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TOWS Matrix

Sachin udhani
So what is
TOWS Matrix?
TOWS Matrix is an
acronym for
Weakness and
TOWS Matrix is same as SWOT analysis, which helps the
company to analyse the Internal and External factor i,e
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. The only
difference between them is that SWOT analysis only give the
description about internal and external factor whereas TOWS
matrix shows the relation between internal and external factor
so that company can frame their strategies to take maximum
benefit from it.
So, how it
There are 4
combination of TOWS
SO Strategy This strategy is also name as
Maxi-Maxi strategy. SO
Strategy tells about how to
utilise your Internal strength to
grab external opportunity. For
eg. high brand loyalty & good
quality, helps the company to
enter into new market or
launch new product.
This strategy is also said as
WO Strategy mini-maxi strategy. This
strategy tell the company to
strengthen their weaknesses
to take benefit of prevailing
opportunities. For eg. product
high price is creating a
hindrance to enter in a new
market. Therefore by
upgrading production
technology can lead to
reduction in price of product.
ST Strategy This strategy is also name as maxi-
mini strategy. In this company tries
to minimise threats by their strength.
This strategy empowers the
company, because by this company
knows why they are existing and how
they can manage external threats.
For eg. because of good quality and
company's reputation we can avoid
the risk for foreign or external
This strategy is also known as
WT Strategy mini-mini strategy. This can be
considered as a defensive
strategy, where company tries to
strengthen their weakness and
avoid any external threats. For eg.
if a company is not having
sufficient fund and on the other
hand competitors have also
increased which results to
decrease in the demand.
Therefore we have to focus on
this aspect.

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