examples confusion and/or clarification
clarify instructions as needed examples to clarify instructions examples to clarify instructions when to clarify instructions when needed • Teacher doesn't use gestures and examples
according to the level of the students when needed according to the level needed • Teacher doesn't check instructions were to clarify instructions when needed
• Teacher always checks instructions were of the students • Teacher often doesn't check instructions understood • Teacher doesn't check instructions were
understood • Teacher often checks instructions were understood • Teacher doesn't break up instructions for understood
• Teacher breaks up instructions for were understood • Teacher usually doesn't break up complex activities • Teacher doesn't break up instructions for
complex activities • Teacher doesn't always break up instructions for complex activities complex activities
instructions for complex activities


C 7. Monitors learners closely to ensure they are focused during activities

5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher monitors effectively to ensure all • Teacher monitors effectively to • Teacher monitors during activities and is • Teacher tries to monitor but it's ineffective • Teacher doesn't monitor during activities and
learners are focused on the task and ensure learners are focused on the aware of how students are progressing and may be too brief or too little. most of the learners are not focused
moves around to check if they need task and moves around to check if with the task, if they are finished, or if • Learners may not be focused. • Teacher doesn't move around to check if
support they need support they are having difficulties. • Teacher is not very aware of how students learners need support
• Teacher is alert and attentive as he • Teacher is alert and attentive but he • Learners are generally engaged and on- are progressing with the task, if they are • Teacher doesn't motivate learners during
watches and listens keenly to note doesn't always watch and listen task although some learners may not finished, or if they are having difficulties. activities
errors keenly to note errors be focused • Teacher doesn't motivate learners during • Teacher is not alert and attentive and he pays
• Teacher motivates learners to get on with • Teacher often motivates learners to
• Teacher moves around to check if learners activities little attention to the learners during an
the task get on with the task need help but he could be more alert and • Teacher doesn't check if learners need help activity
• Teacher corrects errors unobtrusively • Teacher corrects errors while attentive and is not aware of the needs and • Teacher continues to speak during activities
while monitoring monitoring but he's intrusive at • Teacher occasionally motivates learners progress of the whole classroom. frequently interrupting learners
• Teacher is fully aware of needs across times while monitoring
the whole classroom and divides his • Teacher is aware of the needs of the • Teacher corrects errors while monitoring
time exceptionally well among a variety whole classroom and distributes but he's intrusive at times.
of learners. his time appropriately across the • Teacher is aware of the needs and
classroom taking into progress of the whole classroom but
consideration student need. does not always distribute his time
appropriately across the classroom.

C 8. Uses effective questioning techniques to elicit learners' responses and to check their understanding
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher regularly asks effective • Teacher often asks effective • Teacher asks some effective questions • Teacher uses questions to elicit some • Teacher doesn't use many questions to elicit
questions for eliciting as much questions for eliciting background for eliciting answers from learners but information from students, but in general information from students and needs to
background knowledge and answers knowledge and answers from could elicit more background the teacher needs to elicit more. elicit much more.
from learners as possible learners knowledge • Teacher often doesn't ask concept check • Teacher rarely asks concept check questions
• Teacher asks concept check questions to • Teacher often asks concept check • Teacher sometimes asks concept check questions to ensure learners have grasped to ensure learners have grasped what's
ensure learners have grasped what's questions to ensure learners have questions to ensure learners have what's been discussed been discussed
been discussed grasped what's been discussed grasped what's been discussed • Teacher often tries to explain too much and • Teacher tries to explain too much and doesn't
• Teacher doesn't explain everything and • Teacher occasionally explains too • Teacher sometimes tries to explain too often doesn't give learners opportunities give learners opportunities to express their
teases out learners' prior knowledge by much and doesn't always give much and sometimes doesn't give to express their ideas ideas
giving them ample opportunities to learners opportunities to express learners opportunities to express their
express their ideas their ideas ideas


C 9. Provides a range of learner centered activities to facilitate classroom interaction

5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher engages learners in a wide range • Teacher engages learners in a range
• Teacher engages learners in some learner • Teacher doesn't generate enough Student • Teacher delivers a teacher driven lesson with
of learner centered activities which of learner centered activities which centered activities which generate some Talk Time as the activities are not always inadequate or no learner centered activities
generate a large amount of Student Talk generate a significant amount of Student Talk Time although more Student learner centered or effective and little Student Talk Time
Time. Student Talk Time Talk Time would be better • Classroom interaction patterns lack variety • Classroom interaction patterns lack variety
• Teacher uses an appropriate blend of • Teacher varies classroom interaction • There is some variety in classroom with little S-S interaction and inadequate with very little S-S interaction and
classroom interaction patterns with patterns between individual, pair & interaction patterns, but more pair or pair or group work inadequate pair or group work. Almost all
activities involving individual as well as pair group work group work is needed. • Activities are often not interesting, varied, interaction passes through the teacher in
& group work • Activities are usually interesting, • Activities are not always interesting, focused and appropriate to learners' level some way.
• Activities are interesting, varied, focused varied, focused and appropriate to varied, focused and appropriate to and needs • Activities are not interesting, varied, focused
and appropriate to learners' level and learners' level and needs learners' level and needs and appropriate to learners' level and needs


C 10. Demonstrates command of the subject matter and the lesson content
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher knows the topic extremely well • Teacher knows the topic well and the • Teacher knows the topic well and the • Teacher knows the topic and the • Teacher doesn't know the topic well and the
and the information provided to information provided to learners is information provided to learners is information provided to learners is mostly information provided to learners is
learners is factually correct factually correct usually factually correct factually correct sometimes factually incorrect
• Teacher demonstrates sound knowledge • Teacher usually demonstrates sound • Teacher sometimes demonstrates • Teacher demonstrates incomplete • Teacher demonstrates significant gaps in
of vocabulary, grammar concepts, knowledge of vocabulary, grammar incomplete knowledge of vocabulary, knowledge of vocabulary, grammar knowledge of vocabulary, grammar
reading strategies, and/or writing concepts, reading strategies, grammar concepts, reading strategies, concepts, reading strategies, and/or concepts, reading strategies, and/or writing
strategies as they come up in the and/or writing strategies as they and/or writing strategies as they come writing strategies as they come up in the strategies as they come up in the lesson
lesson come up in the lesson up in the lesson lesson • Teacher may not answer all learners'
• Teacher handles learners' questions • Teacher handles most learners' • Teacher answers learners' questions, but • Teacher may not answer all learners' questions, and answers may be quite
effectively, accurately, and with clarity. questions effectively, accurately, some answers may be less effective, questions, and answers may be ineffective, unclear, or inaccurate.
and with clarity. less clear, or slightly inaccurate. ineffective, unclear, or inaccurate.

C 11. Delivers a well timed and well paced lesson with minimal digression to achieve the stated lesson obj ectives
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher achieves the vast majority of the • Teacher achieves most of the stated • Teacher achieves most of the stated • Teacher achieves some of the stated lesson • Teacher doesn't achieve most of the stated
stated lesson objectives lesson objectives lesson objectives objectives lesson objectives
• Teacher doesn't digress into details • Any digression into details irrelevant • Teacher may occasionally digress into • Teacher sometimes digresses into details • Teacher often digresses into details irrelevant
irrelevant to the lesson content and to the lesson content and goals are details irrelevant to the lesson content irrelevant to the lesson content and goals to the lesson content and goals
goals minimal and goals • Transitions from one part of the lesson to • Transitions from one part of the lesson to the
• Teacher moves from one part of the • Teacher moves from one part of the • Transitions from one part of the lesson to the next are sometimes not smooth and next are often not smooth and logical and
lesson to the next extremely smoothly lesson to another smoothly with the next are fairly smooth and logical logical and may be confusing at times may be confusing at times
with logical transitions logical transitions • The lesson is fairly well-paced although • The lesson is not very well-paced and it • The pacing of the lesson is either extremely
• The lesson is extremely well-paced with • The lesson is well-paced with few some activities seem to either go too often seems to be going either too slow or slow or extremely fast for the learners.
almost no activities going too fast or activities going too fast or too slow slow or too fast for the learners. too fast for the learners.
too slow for the learners. for the learners.


C 12. Evaluates learners' work with clear and constructive 'Feedback & assessment activities
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher at the end of every activity & • Teacher at the end of every activity & • Teacher gives clear feedback at the end • Teacher gives feedback at the end of some • Teacher rarely gives feedback at the end of
stage gives clear & crisp feedback with stage gives clear feedback with a of most activities & stages but it lacks a activities and stages but it's often unclear activities and stages & the feedback, when
a balanced mix of elicitation, balanced mix of elicitation, balanced mix of elicitation, explanation and lacks a balanced mix of elicitation, given, is often vague & ineffective
explanation and illustration explanation and illustration and illustration explanation and illustration • Teacher doesn't use any appropriate method
• Error correction is effective , varied and • Teacher uses different methods of • Teacher uses a few methods of error • Teacher doesn't use different methods of of error correction
tactful with different methods of error error correction but occasionally it correction, but sometimes it's not error correction and it's not effective and • Teacher doesn't give any assessment activity
correction used may be ineffective or not effective or tactful tactful to evaluate learners' understanding
• Teacher gives appropriate assessment completely tactful • Teacher occasionally gives assessment • Teacher doesn't give appropriate
activities to evaluate learners' • Teacher sometimes gives appropriate activities but they're not always assessment activities to evaluate learners'
understanding assessment activities to evaluate effective in evaluating learners' understanding
learners' understanding understanding


C 13. Makes effective use of white board / visual presentation

5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher uses the White Board/OHP • Teacher uses the White Board/OHP • Teacher uses the White Board/OHP • Teacher uses the White Board/OHP • Teacher doesn't use the White Board/OHP
extremely skillfully for a variety of skillfully for a variety of purposes adequately for a variety of purposes adequately but it could be used more to adequately and for different purposes like
purposes including brainstorming, including brainstorming, including brainstorming, feedback, maximize classroom support and for brainstorming, feedback, error correction,
feedback, error correction, explanation feedback, error correction, error correction, explanation & different purposes like brainstorming, explanation & illustration
& illustration explanation & illustration illustration feedback, error correction, explanation & • Teacher's board work is not neat and
• Teacher's board work is neat, organized, • Teacher's board work is neat, • Teacher's board work is legible but not illustration organized and it's occasionally illegible
and legible organized, and legible neat and organized • Teacher's board work is legible but not neat • Teacher is not selective and discreet in his
• Teacher is selective and discreet in his • Teacher is not always selective and • Teacher is not always selective and and organized use of the White Board, Power Point or any
use of the White Board, Power Point or discreet in his use of the White discreet in his use of the White Board, • Teacher is not always selective and discreet OHP presentation
any OHP presentation Board, Power Point or any OHP Power Point or any OHP presentation in his use of the White Board, Power Point • Teacher rarely uses the White Board or
presentation or any OHP presentation delivers a technology driven lesson with
little skill or originality

C 14. Speaks in a clear and audible voice with appropriate voice modulation
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher's voice is clear and audible to all • Teacher's voice is clear and audible • Teacher's voice is clear and audible to all • Teacher's voice is not always clear and • Teacher's voice is often unclear and almost
• Teacher uses lively intonation to engage to all • Teacher's intonation lacks variety and audible to all inaudible to most learners
the learners • Teacher uses some variety in can be somewhat flat and monotonous, • Teacher's intonation is flat and monotonous • Teacher's intonation is flat and monotonous
• Teacher's voice modulation is smooth intonation that engages the failing to engage the learners and it doesn't engage the learners and it doesn't engage the learners
and appropriate with no abrupt learners • Teacher's voice modulation is not always • Teacher's voice modulation is occasionally • Teacher's voice modulation is often awkward
transitions • Teacher's voice modulation is smooth and appropriate but it doesn't awkward and inappropriate but it doesn't and inappropriate and it occasionally
mostly smooth and appropriate hinder understanding hinder understanding hinders understanding
and doesn't hinder understanding


15. Demonstrates fluency and accuracy in pronunciation
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher speaks English fluently and • Teacher speaks English fluently and • Teacher speaks English fluently and • Teacher demonstrates reasonable fluency • Teacher demonstrates reasonable fluency but
doesn't fumble or grope for words doesn't fumble or grope for words doesn't fumble or grope for words but occasionally fumbles or gropes for occasionally fumbles or gropes for words
• Teacher's pronunciation is extremely • Teacher's pronunciation is clear and • Teacher's pronunciation is not always words • Teacher's pronunciation is often unclear and
clear, accurate and intelligible meeting accurate and mostly free of any clear and accurate but it's mostly free • Teacher's pronunciation is occasionally inaccurate with a strong non-standard
international standards non-standard accent of any non-standard accent unclear and inaccurate but it's mostly free accent and it occasionally hinders
• Teacher presents correct models to • Teacher presents correct models to • Teacher presents correct or almost of any nonstandard accent and it doesn't intelligibility
learners while engaging them in learners while engaging them in correct models to learners while hinder intelligibility • Teacher occasionally presents incorrect
pronunciation drills pronunciation drills engaging them in pronunciation drills • Teacher occasionally presents incorrect models to learners while engaging them in
models to learners while engaging them in pronunciation drills
pronunciation drills


D 16. Uses appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures in both oral and written communication
5. Outstanding 4. Above Average 3. Satisfactory 2. Needs Development 1. Unsatisfactory
• Teacher uses appropriate vocabulary and • Teacher uses appropriate vocabulary • Teacher uses appropriate vocabulary and • Teacher speaks with appropriate vocabulary • Teacher speaks with appropriate vocabulary
formal language and formal language formal language but occasionally uses non-standard but sometimes uses nonstandard
• Teacher uses accurate grammar in • Teacher mostly speaks with correct • Teacher mostly speaks with correct expressions expressions
speech grammar but occasionally uses grammar but occasionally uses non- • Teacher makes some minor structural • Teacher makes frequent minor or some
• Teacher writes correctly on the White nonstandard structures standard structures errors in speech serious grammatical errors in speech
Board with no grammatical or spelling • Teacher writes correctly on the White • Teacher makes occasional grammatical • Teacher makes some grammatical or • Teacher makes frequent minor or some
errors Board with no grammatical or or spelling errors while writing on the spelling errors while writing on the board serious grammatical or spelling errors while
• Teacher's language is graded according spelling errors board • Teacher's language is not always graded writing on the board
to the level • Teacher's language is not always • Teacher's language is not always graded according to the level • Teacher's language is not always graded
graded according to the level according to the level according to the level


Evaluator:____________________________ Conforme:_____________________________ Date:__________________

Date: ___________________ Teacher:_______________________________

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